Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 4

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “I’ve fallen in love with a pen too.” She smiled.

  “Hey Grandpa.” Cage said after slowly sitting up and looking around. Every little movement hurt, but he slurred and said “Screw this. Daku I need to think straight for the next few hours.” Without waiting for permission he returned some of his mana to almost immediately lose the dizziness plaguing him. He kept the siphoning rate the same, but he soon learned the fight really took a lot out. Just sitting up was a chore, but at least Daku was comfortable to sit on. “I see the meeting’s over, Grandpa. Do you think we can have a chat.”

  “It has been long overdue.” Zikon replied. “Let us retire to my home for the remainder of the day since we have quite a few trying to hide their presence and listen in. Poli, Ulon, you are both welcome to rest on the balcony or on a limb if you prefer. Theresa and Daku will take up enough room, but to have four at one time wouldn’t be comfortable.”

  Poli stretched her silvery neck to look up and said “Is your cave protected from the storm coming? It will rain once the snow is warmed by Twilight’s barrier.”

  “Yes. The canopy and balcony are well protected.”

  “Then we go when you are ready.” She met his stare.

  “Go, Zikon.” Theresa moved till she rolled completely over in the grass, her great wings spread out and looked almost like a purple alligator on its back. “I will come later.”

  “Enjoy yourself.” Zikon said, but already was she asleep and snoring like a landslide that made everyone get a laugh. “Follow me, but Leon, you have heard enough. Go home and rest, but at first light I expect you and Colby to be at my front door and ready for a long day.”

  “Yes, Lord Zikon.” The young wizard responded as he was dismissed. He then left the area in a flash of ruby light.

  “Cage, reapply your wards.” Daku said.

  He did just that and went to get up, only to stumble. “A little help?” Daku purred playfully as he reached over so Cage could crawl over on the rough hand-pads that were very catlike before reaching around and depositing his partner between his wings.

  Zikon created a purple board to fly and flew slowly. Megdline soon caught up on a golden board of her own with Frill standing on the front nose. Poli dropped the barrier she made and said to the open ground before her “Two-legs’, you better move away. We must leave the ground.” Getting called out, Cage watched as over a hundred mages appeared along with a handful of assorted animals. They left, some ashamed to have been caught. When enough space was made Daku took off at a run till he unfurled his wings and caught enough wind to lift his bulk off the ground.

  Ulon and Poly though caught Cage’s attention. They first unfurled their wing, hers first, pushed with their forward limbs to rear back like a horse and jumped with their huge back legs, but they required magic as both sparkled for a moment with color matching their scales by invoking a hovering spell which allowed them to fly their massive bodies. They quickly caught up to fly at either flank of Daku.

  It took a few casual minutes to fly around the great Twilight library before coming upon the gigantic cedar, where Cage knew Zikon’s and Megdline’s penthouse was.

  Over a mile off the ground was the huge landing balcony with an entrance over ten stories tall that led to a cavern that two of Tate’s castles could fit inside. Zikon extended his hand to the huge entrance and shot a ball of amethyst colored magic which impacted an invisible barrier and the moment of collision had revealed the entire barrier as it shimmered with purple sparkles. He flew through beside his wife and Daku landed gently despite his ten story height when the humans and Frill moved inside the expansive room. Poli landed after and Ulon had to wait as the purple shimmer disappeared, making the barrier lock again. Zikon shot another ball from his hand and let the pink male land safely.

  The leader of the First Council said “Love, will you cook us up a feast?” she gave him a smile before walking over to the kitchen with a sultry sway till he heard a laugh and realized what he was doing. “Cage, no matter the years that pass, Megdline is still the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. You’ll understand that time doesn’t make a spirit mate’s beauty diminish.”

  “I didn’t imply that. You just reinforced what people have been saying how I look when my mates walk away. It’s hard not to look.” Cage then said “Daku, let me slide down.” The griffin stretched an arm forward like a ten story slide with fur. The warlock stuck his legs out and leaned back to slide straight down, the soft fur slowed the speed enough that he dropped flat on his feet between two fingers. “Default Mode.” He said and his robe released their grip on his body as he walked forward. “Grandpa, do you mind if I go hit the head and take a bath before we start the questionnaire?”

  “Go right ahead. We have the rest of the day and all night. I assume you know where it is?” Zikon pointed anyway, knowing the meanings behind the words.

  “See you in a bit.” Cage called.

  “I will join you.” Frill said and padded over to bathe with the warlock since they battled together and had dirt and blood matted in his fur as well.

  Chapter 2

  The second bath of the day was just as invigorating and needed as the first. Frill accepted Cage’s human hands to rub soap over his wet fur and scrub out the suds afterwards. Hot water was difficult to be extracted from, but the nagging questions he’s been having waited just outside the bathroom door. The cat asked for Cage to dry him and with the wave of a hand the cat was rendered into a powder-puff. Frill groomed his fur while Cage threw his seamless robe into the bathwater and removed moments later it to be spotless again. Another spell dried it as he slid into the forest green robe and tied the brown sash to hold it together.

  Out in the cavernous, well… living room, Cage first noticed Daku curled near the wall conversing with Zikon while almost on the opposite side of the room was Megdline working on making a meal for the four of them. Frill padded across the expanse to his partner while Cage went towards his. “So Grandpa, did you grow this tree?” He asked Zikon who also had pointy ears he adapted to greatly heighten hearing.

  “Indeed I did.” Zikon replied in the same casual manner though three hundred feet separated them. The conversation took up the time needed to get closer.

  “Granny told me it was big, but she severely understated by just how much. Skyscrapers from my world wouldn’t come close to half this lone tree. How long did it take you to grow?”

  “About two years... And another three overall when more room was needed.” The powerful sorcerer admitted. “When I was accepted to be on the First Council I was allowed to make this tree close to the library and the council. As you noticed, There are eleven giant trees around the library, but we don’t even make half its grandeur, with eleven slightly shorter trees for the Second Council to the right and the Third Council has the lesser trees.”

  “What significance does it mean and who lives in the lower apartments?” Zikon smiled as they stood comfortably apart by Daku’s crossed wrists. Poli and Ulon were over on the balcony, laying together, but Cage noticed their long necks laying side by side with their tails wound together in a physical connection like humans holding hands.

  Suddenly Ulon burst into rosy colored flames and he gasped, but Poli simply snuggled closer, fire meaning nothing to their kind. “What the hell? Is something wrong? Why is he…”

  “On fire?” Zikon finished. “Male dragons do that when they sleep. It is a natural occurrence for them. Males naturally sleep near the front of their den and no sane animal would near a slumbering male on fire. Quite a profound part of their evolution and beautiful to witness no? They guard their females and eggs more fiercely than any other race. And it would not be wise to rouse him. Only another dragon would tempt such.” The sorcerer smiled. “Back to your question.

  “The meaning is quite simple, we councilors are the final defense of Twilight should the city’s protection somehow fail, which hasn’t happened in our eight thousand years of history, but nothing in life is certain.
There are many dangers kept in the library that would be too dangerous if breached. Our homes are close to deter any foolish enough to try stealing from it. The sizes also differentiate which level of councilor resides there so if there is need of different departments we’ll be effortlessly found, even if a person had never seen or knew much of the city. As for who rents the lower rooms, some of our children do along with ten large families who also serve as my aids as well as protection to keep people from bothering me outside of meetings.”

  “Makes sense.” Cage said. “Since I’m your guest, how do you want to proceed, Grandpa?”

  “Old One, do you mind if I take Cage over and explain issues where my beloved is cooking.”

  Daku dipped his beak. “Go ahead, but explain first the time we shall stay.”

  “Thank you.” Zikon said. The sorcerer began walking towards the kitchen and the warlock matched strides. They were quiet for a few moments, sizing each other up. Cage noticed Zikon to be slightly taller than average, maybe six foot two, but was exceptionally large in physique, but with almost no fat beneath the purple robes. The white oak staff was flawlessly straight and just as tall with the egg shaped gem being just taller than the scalp. Zikon found Cage’s six foot six and lean build just as impressive.

  Eventually Zikon spoke of what Cage is to expect over the next week and how Daku and Megdline made plans with the council if Cage ever needed to reach his full potential and time was an issue, but none ever truly suspected it to be caused by the Tiaxm. “I guess it is reasonable and my tribe will understand, but why must I train in the mountains if my mark is revealed?”

  “It was written that warlocks who had their marks fully realized, their power resembles an explosion, but any magic near them gets destroyed, including the living since mana is still magic, if unused at the moment. Should a person or animal be near, your ascension will kill them.”

  “Why the hell wasn’t I told this?” Cage stopped cold at such a revelation. “If it happened near Meeka, Brooke, my kids and tribe… I would have killed them… Why didn’t Daku or Granny tell me?”

  “I would like to know that as well.” Megdline glared at her husband as the four of them were close enough to hear everything. Frill’s tail flicked with irritation.

  Zikon sighed and was forced to speak the truth though he truly hated bringing his work home. “Because the other twenty members of the council opposed Theresa and I of telling you everything when I brought you and Frill to the first sorcerers archives. We intentionally limited your study of all warlock related texts. It was the deciding factor to keep the opposition, the ones who wanted you killed” Hazel eyes turned to Cage meaningfully. “from sending our resources to take you out. My hands were painfully bound from giving Megdline every detail of warlock differences compared to us. It was why she didn’t know everything. Like having you absorb her mana or how your specific type of spell casting ability can place a barrier on your mate Meeka’s lips when not even I could as her lips would pass any barrier I could ever make. Our magics do not mix well.”

  “You don’t need to remind me. I felt just how bad of a reaction it caused.” Cage commented while taking a seat at the huge dining table able to seat a good hundred individuals. He sighed, letting his sore and aching body relax.

  Megdline snorted. “They acted like frightened children if you ask me. They didn’t even know Cage and would have done something foolish.”

  The most powerful sorcerer in the room sighed and sat down at the head of the table. But before he could say anything Cage said “Nevertheless, Grandpa, I need to say thanks for putting your neck out on the line. Granny told me you were the one who broke the tie between all the councilors, both mage and Familiar.”

  “It was an even divide and as leader I and Theresa had the right to make the final decision which proved the more frightened individuals from doing something drastic. Stories of warlocks were not often pleasant, mostly because as powerful as my fellow members are, they all knew that their power meant nothing. Already they sensed when you did magic, that your ease of magic today to completely recreate the illusion of such size and clarity proved only three of us masters are still your superior. The other eight and their Familiars sensed you could kill them. Two months ago would have been different and realize it is too late to move against you directly. The proof was taking out twelve first class Laqura Empire sorcerers with help from Megdline, Frill and Daku, saving five for us to deal with.” He laid his staff against the table. “And back to why none told you of what would happen when you complete the chain on your back, not one person or being believed it would be complete for another good year. When you would have reached thirty four rings Daku would have brought you here and explained all this anyway.”

  “What about elite warlocks, can you tell me what made them different? I need to know what I’ll be in for when it happens. If my mark comes and whatever happens which kills magic… Well, I need to be ready since getting away from population would be in everyone’s best interests, especially for people who don’t need killing and I’m not in control.” Cage said calmly.

  Zikon seemed to find his conversation refreshing as his original pensive and uptight bearing relaxed and a kind smile presented itself. “Little was known of elite warlocks and surviving documents from ten thousand years ago weren’t accurate. I honestly do not know, but your power as a singular individual will be devastating if used for ill intent. And I’ve did much research, more than I’ve ever done on a specific topic in my whole life. And I have an eidetic memory which cannot forget. Dragon elders around the time of your ancestors won’t tell me, not even Daku will divulge and it has caused much unease among the other members. The unknown is what they truly fear, and I too fear that what they do not say will be a gamble. All that I do know with any certainty is that after the nexus collapsed and the war with the griffins, only eleven elite warlocks have ever existed, that includes you.” Zikon watched Cage’s expression closely, but couldn’t see anything other than consideration. “And for you to be bound to Daku, the strongest white king ever to be documented by the dragons will mean you will be exceptional.”

  “Speaking of strong.” Cage began as he found the opening he was waiting for. “Grandpa, why are you faintly glowing? I bet if the room was dark you wouldn’t need a light to move around. Is that some kind of bioluminescent spell like what creatures have that are resulted from total darkness as an evolution adaptation?”

  The sorcerer didn’t seemed bothered by the direct inquiry, obviously needing to explain it before. “Truthfully it is the power of my mana making my body glow. I’m sure Daku explained how dragons debate how humanity’s evolution is quickly progressing as opposed to what they went through and how at the nexus changed humans into warlocks who were by it all the time and fighting for their lives and for this world?” he got a nod and believed it. “Well it’s debated because warlocks did not glow while I and a dozen of the most powerful of first class sorcerers do. Like me, the other two who remain your superior I spoke of on the council, glow, but they use a spell to hide the fact they have so much excess mana it is expelled through their skin as light. As I can remember, only fifteen sorcerers on all of Raliea glow and remain alive. Because our greater power does this” he held up a pale hand that glowed softly. “more dragons believe they were wrongly assuming that warlocks were humanity’s likely pinnacle of evolution and I am closer to a different evolutionary path. Proof of this is I am inherently immortal, not requiring the longevity spell. The nexus though did split our species, such an abrupt increase in power early on in our evolution was too drastic. That is my opinion at least.” Both men smiled. “If I live long enough to see a pattern, it will be great to put all the debates aside. I hate to keep being compared to warlocks or seen as just another step of our species’ natural progress. It is the greatest question I want the answer to.”

  “Is your power a result of selective breeding or a mutation? I mean your power I can feel and you’re not even doing magic act
ively. For you to be so powerful while the five hundred thousand residents of Twilight seems like an pebble to a boulder in comparison, how did you get so strong if everyone has magical limits so beneath yours?”

  “Ah, now you’ve stumbled upon a topic I do not like to speak of.” Zikon said tensely. His expression hardened.

  Megdline looked over her shoulder while stirring a pot over a stove. “He’ll find out sooner or later, Zikon. You had best tell him unless he gets hurt in ignorance yet again. There will be danger and the more he knows, the better he can defend himself… even if you don’t want to. Fighting and magic aren’t the only dangers he’ll need to be aware of and he does things he doesn’t want to all the time. Both of you are bull headed leaders who do what needs to be done. Since I have a claim on both of you I’ll allow no more secrets between us.”

  Cage chuckled. “Bossy isn’t she?”

  “But correct as always.” Zikon’s expression softened when she smiled and went back to cooking. “Very well, it isn’t a great secret, just one I’m not comfortable with.” He crossed his thick arms and stared at the comfortable warlock at his table and Frill before continuing. “My heritage is what makes me so strong and can date back to one of the first families to actively use magic. Rex Gralla is the fifth eldest dragon on Raliea and told me this as she has been the most attentive to our kind’s progress as she is eight hundred million years old and is the Rex of the Blind Mountains that we reside in. We will be meeting her tomorrow afternoon.” He promised and returned to the original subject. “My bloodline over the centuries mated with the most powerful mages in the attempt to produce stronger and stronger mages and oftentimes the couplings were with spirit mates who wanted the same thing. It seems true and the rare unbreakable spirit mates make the best offspring.” Megdline turned around as she had a few moments to let the food cook and listened. “And Megdline has given me eleven sons and fourteen daughters over the years, six are first class sorcerers, the others are all sorcerers of the second or third classes, but only one glows as I do…”


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