Seeds of Earth

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Seeds of Earth Page 8

by Michael Cobley

  is not her but a made thing. Not a living, breathing

  person that I can touch.'

  Harry gave him a considering look for a moment.

  'Tell me - is that how you see me, as a made thing?'

  'Well, yes. Made by experience and thought and acci-

  dent, and by friendship!' Robert smiled. 'Whereas

  Giselle's device is a frozen vision, an exhibit that cannot

  learn or change. Satisfied?'

  'Yes - my crippled self-esteem has been suitably band ■

  aged.' Harry gestured towards the two fastened valises

  'Are you finished, because the people of Darien and

  their representatives await you, not to mention all those

  watching back home, in the Glow and elsewhere.'

  Robert gave a groan. The Glow was the Solar

  System's virtual reality, where celebrity and excess

  reigned supreme. 'So the Office of Defence finally gave

  in to the media combines, did they?'

  'Which means that we shall shortly be going live on

  Starstream,' Harry said with a wild grin. 'Since they were the

  only ones who would meet the OOD's asking price.'

  'Starstream,' Robert said, activating the suspensors

  on his luggage. 'I can scarcely express my joy. Let's go.'



  West of Hammergard, across the two-mile width of

  Loch Morwen, a cluster of low buildings and two

  narrow towers sat on a headland overlooking the

  waters. Fenced off and patrolled, this was the main

  operational base for the Ranger division of the Darien

  Volunteer Corps. At that moment, almost six hours after

  the president's address to the colony, 185 of the divi-

  sion's 200 combat personnel were crammed into the

  base's small rec room, craning necks for a look at the

  sole v-screen.

  'C'mon, get yer head down in front there!'

  'Gonna no dae that?'


  'Shoutin' in my ear, ye howler!'

  Donny Barbour grinned, listening to this and many

  other exchanges from the bench he had snagged at the

  front early on. At the moment, though, there was not

  much to see, just a pair of aycasters from Vizione, the

  main Darien channel, discussing background info that

  had already been well chewed over by the tabs and var-

  ious radio pundits all day. Behind the sharp-dressed

  duo - Maggie and Lev - was a view of Port Gagarin's

  longest landing strip, seen from the main terminal. But

  when the shuttlecraft landed, Vizione would hand over

  to an Earthsphere media channel called Starstream, who

  had sent a coverage team on board the Heracles.

  Now Maggie and Lev were offering their own tepid

  speculation on what the future would hold for Darien,

  based on the near-content-free summary documents

  released by the president's office that morning. Donny

  almost laughed out loud, recalling what he'd heard

  from Sundstrom's own lips the night before.

  If only you knew the truth.

  The two aycasters halted their feeble guesswork,

  announcing the approach of the shuttle before makim

  the verbal handover to Starstream and their solo com

  mentator, Lee Shan.

  LEE SHAN: This is Lee Shan welcoming all our

  viewers and immersers across Earthsphere and

  beyond on this momentous day in the history of

  Humankind. I am speaking to you from the shut-

  tlecraft Achilles as it descends through banks of

  cloud towards Darien Colony's largest landing

  zone, Port Gagarin, named, of course, after the

  Soviet-era astro-pioneer.

  Video (low functionality) The shuttlecraft Achilles

  appears in the western sky, a distant speck that

  grows into a slender dart as it swoops down over

  the northern coast. Its flightpath then curves our

  over the sea before making the approach to Port

  Gagarin. The vessel's powered descent seems toe

  swift and steep until it slows dramatically, braking

  on columns of force that ripple the air beneath its

  fuselage. Engines drone and moments later the

  Achilles settles down gently on its landing gear.

  LEE SHAN: The Achilles is one of two fast picket

  boats that the cruiser Heracles possesses, both of

  which can be deployed for combat as well as

  peaceful purposes, as well as the ship's pinnace,

  the Hermes. The Heracles, of course, was recently

  on duty in the Yamanon Domain as part of

  Earthsphere's military commitment to the

  Hegemony-led Freedom Alliance, taking part in

  the overthrow of the brutal Dol-Das regime, and

  . liberating scores of worlds. We at Starstream

  salute the bravery of all Earthsphere and

  Hegemony forces still engaged in pacification

  operations in the Yamanon.

  In the kitchen of a farmhouse built into the side of a

  hill southwest of Hammergard, Theo Karlsson stared

  at the portable vee with a mixture of amusement and

  unease while Rory and the rest of the loader team guf-


  'We salute the whit?'

  'Ah, the brave troops, Rory, for whom we must be

  joyously united in support!' said Alexei Firmanov.

  'Da, and not forgetting the songs,' said his brother,

  Nikolai. 'Heroic songs that we all sing while waving

  flags, lots of flags.'

  Rory squinted at the two grinning Russians. He was

  a short wiry Scot with unkempt sandy hair and a pair of

  ice-blue eyes that were full of misgivings.

  'You're yanking ma chain, the pair of ye.'

  'They're not, Rory,' Theo said. 'All this saluting the

  troops, waving the flag and singing songs - it is common

  to authoritarian cultures, like Soviet-era Russia back on


  'Ah, right, ancient history, aye.' Rory sniffed. 'So is th; it

  how Earth is, the now, Major? I thought they've got elec-

  tions and all that...'

  'There were elections during the Soviet era, too,' said

  Alexei. 'But there were no alternatives to the Part? 's

  candidate and all the media were tightly controlled,' He

  glanced at Theo. 'Is it like that on Earth, Major?'

  'I'm not entirely sure,' he said. 'But going by radio

  reports, the political mainstream across most of

  Earthsphere seems to be pro-Hegemony'

  Nikolai nodded vigorously. 'Is right - have they not

  elected a woman as interim president, and she's sup-

  posed to want to pursue more independent courses?'

  Rory laughed. 'Aye, and then we pop up in the

  Hegemony's back yard, like helpless wee puppies! I bet

  they're using us tae make sure she toes the line!'

  Theo grinned. Rory, my boy, he thought, you're def-

  initely one of the sharper tools in the box.

  Just then, Janssen and Ivanov entered by the kitchen's

  rear door, the former dumping a bag of tools noisily on

  the tiled floor, the latter handing Theo a large cluster of


  'That's the last of the false walls up,' Ivanov said,

  loosening his heavy work jacket. 'We restacked the

  crates and old Tove helped us dirty up his barn floor again.'

  Theo lau
ghed. 'Once he quarters his baro in there

  for a night or two it'll be more than filthy enough.' He

  looked at Janssen. 'Any news from the others?'

  'Maclean and Bessonov finished up in the last half-

  hour,' Janssen said, tugging off his brown woollen hat

  and scratching his scalp through wild black hair. 'But

  Hansen's team was held up by a cracked loader axle.

  They're going to be another hour at least.'

  Nikolai shook his head. 'What's that old saying? -

  "No plan survives contact with the enemy" . . .'

  'Right, here we go!' said Rory loudly. 'That's him

  now, look . . .'

  LEE SHAN: And now Ambassador Horst descends

  the gantry to meet the vice-president, John Balfour.

  They shake hands, then Vice-President Balfour

  introduces him to the president of Darien Colony,

  Holger Sundstrom, who is confined to a wheel-

  chair due to a spinal injury considered untreatable

  by the colony's medical establishment until now.

  Video (low functionality) The ambassador is a

  tall, grey-haired man with a straight-backed pos-

  ture and lean but kind face. He smiles as he comes

  face to face with the president, who is accompa-

  nied by a flock of officials and guards, and the

  smile widens as he leans down slightly to shake the

  man's hand. After an exchange of pleasantries, the

  assembled party of dignitaries and their attendants

  head along a covered walkway towards the main

  terminal. Behind them, a handful of reporters hur-

  ries down from the shuttle, muttering into lip-bead

  mikes or fiddling with head-mounted cams.

  c n !_□ N I STS


  LEE SHAN: Viewers and Glow immersers with holig-

  ital systems shall soon be receiving a higher-quality

  service now that myself and my, ah, assistant

  Tyberio have disembarked from the ambassador's

  shuttle. Other viewers, including the newest addi-

  tions to the Starstream family right here on

  Darien, will be pleased to see a sharper, more

  vibrant picture.

  'So are you watching thisT

  'Well, we were, Tomas,' Greg said loudly into his

  comra above the babble of the score or more Uvolvo

  crammed into the dig site's meeting hut. 'But the picture

  just cut out - all we're getting now is interference.'

  'Ah, no luck,' said Tomas, his voice sounding thin

  and whistly. 'We got perfect reception up here, but then

  our signal is coming directly from Monitor sat.'

  'Aye - why doesna that surprise me?' Greg said,

  accepting a beaker of something pungent from the

  Russian researchers then toasting each other.



  'Hey, what is that you're drinking}' Tomas said.

  'I wish I knew,' Greg said in a hoarse voice, savouring

  the smoky aftertaste and the warmth in his throat.

  'Tastes a bit like . . . grilled bark, or something. 'S no

  bad, though. So why are you calling me in the middle of

  this historical event?'

  'Just to let you know that Miss Macreadie is, as

  they say, carrying a torch for you'

  'What?' Greg said, so surprised he almost spilled his

  refilled beaker. 'How d'ye know? - did she say so?'

  'Of course she didn't say so, but when I mentioned

  your name to her a short while ago she acted so disin-

  terested it was like a sign saying "I want Greg" going on

  above her head.'

  Greg chuckled at the image. 'You know, your record

  in these matters isna exactly one hundred per cent.'

  'Maybe so, but I'm sure that she's thinking of

  you . . .'

  'Tomas, she's a former Enhanced,' he said. 'I don't

  really think that I'd measure up to her intellect, some-

  how . . . wait, hold on, our picture's back. I'll speak to

  you later, O great matchmaker!'

  'Okay, you're allowed to laugh now, but you'll see

  that I'm right, trust me. . .'

  Video (mid-range functionality) Together, the

  president, the ambassador and a senior officer

  inspect an honour guard of thirty soldiers from

  the Darien Volunteer Corps, drawn up in two

  ranks in front of the Port Gagarin terminal

  building. A small brass band is playing a march

  off to one side as the three men progress steadily

  along, pausing to speak with a couple of Corps

  troopers. The DVC dress uniform is a form-fit-

  ting two-piece in field green with dark brown

  trim, soft green cap with a red cockade, and

  brown gauntlets. Each soldier carries a sidearm

  and an autorifle, slug-thrower weapons based on

  proven twentieth-century designs, while a stan-

  dard-bearer holds a ceremonial flag showing the

  DVC badge, crossed swords beneath a planetary


  LEE SHAN: The ambassador inspects the honour

  guard, pausing occasionally to ask a soldier's

  name or where they are from. Ambassador Robert

  Horst is a highly experienced diplomat who first

  came to prominence during the blockade and sub-

  sequent liberation of Prodas in 2259. He was

  involved in negotiations with Tyat terrorists

  during the Farplains hostage crisis in 2262, and

  later took up the post of Earthsphere delegate to

  the short-lived Convoke of Worlds. Most recently

  he played a key role in the concerted attempts to

  persuade the Dol-Das regime to give up its planet-

  breaker weapons. Since the toppling of the

  Dol-Das dictatorship, however, Robert Horst and

  his wife have suffered the loss of their only daugh-

  ter Rosa, who died in a tragic accident while

  taking part in antiwar protests in the Kingdom of

  Metraj an e-year ago.

  'Poor man,' murmured Svetlana.

  Catriona nodded, privately wondering why a pre-

  senter would comment so publicly on such sensitive

  details. Wouldn't the ambassador and his wife be upset

  at the public discussion of their personal grief? But

  that was just one snippet in a flood of information

  which had no context or background for Darien view-

  ers, bare facts merely stated, as if their importance

  were obvious.

  As if we're expected to be impressed, she thought.

  She glanced round the room at the rest of her team,

  or at least the nine who had been nearby and off-duty,

  and saw a few with perplexed expressions. Others, like

  Svetlana, were wide-eyed and engrossed in the unfolding


  Then Tomas sidled into the room and resumed his

  seat next to hers.

  'You missed the ambassador shaking the president's

  hand,' she said sardonically. 'Where were you?'

  He shrugged. 'I remembered that I had to call up

  Gunther's team to see if they have any spare sample

  cases - they said they'll send a box over tomorrow. So

  what's been happening?'

  'I wish I could say it's been exciting, but. . .' She indi-

  cated the screen. 'It's all protocol and ceremony - the

  most interesting stuff so far has been this 'caster Lee

han's side comments. There's been hardly any detail

  on recent history'

  'It seems that the daily sheets planetside have been

  running articles on the Swarm War and how Earth was

  saved from destruction by the brave and altruistic

  Sendruka Hegemony,' Tomas said, rolling his eyes.

  'Aye, well, if that's what they did, then I'm glad,'

  Catriona said. 'I mean, we know how bad it was for the

  First Families when the Command AI turned on them -

  what must it have been like on Earth with the Swarm

  bombing cities and getting ready to invade?'

  'I hope we'll be getting some reliable historical

  accounts from that period soon,' Tomas said. 'And

  maybe hear something about the other two colony-

  ships . . . Hm, what's happening now?'

  'They're about to hold a press conference,' Catriona


  'Really?' Tomas said. 'I wonder if they'll take the risk

  of allowing questions?'

  Video (variable functionality) The terminal

  foyer is full of a noisy crowd of Dariens, some sit-

  ting in rows before a wide, green-draped

  platform while most of them stand to the rear

  and sides. Then they erupt into applause and

  cheering as President Sundstrom in his wheelchair

  and Ambassador Horst enter and approach the

  long ramp up to the platform. Once there,

  accompanied by the vice-president, the mayor of

  Port Gagarin and a dark-suited security detail,

  the president grins at the raucous welcome for a

  moment then raises his hands and makes hushing





  Thank you, thank you all for this rousing recep-

  tion. Well, I can see how amazed and delighted

  you all are at this astonishing event, that 150 years

  after the Hyperion touched down we've re-estab-

  lished contact with Earth. To know that Earth

  survived the Swarm War and went on to become

  strong and influential is an incredible source of

  joy and pride. So before I become overwhelm3d,

  let me just state that it gives me enormous pleasure

  to say on behalf of all our citizens - Ambassador


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