Obsession (Seven Deadly Sins Book 2)

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Obsession (Seven Deadly Sins Book 2) Page 37

by Shantel Tessier

  I tilt my head to the side. “And how did you manage to get that to happen?”

  His eyes narrow on me, but he answers. “Robert left a suicide note,” he says, and I snort.

  He rests his palms on the desk and leans over to look at me. “What is your problem, Case?” he demands.

  “Nothing,” I say, shaking my head.

  “Don’t lie. You have something to say, then say it,” he growls.

  I lean back in my seat getting comfortable. “My problem is that this woman you have fallen for is related to Cricket. And you still don’t see a pattern here.”

  “Fuck.” He sighs, rolling his eyes. “Don’t compare her to Rachel. She is nothing like that fucked-up bitch.”

  “She’s exactly like her.”

  “How so?”

  “She is nothing but trouble. She always needs your help …”

  “Rachel was in trouble because she would go and fuck married men. It’s not the same, and you know it,” he snaps. “You’re just looking for reasons not to like her.”

  “She is going to get you killed,” I say matter-of-factly. “You’re out there killing men left and right …”

  “That night that the club got shot up. In this very room. I killed three men that night, and I don’t remember you seeing a problem with that.”

  “You almost died,” I growl.

  “But I fucking didn’t,” he shouts. “Look, I’m done, Case. Be mad at me. Don’t talk to me, whatever. I may have not been happy with what you did with Taylor, but I never once got in your way like you keep doing with me.”

  I can’t argue with that because he never did. He gives me one last look and then spins around and leaves, slamming the door behind him. Jet gets up and starts to walk out. “So you’re supporting this?” I ask him, and he comes to a stop. “After everything you know, you still support him and his decision to throw his life away over someone who is probably just playing him?”

  He stands there and stares at me for a long time before he sighs. “Normally, I wouldn’t get in the middle of something like this, but since you asked, yes, I support him. You can’t help who you fall in love with, Case.” I snort. “And if you paid more attention when you were around him or Skye, you’d realize what I see. They love one another, and just because you don’t agree doesn’t mean it’s not there.” Then he walks out.


  I wake as I hear the door shut to our hotel suite. I open my eyes but shut them just as fast ‘cause it’s daytime and the sun lights our room. I roll over and place the covers over my head. I let out a sigh as I sink into the bed. So comfortable.

  I hear footsteps coming down the hallway, and I smile. “It’s about time you got back,” I say. “I’m starving.”

  The covers are ripped back I look up to see Brecken smiling down at me. “Good morning, baby,” he whispers.

  “Good morning, handsome.” As soon as I finish talking, he jumps over me and into bed with me. I cuddle up to him, and I inhale his cologne that lingers on his clothes. I shudder.

  “Guess what?” he asks excitedly.


  “We get to go home,” he says as a big smile spreads across his face.

  “Home?” I ask confused.

  He nods. “Jet heard from Jones, and you are no longer a suspect. No more hiding out here.”

  I frown. “What changed?”

  He reaches up and pushes some loose brown strands behind my ear. “Does it matter?” he asks with an awkward shrug.

  My eyes narrow on him. “What did you do, Brecken?”

  His hand comes up and grabs my breasts. I slap it away, and he frowns. I stare at him long enough, and he sighs. “I took care of Robert,” he says simply.

  “What did you mean by took care?” I ask slowly.

  His eyes linger on my breasts, and he licks his lips. Then they look up into mine. “I killed him.”

  I blink. “You what?” I ask wide-eyed. “When?” When has he not been with me besides this morning?

  “After we brought you home from the hospital. After our fight, I gave you that sleeping pill in your water and left you here with Jet.”

  I knew he had given me a sleeping pill. That wasn’t hard to figure out when he’d left out the evidence. But I didn’t know that he had left me here. “You did what?” I snap as I sit up all the way.

  He sits up much slower and turns to face me. “I had to do something. You thought I would just sit back and let someone hurt you like that?” he asks, reaching out his hand and running his knuckles softly down my cheek.

  I push it away. “You can’t just do what you want, Brecken. You could go to prison for murder.” What if they took him from me? My chest tightens at that thought.

  He laughs. “Babe, you think he was the first person I killed?” He shakes his head answering his own question. “I was very careful, and they have already ruled it as a suicide.”

  My mouth falls open. “But his father … Robert’s father has millions. You think he won’t have a team on that?”

  “You’re overreacting over nothing. I have the situation under control.”

  “Overreacting?” I ask wide-eyed. “You think I’m overreacting?”

  “Yes.” He reaches up, and this time, he places both his hand on either side of my neck. He lowers his forehead down to mine. “I take care of what is mine, Skye.” His brown eyes search mine. “And you are mine.” I swallow. “I told you I would protect you, and that’s exactly what I intend to do.”

  “But …”

  “You think he was just gonna give up? Stop once he realized I had broken you out of there?” He shakes his head. “It was either him or you, Skye. And in that situation, I refuse to let it be you.” His hands tighten on my neck, and I suck in a deep breath.

  “You’re risking your life for me,” I say softly. “What if he had killed you?”

  He gives me a slow and sexy smile. “You’re not gonna get rid of me that easily.”

  I laugh softly as I wrap my arms around his neck. “I don’t wanna lose you,” I say without thought, and at that very second, I realize how deep my feelings for this dark man are. He’s exactly who people said he was. Dangerous. A murderer. A man who doesn’t take no for an answer. But he is also sweet. Loving. And he makes me weak in the knees. He has no fear and is willing to do anything to protect me. I love that about him.

  He licks his lips. “I’m not going anywhere,” he says and then asks. “Didn’t you say you were starving?”

  I nod. “What do you want to go eat?”

  He undoes my hands from around his neck, and he places his hands on my hips. He yanks me up as he lies down on the bed. I squeal in surprise and then look down between my legs. “I want to eat you,” he says and then his hands grip my thighs as he moves me toward the headboard.

  “Brecken …” I gasp, and my hands come up and grip the headboard as his fingers dig into my ass while his tongue licks my pussy. And he makes me forget anything other than his tongue, his hands on me, and the way my body responds to him as he makes it lose control.


  We’ve been back in Brecken’s house for a week now. And things couldn’t be any better. I will say it’s a little hard not being able to see him all the time. He hasn’t had time away from Seven Deadly Sins like he did when he was flying me around the country and had me hiding out in a hotel. But I feel like we have a place of our own, even if it is just his. And even though I don’t see him as much as I was, I feel like we are an actual couple now. We wake up in the morning, and I fix us breakfast. We go out to dinner before he has to go into work. Last night, he took me to a movie. It’s nice. But at the same time, I feel cooped up in this house. I was fired from my job at the diner. I had forgotten about my job, and none of the guys thought to call and notify them of what had happened to me. I went in to work the other night, and they sent me home along with a ‘you’re fired.’ I was pretty pissed, but Brecken, however, was happy. He said that place wasn’t safe anyway. He�
��s afraid of what can happen when I’m leaving the parking lot of the diner at midnight. I keep trying to tell him that I’m safe now, and he just looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind. Cricket is still out there, and we have no idea where he is. The other day he came home with an urn. I cried as he explained to me that he had Tiffany cremated, like I had suggested. I’m not sure how protocal works after a person dies but I’m sure he had to pull some strings in order to make that happen for me. I cried big ugly tears as I looked at the urn that held not only my best friend but also her daughter that I would have considered my niece. I thanked him and he held me tightly. I find myself just starign at it at times wishing I could talk to her. Tell her how much I love and miss her and how truly sorry I am that she lost her life because of me.

  I lie in his bed and I look up when the bathroom door opens, and he walks out of it. My eyes stare down at his black slacks, and I lick my lips at the way they hug his thighs. My pussy starts to tighten as I think of his pierced cock hiding behind his zipper. I work my way up to his dark purple button up that is currently unbuttoned. It hangs open showing off his chiseled abs and defined V. My mouth starts to water. A black tie lays around his neck also untied. He looks like he just came home from work, and I wanna fall to my knees while his hands snake into my hair …

  He grunts as he tries to roll up his sleeves. “Come here,” I tell him.

  He walks over to the bed and holds out his arm to me. I roll his sleeves back to where he likes them, and I slide my fingers along the black ink that covers his smooth arm. Without a word, he takes it from me once I’m done, and then he holds out the other one. Once I finish, I look up at him. “I wish you didn’t have to go in tonight,” I say softly, grabbing either side of his shirt. I push it open even more and his muscles flex. I lick my lips.

  He places his hands on my face and leans down to kiss me. A dominating and passionate kiss that takes my breath away. His hands slide into my hair, and I move to my knees as I sit on the bed. His tongue strokes mine, and I moan into his mouth. He presses his hips forward, and I feel his hardness against my belly. I can’t get enough of him. I want him every second of the day.

  He pulls away too soon. “I gotta go, baby,” he says and then starts to button his shirt.

  “Okay,” I say pushing my bottom lip out, pouting.

  He laughs. “I’ll take care of you the moment I get home,” he says, and I smile.

  “I guess that will have to do.”

  He goes to open his mouth, but the doorbell rings. He leaves the room to go get it, and I jump out of bed, throwing on one of his t-shirts and a pair of his sweatpants. I leave the room and head into the kitchen. I find him and Jet standing in there. “Hey, Jet,” I say cheerfully. I still don’t have a car yet. Brecken keeps finding cars I can’t afford, which is every car since I have no job at the moment. He keeps telling me not to worry about the price, and I keep telling him he’s not buying me a car. So Jet has been driving him to and from work while Brecken leaves his Range Rover here for me in case I need to go anywhere. I asked him the other day why Case doesn’t take him, and he just shook his head and let out a growl. I dropped that subject.

  “What’s up, Skye?”

  “Not much,” I say truthfully, and he laughs.

  “Well, that is a good thing,” he says matter-of-factly, and I shrug. Guess so. Brecken buttons his last button and then ties his tie.

  “I’ll be home soon,” he says and leans down to give me another kiss, and this one is just as rough as the last one. I think he did it on purpose.

  I follow them to the door and lock it as they leave. I sigh as I make my way back to the bedroom. I feel like a warm bubble bath.


  I sit up in bed as I look around the darkly lit room. The only light comes from the TV that I left on. I rub my eyes and then lie back down. I thought I had heard something. I reach over and grab my phone to see it’s two thirty in the morning. Brecken should be home in about an hour.

  I go to put my phone down when the sound I thought I heard comes again. “Is that the doorbell?” I ask out loud even though I’m alone.

  I lie stiff as a board, and it comes again. I sigh as I get up. It could be Brecken. Since he doesn’t take his SUV, he sometimes forgets his key. I throw a t-shirt on that I find on the floor followed by the same sweatpants I had on earlier when he left and make my way to the door as I yawn.

  I open the door, and my eyes widen in surprise. “Oh,” I say to the older woman standing on Brecken’s front porch. “Can I help you?” I ask, looking around the dark front yard to see if she is with anyone.

  “Hello,” she says in a rich accent. “Is Brecken here?” she asks.

  “Uh … no.” Who the hell is this woman? And why is she here at two thirty in the morning? “He’s up at the club,” I add when she just stands there.

  She pushes her bottom lip out as if that makes her sad, and I raise my brows. “Can I help you with something?” I ask again.

  She gives me a soft smile as she flips her jet-black hair over her shoulder. “May I come in and wait for him? It’s very important that I speak to him.”

  I bite my bottom lip, nervously wondering what she is doing here at this time of the night, but I find myself stepping aside for her to enter. “Sure.”

  She enters and looks around the living room. She frowns as she sees a light purple throw pillow sitting beside a light gray one. She turns to face me and smiles. “How do you know Brecken?”

  “I’m his girlfriend,” I say flatly not liking this woman.

  Her face falls, and then she straightens her back. “Girlfriend?” She says the word as if she doesn’t know the meaning of it.

  “Yes.” Then I give her a big fuck you smile as I hold out my right hand. “My name is Skye. And who might you be?”

  She very slowly reaches out her hand to me, and she looks me up and down. Her brown eyes settle on my breasts for far too long, considering she is a woman, but hey, if that’s what she likes …

  “I’m sorry, may I use your restroom?” she asks as she pulls her hand away from mine.

  I point to the hall. “First door on your right,” I say, and she excuses herself. I realize that I still have my phone in my hand, and I quickly dial Brecken’s number. It rings five times and then goes to voicemail. You’ve reached Brecken. Leave me a voicemail. Beep

  I hang up and sigh. He has a tendency to leave his phone up in his office, so if he is down on the floor helping clean up or making sure there are no fights in the parking lot as people leave, he won’t answer it.

  I turn to go into the kitchen when I hear a soft voice whispering. I lean my head in as I try to hear where it’s coming from. I follow the sound, and it leads me to the bathroom in the hallway. Is she on her phone?

  I place my hands very softly on the door and then lean into the door to listen. “Yes, Skye is here.” Did she just say my name? “What do you want me to do?” she asks quietly. “I didn’t know that she was living here … She said they’re dating, for Christ’s sake,” she snaps. “No, I can handle it. Just be ready. I’ll be there in an hour … Yeah, I gotta get out of here before he returns.” I pull away with my eyes wide and confused as to what the hell she is talking about.

  I go to walk away, but my phone rings in my hand. I jump and drop it out of my hand. The bathroom door swings open, and she stands there staring at me. She caught me listening. Fuck!

  “I gotta go,” she says into her phone and then hangs up. “Were you listening to my conversation?” She shakes her head as if she is disappointed in me.

  “Who the hell are you?” I demand as my phone continues to ring from the floor.

  She gives me a smile one that makes her look evil. “I’m Monica.”

  Monica? Where have I heard that name before …? I suck in a deep breath. “You’re the one who text Brecken.”

  Her smile widens. “So you’ve heard about me?”

  I laugh at her question, and my phone rings again. “Sure, I’ve
heard of you. I heard he quit seeing you.”

  The smile drops off her face, and her black eyes narrow on me. “Well, once you’re out of the picture, he’ll be mine again.”

  “Over my dead body,” I growl. Who does she think she is?

  “That’s the plan, my dear,” she states, and my heart starts to pound in my chest.

  “I think it’s time for you to leave,” I say taking a step toward the door.

  “Correction,” she says as she starts to dig into her purse that sits on her shoulder. She pulls out a little baggie that carries a white cloth. “It’s time for us to go.”

  I look down at the cloth and then back up at her. My heart beats so loudly that my chest hurts. What is she doing? “Come on, now. Be a good girl. We don’t want this to get messy,” she says with a smile as she takes a step out into the hall.

  My phone starts ringing again, and she looks down at it. I don’t; I turn and run. I run to the front door to get outside. I can gain some distance if I can just get outside … She hits me from behind, and we both go crashing into the front door. She pins me against it, and she places the cloth over my nose and mouth as she stands behind me. I suck in a deep breath, trying to breathe, and instantly regret it as my eyes start to water at the sweet smell that hits my lungs.

  “Just breathe deeply,” she says roughly as she presses her face to the side of mine.

  I hold my breath as I reach up to grab a handful of her hair behind me and yank on it. She lets out a cry as she pulls away from me. I suck in a deep breath as she pulls the rag away as well. “Bitch!” I hiss as I cough. I bend over and take a deep breath. It burns. “What the fuck was that?” I ask as my eyes continue to water. She gets up off the floor and comes at me once again, and I dart to the left, heading for the kitchen.

  “Come here,” she demands as she leaps for me. She gets a hold of my leg, and she pulls me to the floor. I turn over onto my stomach so I can face her. I kick at her landing a few to her chest and face as she tries to crawl up my body.

  I kick her off, and she loses her grip, and I free my leg. I crawl backward, and my back hits the cabinets. I try to take in shallow breaths, and my face starts to sting. It burns.


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