Mine, Not Hers

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Mine, Not Hers Page 6

by Betsy Anne

  “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  "Jason, I love you. I want to give myself to you. I need you to love me," she says it with such conviction; I know she’s ready and so am I. She takes off the sweatshirt, and turns so that I can unzip her costume. I’m trying my best to take as many mental snapshots of these moments as I can. Second only to the day I met her; this is the greatest day of my life. She wiggles out of her suit, and is sitting next to me in her bra and panties. She’s not the least bit embarrassed. Oh God, she’s so beautiful. I want to cherish her and ravage her both.

  She reaches over and tugs on the waistband of my jeans. She has to be careful around my erection to unzip them. She pulls them down as far as she can, and I help by pushing them down to my ankles. Her eyes look a little frightened at the size of my penis. I’ve never been this hard in my life. She slips off her bra and panties and I’m stunned speechless. I take in her body as best I can in my aroused fog, but she looks so beautiful. She reaches for my dick and puts her hand around it to give it a squeeze. I flinch. I’m nervous that I’ll come too fast and the night will be over. Who wants the greatest night of their life to end?

  She slides her thumb over the moist head of my dick, and she bends down to kiss it. I’m a man in hell, but I love it. She throws her leg over my lap and straddles me. I feel her soft, warm wetness as she rubs herself up and down my length. As I kiss and suck my way down her neck, my feelings overwhelm me. I want this girl for the rest of my life. I feel tears forming in my eyes from the intensity of it all. She gives me power and strength just by loving me, and I don’t know how to express my gratitude. I look deeply into her eyes and say what’s in my heart: “I love you, Katie.”

  Her hands come to my face to wipe away the tears. She looks so happy, but there is a darker side too. An arousal deep in her body, just waiting to meet mine. We kiss once more, but all caution is gone. We match each other’s intensity of the moment, and feverishly begin to kiss again. I move my hands to her ass, and begin to knead it. I grab it hard, and rub her against me fiercely. She’s helping as she moves her body all over mine while holding on to the seat behind my head. If we don’t go now, I’ll come before we even get the chance to get it started. I harshly grab her hips and take a second to settle her over my cock. My arms are quivering. I tell her to grab me, and guide me in. I’m too nervous I’ll hurt her if I put in before she’s ready.

  She reaches down and slides my cock up and down her slit. I feel the wetness, and she puts the head in. Jesus Christ, hold it, hold it, now’s the time. I push in a little more, God she’s tight, and thrust my hips up for her. She gasps a little, then eases her body slowly back down on it. I feel her squeezing me from the inside and it’s the greatest thing I’ve ever felt in my life. She’s warm, soft and wet and feels so perfect. Her lips are on my ear quietly saying, “I love you, I love you, I love you.” over and over again. That’s my undoing. I’ve had so much self-control over the last few weeks that some days I thought I would literally burst. It’s all come together for us right here, right now. Even though it’s a cold, October night in the cab of my truck, it’s our moment, out first moment as lovers and I finally let go. I come hard inside her, filling her up with each thrust. My breath is ragged against her skin; I’m gasping for air. I pull her in even closer, if that’s possible, and we hold each other for what seems like forever.

  I’m crazy about this girl.

  Chapter 6


  Jason and I are inseparable the rest of his senior year. I attend every single sporting event he’s in. Football, basketball, track meets and even his weekend softball games, I’m there. He spends most of his free time, not that he has much, at the bakery or at my house. I help out at the bakery for free whenever they need extra help. My parents love him like a son, and his parents love me, too. Our lives have merged together perfectly, like we were made for each other. That’s the cliché everyone uses about us, and it’s true.

  I know we’ll be together forever. Everyone around us sees it. The other girls at school have gotten the message loud and clear. We’ve had a few incidents when a girl gets him alone at school or a party and offers him all kinds of things. That’s the first and the last time they ever make that mistake. He’s made his interest in me crystal clear to the girls, and to the other guys around. After the incident at the Halloween party, guys won't even come near me.

  We talk a lot about our future, his career, my indecisiveness, everything. We plan our life together: School before marriage, marriage before kids and never, ever, spend too much time apart. We know what we want, and that’s each other. Everything else will fall into place.

  He decides to attend Northwestern. It’s close by, we will still see each other and it has a top rated Physical Therapy school.


  * * *

  I know that I have to get more involved to keep myself busy in my senior year or I’ll go insane. Colleen is between boyfriends, which helps a lot because she manages to stay one step ahead of the game. She will definitely keep me hopping.

  She gets a paying job at Weber's Bakery. She's saving up for college. She has notions of going to study somewhere in the northeast. Dartmouth, Yale, and Princeton - she always sets her sights high. I'm still working for free. I don't need the money, and the Webers are always so kind to me it’s fun to help out. Colleen loves the job especially when she notices how many guys stop by to grab a cookie and her phone number.

  Jason is studying like crazy. Once his mind is set on a goal, he achieves it no matter what. He’s taking the maximum number of hours each semester and even lands a work-study job. I drop in on him at his dorm, the library, anywhere we can spend time together. I’m pretty adept at giving him blowjobs in the library. I can be very quiet. We almost got caught once, but that just made it more exciting. He has turned me into a sex addict. I just can't get enough when I'm around him.

  After a brief pregnancy scare right before graduation, I get on the pill. I talk frankly about sex with my mother, and she’s happy that I am choosing to be responsible. We will have plenty of kids someday, but not now. It also allows us to be spontaneous with our sex life. If we are driving to dinner, we can pull over and screw each other’s brains out without fussing with condoms.

  One topic that I can never really escape is what I want to do with my future other than be Jason’s wife. He wants me to be happy and fulfilled, and he supports any choice I make. My parents are a different story. They are waiting to find out what colleges I'm interested in, and what I might want to study, but I've struggled to find an interest. I’m so lazy in school. Good grades come so easily to me, that I don’t fully invest in any particular area of study. I excel at math, I'm more than proficient at writing, I even master Spanish IV. Colleen and I attend the college fair held at the school. She wants to get her face out there to the admissions officers who may be attending. I don’t even consider any school that isn't in Chicago, which has excellent schools but limits my possibilities. I also don't want to burden my parents with outrageous tuition bills so I hope I can find something affordable. Northwestern is definitely out: It’s too pricey.

  After looking into a few schools, and more than a few meetings with my school counselor, I decide to go into nursing. My parents are thrilled! Mom babbles non-stop: I love her, but if I tell her I’m going into waste management, she will have had the same reaction.

  Jason, on the other hand, is truly happy, telling me I’ll make a wonderful nurse. He always says the perfect thing without even trying,

  We study together when we can; we both know neither of us need extra help. It’s just an excuse for an extra, late-night trip to the library. I whiz through nursing school, and I love it. I graduate with honors. Jason completed his undergraduate degree the year before, and is already working toward his masters.

  Chapter 7


  As Jason nears completing his masters, his father is diagnosed with liver cancer. He struggles though lon
g, grueling treatments before he passes away. The entire family is devastated. I accept an R.N. position in a small pediatrician’s office, and Jason is able to put the job he was offered on hold. He decides to focus on helping his mother with the day-to-day operations of the bakeries. They had expanded their business over the years to twenty-three small stores around Chicago, having become locally famous for their bread recipes.

  After his father dies, his mother insists she’ll sell Weber Breads. She had lost her passion for the business without her husband by her side, and the sale will make her comfortable for the rest of her life. They had received numerous offers in the past to sell, so she knew just who to call when the time came. That puts Jason’s mind at ease. He was ready to give up everything he had worked so hard for, to help his mother. The sale was completed by late summer. Knowing that his mother is set financially, eases Jason’s mind to get his life back on track. He’s ready to start his job and begin planning our future, and so am I. He mentions frequently, almost daily, that we can make a quick trip to the justice of the peace, but my mother will kill me.

  Being an only child and a girl, my mother has been planning a wedding for me for a long time. Jason doesn’t care about any of it. He just wants us to be married, and for me to be happy.

  He worries about my safety when we aren’t together. I think he wanted to hire a bodyguard for me when I was in school. My clinical training had me working all hours of the night in some tough neighborhoods. I took some self-defense classes that they offered for free, but I never told him, because I didn't want him to think that I was ever worried or scared. That would do him in.

  I really love my job at the pediatrician’s office. The doctor’s are great, and everyone on staff gets along well. On my birthday a few of the nurses insist on taking me out. Jason is so busy at night getting up to speed at the practice he’s going to work for, I reluctantly agree. I’ve never had much of a social life, even in college. If I wasn't busy studying, any extra time was for Jason. I think it will be fun to have some girl time.

  We go to a local restaurant within walking distance of our office. No one wants to drive, so one of the girls asks her boyfriend to pick us all up later so we are free to have fun. I was going to offer to drive since I’m not a big drinker. I seem to have an aversion to alcohol or maybe alcohol has an aversion to me. One or two drinks, I’m OK, more than that I go from sober to blacking out quickly. I’m way too small to be able to keep up with these girls. Jason seems to like it when I have a little and get the giggles. We also have great sex when I’m tipsy. Then again, we always have great sex, but I figure, what’s the harm? I’ll have a cocktail, and then surprise him later for some stress relief, the Katie kind.

  It’s Ladies’ Night at the restaurant. Some sporting event is on TV and its buy one, get one free for the women. We skip eating and head straight for the bar. I start slow with a glass of wine. I can make a night of sipping on one glass. One of the girls buys a round of shots while they sing Happy Birthday to me, and I feel really good after two of these. When the game on the TV ends, the karaoke begins. After a couple more shots, we’re screaming for each awful singer and having a blast.

  Someone requests some old-school Madonna Like A Virgin, my favorite song ever. I run to the mike and take over. No one will ever mistake my singing for Madonna’s, for sure. I imitate her music video by rolling around seductively on the floor. Groups of men who had been discussing the game take notice and begin to whistle and yell. One in particular is cute. He’s wearing a Bears jersey and keeps his eyes on me.

  Everything I’m looking at seems fuzzy, but he’s close enough for me to see him clearly. I’m still in character as I crawl over to where he’s sitting, which is right in front of the large piece of carpet that doubles as a stage. I slowly climb up his leg and turn and shake my ass right in his face. I think my work friends are all going to die laughing. They’re screaming at the top of their lungs. He puts his hands around my waist and yanks me down hard onto his lap. He has an erection from watching me dance; I can feel it through his jeans.

  I don't know what is happening in my brain, but my lips are all over him. I kiss him with wild, reckless abandon. He tastes like warm beer, but I’m too drunk to care. His hands are all over me. He’s kissing me back aggressively. Not in the sweet, passionate way Jason does, but with raw sexual lust. As my senses slowly return, I realize that the bar is quiet. I look up and my song has ended, and no one else is on stage. All eyes are on my lap-dance recipient and me. My friends are gawking at me, their mouths wide open. They don’t really know me very well since I’ve only been working there a few months. This is the first time I’ve ever socialized with any of them, and it could be my last by the looks on their faces. None of them have even met Jason yet. Oh, dear God, Jason.

  I sober up quickly and extricate myself from this poor guys lap. He’s so hard, he’s embarrassed, and tries to cover his swollen crotch the best he can. I rush out of the bar after throwing a quick wave to the girls. I’m mortified. I walk three feet and throw up violently in a nearby trashcan. Thankfully, it’s a Monday night in the suburbs, and no one’s around.

  I stumble the couple of blocks back to the office to get my car. I know I shouldn't drive, but I need to see Jason. I just know he’ll see right through my guilt. What I did at the bar, wasn't nothing, it was something. I don't know what got into to me. Oh yeah, booze.

  I’ve never had any desire to be with anyone else, ever, and really don’t now. As fleeting and exciting as that was, it makes me sick to think about now. Jason is the sexiest guy I have ever seen, and he’s all mine. Our sex life is amazing, and he has always treated me like a precious gift. I guess it was just the thrill of something a little different combined with the buzz that had me acting that way.

  When I reach the apartment, thankfully without wrecking the car, I park and go to peek in the window. His head is buried in his books on the kitchen table. I knock lightly and I hear him bump around the furniture from being startled. He opens the door, and the look on his face is so endearing I jump into his arms and begin to cry. He can instantly tell that I’ve had too much to drink, and reasons that’s why I’m crying. He holds me so sweetly, and rocks me back and forth. He strokes my hair and looks into my eyes.

  "Hi Katie-Matie, I missed you."

  Whoosh, straight to my groin. My plan was to confess the whole thing, but I’m too turned on by the sight and smell of him. I point to the bedroom, and he scoops me up. He carries me in his arms, and we kiss as we walk down the hall. He tosses me down on his freshly made bed. He is intoxicatingly sexy. His five-o'clock shadow, his beautiful dark brown hair, just a little long because he hasn't had it cut, and those piercing blue eyes. He keeps his body in top shape, too, always running and doing calisthenics to keep himself fit. His long, muscular torso is gleaming with sweat when he takes off his shirt. He kneels down beside me on the bed.

  "Even though I shouldn't take advantage of someone in, your condition,” he says with a sexy grin, "I don't think I can help myself."

  His large erection lets me know just how ready he is. Jason has such measured control when it comes to sex. Even in the throes of passion, he keeps the rhythm under control to make it last. It drives me crazy! He knows my body better than I do, knows how to worship it, and worship it he does.

  "Get down here."

  I pull him on top of me. My head is spinning as I lie down, but somehow it adds to the experience. He’s kissing my face so sweetly. My eyes, my nose, my cheeks, and then moves onto my ears and neck. Quick little bites and nibbles on my already over-sensitive skin are creating a burning between my thighs. I'm already wet with anticipation. He is so skilled, and everything he knows, he has used me for his classroom. Together we are uninhibited. Our love is so strong, and our trust in one another makes our relationship safe for anything.

  At some point in the course of his mad seduction, he has removed my clothes. I’m in another world, floating with pleasure. He leans down to kiss my
breasts. Licking gently between, then focusing on one. With a repressed hunger, he begins sucking my nipple. I feel his hot tongue circling and sucking, pulling it like it’s attached to my loins. I writhe under him, crazy with the sensation, I hear myself beg him.

  "Please, lower, I want to feel you."

  He happily obliges. He slides down the bed and grabs my knees. He pushes them up to my chest, and yanks them open. I am wide open for him to explore. I shake when his greedy tongue goes right into my slit. He groans loudly finding me so wet. He loves devouring me. One hand slips under my ass, and the other is on top of my mound. His deft fingers find my clit, and begin massaging it torturously slowly. His other hand is squeezing my ass, and his finger is teasing my tight hole. Just enough of a tickle: it puts me over the edge. I come loudly and forcefully, and my legs start to quiver. My head is spinning; it feels like I’m on the greatest roller coaster in the world. I grab the back of his head and push his face harder into me while I come. He loves every minute of it. He looks up at me with a triumphant grin.

  "I love it when you’re ready. Look was it does to me.”

  He rises up onto his knees with the biggest erection I think I have ever seen on him. He has a ferocious look on his face that’s directed at me. I know what’s coming, I can feel my body flush waiting for his to enter me and make me whole. He leans over me and kisses me lightly on the lips as he thrusts into me, hard. It’s such a contrast of sensation. I moan loudly, and that intensifies his need. He is pushing my knees into my chest making it so tight. His cock is stroking the sweet spot inside me that we’d discovered together. He knows how to make love to me, and it’s never boring or routine. Every time he makes it special.


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