Mine, Not Hers

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Mine, Not Hers Page 10

by Betsy Anne

  "I used my dildo to help me come last night. Do you want to watch?"

  "Oh yeah," his voice cracks.

  He sees that I’m clean-shaven and he groans like he’s in pain. I take my toy out of the bedside drawer, and turn it on. No need for lube, I am drenched. I pull him up to standing, and put the vibration under his balls. He shivers at first at the wonderful sensation, and lets out a loud moan. His cock looks as if it will burst through the skin, it’s so large. I can't help but put it in my mouth. I taste his warm saltiness, and the smooth skin surrounding this piece of pure granite. I am aching now for him to be inside me. I lie back down and bring the dildo up to the entrance to my vagina. I slowly insert the tip while he watches and he's speechless.

  "Beautiful," he says quietly.

  I motion for him to lie on top of me. His erection hurts lying on my stomach, he's so hard. I place the toy between us and he groans once more. He grinds against me as we both feel the sensation from the vibration. I feel myself rising, about to come and he senses it as well and stops moving.

  "No, I need to do that."

  He sits up and tosses the vibrator aside. I can still hear it buzzing. He lies back down on top of me, and slowly enters my slit.

  "You’re so hot and wet. God, Katie," he’s not really saying it to me, but almost as an admission of surrender to the pleasure. I am swollen with lust, and I feel tight when he enters me. Almost like our first time. We find a perfect rhythm, not too fast, not too slow, just right. He looks into my eyes and pauses. "I could only ever be with you, baby. Do you feel how perfect we are? Feel how my dick fills up your sweet pussy. That's all I ever want."

  Those words push me quickly over the edge and I come. I'm shaking and clenching around him as he continues his stroking.

  "That's it, baby. I feel you coming. I'm not ready yet, you feel too good."

  The more he pumps, the more I swell. I am so tight around his cock, I think I’ll come again before he does. I feel myself start to rise once again, but before I do, he pulls himself out and flips me over onto my stomach.

  "I want to come on your sweet ass." I feel him shower me with his warm liquid. He grabs my cheeks hard and massages it into me. He lies down on his side, and pulls me into him, his front to my sticky back. He reaches around and rubs my clit. I come fast since I was on the edge before. He always seems to know what I need without my even saying so.

  "Was that as good as when you were by yourself?"

  I can tell he's smiling.

  As we lie there in post-coital relaxation, my dream comes flooding back to me. He turned the strange woman around and came on her back. Whoa, that's weird. I feel a nasty little jealousy pang try to rise up, and I do everything I can to ignore it. I can't obsess about a stupid dream anymore.

  Chapter 15


  Valentine’s Day is almost here, and Jason is hinting that he has a really big surprise. He seems especially excited this time. The past year had been a bit of a challenge. Jason did travel a few more times. Never more than one night at a time, but it's strange. He does seem to miss me, but I get the feeling that he really enjoys his time away. I guess I would too if given the chance. He says he's miserable when he's gone, and maybe he's telling the truth. I think it may be my own insecurities asking up to be heard.

  Ever since that first dream I had when Jason was away, there have been quite a few more. The woman's face is not very clear, but it's understood in my dreams that she's the same person each time. The things they do vary wildly. They can be strolling down the street, window-shopping together or having the raunchiest sex anyone has ever seen. I don't always tell Jason, but he seems to know when I've had one. He doesn't know what to say, so he usually leaves it alone. He's a smart man.

  Jason has never, in the entire time we've been together, even glanced at another woman. He has always made me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. When we go out, I can't help but notice how women gawk at him. I’ve seen women trip over themselves to get a better look. It’s been that way since high school, and it only seems to be getting worse with time. I am the luckiest woman in the world, except that my imagination doesn't seem to understand it.

  I know he’s made plans for us to go somewhere, because Melanie has already leaked that she's watching my kids overnight. He should know better than to tell her anything he doesn’t want everyone and their dogs to find out about. Poor thing can’t keep a secret to save her life. I know if I ask her about the details, she’ll spill.

  I go shopping to get a few new things for our trip. Maybe that will pull me out of my funk. I hit the mall, and go to all my favorites. The lingerie store is first. So many men are there looking embarrassed and confused. They want something hot for their wives or girlfriends, but they don't know where to start. I choose a beautiful black silk bustier, with red satin trim. I find a thong to match, and some silk thigh-highs. What a sin to pay this much for something that Jason will destroy! He's always telling me to spend on myself, but I guess this is more his gift than mine.

  I hit the department store next for an outfit or two. I don't know what our plans are, so I'm not sure what to get. I find a gorgeous red cashmere dress, clingy in all the right places. It’s ridiculously soft, and ridiculously expensive. I am trying not to dwell on the price tags; I have to remind myself this is how grown-up women dress. Not yoga pants and T-shirts all the time. I see some gorgeous black boots with a high heel that will go perfectly with the dress. I also decide on designer jeans and a chunky sweater in case I need something a bit more casual. Perfect.

  He awakens me on Valentine's Day morning with a dozen gorgeous red roses. I smell them before he opens the bedroom door. My eyes open and as I look at him, I can admit, I’m ridiculously excited for tonight. I need some grown-up time with him.

  "Hey, sleepyhead," he whispers as he sits down on the bed and places the flowers on my nightstand.

  "Hi, what time is it?" I ask in my sleepiest voice.

  “It's only seven."

  Oh, no. He has a strange expression on his face.

  "What's wrong?"

  He frowns as he begins to tell me. “I have some bad news. One of my players reinjured his knee during an away game in Phoenix last night. He's in the hospital down there. Apparently it's pretty bad, and he doesn't want to fly yet. The orthopedic surgeon and I are flying down to evaluate him this morning. I'm so sorry."

  He looks as if he could cry. I don't remember ever seeing him like this.

  "Can't the surgeon go alone? You can't do anything down there anyway, right?"

  He rubs his face with both hands, looking exasperated.

  "I give these clients whole-body care, including their mental well-being. If he wants me there, I need to go."

  He leans down to kiss me. I don't want him to see me upset; it will only make it worse for him. I kiss him back, but my lips are quivering as I try not to cry. How silly. He gives me his knockout smile, but he still looks sad. I reach up and grab him by the back of his neck and kiss him hard. Our tongues intertwine and our breath gets faster. He grabs my face and pulls me closer.

  "I love you, Katie, I want you, I need you. I'm so sorry; I wanted us to be together all day today. I want to show you how much you mean to me."

  It breaks my heart to hear him so anxious. His cellphone buzzes, and he jumps. What a bucket of cold water. He takes a calming breath, and answers it. "This is Jason. Yeah, I'll be there in twenty.”

  He presses the off button with more strength than necessary.

  "I have to go. Dr. Wells is already at the airport."

  He tries to gather himself. He stands, and adjusts his mussed clothing and hair. That lust-filled look still on his face.

  "I'm not sure what time I'll be back, but I'll try to make it home as soon as possible. Rain check on Valentine's Day."

  He bends down to kiss me once more, and lands it on my forehead. Now he's all business. He grabs his bag, and he's out the door. Damn! Well, that qualifies as the big
gest disappointment in recent history. I pull myself out of bed, and make my way downstairs. I call Melanie to let her know she doesn’t have to watch the kids after all, and to see what she's up to. I try to sound upbeat, but I know she knows better.

  ”Oh Katie, I'm so sorry. I know how much you wanted to go. Well, I've already received the flowers that Chris’ secretary sent, and a text that says he has to be out of town for the next two days. I'm heading straight for the heart-shaped candy aisle to drown my sorrows in sugar. Want to join?"

  I feel so sorry for her, but she seems to take it in stride most of the time. I think she feels like she deserves her lot in life. She got what she always thought she wanted.

  “As tempting as that sounds, I think I'll pass. I'm just wondering now if I should return the clothes I bought for the trip. That dress was really expensive."

  “Are you crazy? Girl, you know you can afford it, plus, he did say rain check, right?" Melanie sounds exasperated for me.

  "Do you want to come over and bring the kids tonight? May as well, neither of us have our Valentines around. Actually, why don't you let me keep the kids like I was planning to do? It might be nice to have some time to yourself. Anyway, we already have stuff to make pizzas and I rented a movie.”

  I think about it briefly, and then realize it does sound great.

  "You’re a doll. I'll take you up on that."

  A whole evening to myself. To be honest, I really don't know what to do. I'm not reading anything right now. I have no projects or hobbies. Nothing good on TV. I can't believe I'm this boring. I find myself standing in front of the refrigerator just staring into it. Only when I shiver do I realize I've probably been standing there about five minutes. Don’t boredom eat, I’m trying to chant, over and over. I’ve always been lucky to not carry extra weight, but with my height, an extra five pounds is equal to a permanent residence on Lycra Lane. I shake out of my daze, grab a yogurt and hit the couch. I’ll watch something funny on TV; a good laugh always helps me out of it. Bridget Jones’ Diary is on, one of my all-time favorites. I eat my snack and snuggle up on our huge couch, ready to watch. I always wondered what it would have been like to be single like Bridget in my twenties.

  I never got to experience the nerves of meeting guys at bars with my girlfriends, bad breakups, or the constant wondering of would I ever meet someone. Jason was a gift given to me so young. I could never imagine a more perfect person for me, but I still wonder what my single girl days would have been like. I flashback to the time in the bar singing karaoke and giving some stranger a lap dance. I felt tremendous guilt, but also a surge of excitement.

  I wake up on the couch about midnight, and head for bed. I grab my cell on the way up to see if Jason called. He usually calls my cell if it’s late so he doesn't wake the kids. I have two missed calls and a text. One message was from Melanie. The kids were all screaming in the background and she wanted to let me know they were fine and having a blast. The other call was from Jason: Hi, honey, I'm here safe and sound and I miss you. I'm sorry our Valentine’s Day was ruined, but I swear I’ll make it up to you. I love you with all my heart. Call you tomorrow.

  That was at ten. The text from him was at eleven: Thinking about you and our discussion before I left. very horny, can’t wait to see you. ;)

  When I read that, my heart flutters. He’s away from me, and horny. I wonder if he ever masturbates when he’s traveling, I wish I knew. After my big admission to him, maybe he’ll tell me. If he does masturbate, I hope it’s while he's thinking of me. My jealousy is on overdrive with these dreams I've been having. I would love to talk about this with Melanie, but given her history, maybe she doesn't want to talk about the other woman. Still, she is my friend, and I could use a female perspective on how crazy I feel. I’m dying to get this off my chest. I’ll have to use sensitivity; I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable.

  The following morning she brings the kids by around eleven.

  “Do you have time to stay for a bit? I made muffins this morning, and I can make some fresh coffee.” I probably sound like I’m begging.

  “That’s sounds perfect. The kids had so much fun last night, their laughing kept me up.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry! I promise to make it up to you.”

  We head to the kitchen and sit at the table while the kids all run upstairs. I decide I’m going to jump right in, but before I get the chance, she starts to talk.

  “I spoke with Chris last night; what a shock, he actually called me. He told me he saw Jason at the airport yesterday.”

  What? Is that why Chris called her? He’s barely even civil to us, why would he care if he saw Jason, let alone call Melanie about it? Of course I can’t say that to her, all I let out is an “Oh, OK.” I don’t really know what else to say.

  “Anyway, Chris said he was in one of the restaurants and he didn’t get a chance to say hi. Of course, he didn’t fail to notice the gorgeous woman Jason was with.” She rolls her eyes.

  I feel like I’m stuck to my chair and my lungs are tied with rope. What did she just say?

  “Leave it to Chris to take note of every single woman in the airport. That’s probably how he noticed Jason in the first place.”

  I feel like I’m going to be sick. Is Dr. Wells a woman? I don’t recall that bit of information. I trust Jason implicitly but I feel like he should have mentioned that. He’s traveling with another woman on Valentine’s Day, hearts and love all over the place. Why wouldn’t he tell me that? He never plays games. He is the most upright, trustworthy person I have ever known. Maybe it just didn’t occur to him to mention it. He is professional, and he obviously just views her as a colleague. But Melanie can see the shock in my face, and immediately backtracks.

  “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t implying that he was doing anything! Neither was Chris! Please don’t get upset, you know Jason is an upstanding guy! Oh, Katie, please don’t be mad at him.”

  “I know, it’s OK, really. It was just a shock to hear. I’ve never known Jason to travel with anyone but men, so I was a bit surprised.”

  I’m trying to hide my hurt, but she’s not buying it for a second.

  She continues, “Really, Katie, Jason would never do that to you. He had the sweetest trip planned for the two of you. Please don’t jump to conclusions. I realize I'm not one to talk, but trust me, he’s not that kind.”

  I know he’s not. It’s just not what a wife wants to hear, that her husband was spotted, on Valentine’s Day, with a beautiful woman at an airport. It doesn't thrill me that he also admitted to being horny. Yikes: Blue-balled hubby in close proximity to a stunning woman.

  “Did Chris happen to mention what she looked like? I’m just curious if maybe I’ve met her before.”

  Melanie sees through my lie, but she gets what I really want to know. “Yes, it was Chris, so of course he did,” she replies again with a roll of her eyes. “He said she’s a knockout brunette. Long, wavy hair and light eyes. He did admit to noticing her first because she looked striking. She was laughing and he said he instinctively turned around to see; that’s when he noticed her and Jason.”

  Even though Melanie tells me that I shouldn't be worried, she has that sad look in her eyes like she knows exactly what I’m feeling. What she doesn’t know is that she just described the woman I've been seeing with Jason in my dreams. I feel like I’m going to pass out. I must be turning a strange color, because the next thing I know Melanie rushes to my side and hugs me tight.

  “Breathe, Katie, breathe! You look terrible!”

  She leaves my side to get a glass of water. Breathe, Katie. I can hear the voice in my head yelling, too. I take the glass she offers with shaking hands.

  “OK, who is this woman, and how does he know her?” Melanie asks furiously. My reaction has apparently triggered her fight response. She must think I know something. I take a few deep breaths, and start laughing. OK, it’s official, I’ve snapped. Melanie looks as if she’s about to call someone to come and lock me up for my own pro

  “What in the world do you find so funny?”

  I feel my face flush.

  “I wanted to tell you today, because I’ve been feeling silly about it. I’ve been having dreams about Jason.”

  She seems a bit exasperated, and more than a little confused.

  “What? What does this have to do with this mystery woman?”

  “Well, the dreams I've been having are a little racy. I’m watching Jason with another woman.”

  Now I see the Melanie I know and love. She begins to laugh a belly laugh.

  “That’s it?” she can barely squeak out between bursts of laughter. OK, now I feel like an idiot for being jealous.

  “Don’t laugh at me! It’s not funny!” I say as a huge smile comes across my face. We sit there for a few minutes and laugh. As we both settle down, we have to wipe away the tears. That was cathartic for both of us.

  “Katie, sweetie, please tell me it’s not the first time you've ever had those types of dreams about him. That’s so common! I didn’t speak to Chris for days because he slapped a flight attendant’s butt in one of mine! They're harmless. You should enjoy being a bit naughty.”

  She smiles at me. She knows that Jason is the only man I've ever been with.

  “To be honest, I’ve enjoyed them. It’s really hot to see him like that. The only problem is that when I wake up, it feels like it really happened, like when you dream you show up at school naked. It’s the first time in our marriage that I’ve felt insecure. It’s stupid, I know, but I just don’t know how to process these feelings. They started when he began to travel overnight.”

  Melanie touches my hand.

  “Don’t be hard on yourself. These are normal feelings of insecurity. When your man’s gone, your imagination can go haywire. You have to be careful and not let it take over. Keep reminding yourself of who Jason really is, and what your marriage is all about. Oh yeah, and enjoy them, for Pete’s sake!”


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