On a Gamble

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On a Gamble Page 5

by Rose Lange

  Charlie checked her watch. “We’d better head home. We have a few chores to finish up.”

  “Sounds good.” He tossed his garbage into the nearby can. She did the same, and with a quick wave to Tony, she drove home.

  As they drove in blessed silence, he mentally counted one Mississippi, two Mississippi and onward until he reached one hundred. He had to calm his senses, knowing she hadn’t meant anything by it whatsoever, but the innocently sexy way she’d removed the ice cream, and then licked it off her finger. The intimacy of it sent his heart clamoring at a rapid pace. The way the sides of their legs touched while they sat, side-by-side, her scent permeated, invading his nostrils. Geez, it made him want to whip aside her half-eaten cone, and kiss her. Right there in broad ass daylight, in front of the custard shop, ice cream on his lips and all. Her appearance, disheveled, tousled, from work, sweat, and late summer sun would be made worse from his eager, roaming fingers.


  Even if he knew it was a bad idea. Even if she were a temptation he’d be eternally damned for taking. Even if he could read her body language crystal clear: Kiss me, Alex. He couldn’t, and needed to rein his desires in. Way the fuck in.

  Which is why he’d said something, anything to keep his mind on the straight and narrow. He’d needed to keep his mouth moving. And let’s be honest, to keep his mouth from doing what he really wanted to do.

  He needed to cool his jets, and bring his mind back to his primary focus. Stealing a glance at her from the corner of his eye, his gaze flicked downward to her jean-clad curves. Greedily roving over the gentle swell of full breasts, before he snapped his eyes forward, and back in their sockets.

  The sooner he re-gained focus, the better.

  Charlie lay in bed the next morning, not wanting to move. It would be another interesting day indeed. Especially after the little ice cream outing yesterday. Good Lord.

  It still made Charlie blush to think about it. As innocent as it had been, the way he looked at her had not been. The sheer force of the heat emanating from his gaze made her cone melt, not the hot afternoon sun.

  Shaking the image free, she rolled out of bed and stretched. Not wasting anytime, she brushed her teeth, washed her face, and took a brush to her hair. Putting it up in its usual ponytail, renewed vigor coursed through her veins, hardly able to wait to see Alex.

  She tossed on jeans and a T-shirt, and made her way downstairs. The usual, welcome sight of her grandma cooking, and her grandpa making out bills at the kitchen table, greeted her.

  Grandpa Eugene smiled at her from above his spectacles. “Good morning, Charlie.”

  She leaned over and kissed his forehead, giving him a little hug, not knowing what she’d do without these two wonderful people. They were her rock, had always been there for her, and she loved them dearly.

  Grandpa ripped the check from of his bank ledger. Handing it to her, he let out a little chuckle. “Here, give this to your boyfriend.”

  “Grandpa, he’s not my boyfriend,” she defended.

  Her grandma stood their making eggs and bacon, tossing a coy grin over her shoulder, but didn’t say a word.

  He shrugged. “Okay, whatever you say.”

  Charlie waved away his comment, and hoped to goodness she wasn’t blushing. Folding the check, she tucked it in her back pocket, and went to get herself a glass of milk. The both of them were being ridiculous.

  As she stood at the kitchen window above the sink, watching the sun rise and melt into the blue sky, a flurry of movement caught her attention.

  Moments later, Alex’s truck pulled into his usual spot. The butterflies stirred and took flight, as memories of yesterday unwillingly entered her mind. He got out, his brown wavy hair perfectly combed, but still looked a bit disheveled, in a sexy sort of way. He walked so confidently, like he knew where he was headed. What a turn on.

  Charlie openly stared until his eyes met hers. A gasp escaped at having been caught, and momentarily, she lowered her stare. Curiosity got the best of her. She looked up once more, catching the grin spread across his face. He boldly held her gaze.

  Those butterflies flapped around like crazy, like they wanted to fly but had no place to go. This strong, growing attraction to Alex unnerved her, and had thrown her into a tailspin.

  What the hell am I going to do?

  Mother Nature gifted them with another hot, sticky day, and it made her long for a cool shower. Better yet, clothing and all, a dip in the swimming hole sounded wonderful.

  Mid-morning, she paused in the middle of her chore. Swiping the sweat from her brow, she suddenly remembered the check burning a hole in her pocket. “Before I forget, here’s your first weeks’ pay.”

  She held the check out to him, but he hesitated, and looked as if it might bite him.

  “I don’t need it after all, you keep it.”

  She frowned, taken aback. “What do you mean? You’ve worked hard for this. You’ve earned it.”

  Ignoring him, she stepped closer, and placed it into his front shirt pocket.

  “Charlie, really, it’s okay. I don’t need it.”

  She scoffed, and turned away. As she gathered her tools, out of the corner of her eye, she saw him walk toward her, holding out the check.

  “I don’t want this. Take it back, please.”

  “And I told you it’s yours. What the heck is your problem?”

  “I don’t need it,” he shot back.

  As this conversation grew more ridiculous by the minute, she collected her thoughts before she spoke. “Who would turn away a hard earned paycheck?”

  She noted the way his jaw clenched and unclenched. Fists balled at his sides, she sensed his anger, irritation, or both. Fine, let him be mad because this was just plain stupid, fighting over a check that rightfully belonged to him.

  Charlie held her breath as he stepped closer, invading her personal space. A welcome one, she looked up into his handsome face, and didn’t move, or try to push him away. Never breaking the gaze, he held the check up, and tore it to pieces, sending them flying like confetti all over the barnyard floor. “And I told you, I didn’t want the damned check.” Authority and passion laced his voice.

  He stepped even closer, until they were blessedly nose-to-nose and mouth-to-mouth. She swallowed the huge lump in her throat as his gaze burned into hers. Slowly, gently, he cradled her face within the palms of his hands, eyes lowered to her mouth. Her lips parted in anticipation, and hazy heat mixed with charged electricity.

  The point of no return had arrived. And damn it, she wanted this.

  An eternity passed before he finally spoke. “Charlie, may I kiss you?”

  Staring brazenly at his lips, already envisioning how they’d feel against hers, she murmured, “Yes. Please.”

  He didn’t hesitate, pressing his warm lips to hers. The marching band at half time sounded in her ears, drowning everything else out.

  Charlie moaned against his mouth, resolve worn thin. His lips as exquisite as she’d imagined, and even better. Full, delicious, and boy-did-he-know-how-to-kiss shivers ran up and down her back, as he continued kissing her. His hands gently held her face, and heat sweltered and exploded in her belly. A bead of sweat traveled between her breasts, senses on high, pulse escalating by the minute. Time stopped. A white foggy haze hovered over her brain, because damn, he was a tremendously good kisser.

  An angel and a devil sat on either shoulder. The angel murmured: This is so inappropriate. He’s your employee. The devil: Hot damn and holy hell. Don’t stop!

  The devil won.

  Too delicious to think of stopping, her hands traveled with renewed fervor, roaming up his chest. She moved higher still, stroking his facial hair, scruffy against her skin, voracious fingers sought and grasped the thick texture of his hair.

Pure greed overtook her, and keeping one hand in his thick mane, she moved the other down his arm. Taking her time to feel the dips and planes of his bicep, she grasped the side of his shirtsleeve tightly. As tightly as she could, and was rewarded when he moaned into her mouth. Cocking her head, she deepened the kiss, wanting more even as her mind screamed to stop. Her body screamed another message altogether. Everything from her tingling toes, her aching center, to her puckered nipples, could not get enough. She reveled in the feel of his lips, until even her scalp prickled, tingling with new awareness.

  What started as a sweet, soft kiss grew urgent, and more frenzied by the second. His tongue teased and caressed her own, sweeping the inner recesses of her mouth, as eager fingers grasped a fistful of her hair, and gently crushed it. Her belly free fell to her knees when he moved his hands, gathering at the small of her back. Enclosing her, he wrapped them around her waist, pressing her to him. Right there on the spot, she turned into silly putty. He assaulted her senses, in a fantastic way, made her want things she’d never wanted before. The heat between her legs threw a damn ticker tape parade, complete with a song and dance number, and cheerleaders twirling batons.

  Never having been kissed so thoroughly, or completely before. Who knew one little kiss could be so potent, so erotic? It was a heady, seductive feeling indeed the way he took his time.

  Alex brought out her inner beast, and on impulse, she tilted her head back. Allowing him further access, he took advantage, moving past her lips to the edge of her jaw, scattering open-mouthed kisses against her exposed neck. Nibbling as he kissed, and going lower still, casting aside part of her button down shirt, he placed moist kisses just above her breasts. She bit down, hard, on her bottom lip. Her belly shivering, quaking with need.

  Oh . . . my . . . fucking . . . God. If he continued she would surely die. Either that, or give in her to what her body desperately craved. A forbidden craving she had no right to have. Her lids drifted shut, the onslaught of emotions overwhelmed her, and she could hardly catch a breath. As if that small action lit his fire, he continued to consume. Devour. Tease. Taste.

  Eyes closed, head still tipped back, he took her by surprise, claiming her lips once more. Urgency, fierce need, and desire infused the kiss, his tongue invading her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his waist, the hardness of his arousal pressing onto her belly. Her body pulsated, and she wanted more, didn’t want him to stop. God help her, but her wanton thoughts carried her away.

  As if he sensed her whirling emotions, he pulled away, leaving her dizzy. Her desire for him made the earth shake in its intensity. She lowered her gaze to the ground, realizing she’d gotten as carried away as he had. Pressing a hand to her chest, she attempted to calm her erratic breathing, and staccato heartbeat. Damn. If he was this good—no, that word didn’t cut it. This fan-fucking-tastic-of a kisser, she imagined other activities would be just as intense. Heat and fire bathed her neck, and would surely give away her erotic, sexy thoughts.

  Still not meeting his gaze, she heard him clear his throat. “I’m sorry,” he said.

  She abruptly looked up, and brought a hand to her lips, which still burned from his kisses. Hardly believing he was apologizing. “It’s fine, no need to apologize. I got just as carried away as you did.”

  He scratched the back of his neck, nodded, and didn’t say another word. Charlie didn’t know what else to say. How else she could possibly make this situation any less awkward? Sure, she’d wanted to kiss him, wanted him to finally kiss her. But now that it had happened she didn’t know where to go from here.

  Chapter 5

  Needing to clear her head, she took a walk later that evening. Alex having left a couple hours ago, and not surprisingly, he hadn’t stayed for dinner as usual.

  The sun slowly made its descent down into the sky, deep blue mixing with pink, white, orange, and purple patches. Grateful to be alone with her thoughts, she blew out a pent up breath. Even though they took a dangerous turn, her thoughts replayed, and remembered, that kiss which played over and over in her mind, like a movie on repeat. A movie she gladly wanted on repeat.

  Damn, it had been hot. He had been hot, and how she longed for more.

  She thrust her hands in her pockets, eyes down cast at the rich dirt beneath her feet, and smiled. Because his kiss had been like nothing she’d ever experienced, pure unfiltered fire, on fire for her. She could feel it through his kiss. He’d started off gentle, cradling her face, and ended with his lips fiery hot and scorching on her neck and jawline. Regret should’ve entered the picture at some point, but it didn’t. She wasn’t ready for another relationship, due to her previous shitty one, but Alex was different.

  That mantra kept running through her mind, and it wouldn’t stop.

  The curiosity factor now taken out of the equation, she wanted to experience his kiss again. He was a marvelously good kisser, and she wanted more. It terrified the living daylights out of her.

  Pandora’s Box was open wide.

  Just outside the barn, she paused, watching the last remnants of the setting sun being swallowed by the sky. A tiny tear escaped before she could catch it. All these new, conflicting, confusing feelings about Alex swirled through her mind. She thought about her mom and dad, wishing they had lived. As much as her grandmother was like her mom, it just wasn’t the same.

  How nice it would’ve been to talk to mom about Alex, tell her these new feelings, and to help her make sense of them.

  Even if she hardly knew Alex, as each day passed she’d gotten to know him more. Aside from the occasional bickering, she liked him, was very much attracted to him. She’d been trying to fight the attraction pretty much from day one. Her mind and body in constant battle, because the rational, non-trusting side told her this was a mistake. The irrational part that hadn’t had sex for longer than she cared to remember, desired him, plain and simple.

  And today, she felt like a failure for kissing him right back.

  “Charlie, you okay?” A soothing, male voice jarred her thoughts loose.

  She turned to see her grandpa standing there. His eyes crinkled at the corners, and a warm smile decorated his face. He still wore clothes caked in mud, dirt, and animal filth, but she didn’t hesitate, stepping into his arms, she hugged him close.

  Charlie closed her eyes, not saying a word as he put his arms around her. Nestling his chin on top of her head, she sighed with contentment, anxiety melting away.

  “What’s wrong sweetheart?”

  She shook her head, trying to keep the tears at bay. “I don’t know, Grandpa. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  Silence, then, “Is this about Alex?” An unmistakable hint of a smile in his question.

  “Yes, I mean, no,”—she sighed—“I think so.”

  He chuckled, in a lighthearted teasing way. “What is it, honey? You can tell me.”

  Still not looking him in the eye, she continued, “I guess I’m mostly afraid of being hurt again. And, I miss Mom and Dad, that’s been bothering me recently.”

  He squeezed her tighter. “I know, and I miss them too. I lost a great daughter and son-in-law, and not a day goes when I don’t think of them.”

  Charlie felt moisture hit the back of her neck, and she looked up to find tears in her grandpa’s green eyes. She hugged him tighter. “Oh, Grandpa, please don’t cry. I didn’t mean to make you sad.”

  He shook his head, wiping the moisture from his cheeks. “No, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”

  Then he paused, held her at arm’s length, and looked her square in the eye. “As for this nice young man, just relax. Take things as they come. Don’t try to analyze it too much.”

  She nodded. “Thank you, Grandpa.”

  Charlie wrapped her arm around his waist, as they walked back to the house. More relaxed, she smiled, seeing the lights of the kitchen
on, as if to greet her, waiting to cradle her in warmth. Wonderful smells wafted toward her nose in welcome, just in time for dinner.

  After they’d finished the afternoon chores, he’d tucked tail and ran. Alex made it home, stripped, took a cool shower, and grabbed a beer to calm his scatterbrained senses.

  He sat in the living room, collecting his thoughts. Pulling the blinds open, to allow leftover remnants of the setting sun to filter through, casting a peaceful glow over the room. The silence soothed his whirling mind.

  Normally, he liked to stay, and enjoy dinner with Charlie and her grandparents. That ferocious, intense kiss that afternoon gave him pause. Holy shit, he couldn’t stay. He couldn’t get that erotic moment out of his head, no matter how many times he tried. The memories of it flitted in his brain, trapped like a thousand butterflies.

  Perfection in his arms, he recalled her luscious mouth against his, the smooth pink flush of her skin. Her eagerness, lovely curves beneath his fingertips. She’d tasted as sweet as honeyed wine, and made him just as drunk. He’d never reacted that strongly to a single kiss, and that’s why he’d had to stop. He rubbed the back of his neck, thinking about other body parts reacting as well. The intense way she’d kissed him back, her passion malleable like Play-Doh, and he couldn’t help it. She’d been more than willing, and eager for the kiss.

  His heartbeat a rapid rhythm, picturing the sight of her head thrown back, eyes closed, mouth parted. The exposed smooth column of her neck, beckoning. Her hair like a waterfall down her back, sunlight filtering through the semi-darkened space of the barnyard. Chest rising and falling, thrusting her breasts up, and his fingers itched to palm one, test the weight and feel of it in his hand.

  She tempted him. Hypnotized him, and he had to claim her mouth. One. More. Time. That arousing image would remain a permanent imprint on his brain.


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