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Forced Page 35

by Daniella Wright

  When I open my eyes, much of the club patrons have dispersed, and I can’t see my friends anywhere. It’s not unlike them to leave me to my own devices once I get wrapped up in the passion of the night, but I can’t ignore the stinging bitterness of their absence. As if it would mean very little if something were to happen to me, as if they could not be bothered to see me to my dorm safely. I know I’m likely overthinking it, but… well, no matter. I realize with a start that most of the dance floor is empty now, save for one or two pairs of lingering couples swaying drunkenly together. I swallow a thick lump in my throat, ambling towards the back exit of the club. As I grip the handle of the door, it is almost as if I can feel eyes watching my every move. I glance over my shoulder, but there is no one to be seen. I press the door open, stepping into the cool air of the night. I know my movements are none too graceful, and I can’t help but stumble along. I keep my hand pressed to the side of the building, and when a sudden wave of nausea washes over me, I press bodily against the bricks. I inhale deeply through my nose, trying to sort my thoughts.

  Suddenly, a body presses against my back. A hand claps across my mouth before I can think to scream. I squirm weakly in the grip of my assailant, but they do little more than caress their free hand along my shoulder, down to the clothed peak of my breast. I groan unhappily against their hand, but the alcohol has rendered me too weak to fight back. I feel their lips against my neck, and can’t help but hiss as their tongue flicks against my skin. Unable to help myself, almost as if in a trance, I begin to move my body against that of the stranger. I feel a fluttering at the apex of my thighs, and attempt to turn to face him. My assailant turned potentially more offers a warning growl, pressing me more firmly against the wall. I plant my feet firmly apart, pressing my rear against his groin. It’s a dance of give and take, and though he seems surprised, he is all too willing to join me. His mouth finds my neck once more, and I grind back against him, rewarded by a hand firmly cupping me between the legs. Perhaps it’s the alcohol, perhaps it’s because it’s been so long since I’ve been with someone like this. For whatever reason, lust surges through my veins as he slips his hand under my dress.

  Teeth! Abruptly, I am all too aware of teeth! They seem to pierce me to the very bone, and unbearable agony rushes through my body. The familiar throbbing of the bass beat of the club seems to be reflecting in the angry pulsing at my neck, and I can’t swallow a whimper of pain. However, the pain soon mingles with pleasure as he nudges my underwear aside, and I gasp out in pleasure. The pain is secondary, and if anything my arousal grows as a result of it. I reach behind me, groping blindly for his crotch. He shifts his hips against me, and my hand is pressed between his groin and my own rear. I can feel him throbbing against my palm, and though the position is uncomfortable, I can’t help shuddering at the sheer length of him. His lips have not left my neck, but his hands are dexterous enough for me, and the one covering my mouth shifts my dress up to reveal my lacy underwear. The cool night air ghosts against my bare skin, where he has nudged my panties aside. I shift my feet further apart, and his hand makes itself at home, pressing ice cold fingers against my warmth.

  “Oh yes,” I mewl softly, and he rumbles in what I can’t help but hope is satisfaction. Even in my inebriated state, I know I should feel awful for how much I’m enjoying his touch. His fingers move slowly, ghosting against my straining nub before dipping two fingers inside of me. I press my forehead against the wall of the building, rolling my hips in time with his touches. It’s not his hand that I want, however. If I’m going to engage in this sheer debauchery, I may as well give myself to it entirely. “I want you inside me,” I slur, and I can feel him stiffen against my back. His tongue flicks out against my neck, igniting the dull pain where his teeth had pierced me once more. I groan, wishing I knew his name so my cries were more personal. I want to push him to the edge, as he is so dragging me. He says nothing, but I feel him draw his hand away from my nether regions, and I hear the soft sound of a zipper. Thrilled that he’s obliging me, I sway my hips from side to side in a manner I can only hope appeals to his inner beast. I can’t see him, but I can feel what is unmistakable as anything but his manhood pressing against my outer lips. I groan pathetically, and he seems to be testing whether or not I’m fully prepared for the situation. “Please,” I whisper, and all at once he is inside me. A chill passes through my body, but I can’t help clenching around his length. It’s been some time since I’ve felt so completely full, and my body is reacting in all the most pleasurable ways. One of his hands rests on my hip and he gently guides it into continuing the rolling motion from before. In spite of the haze that surrounds my mind, I’m acutely aware of his distinct throbbing inside me. He moves slowly at first, but I try to quicken the pace, meeting his thrust with a backward jut of my hips. He groans against my neck, and I’m vaguely aware of the sensation of blood dripping from the wound. I can’t help but wonder just how badly he had bitten me, but it’s nearly the last thing on my mind as he tightens his grip on my hips, pounding into me relentlessly. My mouth falls agape, and all I can do is babble sounds of pleasure with no name to put it to. The more he ravishes me, the colder I seem to grow. My body quakes, and I can’t tell if it’s from the cold, or from the pleasure. As I reach my peak, he sinks his teeth into my neck once more. My screams of pleasure turn to screams of pain, and It seems like so much blood, too much blood. It doesn’t really make sense, but in this moment, very little makes sense. All I know is that I can almost feel the life ebbing from my body. My vision begins to go hazy, and as my mind clouds over, I can vaguely hear a gruff voice whisper what sounds like curses in an unfamiliar tongue. Then, there is nothing but darkness.

  You might expect a person to jolt awake after such an intense lovemaking session, immediately followed by a near death experience, but when I awaken, it is a fairly slow and languid process. Though I can very much see the extravagantly plush blankets strewn across my body, there is a chill that permeates my entire being. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that this is very much not my dorm room. I sit up slowly, taking in the deep maroon and gold tones of the room’s decor. There is a sense of luxury about the room, but I can’t feel as if something is very wrong with this entire situation. My mind flashes to the night before, and the chill that grips my body seems to grow deeper. I shiver, throwing the blankets off of myself to see that I am, at the very least, still clothed. My dress is torn, however, and small droplets of blood seem to have spattered the top half of it. I can’t deny how shaken I feel, but I realize that I can not simply remain in this room and wait for someone to find me. God knows what would happen, after last night…

  As I am working to steel my nerves enough to get out of the bed, the door swings open and the pale man from the night before steps into the room. I can feel my eyes widening, and a perhaps unreasonable sense of betrayal settles over me.

  “You!” I shout accusingly, and he at least has the decency to look ashamed of himself. I scramble out of bed, pointing a finger towards his chest. It is only then that I realize just how pale my own skin is. My skin lacks its usual vibrancy, looking grey and almost… lifeless. “What.. what did you do to me!?” I demand, fearlessly approaching him now that the alcohol is out of my system. Though I’m certainly no bodybuilder, he seems a scrawny little thing and I have no doubt I could give him a hell of a fight. He steps back, holding his hands up in what must be an attempt to placate me. I laugh at the sheer audacity, and he simply considers me with a hesitant expression.

  “My name is Edmund. I… I’m so sorry. I saw you at the club last night, and--” He begins, but I am swift to cut him off, jabbing a finger to his chest.

  “You thought you could take advantage of me and not have to face the consequences!” I bite out. He looks troubled, shaking his head fervently.

  “No, no, miss. You misunderstand. While my touches were… rather intimate, I did not do anything you did not want. It’s simply that… your blood tasted so sweet, much sweeter t
han I have had in lifetimes…” He continues, sounding uncertain of himself. I touch my fingertips to my neck, expecting to feel a deep and gaping wound. Instead, there are only two small pinpricks on the side of my throat. Simultaneous disbelief and comprehension settles over me, and I stare critically at the man’s pale face.

  “You’re crazy! You’re trying to tell me… what? You’re some kind of vampire!?” I sneer, and he looks vaguely offended.

  “As far as I am aware, there is only one sort of vampire, and I am one. What I’m trying to tell you is... that you are too. I lost control while I was feeding and it was either change you or leave you for dead.” He says drolly. I consider him through narrowed eyes, barking out a laugh. In spite of my outward sense of humor regarding the situation, I can’t ignore the sense of dread settling in my gut. The chill I’d felt since I woke up had not faded, and the color had not returned to my skin. Though there is something wrong, something horribly and undeniably wrong, what he says can not be the truth. There is no such thing as vampires.

  “Right. Sure. You’re a vampire. I’m a vampire. As a matter of fact, there’s a unicorn waiting outside to whisk me away. Maybe he’ll take a chance to stick it in me, too.” I say snidely, shoving him aside and stalking down the hall leading away from what I assume is his bedroom. Though I did not notice it in the luxurious room I was in previous, the rest of the house is rather… unimpressive. Outright bleak, to be frank. The windows are covered with blackout curtains, and not even the slightest sliver of sunlight is allowed inside. Though the dread within me feels as if it is growing more substantial, I shake off the feeling. “You’re really going all in with this vampire thing, aren’t you?” I call out sardonically, reaching a door that I hope leads outside. He has been trailing behind me, and his eyes widen as I grip the doorknob. There’s a fear in his eyes, an almost visceral and animalistic fear.

  “No, wait!” He calls out, but I ignore him, pulling the door open and marching outside. At first, nothing happens, and a sense of relief washes over me. Then, the sizzling starts. Pain grips my entire being as my body begins to smoulder in the sunlight, and I can’t bite back the scream that spills past my lips. I collapse to the ground, the pain too great for me to move any further. I can not even rouse myself to retreat back into my captor’s house, but I can hear him bustling out of the house after me. He is swearing in that unfamiliar tongue once more, and I can see smoke rising from his exposed skin as he gathers me in his arms and rushes back into the safety of his home. He slams the door shut behind him, and for a long moment it is all I can do to simply catch my breath as I remain in his arms. The pain doesn’t fade, at least, not immediately. However, the indignity of being gripped in this monster’s arms is too much for me to take. I push away from him, and he keeps his grip on me just long enough to safely place me on the floor. For what good that does.

  “What have you done to me…” I whisper, repeating my prior question. He looks as if he will explain again, but I hold up a hand to stop him. There is no need. As impossible as this situation is, I know now that he has been honest with me. He is a vampire and now, at his hands, I am as well. “What am I supposed to do!? Where am I supposed to go?” I begin quietly, but quickly gain volume. Anger sears my insides just as the sun had burned my skin, and I leap to my feet, stomping towards him. He looks ever ashamed, but not afraid. I want him to be afraid. I want him to hurt. “You’ve ruined me! I can never see my family or my friends again. How would I explain this to them? You’ve ruined my life, and for what… because my blood tastes really good? Do you know how idiotic that sounds?” I snarl, and his eyes flash for a brief moment, but are then awash with sorry.

  “There is nothing I can do to return your previous life to you. I’m sorry it came to this. But you’re right, this is all my doing. I know it is little consolation, but as I have caused you this pain, it is only fair that I allow you the sanctuary of my home.” He murmurs, and I laugh. It is all I can do to laugh to keep from crying. My shoulders shake, and I glance briefly to the door I had tried to escape from. Weighing my options, I’m not sure what is the worse fate. Remaining here with this monster who has ruined my life, or stepping out into the sun and destroying this cruel afterlife. “You will adjust. I never thought I would, but you come to terms with this life… You just need to give it time.” He says awkwardly. I look to him through narrowed eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. It’s as if he knows what I was thinking, but as far I know about vampires, he very well may.

  “Just show me where I am to stay. It’s not as if there are any other options.” I grouse. His expression seems to grow lighter, and I swallow the venom I want to spew at him. There will be time to berate him. It seems I have nothing but time now. I follow him deeper into his house, in the opposite direction of his bedroom.

  “The guest quarters aren’t nearly as nice as the master suite, but I’m sure they will suit your needs.” He murmurs amicably, but I make no move to answer him. He opens the door to these supposed guest quarters and I linger at the door for a long moment, considering what will be my confines for… what? An eternity? “If you should need anything, I should be easy to find.” He offers, opening his mouth to continue. I ignore him, stepping into the guest quarters and turning to face him. He smiles crookedly, an attempt to keep things amicable, I suppose. I hesitate for a moment, baring my teeth in a snarl before slamming the door in his face. He squawks indignantly from the other side, but I simply slip the lock into place and turn to take in my surroundings. It’s not quite as bleak as the rest of the house, but not nearly as extravagant as his quarters, either. The room is decorated with muted shades of blues and green, and though those had once been my favorite colors, I can only look at them with disgust now. I step towards the bed in the center of the room, drawing back the covers to find it immaculately clean. Seems vampires did not have many guests. I breathe in a shaky breath that I belatedly realize I no longer need, slipping into the bed and drawing the blankets up around me. Though I vaguely hope it will help stave off the chill, deep down I know it will not. Nothing will.

  I remain locked in the room for what feels an eternity, and very well may be for as well as I can judge time here. There is no distinction between night and day. Edmund makes the occasional attempt to speak to me through the door, but never breaks through the lock. I’m certain he could if he wanted to, but perhaps it is his attempt to show compassion. A show of restraint that is ironic considering how we got in this situation. The chill that permeates my body has settled in as a constant sensation, but I’m slowly adjusting to it. It’s a bit harder to adjust to no longer needing to breathe. I still go through the motions though I know it’s unnecessary. For brief moments I can almost pretend I am still alive, when I almost slip into slumber. I never give completely into the unconsciousness, however. Maybe it’s some sort of instinct. All the same, trying to sleep feels inconsequential, another facade in the series of masquerades that make up my life now. I’ve never been one to give into my depressing thoughts, but it seems I am left with nothing more than my thoughts for now. It’s not as if I can retreat to the familiar dance floor, where I’m sure the thumping of the bass would be but a cold reminder of my unbeating heart.

  Realistically, I know waxing poetic about my misery will only perpetuate how bad I feel, but I can’t ignore the anger brewing within my gut. My hand clenches at my side, and I sit up, inhaling yet another unnecessary breath before slamming my fist into the mattress at my side with as much strength as I can muster. I can’t swallow the gasp that escapes me as the entire bed frame collapses beneath me. Dust rises from beneath the remains of the bed, and I slowly quirk a brow as I lean down to survey the damage. It’s as if someone has taken a sledgehammer and laid into the area I punched. It seems strange, impossible, but… I rise from the bed for what feels the first time in ages. I consider the room around me, consider all the antique yet sturdy and well made furniture. I take a step away from the destroyed bed, drawing close to a well aged chest of drawers.
I draw my fist back, hesitating for a long moment before lashing out with a well placed strike. I’m not sure what I expected, but I still jolt with surprise as the piece of furniture collapses. My eyes widen in comprehension, and I consider the room with new purpose. I dash across the confined space, laying waste to the likely expensive furniture strewn purposefully across the room. A laugh bubbles up in my throat, and I’m struck by how good it feels to be so damn powerful. Even after all the destruction I’ve left in my wake, I’ve not even broken a sweat. I examine my fist, feeling almost as if the power is a physical sensation throbbing beneath my skin. I glance to the door, realizing just how easy it would have been for Edmund to slam the door open and do what he wanted to me. If he has even a portion of this power… well. I certainly haven’t forgiven him, but perhaps this is a step in the right direction. I glance towards the door, considering my options for a moment before stepping towards it. I flick the lock, pulling the door open and peering out into the hall to see if the vampiric male is anywhere to be seen. Satisfied that I have some measure of privacy for the time being, I slip out of the bedroom, seeking out a bathroom. I’m unclear on how long it’s been since I’ve had a good soak, but it seems that now is as good a time as any. I open several doors as I walk down the hallway, surprised to find neither Edmund or the bathroom I’m seeking. At the final door in the hallway, just beside his bedroom, I am rewarded for my efforts. Though the room is dark, I can tell that this is obviously the master bathroom. It looks entirely too extravagant for something as simple as a bathroom, but I intend to take full advantage of the situation for what it’s worth. I step into the room, closing the door behind me and edging towards the tub. It looks large enough to fit two people, easily. While I certainly have no interest in that, it means I’ll have plenty of room to stretch my legs out. I turn the water on a satisfying temperature, plugging the drain and drawing away to slip out of my clothes. My dress is utterly ruined, but I suppose it’s of little consequence. It’s not as if I’ll be seeing anyone from my old life. I kick it to the side, flinging it clear across the room. I swallow a giggle, dipping my fingertips into the water and groaning at how pleasantly warm it is. With little further preamble, I submerge myself in the water, all the aches and pains that riddle my body slowly ebbing away. For a moment, it even feels as if my permanent chill has faded, if only slightly. I sink deeper into the water, examining the plethora of soaps to choose from. Most of them are luxurious to the point of exorbitance, and I’m forced to wonder just how much this man has spent on soap alone. I suppose your priorities change a bit once you’ve been living for… god knows how long. I reach out to grab a bottle that is labelled as being infused with real rose petals, popping the top off with ease and waving it under my nose. The smell is pleasant, if somewhat strong. I dab some into my hand, slowly covering my body with rose scented suds. I can already tell my skin is going to exquisitely soft after this particular soak, and I breathe a remarkably content sigh. I realize this is probably the most content I’ve been in some time, but god knows I wouldn’t let the bloodsucker know that. Well, the other bloodsucker, in this case. Once I am thoroughly soaped up, I sink into the water, washing the suds away from my skin. I remain underwater for a long moment, dragging my fingertips down the curves of my own body. In spite of the anger I feel towards the man, thoughts of the first night I met him surge through my mind. It’s as if I can feel him inside me again. The power I had felt destroying the furniture only invigorates me, and I press my fingers between my thighs, parting my most intimate folds and slowly coaxing myself into pleasure. I gently brush my thumb against my aching pearl, shudders flowing through my body at my own touch. Instead of penetrating myself, I simply continue my assault on my most sensitive area, alternating between gently rubbing around my peak, to direct touches. When I feel as if I can take no more, my body shakes from the sheer force of my orgasm. My toes curl in ecstasy, and I just barely manage to catch myself before inhaling a lung full of water. I emerge from the water with a satisfied gasp, my pleasure being cut agonizingly short as I hear the doorknob turn. Before I can get the words out, Edmund has opened the door and is staring wordlessly at me. More specifically, his eyes are locked on my exposed and utterly heaving chest. For a moment, I am frozen in shock. Then, as if unable to help myself, my eyes are drawn to the stiffness in his pants. My eyes widen comically, and I can almost smell the musk emanating both from him and myself. It seems impossible that he could have ruined this small moment so spectacularly, yet, here he stands.


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