On a Gamble

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On a Gamble Page 18

by Rose Lange

  “I’m glad you called.” He paused. “But aren’t you angry with me?”

  A silence fell on the other line, then, “In the beginning, yes. But then I realized once you and Charlie took a rather strong liking to each other. And that this deal had taken a back seat, my anger very quickly dissolved.”

  He allowed her words to wash over him, and relief instantly flooded his being. Finally. Someone knew how he felt, and understood that that’s exactly what had happened. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he blew out a breath. “You’re right, but I still lied to you, Eugene, and Charlie.”

  “Do you love my granddaughter?”

  The blunt question cut straight to his already fragile heart.

  He answered without hesitation, “Yes, very much.”

  “Then don’t be shy, son, fight for her. I know she’s angry right now, but don’t give up. She’s just had a rough time of it. Between losing her parents, then her ex treating her the way he did. I know Charlie, and she won’t stay angry forever.”

  Alex wished he could believe the reassuring words, and think of some way to see her again. He wanted to start fresh. Good Lord, he wanted to marry Charlie, and he wasn’t the least bit afraid with the thought. He wanted to start a family, whether doing everything they could to try for their own, or adopting, it didn’t matter. He wanted to spend the rest of his life making her happy, as happy as she’d made him.

  “I’ll think about it, Pearl. Thank you.”

  “You do that, remember what I said.”

  He smiled. “I will.”

  Alex hung up, feeling better than he had in a long, long time.

  “You did what?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest, watching as grandma cooked dinner that night. They’d casually been making idle chit chat, when she’d dropped a bombshell on Charlie, seemingly out of nowhere. That she’d called that vile man.

  “I called Alex. Someone had to.”

  At that moment, she didn’t know whether to hug her or to yell at her. She wouldn’t admit her curiosity. “Grandma, please stay out of this one.”

  Her grandma turned to look at her, stark honesty shining through her eyes, as she continued, “That boy loves you Charlie. Even though he lied, I think he deserves another chance. And in case you didn’t notice, the business deal became less important when he started to have feelings for you. Probably even long before that.”

  Charlie took a sharp breath, and closed her eyes. She wanted to run away from all the past hurts, from the present hurts. At the same time longed to be in Alex’s arms, an internal struggle she feared she’d never win. The strong urge to be close to him overwhelmed her.

  Finally, she opened her eyes to look at her grandma. “And how do you know that?”

  “He loves you, honey. He told me so.”

  Charlie inhaled sharply. “That doesn’t change the fact that he lied to me.”

  Grandma remained silent, then, “All I’m saying is maybe you should give him another chance.”

  She shrugged, not wanting to further comment on the subject. In her book, it was closed.

  Still, her mind grabbed hold of those words: Alex loved her.

  Honestly, she loved him, too, but having been burned once before. She didn’t know if she could withstand another fire.

  The next morning Alex rolled over in bed onto his stomach. After another restless nights’ sleep, a night he’d dreamt of Charlie. Greeted by another lonely morning, without her sweet voice, her presence to fill the void in his life.

  He let out a deep breath, thinking about the crazy week he’d had. First, resigning from his Dad’s company, and then a surprise call from Pearl. She’d given him a lot to think about.

  How could he try and win her heart back, when he’d lied to her all this time? No doubt about it, Charlie was heartbreakingly beautiful, and on the inside as well. She had a heart of gold, and he struggled between thinking he didn’t deserve her, to missing the hell out of her. He pictured her, could hear her sweet laughter, feel her smooth skin beneath his fingertips, and that smile.

  Pull yourself together, man. He hopped out of bed, and made a dash for the shower. He was dressed and out the door in less than twenty minutes. Getting into his car, he started the engine, and drove to the only place he could think of.

  Damn it, he would try to his dying breath to win her back, and would probably get reamed out when she saw him. He didn’t care. The need to see her burned heavy in his heart.

  Today would be different.

  Charlie waved as her grandparents drove off, on their way out of town for a long weekend. She smiled, shutting the door behind her. Tying her robe tighter, she decided a hot bath, relaxing music, and a nice glass of wine would soothe jittery nerves. Even if it was nine o’clock in the morning, she grabbed the chilled bottle from the fridge, a glass, and made her way upstairs.

  After the hellish weeks she’d had, she needed it.

  Making her way into the bathroom attached to her room, she turned the water on, put the stopper in, and began pouring lavender oil into the water. The scent wafted to her nostrils, and she inhaled appreciatively. She could hardly wait to rest her tired, weary bones, relax her mind. Try to forget about Alex, hence, that’s why she’d brought the wine. Maybe if she drank enough, it would erase the memories, numb the pain. She set the bottle aside for now, and took a seat on the edge of the claw-foot bathtub.

  After it was sufficiently filled, she turned the water off, and stood to remove her robe. Mid-task, a sharp knock sounded at the front door. She frowned, tying her robe tightly before proceeding downstairs. Assuming her grandparents forgot something, but just in case, she cast aside the curtain, and her heart lodged in her throat at the sight of Alex on the other side.

  Clutching her stomach to ease the dull, heavy nerves, she paused before opening the door.

  “Charlie.” His voice, her name crossing his lips, and my gosh, already her insides wanted to yield.

  Then she came to her senses. Her first thought, was to throw him out on his ass. Her second thought, was to let him in and try to explain himself. Her third, she wanted to kiss him, and where that irrationally stupid last thought had come from she had no idea. Maybe it was the way he looked at her, toasty warm chocolate brown eyes, heating her from her hair down to her bare feet. She tied her robe tighter, only then hyper aware of her bra and panties underneath. Her core tingled, picturing him slowly removing her robe, and putting his hands on intimate places. Kissing her until she couldn’t stand any longer—

  Stop it!

  Squaring her shoulders, she tried her hardest to ignore the shivers in her belly, and the rapid thud of her pulse. How frustrating. Her mind wanted to stay angry with him, but her body sent other messages altogether. “What are you doing here?”

  “Please, can I come in?”

  Her fingers shook as she unlocked the screen door. His scent already assaulted her shaky senses, and frayed nerves as he entered.

  “Are your grandparents home?”

  She narrowed her eyes, and still facing him, shut the door behind her. “No, they’re not. They just left town. Wait, was all this a set up? So that you could be assured time alone with me?”

  He held up his hands in defense. “No, I had no idea they were leaving town. Lucky coincidence I guess.”

  “Well, what do you want?” Her tone sharper than she’d intended.

  Alex stepped closer, making her take one step back. “I came to apologize for lying to you, Charlie. I never meant to hurt you.”

  She backed up a little further yet. “Please, don’t . . .” Meeting his eyes, so full of mischief, hope, desire, as if he knew the reason behind her sudden outburst.

  In reality, she couldn’t think straight when he got close, and the idea of his awareness of it annoyed her. Becaus
e she wished to hell he didn’t have such a strong effect on her. That she’d never fallen in love with him. That he’d never come here in the first place.

  “Charlie, I’m sorry I hurt you, and lied to you. But very soon, from day one, actually, being here had nothing to do with the business deal,” then he looked directly into her eyes, “it became about you. I’m in love with you.”

  The words spoken out loud made her heart skitter and shake in her chest. Being aware of his feelings, having them spoken out loud, coming straight from Alex, made her breathing cease, and sent goose bumps walking up and down her arms.

  The side of her that loved him, desperately wanted to believe him. Fear held her back from fully trusting. Then grandma’s words echoed in her mind, telling her to let go of the past, and allow Alex to love her, to forgive him.

  She scoffed, and tried to keep her voice, steady, strong. “And how do I know you’re not lying about that, too? How can I believe anything you have to say, Alex? I’ve been hurt, and lied to before.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry, Charlie.” He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a pretty good sized, unmarked envelope, and handed it to her.

  She eyed the parcel skeptically, but curiosity got the best of her. Reaching for it, her breath caught as she opened it, her grandpa’s checks, unmarked and intact, greeted her. Starting with the one she’d given him after he’d ripped up the first one. Their first kiss came unbidden into her mind, and a smile crept over her face. She shook her head, freeing the image, as she took the stack of checks out. Leafing through them, she realized none of them were signed. He’d not cashed even one.

  Of course he hasn’t. He doesn’t exactly need the money. How foolish can you be, Charlie?

  Lowering her head, she tried to digest everything he’d just said, and everything she’d just seen. But nothing could have prepared her for what he’d say next.

  “And I resigned from my dad’s company.”

  Her eyes snapped up to greet his. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because you mean more to me than some stupid business deal, or my dad’s company. I love you, Charlie.”

  She met his gaze head-on, and attempted to decipher the truth. Intense brown eyes met hazel, and by the he wouldn’t break, the stark open honesty she found there, she knew in her heart he wasn’t lying. Still, another problem presented itself in her mind. “It’ll be difficult, and I may never be able to give you children, Alex. Have you forgotten about that?”

  Conviction shone in his eyes, his voice strong. “No I haven’t, but I don’t care.”

  She scoffed. “You say that now.”

  “No, Charlie, I mean it. I love you, and if that means adoption then so be it. Or if you want to try for our own, whatever we need to do either way. We’ll be in it together.”

  The passionate entreaty in his voice, combined with his words, put her under a magical spell. Slowly, she walked toward him, gazing up into his eyes, seeing the love, and steely resolve staring back at her. It sent shock waves up her spine, and her voice shook as she said, “I love you, too, Alex.”

  “Then please, Charlie. Give me another chance.” He whispered against her lips, just before he claimed them in a hungry, searching kiss.

  She moaned against his mouth, and her arms wrapped around his neck. The neglected checks slipped out of her hands, and dropped to the floor. Thrilled to feel his heart beating at a rapid rate against hers, she became insatiable. She leaned into the kiss, and wasting no time, grasped his hair, curling it around her fingers. Desperately missing his sweetness, she gave in to her craving. Maybe she was crazy. Maybe her mind was clouded with desire, but she didn’t care. She angled her head to greet his tongue, allowing him into the warm recesses of her waiting mouth. Her stomach tightened, twisting into knots when the evidence of his passion pressed onto her belly.

  Wordlessly, he broke the kiss. Picking her up, he cradled her in his arms, and climbed the stairs. Scattering fervent, wet, open-mouthed kisses on her neck, down onto her throat, as every fiber, every nerve ending, and every crevice flared with desire. Wanting, needing, begging for the release only he could give, her eyes drifted shut, as she rolled her head back. Exposing the skin he so skillfully and eagerly nibbled. She hungered for this man, a hunger that would never be fully quenched.

  It didn’t seem quick enough for her, but they finally reached her bedroom. Gently, she kicked the door shut, still cocooned in his arms.

  He angled his head toward the bathroom, and must have spied the tub. Filled up and ready to go. Playfully, he wiggled his eyebrows up and down. “Shall we? I’d hate to waste it.”

  Despite having made love with him countless times, the idea of them fooling around in the tub, had her drunk already, and she’d had not one drop of wine.

  He set her down, and she faced him. Locking eyes with him, her fingers itched to touch him, yet she hesitated. Anticipating, waiting, her nerves nonsensically got the best of her, as though it was the first time.

  “Turn around, Charlie,” he murmured huskily.

  Damn. His voice, raw with desire, needy with hunger, already turned her on. Silently, she did as he asked.

  Gently, reverently, he reached around and untied her robe, letting the material flutter open like butterfly wings. She swooped in a breath, her mouth sapped of moisture. Then he placed both hands on her shoulders, and heartbreakingly slow, almost too slow, slid the thin material off. She watched as the robe fell, pooling at her bare feet. He unhooked her bra, and it quickly joined its companion on the floor. Sucking her tummy in, she didn’t know how much longer she could take this sexy torture, and he’d only removed part of her clothing. Not that she’d had much on to begin with.

  Using just his thumbs, he hooked into her panties, and removed those as well. Until she was naked to his penetrating gaze, her backside touching his still clothed front. Warm air kissed her skin, and she was dying to have his lips join the party. But she waited, anticipating the pleasures yet to come.

  “Alex, you’re killing me here.” Her voice a soft whisper.

  She became completely unhinged, as he kissed his way up from her shoulder blades, pausing at the tender flesh of her neck, and moving to her earlobe, gently taking it between his teeth. “I’ll join you in a moment. I’m a bit overdressed.”

  His sinful words, combined with the magic he worked on her neck, sent shivers through her.

  Entering the water, still warm to the touch, engulfed her in its heated embrace. She reclined both arms on either side, watching as he made haste in removing his clothing. Mouth salivating at the sight, because he was magnificent, no matter how many times she’d watched him disrobe. Each time proved to be more erotic than the last, more mouthwatering and sinful to watch.

  As his gaze connected with hers, his expression grew dark. A passionate haze lowered his eyes to half-mast, and she bit her lower lip. Her eyes roved shamelessly over his nudity.

  Oh my goodness . . .

  She raised a brow, because in the bright daylight of her bathroom, she lapped him up. Drinking him in like a tall, cool glass of iced tea, and thoroughly enjoying the view. His perfectly chiseled chest, with just a light dusting of dark hair, that eventually dwindled into a thatch of hair that covered his cock, which already stood proud and erect. Shoulders wide, strong. Jesus, she’d almost forgotten how he looked in broad daylight, the sun bathing his magnificent form.

  He quirked a brow, as if silently asking a question.

  Boldness overtook her, as she murmured, “Just enjoying the view.”

  Finally he joined her, and she scooted forward to allow him room. Her bottom nestled into his very turned on front, and a slow smile covered her face. She leaned into chest, savoring this precious moment, in his strength, and comfort.

  Lowering her lashes, she turned her head, snuggling into the crook of hi
s neck. He grasped her chin, and without warning, covered her lips. Devouring with an abandon that had been absent in previous kisses, he effortlessly parted the seam of her lips with his tongue. She yielded, relishing the feel of his lips on hers. He kissed her like a starving man who’d die if his hunger went unquenched any longer. In a passionate tangle, she invaded his mouth with her tongue.

  Tilting her head closer, taking every last drop of his potent, hypnotic, addictive nectar. She moaned into his mouth when he grasped one of her breasts, palming it until the nipple puckered. The water making her extra sensitive, she arched her back, greedy for more. And he responded, holding her tighter, tweaking the erect nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Soon, it wasn’t enough, and she turned, until her chest pressed tightly against his. Water sloshed over the side of the tub, but she was past the point of caring.

  Eager flesh met eager flesh, as she continued to become drunk off his kisses. She cradled his face, as his erection pressed into her belly. His hand palmed her breast, the other took a sultry trip down her back. Grasping her bottom, he slid two fingers into the crevice of her buttocks, and moved further down. Fondling the folds between her legs, already aching. She tilted her hips upward, seeking his touch. The cool air hit her bottom, opening for him as far she could. The confines of the tub making it difficult, as her body instinctively took what it craved, and swept her away with its urgency.

  Curious fingers continued to explore her feminine flesh, the wetness pooling at a rapid rate. His groan of entreaty into her mouth, nearly undid her. But he didn’t stop, pinning the back of her head with his other hand. The drugging kisses growing deeper, hungrier, as his tongue continued to tangle with hers, until finally, she had reached her breaking point.

  Hurriedly, she broke the kiss. “I can’t take this anymore. Please, take me to bed.”


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