Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 22

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  Rena and her girlfriends dressed in their warm leathers with her mothers while she told her dad Daku’s words. He simply nodded all was right. Before the chief left he noticed Fredrick and the others getting happily drug by their new mates upstairs.

  The storm had finally eased, but it was still cold outside. Cage made the black board large enough for everyone to stand comfortably as his five passengers climbed up. He decided to fly slowly and by the time he cleared the snowy canopy of leafless trees Rena asked “Dad, one of the older girls told us about Ulon and Poli. Is it true Ulon’s body is covered in flames when asleep.”

  “Sure does and it scared the hell out of me the first time I witnessed it. During my week of training I was usually so exhausted I couldn’t be near since my wards were down, but one night I needed to hit the head and found all of the sleeping males coated from snout to tail in hot flames. Each time I thought they were dead and someone managed to somehow burn a dragon, but the first time I saw it Poli was resting and wrapped up with Ulon like it was common, which as it turns out, is. Apparently it is a defense mechanism in males. On the dragon home world, Valagax, they have wyrms too and their favorite snacks are baby dragons and unborn eggs. Wyrms fear large fires so males evolved to cover themselves in flames and sleep at the entrance of their caves… If any wyrm was stupid enough to venture into a dragon colony in the first place.

  “Their flames get so hot that the ground of the caves has a glossy shine when they wake up, almost like glass that had been melted. So take my advice girls, only approach Poli, she is far less dangerous since she cannot use her flames unintentionally like Ulon. And whatever you do, do not climb on her without permission. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Dad.” “Yes, Chief.” The three girls said together.

  Light ahead drew them in. Cage flew towards it and even in the darkness he could see his oak house. He once though it large, but now that he spent time in Twilight, the tree was more like a blade of grass to that of a redwood. Most of the house’s magical light was off, but one remained lit so it could be seen.

  Landing just outside the front door, Cage could sense the spells sealing the tree and knew one of his direct family did it so none could enter without knowing the password. Meeka still cradled the slumbering Ananna to her breast and carefully stepped off the board after the others, Cage being last as he made the magic disappear. Brooke placed her hand on an invisible barrier and whispered the password to unlock the house and immediately the tingle of magic diminished.

  Inside was cold, telling Cage no one has been home for the past two days at least and heard Brooke use the keyed words of the house to start the living room’s fire in the hearth. In seconds it roared with warmth. “Cage, go make this crib you spoke of in Rena’s bedroom. We will make love down here tonight.”

  “Sex in front of an open fire, I like the idea, My Love!” Meeka said as she passed her niece over to Cage and started shedding layers by pulling at the front strings of her top to loosen it.

  “I’ll be back soon.” He said as he peeked into his undisturbed office to find the adventure book laying atop the desk. He had to verify it went to its intended destination. Seeing it did, he followed the excited girls upstairs and into Rena’s bedroom. As her dad began using magic, Rena added a log and a few sticks before commanding her room to start a fire.

  By the time the room warmed enough to remove clothes, Ananna was laid into a bowl shaped recess grown from the ground, right beside Rena’s bed. “Go Dad and please my mothers. We are well for the night.”

  “’Night, kids!” he said and left the room.

  Meeka silently stalked up behind Brooke as she tended the fire and stoked it with an iron poker and reached around to grab her well endowed breasts and start kissing the side of her neck just the way she likes and got Brooke to moan while dropping the rod. Brooke tilted her head, exposing more of her silky neck and Meeka slowly and sensually kept kissing her happily. Unable to keep her back on Meeka’s front, Brooke turned around and claimed Meeka’s mouth with her own while feeling waves of pleasure as she felt her nipples beading under her woman’s skilled hands. When Meeka pinched both hard nipples, Brooke gasped and arched them up the way Meeka intended and began to lick both, graze her teeth slowly over the sensitive flesh and suck on them. Brooke moaned and gasped as Meeka slid three fingers into her flower, feeling her stroke the inside while her soft thumb flicked the bud. In moments Brooke shuddered as down in her lower belly there came a tightness that kept winding tighter and tighter till her insides exploded. “Great Spirits!” But, Meeka only stroked harder and faster, making another body convulsing orgasm rocket through her longer and longer.

  Before she could allow her own body to surrender, Brooke pushed Meeka back onto the very fur they first shared together. Brooke claimed her woman’s mouth and teasingly slow, began to kiss her neck, ministered to each perky breast and down to her lower body before parting Meeka’s legs to kiss and lick her already swollen flower. By the sounds Meeka made and the arching of her back, Brooke was a few skillful strokes away from returning the wonderful sensation.

  Just as she felt Meeka’s flower tighten, Brooke felt her own flower parting wide as a huge lance slid into her fully, stretching her completely and causing her to scream out in the pleasure of orgasm at the same time as Meeka. The pain of his lance was fleeting, but would have been harder if not for Meeka’s earlier service.

  A powerful thrust threw her forward till she was breast to breast with Meeka, but before she knew what he was up to she felt him slide out. She looked down just in time to see Meek’s eyes widen and knew he now filled her. Then just as quickly, he slid back into her so fast that each thrust skillfully alternated between them both and they held each other tightly, unable to separate as they climaxed together again.

  Cage was satisfied to see his skills on them just as strong as the first time. He enjoyed their cries of pleasure in his new ears, liked how their hearts beat and how they panted for air, knowing this was where he belonged. He fully released in Brooke as she milked him for all he had.

  Still rigid, Brooke and Meeka untangled themselves to throw him back and take turns impaling themselves. Their nails grazed his chest as they straddled his chest and shattered time and time again. Sweat on silky skin was his undoing with these two beautiful creatures who were his yet he too belonged to them without question.

  Morning arrived as Cage sat on the sofa in front of the fire with both women curled up happily to either side, fully satisfied. Many times they sighed contently now that their muscles were like jelly after the whole night of bliss. They didn’t get a wink of sleep all night and didn’t care. The soft crackle from the fire was comforting as Cage said when he saw the first evidence of a new sunrise “Brooke, Meeka was right about sex in front of the fire. When we come home tomorrow we’ll spend the whole day in front of it.”

  “My flower is already quivering in anticipation.” She purred.

  Then there was a soft cry that had their three heads turn up towards the floor above. “Ananna’s awake.” They all said simultaneously and laughed together.

  “I’ll go start breakfast.” Meeka sighed and then she groaned after leaving her mate’s embrace.

  “I’ll tend the girls.” Brooke added, making the same noise.

  “Then I better go check in on Daku, Ulon and Poli.” Cage grunted.

  “Been awhile since we were at it like last night.” Brooke admitted as she walked off the soreness of the night’s exercise, getting a grin from both of her mates. “Too bad we just have a week.” She mumbled while walking upstairs.

  Upstairs Brooke laid her hand over the slight bulge in the center to the door to the right of her bedroom and it magically slid open as it recognized her. Inside she immediately noticed the empty room, blinked in confusion till she heard the sounds of the shower running and opened the warming room to find three young girls helping one another to bathe Ananna. “Rena, your mother.” One of the girls said as Rena’s back was to th
e door.

  Brooke entered and knelt beside the bathtub, getting pelted by sprinkling warm water. “Did you girls enjoy your night?”

  Two of them nodded with warm smiles and giggles to the priestess while Rena said “Yes, we did, Mother. Ananna slept all night long, but she needed a bath desperately after she pooped in her cloth by accident. I had to leave it outside till I could clean it later.”

  The priestess smiled as she realized just how nurturing and mature her eight year old is and she could see just how wonderfully Rena would grow into a lovely woman and give many grandchildren in the future. Brooke then reached into the water to brush the newest addition’s reddish blonde curls. “Your new sister is very beautiful, no?”

  “She is very pretty.” Rena nodded as she turned the half submerged, wide awake child. “I’m sad I never got to meet Meeka Mother’s brother, but he did make a beautiful baby... Mother, how is Meeka Mother?”

  “Distraught. Your dad and I helped her feel better... a distraction is what she most needed.” Brooke replied truthfully since children of the Utala aren’t sheltered from the truth. “She will still need us greatly for quite some time, as will your grandparents and new little sister. It isn’t easy to recover in a day after losing someone of your blood, even if it’s been nearly twelve years since they last saw each other.” She then looked to all the girls. “Meeka is starting breakfast for us all and will be ready in ten to fifteen minutes. You girls need to finish bathing. You’ve done well to clean your new sister, girls. I will take her so you may hurry. I’ve yet to bond with her as all of you have.” Rena warmly passed the new member of the family to her mother’s embrace. She held Ananna too close to her exposed nipples and felt her latch on. “Sorry, Little One, but you’ll not find milk there. I’m dry.” She murmured and remembered just how intimate it is to hold a suckling babe and felt tears coming since she knew another child she’d birthed would ever come from the man she loved. Quickly she recovered, but allowed the false feeding to continue since the child was so content.

  She walked out of the room and closed the door.

  Brooke didn’t realize just how long she had stared at Ananna for as she returned to the living area she noticed Cage had returned with Daku on his shoulder while dishes were being laid out and the table wiped. At the open front door was a large, silvery eye belonging to Poli. “Well that was quick.”

  “Not really.” Cage replied. “We met together near the top of the mountain. Poli was up by Hammit’s. I didn’t get a chance to check out their new dragon cave, out on the southern mountain face yet, but Daku says they made it where that old landslide tore an opening in the mountainside. You all will see it tomorrow when Ulon is done making it for the two of them. It’ll be their home while away from the colony and serve as a den for any future dragons who come for a visit.”

  “Is it safe? I do not know much of landslides, but stories say the ground is what is the word… Unstable? Yes, that’s it.”

  Poli’s voice reverberated from the opening. “My mate and I made the area denser, more fortified. The snow has made it more difficult for my mate to widen it and make it habitable, but it will make a wonderful den. No longer will there be fear of loose rocks rolling because of gravity or chance of collapse for many hundreds of cycles to come.”

  Brooke turned to her mate for clarification. “She means centuries, Babe. Rotations are days while cycles are years to them. And star usually means our sun, unless they specify otherwise. They completely reinforced the ground in and around their new cave. It will stand for centuries without maintenance… I did a similar task when I grew this house for us. This tree is harder than natural because I made it that way. Same with the ground holding it all together. Ulon and Poli did the same, but he’s going to stay behind and finish up while she’s accompanying us today…” Then he tilted his head while listening to a suckling sound to realize what Ananna was trying to do. “Oh, she must be hungry. Let me go to the fridge and take out some milk I just put away.”

  Breakfast flew by in a rush and afterwards Daku kindly flew everyone to the beach where many of the tribe stood out in the open, staring proudly over the ocean or watching some of the men out on the dock throwing spears and periodically capturing fresh fish. The Spear and Dagger floated with their sails furled while docked to either side at the end. The bright morning sun slowly reduced the chill and so long as the sun was directly on them, the ambient temperature wasn’t so bad as long as clothing remained on. The wind also seemed calmer after the storm passed.

  Their grand arrival didn’t go unnoticed as the tribe hurried over for the allotted hour he promised before leaving to meet with Cillian and Tiffa to tell the grim news of their son’s last heroic act.

  Main topics of discussion was of the new tribal members and how highly they are being spoken of. Mostly it was their new mates who all were grateful and giddy as they openly expressed how wonderful their night went. Shorty’s new mate in particular was still flushed and she openly admitted that he kept his promise and she had never had such profound sex and was looking forward to a repeat after his teaching students about his quarterstaff.

  Other newly mated women were likewise highly satisfied though their mates and they themselves were in great pain from mating rights’ injuries.

  The only ones who were gone were Bryan and his four new loves as they had already left by canoe to visit the second manmade island on the west side to see to the horses and livestock.

  Sean though took great care of everyone as the healer in training and needed to only fix a single stitch on Bryan’s chest that had ripped before they all had left. The other new young healers taught by Meeka helped apply more healing ointment to the many wounds, but so far, not a single wound was infected.

  Eion had already come to take Cody to the new forge and get started as Cage could already hear construction of metal ring out as each hammering loudly pierced throughout the area. ‘Cling, clang, clang, cling.’ The repetitive sounds from both men working together was a good sign.

  The other new additions had spread out and were learning of their new home while getting pawed by their new women. It seemed each man had their wish fulfilled in just one day. That all got a woman and were working on something they enjoy.

  Chapter 7

  “That’s all the time we can spare for now!” Cage hastily said to the gathered while Daku grew back to a twenty foot tall monster. “I’ll return in a few hours to get started. And Shorty” The staff wielder stopped showing off his skills to the children and inquisitive young warriors. “since you are from the Emrocan Scholar’s Guild as a weapons instructor I’d like you to consider doing that here, but we’ll need to spar first before I can trust you to continue the trade here. Think on it and consider that your occupation.”

  The man grinned brightly. “No need to think I always say! Better to be spontaneous. Life is more fun that way. I’ll do it! These people are indeed good, but they need more than daggers and spears. I can teach all manner of weapons. I’ll be ready when you return and really want to impart my skills.”

  “Good. While I’m gone then you better make some weapons our tribe hasn’t been taught to use.” Cage said while watching his family climbing his Familiar who laid down.

  “Sure!” Shorty looked to his new woman. “Care to see what else I can do?”

  “I am!” The large young woman grinned and together they headed for the forest while hearing the others giggling.

  Cage deftly climbed as if it were effortless while Daku stood proudly. His white wings spread while saying “Remember, Poli, you can fly out from any direction of the island, but to enter we must pass through those pillars.” The female dragon dipped her head in a nod. They then leapt together in the air and shot over the water, passing the island’s wards moments later.

  “Dad,” Cage looked down at Sean who continued an idea that’s been nagging for awhile. “maybe you should extend the dock out beyond the pillars for a place to land. It would keep Daku from need
ing being forced to swim if he doesn’t want and if you have visitors we might not need to use the Spear or Dagger to go out.”

  Already the gears in Cage’s had were spinning. “Good idea, Son. I could make it a floating bridge anchored by roots. Make a bridge with sealed air pockets all along the underside that would make it rise and fall with the surf. It would indeed be more practical and would offer fishing to deeper areas. I would need to add ladders down to the water and need to figure a way to keep the dock from sinking below water should a being more than twenty tons land and need to use it rather than walk on water. Any visitors could dock and not need to transfer to our boats… and if both the Spear and Dagger were gone it would be more defensible than our canoes. Also the gateway between the pillars would still retain full effectiveness... probably.”

  “A bridge that floats?” Meeka asked with heavy skepticism, never hearing something like that before.

  “Yeah, it gets too deep further out. That was the main reason I stopped growing the bridge in the first place. The struggle to modify sturdy trunks that deep down was the main issue that stopped me. Too deep for a fixed root system. I’ll probably be able to instead spin off dozens of smaller roots so deep and have them hold the dock in place while it rises and falls and maybe attack some to the reef… give me a few minutes on how I could figure a solutions to bring it into a feasible idea.”

  His family went silent, instead looked over to watch Poli’s majestic flight. Her great wings were immense and made the sunlight play off her scales. Her ivory horns were deadly sharp, but beautiful. In the air her kind had but one equal, the white king griffin. Her long neck was indeed powerful and when she caught the group of humans admiring her she winked and offered a toothy grin.

  Suddenly she vanished.


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