Vindication: Of Demons & Stones: Tri-Stone Trilogy, Book Three

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Vindication: Of Demons & Stones: Tri-Stone Trilogy, Book Three Page 2

by Anne L. Parks

  I had pretty much given up on ever finding love, let alone making this type of commitment.

  "I'm going to check the weather, and then we can decide where you would like to consummate our marriage, wife." Alex turns on the TV and starts flipping through the channels.

  "How very romantic, husband," I say, but my attention is diverted to the new story that is on the screen. There's a picture of Alex and me at some charity event, and the big, bold caption under it reads, Alex Stone Marries in Surprise New Year's Eve Ceremony.

  "How the hell did that get out?" Alex mutters, a scowl on his face. "My people weren't supposed to make an announcement until we were out of town."

  A dull pain hits my chest, and I wonder why Alex doesn't want anyone to know about our nuptials. "Well, a lot of people were there last night, babe. I'm sure one of them spilled the beans without realizing you didn't want anyone to know yet."

  Alex grabs my wrist as I walk past him, and swings me into his arms. "You make it sound as if I'm ashamed of you and don't want people to know I married you."

  I glance at the carpet, not able to look at him. I hate how he can so easily read me. He places his finger under my chin and lifts it so I can see his eyes. "You know that isn't true. I want to scream it from the rooftops that I am the luckiest man in the world to be married to you. I wanted us to get out of town before the press was tipped off, so we could have a little peace. Now—I'm afraid—we may have to contend with the media at the airport, following us on our honeymoon."

  I take the remote from his hand, and turn off the TV. "Can we do anything about it now?"

  He shakes his head.

  "Then, let's not worry about it. Instead, let's worry about you proving how happy you are that I said yes, and letting me show you how happy I am to be your wife."

  "I like the sound of that," he says, his eyes twinkle with a mischievous glint. He sweeps me off my feet once more, and stalks into the bedroom, tossing me onto the bed. I lay there, watching as he removes his tuxedo jacket, tie, and dress shirt. He slips his shoes off while unhooking the waist of his pants. He pushes them and his boxer briefs to the floor, slipping his socks off his feet at the same time.

  When he stands, I let my eyes travel over his finely sculpted body. The broad shoulders, the muscular arms and chest that leads to the defined abs. The beautiful v that points to the gorgeous erection. He stalks toward me, and I bite on my bottom lip, unbelievably excited for him to make love to me. It's not like this is the first time we have made love—but it's the first time since we've been married. Every part of my body tingles in anticipation of his touch.

  His arms and knees are on either side of my body, and he hovers over me. "Why, Mrs. Stone, you are wearing entirely too many articles of clothing." He sits back, and his fingers graze my cheeks, over my jaw and behind my neck. He unclasps the pearl necklace, and places it on the bedside table. "That's one."

  He scoots down my legs, his hands grasping mine, and pulling me up so that I'm sitting in front of him. He leans into me, his hands moving to my back, and his head resting on my shoulder. The zipper on my dress slowly lowers, his hands gently push me back as he works the dress off my body, and deposits it on the floor. "That's two." His eyes are a dark blue, brimming with lust and need. His fingers loop around the thin elastic band of my white lace thong, and he leisurely slides it down my legs, and tosses it across the room without a second glance. He leans down and nuzzles his nose at the apex of my sex, and tenderly kisses it. He gazes at me. "Three."

  Heat courses through me, and settles between my legs. I desperately need for him to make love to me. But he's in control, and he has never disappointed me when I have let him take the lead during sex. His tongue glides over my thigh, down my leg, and he places light kisses on my ankle and foot as he slips my shoe off. "Four," he whispers, his voice husky. Bending my knee and placing my foot on the bed, he grasps my other foot, and does the same, with a final count to five. This time, his tongue licks all the way up my inner thigh, before running along my hot, wet seam.

  "Oh, God, Alex…" My hands are on his head, my fingers in his hair, and my hips move against his mouth.

  He slips two fingers inside of me, pushing deep before pulling out and slamming back into me. I arch my back, the pressure in my lower belly builds, and my hips buck hard and fast against his face and fingers. "Oh, God…more…Alex…oh, God, more!"

  He pushes another finger inside me, and I nearly come undone. Thrusting my head back into the pillow, I clench my eyes as tightly as the muscles around Alex's fingers. My orgasm takes over my body, and I lose all control.

  Alex crawls up my body, and kisses my neck, and jaw, and that wonderful spot behind my ear. "Oh, baby, I want you…I have to be inside you."

  I push my chest against his, my nipples hard, poking against his skin. I spread my legs apart as far as I can, run my hands down his back, and grab his ass. The tip of his erection at my opening, and I push him inside.

  We both exhale simultaneously, the exquisiteness of the breach making us moan. I love the way he fills me, the way his body moves with mine, how he knows just where all my sensitive spots are, and how to maximize my pleasure.

  "Oh…baby…you feel so damn good…so good…" His voice is low and strained.

  I lift my head off the pillow, and kiss his neck. I love his scent when we make love, the musky, Alex scent that mixes with his sweat. It sends the butterflies in my stomach into a frenzy, which enhances the journey to my climax. His ass muscles tense under my hands, and he's driving into me harder and faster. Sweat glistens over his skin, and my grip on his ass slips the slicker he becomes.

  He shifts his weight slightly to one side, and the movement forces his cock to hit a different part of my pelvis. "Oh…oh…Alex…oh, god, baby…right there!"

  He growls in my ear, and his thrusts intensify. My body is on fire, and I can feel the explosion building. He slams into me, and I come apart, screaming his name. The orgasm continues in waves, while Alex grinds into me a few more times before I feel his body jerk. He grunts, his breathing hard and fast, and then he collapses on me.

  I wrap my arms around him, his head buried in my chest. Our breathing is loud, and neither of us speaks. I couldn't even if I wanted to, which I don't, really. I'm reeling in the pure bliss of having made love to my husband. My soulmate.

  My breathing slows, and is somewhat normal again. Alex lifts his head, and kisses my breast, which sends a jolt through my body and straight to my core. I exhale, and a small moan comes out with it. Alex places a few more kisses across my breast, and then takes my nipple in his mouth. His tongue lavishes it, his saliva hot, and I'm wet between my legs again. I push my breast against his mouth, and his thumb presses against the hard, sensitive nub between my legs.

  My climax begins to build again. My moans, which started as mewls, are now full, and loud. Alex bites my nipple, and I explode once again.

  He releases my nipple, and hovers over my head, gazing into my eyes. "You're breathtaking. I'm so happy I get to make love to you for the rest of my life."

  I smile. "Do you know how ecstatic I am to be the woman that makes you say goofy, romantic things after lovemaking?"

  "Mrs. Stone, are you making fun of your husband?"

  I shake my head, but can't help the giggles taking over me.

  "You are! I can't believe it," he roars, his fingers tickling my sides.

  I twist and turn, helpless against his ministrations. "No, Alex, no! I'm not! I promise!" I'm breathless and laughing and have no energy left to fight him.

  He stops and stares at me, a big grin on his face. "I love you," he says, and crashes his lips against mine.

  * * *

  My head rests on Alex's chest, my breathing normal, but my body still hums from the multiple orgasms. I glance up at him. Eyes closed, breathing steady, but I don't think he's sleeping—yet. It won't be long, though.

  I nestle back into his chest, and rest my eyes on the gold band around his finger. It's sc
ratched and well-worn. I touch it, the metal cool and smooth against my fingertips. "Alex Stone wearing a a gold band—oh! The hearts that must be breaking worldwide," I say, a lilt to my voice.

  His chest moves, and he lifts his head slightly, while raising his hand up. It's as if he forgot he was wearing the ring, and has to look to see what I'm talking about. I know it isn't true, and I shove back on that little demon that wants to steal my happiness. "Yeah, well, don't get to use to it. I won't be wearing this for long," he says.

  I lift my head, and the little demon in my head, peers out of the box I just tossed him in. My heart beat ramps up quickly, nearly robbing me of my breath. "Are you backing out on me already?"

  He rolls me over onto my back in one swift motion that completely catches me off guard, and kisses me hard. Raising his head, I'm held hostage by the beautiful blue of his eyes. "Not on your life. This wedding band is on loan from Harold, but I'll have to give it back when we get home."

  A rush of warmth flows through me and I'm not sure if it's relief or unabashed love for this man and his family. "That's sweet," I say, my voice thick. "But, you'll need to have one of your own."

  He leans in, his lips pressing lightly against my jaw, down my neck and around to my ear. "Well, my lovely wife, I bought the ring that's on your finger—it's up to you to buy the other."

  My fingers run through his short hair, and I drag my nails over his scalp, and pull his mouth to mine. "Challenge accepted, handsome husband."


  A black Mercedes SUV idles next to the jet when we land at the Telluride Regional Airport. Jake trots down the steps and shakes hands with the driver. I zip my jacket up as a breeze kicks up around me.

  "What is your love affair with Mercedes SUV's?" I tip my head back as Alex steps behind me and grasps my hips.

  "Bulk discount," he deadpans, and nudges me towards the steps.

  Our driver, Jason, heads out of town into the mountains. It's gorgeous here. I haven't been back in Colorado since…since my father died. Can that be right?

  Jake turns slightly and glances at me from the front passenger seat. "Have you ever been to Telluride, Kylie?"

  I shake my head. "No, I don't think I ever left the Springs until I went to college."

  Alex's head whips around. "The Springs?"

  "Yeah," I respond, not sure why I'm getting this reaction. "Colorado Springs."

  "You're from Colorado?" Jake asks.

  "Born and raised." Alex is staring at me, his eyes wide. "What?" I ask.

  "How have we never talked about where you grew up?" he asks, wagging his head, and chuckling.

  Warmth floods my cheeks. I don't talk about my childhood. My mother left when I was so young. My father, unable to live with the rejection, became an alcoholic who couldn't keep a job. We moved between homeless shelters and rent-by-the-week roach motels, and probably wouldn't have eaten if I hadn't held down two jobs while going to high school. I left as soon as I could, attending the University of Michigan. "I guess it never came up."

  "And here I thought I was going to introduce you to my second favorite spot in the world."

  I smile, thankful he's going to let this pass without making a big deal about it. I really don't want to think about the last time I was here—at least not right now, when our honeymoon is newly underway.

  We wind our way through the mountains. The sun is shining, blinding light bouncing off the pristine white snow. Crossing over a small bridge, I spot a waterfall of ice cascading over the rocks, spilling into the stream flowing under the bridge. I had forgotten just how majestic the Rocky Mountains are, they're calming effect returns like an old friend that I've been out of touch with for years, but can pick right back off where we left off. Every morning, coffee cup in hand and before heading out to school, I would spend five-to-ten minutes communing with Pikes Peak. The snow capped peak was my very own reset button for the day, making me believe the life I was living was not the best it could be. We pull to a stop in front of a simple, yet stunning, wrought-iron fence. In the center is a circle with a large "S". A plaque inset into the stone pillars on either side proclaims we have arrived at "Tri-Stone II."

  The tires crunch on the snow-packed driveway. After a couple of twists in the road, the trees clear and Alex's cabin comes into view. My heart skips a beat, and I chuckle. "Cabin?"

  One of Alex's eyebrows raises, and he questions me with his narrowing eyes. "What? Logs, stone, set in the mountains…how is this not the definition of a cabin?"

  "This is no little cabin in the woods. This is a cabin on steroids." Alex isn't lying—logs bigger than I have ever seen in my life make up the exterior walls of the mountain mansion. Jason parks in the courtyard, and we exit the SUV. Jason and Jake grab our bags from the back, and follow Alex and me under the portico that leads to the front doors.

  We step inside Alex's mountain retreat, and I gasp. Across from the foyer is a cozy sitting area with floor to ceiling windows, and a fire crackling in the fireplace.

  "Wow, this is gorgeous," I say.

  Alex lifts my hand to his lips. "This isn't even the best part." He gives me a quick tour, which consists of pointing out where the kitchen is, his study, and the stairs leading down to the wine cellar. We climb the stairs, and walk down a hallway that looks down into a large family room, that has the same floor to ceiling windows. Jake and Jason are exiting a room with french doors.

  "Ginny will be up to put your things away when you're ready, Mr. Stone," Jason says.

  Alex nods, and Jason and Jake go down the stairs.

  "Ginny?" I ask.

  "Our Colorado version of Maggie—except a few years younger."

  I raise my eyebrows. Has she been one of Alex's conquests in the past?

  Alex glances at me, a smile slowly stretching across his face. "And happily married to Jason. They're the caretakers, and have a small home just down the hill from here."

  "On your property?"

  "Our property, and yes. It is the same style as the main house, but only has four bedrooms, and about a third of the square footage."

  "Only?" I ask, and shake my head. Leave to Alex to think a four bedroom house is small. "How many bedrooms does this house have?"



  "For when family visits."

  I squish my eyebrows together. "Which has been how many times?"

  "None yet," he says. Placing his hand on my lower back, he nudges me forward into the room. "I have a feeling that will change now that we're married."

  I open my mouth to ask another question, but he places a finger over my lips. "Do you want to see where you will be sleeping, Mrs. Stone?"

  I nod, and take a turn around the large room. The walls are a mix of stone and logs. A fireplace in one corner is already blazing, emitting enough heat that I can feel it from across the room. A king-sized bed butts against one wall, opposite a wall of windows. French doors open onto a deck. But it's what's beyond that takes my breath away. The magnificent views of the Rocky Mountains, in all their snow covered splendor.

  "It's so beautiful here," I murmur.

  What would you like to do first, baby?" Alex asks. "Take a bath? Or, if you're hungry, I can have Ginny make us something to eat."

  I flop onto the bed, soothing the spot next to me with my hand. Alex's eyes flame, and he stalks over to the bed, wrapping his arms around me as soon as he sits down. His lips crash against mine, robbing me of my breath. He lies me down on the bed, and hovers over me, his hand sliding under my sweater, and settling on my breast.

  "Is this what you had in mind, wife?"

  I nod, arching my back, and pushing my breast firmer against his hand.

  He trails his lips over my jaw, and rests them close to my ear. Sucking my earlobe into his mouth, he bites it until I squirm. "Your wish is my command," he says, his voice breathy.

  * * *


  I drape my coat over the back of the kitchen chair and slide onto it.

  "Coffee?" Jake asks, already pouring a cup.

  "Is that a real question?" I respond as he sets the steaming mug in front of me. "Where's Alex?"

  "I don't know…he was in the study the last time I saw I him." Jake leans against the counter across from me. "What are you lovebirds up to today?"

  "I'm not sure. He said something about going for a drive, but I'm guessing there is a specific destination he has in mind." I give Jake a questioning look. It would be odd for Alex not to keep Jake in the loop on our plans.

  "I know nothing," he says, but the grin on his face gives him away.

  I shake my head, feigning displeasure. "Yeah, and hell is about to freeze over, too."

  Alex comes into the kitchen, stands behind me, and wraps his arm across my shoulder.

  "Hey, babe. Let me finish this and I'll be ready to go."

  Alex takes a deep breath. "Take your time, I'm going to have to delay our outing for about an hour or so."

  I stick out my bottom lip and scrunch up my eyebrows. Alex chuckles and kisses my forehead. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Stone, there is an issue with the DC project, and I have to get it settled."

  "Okay," I say, squinting at him, "but then you are mine for the remainder of the honeymoon. Deal?"

  "Deal." Alex turns and heads to the door.

  "Well, Jake, want to be my date for the next couple of hours?" I ask. Alex stops and turns around. I stand and peer at Alex. He is gorgeous, even when his blue eyes magically turn green at the mention of me spending time with another man. "I want to head into town and look around. I thought Jake could drive me, since I don't know my way around." I kiss Alex on the cheek.

  "Fine," he says, wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me tight against him, "but be back soon. And don't even kid about going on a date with another man, baby. Those days are long gone."

  I laugh. "You are the only man for me, husband, but when the only other person around is male, you have to suppress your jealous tendencies and get over yourself."


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