Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 38

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “Moril simply speaks for the tribe and says to prove the ancients wrong… there is more laughing… Frill is rolling around after telling Megdline to apply her lipstick.”

  “What does my family have to say?”

  “Nothing. Like me, all of them have not once doubted your return. I’m just tired of how edgy your females are. They had made a promise not to mate without you and if you don’t return to mount them I’m going to scream they shut up!” their connection slipped as both laughed deeply at that. It took a few moments for Cage to find his center of calm again. “Should I tell them what I said? The crowd is eager to know?”

  “Have Tohka, Brooke or Meeka told anyone else of this pact?”

  “Not to my awareness.”

  “Then keep quiet. If they think they are horny, I’m triple that. Don’t worry, I will help you out, Daku.”

  “Sooner would be in our best interest. I’m telling them you won’t die, ever. You’ve come too far to die.”

  “Thanks… now on a more serious note, what must I do to escape?”

  The Familiar couldn’t hide a mental sigh of resignation. “There is a one way spell when you leave the passage. It is a gateway of magic that allows things in, not out. You will be unable to Jump in or around the room. Your only chance is to fly with every ounce of skill you’ve got. If you cannot reach the crystal you cannot escape.”

  “So? Where is it?” The warlock asked. “I couldn’t find it in my examination.”

  “Where the nexus once was open. Right in the center of the three great nests.”

  “Be serious, Daku. Where is it really?” There was only silence. It was answer enough. “What the fuck, Daku! How the hell am I supposed to get out right where most of the ghosts have gathered? There isn’t a single space where I can get anywhere close. If I get touched I’m a goner! The ghosts will separate my body from soul the moment they sense me living.”

  “Precisely!” Daku mentally declared. “Right when you pass the point of no return they will all come after you. You must lead them away from the crystal, all of them. They will follow. All are dangerous and will be exceptionally fast. Even dead, almost all fought the greatest and most costly battle in the universe’s history. You cannot imagine what they went through, but you must reach the crystal, put your hand on it and Jump out. There are no stairs to the surface. Jump here the moment you touch it. Do not be stupid. Get there and get out. Simple as that.”

  “Got it. I’ll need more time to recover here and then I’ll be coming home.”

  “We eagerly await your arrival. Luck.”

  And that was that.

  When rest fully replenished all that was expended, it was time to put an end to this problem once and for all. Mentally and physically prepared as best possible, he flew calmly to the entrance and up the inclining shaft of about forty degrees. The speed conserved the most energy while maintaining an approximate speed of ninety to a hundred miles per hour.

  It really wasn’t long enough as a sickly light began brightening the shaft. He slowed an landed to walk right up to the entrance. Blue energy covered the pass, but gave off no light or sound. Past it, in the distance and all around were ghosts wondering and haunting the same place day in and out and would be doing so forever. Again that feeling arose inside, wanting to help. Mist still seeped from his clenched fists, unable to resist what the natural spell wanted. Even that odd sense had also explained there were too many and his power to command the dead would not even slow half that many if he shouted a command. It was sad, but Cage knew he could do nothing for them and he now knew it. The oddly shaped cavern was a minimum of eight miles wide from the center he could not see. One of the ziggurats blocked a direct path, reaching almost the ceiling. Only magic had the power from keeping the ceiling from collapsing as there wasn’t a single pillar supporting it.

  Ghosts hadn’t reacted in any way as most floated, their torn bodies howling without breath. Cage stood there, unable to move or get the sight of what lay ahead from his mind. “Can’t stand here all day!”

  He pulled his arms out of his robe and tied the sleeves around his waist, not knowing if even the resistance of the fabric would slow him down even fractionally and not willing to take the chance. He took a few calming breaths and recreated his means of flight and linked all four diamonds to himself. He knew everything would need to be put into this, but barely drew from his exterior supply, saving it for an emergency. He leaned back, making room and imagined his home, ready to cast the spell to teleport out instantly. Cage felt his adrenaline flow stronger than ever and sent a blast of wind out from his board and shot into the ghost room.

  Wailing grated the nerves and instantly every green, transparent entity seemed to turn their head right at him. Tens of thousands suddenly screamed so loud the cave shook and like a mindless rabid animal, each one charged through the air, passing through stone as substance wasn’t real. For once, this place didn’t excite the warlock. He felt his rage rise, almost to the point of the rage that took over once he smelled the rank decay of the Tiaxm.

  He flipped over a small ghost that screamed as only a woman could. Her claw-like hand bounced off his barrier. He flew parallel to the wall, trying to draw all to him and it worked. The spread made it difficult. The fastest were the ripped apart humans and dragons, but the varying size griffins were the greatest threat, especially the two great giant kings. One griffin, about the size of an elephant, clawed pass and three inches through the bubble like barrier. He had to spin, flip and blast under to keep away. No mistakes could be made and his expert surfing movements coupled with fast thinking kept him alive. Some of the ghosts crossed over, but he dodged at the best timing, keeping just ahead of the green blob gathering behind. Cage flew at over five hundred miles per hour, straining every muscle in his body as he circled the room almost once a minute. He forced a bodily spell that kept his blood pumping and not black out. The barrier had to be pulled back into the cloak and strengthened just to keep from blacking out with all the blood rushing to his feet. The pressure of the barrier forced the blood back up.

  Ghosts were just as fast and Cage knew he was near to breaking the sound barrier, unable to ponder just how powerful he had become to reach such a speed. By the sixtieth pass Cage saw he had practically a green mountain on his six before yelling as he swung hard to the left and shot straight for the deserted heart of the room, barely slowing. Right in the very center was a crystal sculpture appearing much like a living flame. It was two stories tall and gave off more power than anything he had felt. The area was clear and he shot forward with hand outstretched. He readied the teleportation spell, could taste it.

  Only then did a cruel trick rear its ugly head. Out of the ground beneath it rose an indescribable swirling green mass. It let out a shrill roar Cage knew only Daku made right before a fight, but the green blob behind and the swirl ahead boxed him in.

  Nowhere was left to go. The crystal was out of reach, protected by a griffin ghost bound to it.

  Chapter 13

  At such speeds, there was no pulling out. It was too great of strain on a mortal body. The protector of the exit consumed the fire looking crystal, making it an impossible escape. One touch and all is lost. Behind there was no way out as they spread out, blocking any escape.

  Cage yelled “SCREW IT!” and relinquished control to go all instinct.

  He added a burst of air to the nose of the board, making it lift and barely missed coming in contact with the griffin ghost protecting the only way out.

  The feeling to repair them all took over complete control as he spun around and slowed to a potential stop right on the hard ground while meanwhile throwing his hands out and sending a blast of black mist at the thickest blob of ghosts.

  Already on Cage’s back grew twenty six rings from all the magic used so far. Then grew to twenty eight in five seconds as his hands began spreading.

  “Halt!” Cage commanded in his otherworldly voice completely saturated with mana. The ghosts bare
ly reacted unlike those that were getting bombarded by the mist launching from his fists.

  His hands spread like a hose gushing a torrent of water. He began coating them in a wide spread, continually yelling “Halt! Stop!”

  Thirty rings were spiraling further down.

  The army of ghosts slowed, but screamed and roared and didn’t stop. Sweat began dripping as his mind saw he already touched sixteen thousand ghosts, not even close to a quarter of them. He could feel how scarred their spirits are and the pain that frayed their minds, but he didn’t dare slow down or try healing them. It was too much to take in all at once, especially since he targeted only griffin ghosts. They were the greatest danger, but there were too many. He began gulping mana from his diamonds in vast quantities, trying to keep up with what was expressed.

  Thirty two rings.

  More and more came. Already the non-griffin ghosts pounded on his barrier. None got through yet. The two kings were by far the hardest to slow, but already a smaller one was forcing ever closer and though surrounded in green, tortured souls, he could see the darkness of that one not three yards away.

  Thirty four. Thirty six.

  Still it was not enough. The influx of mana became too much, causing a growing headache turned migraine and into a searing mental ache, but still he absorbed more, shooting every scrap while looking like he was in a dance as his mist shot all around, trying to help those able to get past his barrier for they were the greatest threat. The other ghosts were held at bay by the barrier.

  Thirty eight were now connected.

  The mana coming in began feeling hot, too hot. Cage knew he was about to burn himself out and die, but didn’t dare stop or he’d die anyways.

  It was then Cage’s hope was broken. A griffin ghost, not coated in mist, slid through the barrier and broke it like shattering glass. Not one to give up, Cage yelled “HA!!!” as he filled himself with one last massive gulp and then everything seemed to stop.

  Forty! Rings symbolizing infinity on his back reached a complete, unbroken braided circle.

  Something inside snapped, broken beyond recognition. Cage felt his chest warm as a painful burn scalded his back. For some reason it felt like some inner resistance he never felt before and was always there in the background was destroyed. Whatever was restrained was now and forevermore freed. Still, time seemed to have remained stopped. Every muscle had frozen, even in his eyes, but his mind still saw a swarm of ghosts not two inches from any part of his body.

  With the ring fully connected, the hidden mark revealed itself boldly inside it.

  Four lifelike roses appeared. One blossomed in the center with three growing around. Thorny green stems intertwined the four inseparably together. The central rose was of the purest white. The other three were the most beautiful blue, being the upper right, Green, to the left, and down at the bottom was a soft yellow. All four were different, forever connected together and immensely beautiful.

  Whatever this is, is doing something! Cage thought, unable to move, breathe or blink. It’s building.

  In his peripheral vision he noticed his skin darken to the most powerful blackness imaginable. His body was hot, but the searing headache suddenly disappeared with whatever snapped. Then time restarted, slowly at first. The darkness spread from his body till he saw nothing except black, void of all light.

  In an instant that seemed forever, the warlock ascended. The full ring of infinity and reveal of the true mark on his back sent a wave of power faster than the strike of lightning. Passing air and object alike. Nothing resisted the mighty release of the warlock reaching his true potential. It didn’t make a sound, move air or shake the ground, but the release shot past everything, destroying mana and magic not touched by him, resetting everything to its most basic form.

  And when the fifteen mile wide sphere reached its true size it continued going forever, as a harmless, undetectable form of energy. The blackness faded, but silence reigned.

  It’s a miracle! Cage first thought as he finally could see again when the void dissipated.

  Second, surrounding him, clear as day were thousands of spirits, not ghosts. There wasn’t a speck of sickly green to be had as each departed spirit looked at each other with disbelief openly showing. Never before had a spirit been so visually clear to Cage before. It was like he could truly see for the first time. Even the two giant griffin kings, further back, looked to each other and laughed in their own way.

  “Not bad, Lord Death.” Heads turned to see the greatest griffin in the room suddenly appear behind him. The host of spirits around her parted like a silent curtain being drawn back.

  “What did I do?” He asked instantly and just then noticed his own mind. “Something’s changed.”

  “Your ascension to warlock has unbound your baser human limitations.” The great griffin, a female by the sound of her voice stepped closer without sound. He then noticed many strings sending something to her and he narrowed his eyes to see thousands of spirits giving her power. “From the way you are looking at me, you can see I’m here with the aid of all spirits from Raliea. I am Celliq,” Sounded like Kay-leak. “first queen of the griffin flock. First to find immortality which I passed down to my descendants, last being alive is my greatest grandson, Daku.” She began shrinking to look the only mortal being in the room, in the eye. “Long have we spirits waited for you to finally come here. Before The Great Divide we knew you would fix what could not be at the time this place was sealed. Much had to be done. You ascending at this moment has been long awaited, Lord Death. Your awakening, as you like to say, reset all here who were in agony. This place needed you and we spirits manipulated events very subtly to get you here at this time, long before your birth. You have saved three hundred thousand, one hundred and nineteen spirits. You have out thanks.” She then bowed deeply.

  Cage stepped back and looked around to find every spirit bowing in respect. “Stop!” He yelled and heads rose, but everyone remained kneeling. “I don’t care I was being led around like some dog on a leash to help you all, but I don’t want you guys bowing. What I want is you all to be at peace after so long. You are kindred spirits to me, fighters who fought and died. I’m glad I could help, even if you all did try to kill me.” Chuckles and rumbles made the room vibrate at his attempt of levity. “Celliq, all I want is a way out and home. And to open this place up. It is no longer a danger. I can feel that now. This place is a true piece of Raliea’s history. My ancestors were made here. With all the spirits returned to health, this place is too cruel for punishment. Good old fashion torture and death is preferable to being sent here.” He pointed to the ground and the labyrinth he took to reach this point.

  She pointed a talon straight up. “A hundred feet of the densest stone keeps the sky from reaching this place. You are no longer bound to this room and may go where you please. Your power is greater than ever. And all spirits will no longer interrupt your path for what lays ahead. On that, you have our word.” Her pale eyes scanned the room. “Come my children and you fallen heroes. Find your way.”

  Cage turned to all the ecstatic faces still bowing, waiting for his command. “Get the hell out of here! You’ve spent too long trapped in here as it is. Go do what you want and live for once. Your sacrifice to protect this world wasn’t in vain. It still lives and I’ll fight to keep it that way. Go, have the time of your lives… well afterlives.”

  A deafening cheer filled the room and Cage could barely believe his eyes as instead of becoming mist like he has seen many times as a spirit disappears, his ascension allowed him to see they merely dissipated into particles of pure mana and floated up to the ceiling and out into the world like tiny stars. It took just seconds for them to vanish, but the beauty of it was spectacular. Some stayed gathered and floated away, waving thanks and taking their sweet time.

  In minutes Cage stood alone in a pitch black room. A stray thought connected to the crystal and found it was completely empty of power and wards. That stray thought made Cage pause fo
r it was effortless, requiring almost no concentration. He delved into his space altered pockets and sensed everything it contained in under five seconds. Usually it would take an hour to go through a hundred objects at a time, but it now sunk in his brainpower had intensified to new heights, just like his eyes able to see a faint dark line circulating around his hands and knew it was actual mana being dispersed.

  “I can see mana?” he asked no one in particular and conjured a fireball without so much as a request. He saw a faint wave rising from his palm, like a mirage out on the desert sands, rising and fueling the blaze. He also had to focus his mind to sense the power going to it was pitiful to how he felt. “Let’s see what I can do?”

  He looked up and ended the fire in his hand. His mind was instantly feeling the rock while reaching beyond where his mind now felt warmth from the sun, the oxygen in the air and how not a single living thing was currently around for over a hundred miles. “Holy shit!” He laughed, never reaching so far away with just the power of his mind working with his expelled mana as a medium.

  Power truly coursed through his veins, he could feel every cell throbbing with it. With his mind, he instinctively knew he needed more processing power and drew back the furthest thoughts and redirected them into the entire ceiling, feeling every molecule and judging the weight to be over six hundred million tons of hard granite with sixty three thousand tons of loose sand sitting on top.

  Mana from his own reserves knifed through the ceiling in a giant circle, six miles across and cut through it like hot butter. When the circle was complete, all the millions of tons began falling because of gravity, but he used pure force and much of his inner power to push it up ten feet per second while creating his board and flying up. Sand poured in around the cuttings, but a hundred and twenty seconds later there was blessed light haloing the rock, but he added a spell to levitate the rock ten mile away before dropping it, creating a giant hill in the process.


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