On a Gamble

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On a Gamble Page 10

by Rose Lange

  As his truck pulled into the driveway, a slow smile crept across her lips. Hurriedly, and sending liquid spilling onto the countertop, she set her coffee down. Putting on her jacket, she ran out to meet him.

  “Hey there,” she greeted, crossing her arms over her chest.

  He gave a curt nod, but other than that said nothing. Not a smile, not a word of greeting.

  Charlie frowned, not enjoying this closed off, barriers up, side of Alex.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, let’s just get to work, okay?”

  She stepped closer, ignoring the invisible barrier, and coming too close to his arousing scent. The strong, quick reaction didn’t stop her as she pressed a hand to his chest and said softly. “Liar.”

  Alex looked at her, his face grim. “I think we need to cool it. Especially after yesterday.”

  Heat rose up her neck at his words, as thoughts of their time in the barn, half-naked, and about to make love, flashed through her mind. She lifted her chin and met his gaze head on. “I enjoyed yesterday. Very much.”

  “I did too, Charlie. But I’m just not ready to get involved in a relationship. Not right now.”

  With those words, she dropped her hand, and took a step back. Hurt and anger racing through her.

  Alex stuck a hand through his hair, as if he fought his own inner battles.

  “We just need to cool it, all right?” he stated, as if to put this conversation to permanent rest.

  Her stomach churned at his sharp tone. She’d been as much the pursuer as he’d been, even when he told her they should stop. She’d not listened, and hadn’t stopped him yesterday when he’d had his wicked way with her. Remembering how exquisite his mouth felt on her breasts, voracious hands grasping her bottom, and how she’d begged him for more.

  Taking the images, she locked them away in her mind. She squared her shoulders, and attempted to feign bravado she didn’t feel. “Fine. Then from now on, keep your goddamned hands to yourself.”

  Alex’s eyes briefly flashed with surprise at her outburst, before he gave one last decisive nod. She turned her back, and walked away, but he wasn’t far behind, as his footsteps sounded closely. She took a deep breath, attempting to keep the tears at bay, wanting to kick her own rear end. Never having been a woman reduced to tears so easily, she wasn’t about to start now.

  Honestly, it pissed her off.

  The truth was, she knew she should have gone slower with Alex, but she’d wanted him.

  And that scared the hell out of her, because her walls were completely down and she was vulnerable.

  The next couple weeks flew by, and as much as it killed her, he’d enforced, and followed, his take things slow policy. Of course there’d been times when she’d caught him looking at her. When he thought she wasn’t paying attention. When she’d stand just a little too close on purpose, and his lips had been a hairsbreadth away from hers, and he still hadn’t kissed her. Temptation loomed over her everyday it seemed, as she desperately wanted a taste of those lips. Albeit with great difficulty and a will of iron, she’d respect his boundaries. It didn’t mean she had to be happy about it, damn him.

  She fought an inner battle daily, but with each passing moment it became difficult. Not wanting to take things slow, her insides itched to reach out to him. Countless fantasies ran through her mind, which made her feel like some high school girl scribbling hearts and their initials all over her notebook. Mooning over some guy she couldn’t have.


  She met grandma’s puzzled, inquisitive gaze. “Are you stuck in daydream land again?”

  Grandpa and Alex made a run into town for supplies, and Grandma Pearl cornered her in the kitchen while they prepared green beans for supper. Feigning innocence, Charlie sat up straight. She tossed several beans into the bowl before answering, “What are you talking about?”

  She chuckled. “Come on, this is me you’re talking to. What’s on your mind besides Alex?”

  “Grandma, he’s not—”

  Her grandma put her hand up as if to shush her. “Now, there’s no point in lying when I know darn well he is. Me and your grandpa can see it.”

  Her face flushed at the comment. “Is it that obvious?”

  Her grandma nodded.

  “He wants to take things slow,” Charlie blurted.

  Grandma’s eyebrows rose at the statement. “Why. Beautiful girl like you, and a nice looking young man like him take things slow?”

  She shrugged. “I’m not sure why.”

  “Why don’t you try going on another date?”

  She put the rest of the beans in the silver-mixing bowl. “He doesn’t think it would be a good idea.”

  “I guess just relax and see how things go. I’ve seen the way he looks at you when he thinks nobody’s watching. Trust me, darling, this won’t last long.” With this, her grandma didn’t say another word.

  Charlie helped clear the table, the sound of a pickup truck kicking up gravel in the driveway, pulled her out of her seat. Going to the window she watched as Grandpa and Alex shared a hearty laugh, could see the older man’s eyes crinkle at the corners.

  A smile tugged at the strings of her heart, as Alex gave him a gentle, good-natured whack on the back, as though they were the best of friends.

  Oh to hell with it. She didn’t want to take things slow. Even if it meant risking her heart to be with him, to see where this could lead, she didn’t care.

  He was worth the risk.

  Chapter 9

  Alex slowly rolled out of bed the next morning. His mind clouded from the erotic dream of Charlie. His body tight, groin tighter because this one proved the most erotic yet.

  They were in the barn the day they’d been interrupted. In his vivid imagination, he’d continued to kiss, and sample everything she’d had to offer. It started with kissing her senseless, and ended with her freeing him from his jeans. She’d slowly removed her jeans as well, and he hadn’t hesitated to palm her ass, filling her up until he went cross-eyed. There’d been nothing sweet about the way he’d made love to her. He closed his eyes, recalling dark hair flowing down her back, and silky ivory skin, smooth to the touch. A lusciously rounded bottom against his palms, breasts like peaches and cream, sweet and succulent. Pert, perky nipples like candy, pebbled in his mouth.

  The vivid, and highly provocative dream had his hormones raging.

  An obnoxious buzz of the alarm sounded within the room, snapping his mind back to reality. He was very much aroused, just by recalling said dream. He got up, making his way to the shower, and ran it to just about freezing cold.

  Considering he’d told Charlie two weeks ago he wanted to go slow—no, to stop altogether, he couldn’t act on his fantasies. Even though, God help him, he desperately wanted to. Each passing day made it harder to fight his feelings, desires, and knowing she wanted him just as much, turned him on even more.

  Charlie would let him make love to her, and that stunning realization turned his mind to mush. He smiled with thoughts of her getting close a few times. He’d enjoyed those few moments, and allowed his nostrils to fill with her heady scent. Her mouth, scant inches away from his, tempted him as if on purpose. A smile crept across his face, because goddamn it, she’d been adorable.

  Things, he realized, were only going to get more complicated from here.

  As she waited for Alex’s arrival, she began the daily chores. Rubbing her gloved hands together, she wrapped her scarf a little tighter around her neck. Fall gave way to what would be a harsh mid-west winter, but she loved this time of year. Despite the bitter cold, she enjoyed wrapping herself in a warm blanket, a cup of hot chocolate in hand, relaxing in front of a cozy fire.

  Her mind wandered, picturing her and Alex getting cozy. Imagined he would take her mug away, and
gently take her face within the palms of his hands. Kiss her until she couldn’t see straight. Slowly, he’d remove her blouse, chuck her bra aside . . .

  “Morning, Charlie.” A sexy, deep male voice scattered her thoughts. She looked up to see Alex standing across from her, hands on his hips. He had an inquisitive, knowing expression on his face. Could he read her mind? Her body heated at the thought.

  “Hi,” was all she could manage, her throat parched. Worked up, hot and bothered, and so early in the morning, good grief.

  What a fantastic start to her day.

  “You okay?” he asked, raising a brow.

  “I’m fine. Let’s start the work day.”

  For that entire morning, she dove in and attempted her best to block him out of her mind, out of her line of vision.

  After their first kiss, he quickly became a dangerous addiction, only giving her a taste of the possibilities, especially after their latest episode. Which had knocked her socks off, and sent her clear through the roof. The knowing is what killed her. Before, she’d only been curious, daydreaming about what his kisses would taste like. Maybe it would be better if she hadn’t known at all. Maybe it would have been altogether better if he hadn’t even shown up here. Or if he was going to show up, at least he shouldn’t be so damned, melt in your mouth, body on edge, sexy.

  By lunchtime, she still hadn’t spoken much, other than work related conversation. Honestly, what could she say?

  Grandma took a seat next to her. “Charlie, darling. You’ve hardly touched your lunch.”

  Feeling like a picky five-year-old, she pushed around her food with a fork. A tangle of nerves, her tummy rebelled at any kind of nourishment.

  “I’m sorry, Grandma. I’m just not that hungry I guess.”

  Her mind helplessly drifted, picturing Alex’s lips on hers. Curious fingers grasping his swollen erection, she shifted uncomfortably at the memory. The movie reel in her brain turned itself on, inviting her to join and watch. Recalling the day with stunning clarity. His mouth, lips, teeth, and tongue working their magic, not only her lips but her breasts as well. Her nipples ached for attention beneath her shirt. Heart thumped a rapid staccato, as he’d slowly worn down her defenses. Exposed, weak, she recalled his tongue gliding effortlessly against her own. The moisture pooled at her core, imagining him working that same magic between her thighs . . .

  The loud clank of her fork woke her out of her daydreams. Glancing up, only to find three sets of eyes staring back at her. She brushed a lock of hair off her forehead. Flushed, she unbuttoned the top button of her shirt.

  “Are you okay, Charlie dear?” Grandma Pearl repeated.

  “I’m fine.” But she didn’t feel fine. In fact, she wanted to go upstairs, strip, and take a cool shower. Her face probably gave her emotions away, because she observed Alex from across the table, a naughty smirk on his face, hidden behind his fork. Oh yeah, he knew exactly what she’d been thinking.

  Wisely, she kept her mouth shut, but couldn’t resume her meal.

  Charlie lowered her eyes toward the ground, shielding them against the bright sun the next morning. Cupping her hands together, she blew heat into them, the post-fall chill hung in the air. Small, last minute chores would need to be wrapped up, and she’d told Alex not to bother coming in early. Let’s be honest, she also needed some time alone.

  A big bundle of nervous energy, she’d been restless, and hardly slept last night. She gazed up at the sky, shoving her hands in her pockets. So many emotions tangled together, in her heart, her mind, her body. In reality, and with great difficulty, she needed to let these feelings go. It seemed fruitless to hang on, and either he was no longer interested, or doing a great job faking it.

  “Afternoon, Charlie.”

  She smiled. “Hi there.”

  He was bundled up as well, but looked delicious as usual. He covered that beautiful dark brown hair in a knit hat, but he still looked amazing.

  “Charlie, can we talk?”

  “Sure. What’s up?” Frowning, she observed him shifting from foot to foot, and rubbing the back of his neck.

  “It’s just, I want to tell you something that I’ve wanted to say for a while now.”

  “Okay. I’m all ears.” Even if he didn’t lay a finger on her these last few weeks, she knew what he’d meant, the electrical charge between them undeniable.

  Alex was just about to open his mouth, when a jarring noise sounded in the distance, a piercing scream followed. She didn’t think twice before she ran toward the house, finding grandma kneeling next to her grandpa. Not even realizing Alex was right next to her, until he knelt beside her.

  “Grandpa!” She cradled his wrist in the palm of her hand. His pulse was present, but weak. She tried to steady her breathing and keep calm, but this man meant the world to her.

  Tears pooled in her eyes and before she could stop them, landing on his soft, blue and white-checkered flannel coat, which made her cry even harder. She bought him that coat when she’d first arrived on the farm, and he’d worn it every winter and fall ever since. “Alex call 911. Oh my God, Grandpa.”

  “He fell off the ladder, hit his head,” Grandma said, the tears ran liberally down her cheeks.

  Charlie took a deep breath, held her grandpa’s hand, and said a little prayer. She closed her eyes, not sure what she would do if she lost her sweet Grandpa Eugene. He was the only other father figure she ever had, and it would be a difficult loss indeed. Biting her lip, she knew she couldn’t lose another person she loved. Her heart could only take so much.

  Closing her eyes, she said another prayer.

  An hour later, they were all huddled in the ER, waiting on news and praying he would be okay. Waiting nearly killed her, and errant hospital sounds jarred her brain. The soft buzz of the nearby TV, not even seeing what was on, not caring, people coming in and out, the voice in the box paged code blue, a far off child’s cry could be heard. She’d long since abandoned her weak coffee, as it sat on the nearby table.

  Alex gently took her hand, not saying a word as he softly stroked, and words seemed unnecessary.

  A young doctor came out, his face looked grim. “He has a mild concussion, but he’s in stable condition.”

  “Can we see him?” Charlie asked.

  He nodded, leading them back toward his room.

  She took a deep cleansing breath, and held on to Alex’s hand, giving him a firm squeeze. Thanking God he was going to be all right.

  They all filed into the tiny room. Grandpa Eugene lying there, full of tubes and in his hospital gown. She’d never seen him look so weak and feeble. Her heart wrenched in two, as she knelt beside the bed. She took his hand in hers, and kissed the inside of his wrist. Closing her eyes, attempting to fight the tears but couldn’t, because she loved this man so much. And she would die if she lost him.

  She felt Alex’s hands on her back, rubbing in a slow, soothing manner. Turning, she looked up at him and smiled.

  Grandma Pearl pulled up a chair, set her purse and coat aside, and remained silent.

  Charlie knew she was a strong woman.

  “Charlie darling, why don’t you go home? Get some rest.” Her grandma suggested.

  She got up off the ground. “No, I’m not going anywhere. Not until he wakes up.”

  Taking off her coat, she set it on the nearby chair, and rolled up her sleeves. She sat next to him on the bed, and grasped his hand.

  “Then I’m staying with you,” Alex said.

  Surprised, she looked up him, and smiled.

  Charlie shifted in her seat.

  Opening her eyes, the clock above the white erase board read 11:42 p.m. She brushed a lock of hair from her face, pulling the coat tighter up against her chin. Realizing it was Alex’s coat, she took an appreciative sniff, the scent of his aftershave lin
gered on the fabric, coaxing her to nuzzle into its warmth. Good Lord, she hadn’t realized when she’d dozed off. She looked around to find grandma and Alex near the foot of the bed, cups of coffee in each of their hands. The lights in the room dimmed, casting a soft glow over the room.

  Rising, she pushed the jacket off, and Alex’s hat fell to the floor. She bent to pick it up, and set it aside. Sitting next to her grandpa, she took his hand in hers.

  She felt his body stir. Looking up, she met his eyes as they opened in greeting. “Grandpa.” Tears welled and spilled uncontrollably down her cheeks, as she wept with joy and relief.

  Her grandma and Alex joined her side as they huddled around the bed.

  “Eugene, you scared us half to death, honey.” Grandma Pearl kissed his forehead.

  “I’m fine.” He rasped.

  Alex put his arms on her shoulders, and she leaned into his comfort.

  A petite red headed nurse walked in, armed with the necessary tools to take his vitals. “Hi there. Glad to see you up, Eugene.”

  He gave a weak smile, and Charlie took a deep, deep breath of relief. Exhaustion settling over her bones, but she got up and allowed the nurse to attend to him, making her way to stand outside the room.

  Within minutes, Grandma Pearl joined her and Alex, giving her a tight hug.

  “Go on home, Charlie. He’ll be all right, get some rest.”

  Her grandma thanked Alex for staying with them, and moments later they made their way out.

  Both physically, and mentally exhausted from the ordeal, the gentle sway of the truck lulled her to sleep. When they arrived back at the farm, she looked in the passenger’s side mirror and blanched. Her eyes red, swollen, hair mussed from sleeping on that hospital recliner.


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