Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 28

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “Same here.” Meeka rolled her neck. “Two women and a man is more than enough for my needs. If the children remain asleep I’ll give her a surprise.” With a smile on her face she walked naked out the door.

  “While they are gone, want to share more pleasure?”

  All Brooke needed to see was that pearly white grin and she acted.

  “Meeka Mother, your breasts!” Rena yelped as she came downstairs, holding her baby sister’s hand while openly gawking.

  Meeka touched her bare chest and asked “How does it look?” Rena simply sputtered as she looked to find her dad sitting at the table with her mother and Tohka sitting on his lap, all smiling at her. “I’m happy you approve.”

  “See what happens when you go to bed early, Kiddo?” Cage quipped. “You missed learning you have a new mother.”

  Rena shrugged as she sat at the table and put Ananna in her lap. “I knew she would. I always wanted to call you Tohka Mother.”

  Tohka’s eyes widened. “You did?”

  The priestess in training grabbed a plate of eggs Meeka made and apple slices on the side and said “Yes… you always made Mother smile when you were with her out of all the other adult sisters. I’m happy Dad won you. Are you well? His lance hurt my mothers.”

  No Utala will lie or hide the truth from even the youngest child. “It did hurt, but I will gladly learn to manage him.”

  Rena then asked the most obvious question “Tohka Mother, Meeka Mother, what are the markings? They resemble Mother’s gift from the far-seer, but are different.”

  Instead her dad answered. “This remains tribal matters, but I made Tohka long lived like your other mothers and able to resist Meeka’s curse?”

  “At least you didn’t prove my assumption wrong.” Daku said as he climbed down into the room the size of an adult lion.

  “I was within my rights.” Cage calmly defended himself.

  “And I wasn’t denying your right.” The griffin said as he curled around his bed by the fireplace. His head though remained up and staring at the timid woman. “But did he explain that he cannot make another magician like you for another?”

  “I didn’t go into those details as other things were on my mind.” Cage admitted while stroking Tohka’s soft and silky back that jerked as she was being directly being spoken to by the griffin.

  “Well I’ll explain it right now so your mating instincts do not allow the knowledge to pass.” His long tail with a tuff curled and whipped and thumped the floor out of sheer boredom. “There are laws he must abide by from pacts all mages must endure so long as the war between Twilight and Laqura Castle remains. He cannot offer an extended life to anyone other than a true mate. Meaning he will be unable to offer it to any others of this flock. There are strict regulations and so long as you remain mate to my partner, you may keep near.”

  “I do not plan to leave.” Tohka spoke quietly, unable to hold such a fierce gaze. “I love Brooke completely and am falling fast for Cage and Meeka Sister.”

  “For that you have my thanks. More love is always needed, but I warn you not to boast of your new gifts or I will have Cage strip you of them. I believe you will not, but I felt your hate towards him. No other in the flock held those feelings they way you did. I doubt you’ll ever act, but my trust in you is questionable at best.”

  “And I will do whatever it takes to rectify my actions, but after last night I know my anger was misplaced.” She promised.

  Brooke teasingly flicked Tohka’s still hard nipple and saw her gasp and slap a hand over it. “One real orgasm on this lance will make you forget even your own name.” She stroked it as it sat between them.

  “That wasn’t nice, but I certainly forgot my name multiple times.” The nurturer admitted and flicked Brooke back.

  Sean appeared while fighting a yawn he lost against, took in the room and sat down to get caught up.

  Afterwards Cage sat with the children while Tohka gathered the dishes and tasked herself by washing them. As she was she asked “Meeka Sister, why did Cage Love glare at the food we made together before Brooke Sister and I fed him?”

  Meeka snorted. “He thinks we’ll poison him. Every meal he doesn’t prepare himself gets tested by his magic. Not once does he waver in the task. He trusts us, but his habit is earned. You are Utala born, but from where I grew up and on Cage’s world, women especially, use poisons to kill men by slipping it in food or drink. We are after all who are more domestic and enjoy making our family food. A little oleander or berry of belladonna in a salad or cooked into food is easy to kill, even over a period of months.”

  Tohka stared aghast at this knowledge. “But that is inconceivable. Why would a sister not use a blade on a stupid man?”

  “Less mess.” Meeka said, miming washing her hands as if soaked in blood. “And not all women are strong enough to stab another. Poison is easy. Stupid people prefer easy.”

  “Do you hate me? I mean, about realizing how I harbored ill intent against our mate?”

  Meeka grinned as she sat on the freezer top. “Not at all. I likely would have done the same if our places were different. If I was Brooke’s love and watched some man and another woman take her away I would likely have done similar. And after last night I’m not letting you go. I do not know how your sisters and man could have resisted what you can do. It was better sex than usual.”

  Taking a chance she felt her cheeks warm “I wanted to prove my worth, but on a typical coupling I’m wondering if that was as good as it gets.”

  This made Meeka grin widely. “That was tame to be truthful. Cage was going easy on all of us to not frighten you. Wait until you’ve experienced him on a good night. I wondering if he can make all three of us cry out at the same time.”

  “You’ll find out!” Came his voice from the other room.

  “He can hear that well?” Tohka whispered as her cheeks somehow got even hotter.

  “From here he can hear our heart beating.” Meeka promised. “And if he didn’t, he has ways of figuring out secrets and conversations. The only time we can ever surprise him is when he’s not on the island or over two miles away and we whisper.”

  Realizing this she said “So he’s leaving in two days? Tonight will be our last for a month?”

  “Unfortunate timing isn’t it?” Meeka huffed and looked out the door to the living room where she watched Brooke leaning over the back of the sofa, watching Cage and the children adoringly.

  “Truly it is. Now I see why you and the priestess are the way you are with him.” She shivered in delight. “It was difficult to get out of bed and not mount him.”

  “He certainly deserves his boundless reputation as a lover. You can’t fake what he does to you…” She smiled as Rena walked in. “Well hello. What do you have there?”

  “A gift from Dad.” She held up her fist as Cage was seen hurrying to his office. Dangling from a silver string was a flat, diamond shaped piece of Topaz a half inch long. It was delicate and yet beautiful. “Here, Tohka Mother.” Then they saw Cage reappear, leaning his shoulder against the doorframe with Brooke wrapping a hand around his hip. Even Daku walked in to watch.

  “A gift? What for?” Tohka said, her brown eyes twinkling at the beauty in it.

  “Piece of mind.” He responded.

  “I do not understand.” She really didn’t.

  Meeka instead answered. “Our man has many enemies who would do us harm to get to him. Most likely that beautiful stone is enchanted with a spell to stop arrows and magic and likely few will be able to break it.”

  “True, but unlike yours, the kids and Brooke’s, Tohka’s can be extended to protect a small group up to fifty feet from wherever she stands with a few simple words keyed to her vocal patterns.” Black eyes trained back on the speechless woman. “Only yours, as a nurturer, can be used to safeguard the children as I know you and two others are the last line of defense to the children and pregnant women unable to fight anymore, when they are away when visitors are near. It can
also contact Meeka’s bracelet, Brooke’s emeralds and the kids’ crystals at any time.”

  “You carry magic too?” She asked Rena and Sean, who held his new sister.

  Rena unsheathed her four inch dagger from her thigh and unscrewed a new metal cap to show off a pea sized glistening crystal before screwing it back. “Dad makes sure his family is well protected while he is away. As my new mother, you are also allowed to carry magic.”

  Caught beyond words, Tohka’s legs buckled and she slid to the ground, never knowing such kindness. Tears began blurring her vision as she cried, happy all worked out and disbelieving how much more she received. All she had harbored changed into something she never experienced.

  Suddenly Cage, Meeka and Brooke rushed breath as if punched in the gut and doubled over some before gasping for needed oxygen. They all felt something change in them, it was slight yet immense at the same time as they looked to each other before looking at Tohka in a new light.

  With it being too much to understand it became clear when Daku shoved his beak in the room with narrowed eyes. “Never in all my long life have I seen this!”

  “What?” Cage asked, noticing the complete surprise in his Familiar’s tone. Daku’s fur stood completely on end while his wings slapped his sleek, lion-like form.

  “Just now, before you gave her the trinket, she was still blank in color for a mate, but suddenly she just became an unbreakable spirit mate and her colors are now irrevocably bound to you three.” His blue eyes lit with wonder. “I must go speak with Ulon and Poli immediately of this, never to my knowledge of history has this happened. She would have become a spirit mate eventually, but never an unbreakable. She is now forever bound to the three of you.” Daku suddenly bolted for the front door, touched the knot with his hand and left in a hurry.

  “Is this true, Cage Love?” Brooke asked as she and Meeka knelt beside the crying and completely petrified beauty.

  “Have you ever seen Daku act so surprised before?” He countered.

  “Once,” Meeka admitted. “right when you were clawed by the Tiaxm, before he got mad and attacked them. But this… is different.”

  “What does this mean?” Tohka continued to cry.

  Rena giddily danced and landed in front of her mothers. “You will never leave Dad, silly. You will only truly love him as your man forever. You’re lucky, Daku said I’m not unbreakable as a spirit mate. I’ll have to grow to love another. Sean is an unbreakable… And it is likely you’ll never do Dad harm, much as he would you.”

  “Truly?” Her brown eyes met black, crystal clear water blue and dark chocolate.

  “Daku, rarely bends the truth only when he must, but I’ve never caught him in a lie.” Cage admitted. “We better get dressed, company will be arriving soon.”

  “Dragons?” Sean asked.

  “Their curious minds won’t let this phenomenon be passed if it has never happened before. One thing a dragon never allows to pass by is something new. It is what they truly live for, all of them.”

  Still overwhelmed, Tohka stood and Brooke clasped the necklace around her slender neck and watched as it fell perfectly in her cleavage. All knew he made it specifically for her, just as all gemstones were personal to the owner. The new mate moved forward and wrapped her shaking arms around his solid chest and cried happily before pushing to the ball of her feet for a much needed kiss he delivered on. His sweetness made her head spin harder.

  Just as they re-gathered in the living room, the ground shook several times, slightly. It was impossible to not know the cause for before the tremors there was the sound of great wings flapping and tingle of magic. Sean jumped out the door first and Brooke, holding Ananna, followed before the remainder departed.

  All the snow had been whisked away as two glorious dragon’s proudly stood in front of the largest tree home on the island. Half their size was Daku as he stood over by Megdline’s empty evergreen house. Poli looked absolutely giddy for a dragon as her long silver tail twitched and she smiled almost frighteningly. Ulon was more reserved, but instantly attentive.

  “Before you ask” Cage said in his approach with Tohka at his back, holding onto Meeka for dear life and the dragons both gave her their full study. Her shyness grew greater as she tried shrinking away. “any questions, I want to know if you’ve decided on my offer from yesterday?”

  Annoyed to not start as they intended didn’t show even slightly as Ulon calmly stated “A decision has been reached, Cage Two-legs. We agree to become friends when time solidifies our companionship and welcome the den in our reservation, under your rule as a valued gift. We also agree to the matter concerning ‘animals.’” He said in private context only Cage and Daku knew about. “As matters of hunting, we will do so off the island to protect the native wildlife. And so long as your people respect our den and persons’ we will keep to the arrangement. Should unforeseen problems arise, we may discuss alterations openly at an appropriate time. The only request is the two of us have a phrase of our own choosing in the wards, to come and go as we please.”

  Cage considered it silently for a moment before saying “Alright, but only in ancient Draconian on your word and Poli’s. It will not be shared to anyone except Gralla and that is only on the condition of the event of my death.”

  “We have an accord.” Ulon vowed.

  Suddenly a massive green colored humanlike hand came out of nowhere, well over ten feet long and hovered a dozen feet before his pearly white chest. Ulon cocked his head in confusion at the magical creation.

  Poli supplied “It is a two-legs’ show of agreement. His hand is much too small to properly clasp yours, Shlesssakkar.”

  Ulon firmly reached out, took it and through the magic, Cage felt it was as if his real hand was squeezed. And then the dragon let go and the magic vanished.

  “What is, Shlesssakkar?” Rena tried to pronounce and found it difficult.

  “A number of things in two-legs language. It means love, mate, link to my heart, sire of my future offspring, husband and many other words this language fails to convey.” Poli answered in a purr that felt more a rumble, but Ulon seemed to enjoy it by slightly slapping his wings against his scaly side.

  “With that out of the way…” Cage said and deftly stepped behind Tohka who had been trying to hide miserably.

  The dragons stopped flirting and refocused on the human woman. Ulon said “I remember you, Little two-leg’s. When the warlock engaged in combat with Shorty Two-legs you were trying to hide behind the wood den, trying to secretly watch the battle. You departed as Cage Two-leg’s did, before my mate and the white king returned. I remember clearly you had no spirit mate for your color said they died before being met by you. Back away so we may see White King Daku’s claim without interference of your mates.” Cage and Meeka stepped aside till she whimpered, all alone in the face of a giant reptile. Rosy eyes narrowed beside silver and widened moments later before meeting. “It is true!”

  “But how?” Poli’s tail swept faster and her wings slapped her sides in sudden, excited energy. “All theories state it is impossible. But if you said she was colorless, you will not be questioned. She is now mated as deeply as we.”

  Ulon’s massive head jerked up and down in agreement for proof was now irrefutable by three who could see. “We must bring them to Rex Gralla. It was her sire’s theory that must be proven false.”

  “Not today!” Cage announced, almost feeling Tohka’s fear of being taken away. Heads turned to him. “What is most important now is my training. I will not allow my new mate to be taken to Twilight at this time. You mean to take all four of us for study, but without a clear emergency Brooke cannot leave our people. And furthermore, my danger is real for when I reach full power, it will be beyond damaging to life. I will gladly speak with Gralla and any dragons willing, but if she is scared, none will come near her.”

  “I concur.” Daku voiced. “Priority now must remain on Cage till after his ascension. None of the four of us will forget such a monu
mental encounter. And you three have sharp minds able to magically recreate memories. And if it can be duplicated to another species…”

  “Then those who lost their original mate before hatching can find love!” Poli eagerly stomped and restrained herself when the little ones stumbled.

  “Am I that important?” Tohka asked quietly, realizing some of what was happening and had never seen a dragon so alive and eager.

  “Indeed you are.” Poli laid down and turned her head some for a closer look. She tried keeping her voice down. “In all of our kind, it is great sadness when a hatchling learns that their true mate had died and they must grow without feeling the deep down bond you now feel. If they once would have had a mate that joined the spirits, what we could learn from you could save their misery. You could be a hero to my kind.”

  “Me?” she asked with trepidation and a tremble in her shoulders Cage stilled by gently placing his hands there. Poli rumbled in what was assumed a ‘yes.’ All eyes on her she felt obligated to say “In our tribe it is a dishonor to not aid the dragons. Will…” She gulped dryly. “anything hurt?”

  Poli jerked back in surprise. “No harm or damage will harm you. Your importance is too great! We would simply learn by understanding the process’s that brought this about and maybe scan your body and mana to learn how you instantly bound your life force to your mates. No dragon under our Rex will harm a two-leg’s unless provoked by danger. We would descend upon any who did so with intent, all of us.”

  Everyone saw a confidence take hold in Tohka. It was slight, but she no longer stared at the ground. “So long as I return to my people I cannot allow another suffer. I’m a nurturer. When I see pain and suffering, I help in any way I’m able.” She looked back at her sisters before locking eyes with her new male lover she truly knew she would love, does love. The weight of the necklace reminded her of his kindness to protect her. “I will go, Cage Love, if you are by my side.” He simply smiled and her heart skipped a beat. His smile broadened and she knew he heard it. “Ulon Rosescales and Poli Silverscales, I will go.” The two dragon’s looked to each other before grinning.


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