Billion Dollar Bad Boy (Big City Billionaires #1)

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Billion Dollar Bad Boy (Big City Billionaires #1) Page 11

by Nora Flite

  “Do you think I don't keep tabs on where you are?” He chuckled, like I was the ridiculous one.

  I hid behind my small white cup of green tea. “That's not normal.”

  “I know.”

  I'd expected him to act differently, maybe deny right out of the gate that he'd been stalking me. Instead, he was almost proud of it.

  He lifted the cup in front of him, sniffing it. “What's this?”

  “It's called a Silver Lynx,” I said, my cheeks going pinker. “I thought you'd appreciate the name.”

  Grinning, he watched me intently. “I do.” His sip was slow, lingering. When he finished, he breathed out. “We should talk.”

  “About the other night? Yeah. I think we should, too.” My tongue pressed each word like a hammer on an anvil, giving them all a blade's edge. “I need to know how long you've been following me.”

  “You're very demanding for a pet.”

  “I'm not your pet.”

  “You are.” Glancing down, he motioned at a black cat that was stretched out on the cafe floor. It flicked its ears, miraculously swaying over so Silver could rub its head. “You're not wearing a leash anyone can see, but it's there.” When he shot his stare back to me, I stiffened. “And I'm holding the other end of it.”

  Bunching up my shoulders, I sighed. “Tell me how you know me.”

  “Tell me what had you so flustered earlier.”

  I came close to arguing with him. Really, though, I was too burnt out to find the energy. If I give him answers, he might finally give me some. Hanging my head, I glanced at the nearby wall. “There's a detective that's been following me as much as you have.” I frowned at him. “He's been trying to grill me for information.”

  Silver sat up so quickly that the cat jumped away. “Detective?”

  “It's stupid.” Shaking my head, I peered through my eyelashes at him. “I feel weird explaining it, even.”

  “Don't, just take your time,” he said gently.

  He switches from domineering to kind like a flip of a light switch. In spite of my observation, the sudden warmth inside of me wasn't just from my tea. “Alright. Well, this guy—Detective Roose—he thinks I can help him with an old case. Except, I don't think I can. I kind of don't remember much about what happened, and it was so long ago, you know?”

  Silver considered me, his hands resting lightly on the table. “I see. He wants your help, even though you can't remember the details he needs? Why can't you remember, amnesia?”

  My laugh was nervous. “Amnesia is too intense a word for it. I can recall bits and pieces, if I try.” I don't want to try. “He thought he had a way to fix it so I'd remember more clearly. Earlier, he took me back to where it all happened—the crime, I mean. Guess he wanted the location to jog my memory.”

  “And it didn't.”

  “No,” I agreed. “It didn't.”

  Smoothing his shirt, he said, “So that's why you were so distraught on the phone. You couldn't remember anything, even after he forced you.”

  “I wouldn't say forced.” Swirling my spoon on my tea, I watched my reflection ripple. “Or maybe it was forced. Either way, it was a waste of time.”

  “These kind of things should be handled more gingerly.”

  Lifting my chin, I studied him. He seemed so relaxed, but I sensed he was as coiled as the cats were. “If you've forgotten things, it's for a reason. Trying to break that vault open before your psyche is ready could damage you.”

  The way he gave me an excuse for burying my past so firmly, it made me grateful. So grateful, that I almost forgot he hadn't answered any of my questions, still. “Hey,” I said sharply. “It's your turn. Tell me when you began stalking me, and why!”

  “Knowing where you work isn't really stalking.”

  “It is! And you knew where my post office was, where I live... you know a lot, Silver. Why?”

  “Because I want to know everything about you.”

  Turning crimson, I let my hands fall down to my lap. “That's not enough. I need more.”

  “So do I.”

  “Stop that!” I blurted. I grabbed for some control, hating how he was turning things around on me. “Tell me what happened the other night, why were you acting so weird?”

  “You mean why was I reveling in how I'd conquered your body? How I'd turned you into my play thing, and how I made it clear you belong to me?”

  This wasn't the inquisition I'd expected. The more we talked, the more I found my anger mutating into something just as hot, but entirely different.

  I squinted at my knees, unable to speak. I was furious at his slippery answers, and fumbling with the blunt honestly he kept throwing at me. Hadn't I run away from him three nights ago? At what point had I stopped feeling afraid of this man?

  Silver tapped the table, making me look up. “I know that I was intimidating. I couldn't help it, Pet. I was relishing in the pure sensation of power that being with you gave me. Nothing could have been better than that moment. I never wanted it to end.”

  My heart was one big flickering ball of excitement. “I didn't either,” I whispered softly.

  Under the table, his fingers found my knee, grazing it. My pulse fluttered quicker. “I have something for you.”

  “What is it?”

  “Well...” Reaching into his pocket, he bent forward. I had the sudden idea he was about to get down on one knee.

  “Silver,” I gasped, covering my mouth. “What are you doing?”

  He grinned, sliding a set of keys into the light. “Here, take these.”

  The sight of them calmed my heart. I wasn't ready for a damn proposal, but at the same time, I endured a stab of disappointment. Reaching out, I stopped inches from taking them. “Are those your house keys?”

  He dropped them so that I had no choice but to catch them. “More than that. There's a key there for everything I own. I'm an open book to you, Pet.”

  “I... why?” Clutching them, I enjoyed how they still held his warmth.

  “Because I want to make it possible for you to reach me at any time. I never want you to feel like I'm not there for you. No lock can keep us apart.”

  The last remnant of my uncertainty faded into the background. It was still there, but buried under the heavy waves of my own surprise. “This might be the most valuable gift you've given me,” I whispered, tucking the keys in my purse.

  “Speaking of gifts,” he said, sipping at his tea, “When you were throwing mine away, which ones ended up in the trash?”

  Linking my fingers, I bit my lip guiltily. I didn't want to be reminded of how I'd thrown all those boxes into a dumpster. “I don't know, I chucked out a bunch of stuff that I never even opened.”

  “You saw none of it?”

  Oh no, I thought. I did see one thing in particular. I even wore it. I'd never tell him that part. “I kind of threw away some really fancy lingerie.” That memory wasn't a pleasant one.

  “That's perfect.”

  I sat there for a moment, digesting his response. “I'm sorry, what?”

  Silver's hand vanished from my leg. He rose, his open palm waiting expectantly for mine. “You've given us something to do for the afternoon.”

  I didn't know what he was talking about.

  I had no clue why Silver was following me, why he was using a fake name, or what his plans for us—for me—even were.

  When my fingers slid into his, we both squeezed.

  - Chapter Fifteen -


  His car keys jingled as he handed them over to the valet. I was still sitting in the Mustang, the windows blocking me from hearing their voices. Silver was smiling, talking with the other man as he handed over some cash.

  It made me thrill to have Silver open the passenger door. He tugged me free, then captured me all over again when we swayed close. Our chests nearly touched, but I gasped like we'd slammed together.

  It was obvious from how he lingered, fingers clutching mine, that he was battling with wrapping
me in his arms and kissing me right in front of the gathered valets. He stepped back, fingers tucking into his jeans like he had to put them somewhere before he lost control and snatched me up all over again.

  Motioning with his sharp jaw, he said, “Come on, let's go inside.”

  The moment we stepped through the glass doors and into the lingerie shop, I wished I'd dressed nicer. My plan for the day had been to stumble through work without falling apart. Maybe I'd order Chinese and watch something late into the night.

  Those plans don't require fancy clothes, so all I'd put on was plain black pants and a loose beige sweater.

  Standing under the crystal decorations and the golden lights, I felt like a fraud. Mannequins shaped like impossibly perfect people cocked their hips all over the room. They were wearing lace, leather, satin... every fabric I could have named, and many I couldn't.

  “How may I help you?” The woman who approached was draped in a black skirt and a crisp blouse. Her hands glinted with jewels, while her teeth sparkled even more so.

  Silver gave me a nudge. “We're looking for a few different sets, whatever your finest quality items are.”

  “Oh no,” I said, glancing between them. “Just one set, and it doesn't have to be that fine.”

  “It does.” He nodded knowingly at the woman. “Use your best judgment.”

  “Really,” I said. “Don't listen to him.”

  “I think she'll be happy to listen to me. Just like you should be, Pet.”

  That shut me up; I couldn't believe he'd called me that name in front of a stranger. The woman—whose name was Donna, according to her tag—gave us both a long stare. I was amazed she was still smiling when she spoke. “Follow me, Miss. I think I can make you both happy.”

  Glaring sideways at Silver, I mouthed, “Stop it.”

  He just smirked even brighter.

  Donna guided me through the tunnels of clothing and away from Silver. “Do you have a favorite color?”

  Grazing my eyes over the lingerie, I hummed. “Green is nice, but so is purple.”

  Snatching a few things off the racks, she smiled at me. “Honestly? I think white suits you better.” Then, like she was considering her own comment, she stood on her toes and looked behind me. I followed her eyes, noticing she was making sure Silver was out of earshot. “Is he your Dom?”

  “My what?”

  “Dom.” She said it so matter of fact. “Masters, whatever you want to call them. Guys who like to pretend they can control their women.”

  My mouth gaped, no sound escaping.

  Donna covered her own mouth in horror. “Oh gosh, I didn't mean that to sound bad. I've got nothing against the whole submissive sex slave kind of thing, I swear! I've even got a friend who looks for that on Tinder.”

  I gestured with my hands between us, punctuating each word. “It's not like that.”

  She hoisted the pile of lingerie onto her shoulder. “But he called you his pet.”

  “That—that's just a nickname he has for me!” I laughed too loudly. “Like a pet name, get it? Do you get it?” My eyebrows lowered. “Tell me you get it.”

  “I get it, I get it!” Her heels snapped over the floor, taking us through a curtain. Inside, there were a few stalls and a single mirrored wall. “Here, try these on. If you need anything, call for me.”

  “Right. I will.” When she ducked through the curtain, I slumped sideways with a groan. Had she really called Silver my master? Even if he could control my excitement, control my breathing... my heart... or how fast or slow I climaxed...

  He wasn't my fucking master.

  Moving into a stall, I shut the door. Donna had left me way too much to try on. I wasn't going to bother with all of it, honestly.

  Picking through the stack, I brushed an ivory corset covered in black lace. The pattern looked like leaves that were spiraling in an autumn breeze. I was reminded of the day I'd slid into the outfit Silver had sent.

  Back then, he'd been known as S to me. A figment, a phantom... a stranger. But even so, I'd dressed in that lingerie with glee.

  Trembling, I started to breathe faster. Stripping out of my clothes, I hooked the corset into place. It forced my breasts up, cupping them and creating cleavage like I'd never had. The panties were boy-cut, almost slippery to the touch.

  When I bent down to grab at the thigh-highs Donna had left to match, a small sound hit my ears. I'd barely straightened up when the door to my private box cracked open. Silver leaned inside, his eyes eating me up in one quick swoop. “Fucking hell,” he breathed out.

  “What are you doing?” I gasped, backing up; there was no where to run. “I've barely tried anything on yet. You should wait outside.”

  He closed the door, the lock clicking sharply. Advancing on me, his nostrils flared. “How could I wait when I knew you were stripping in here?” His eyes swept over me. “You're so fucking beautiful. I can't handle it.”

  “Silver,” I started to say.

  His hands came down hard on the wall behind me, boxing me in. I felt the structure shake, my knees copying the motion. “I need you right now. Right here.”

  I lifted my fingers, but he just linked them with his and shoved my wrists on the wall. I couldn't argue, he'd stolen my voice—and he was stealing my strength.

  Silver's hands raked down the corset, his mouth tackling mine. Wet, warm lips dulled my senses. My whimper weaved through the cotton in my brain, so soft it could have been a dream.

  Reaching between my thighs, he stroked the outside of my silken panties. I clenched around him, trying to push him away. All I did was hold him closer. I was an accomplice in my own capture.

  “We can't, we really can't!”

  “I'm not letting you talk me out of this. Not when I can smell how turned on you are from here.” His thumb rubbed along my slit, fondling my pussy up and down. Any chance I had of denying him the truth—that he was ruining the panties we hadn't bought yet—faded under my own soft moans.

  “Excuse me!” The heavy thudding of an angry fist assaulted the door. “I can hear you two in there!” Donna shouted. “Stop that this instant, or I'm calling security!”

  Silver pulled away from me. I was cold from panic, but he was smiling like this was a game. Everything was, to him. “Stay here,” he said. Digging into his jacket, he slid out his wallet and thumbed through the cash.

  He was carrying several thousand fucking dollars.

  Turning, he unlocked the stall. I glimpsed Donna, her face furiously beet red. I was sure that she thought the worst of me. Every claim I'd made earlier about how Silver and I weren't playing at being master and slave had been snuffed out.

  “Sir,” she started to say.

  Silver cut her off, his hand fanning out some bills. “Take this and leave us alone.”

  Her eyes bugged out, dancing between the money and his grin. “I—what?”

  “And this,” he went on, sliding another thick stack her way. “Is for the lingerie. We'll be taking everything.”

  Donna had gone silent, but her hungry stare said plenty. Taking the money, she shot me one quick look...

  And then she shut the door for us.

  Silver spun, the centers of his eyes glowing. “Now, where were we?”

  Pulling his pants down slightly, he shoved me back on the wall. His arms tangled around me, my hair blinding me. Some got in my mouth when I kissed him, but neither of us cared.

  “Feel me,” he demanded, guiding my palm between us. The heat of his straining cock through his underwear was maddening. He controlled me, grinding my skin against him.

  “Are we really doing this?” I asked softly. I was distracted by how good his length felt in my hand.

  Spinning me, he grabbed my hair and bent my chest into the wall. I wouldn't have moved, but his palm came down—crispy spanking my ass. “Hey!” I gasped, trying to face him. He held tighter, slapping my other cheek.

  “I want the store to hear you,” he said, brushing his suddenly exposed cock ov
er my lower back. “Make some noise, Pet. Let them know how good you're getting fucked.”

  Biting my own wrist, I shook my head. My body was furiously turned on, but emotionally, I wasn't ready to tell that to the world.

  The sound of paper ripping announced the condom. The new panties were guided down, still hugging around my hips. Slick from my juice, he rubbed his dick between my ass cheeks. I tensed up, peering back at him. “Not there.”

  “No?” he asked, grinning.

  “I can't. I haven't... and not like this.”

  “Relax.” Licking his thumb lewdly, he brought it near my asshole. When I jumped, his eyes got sharper. “I love when you squirm. I'm not going to fuck your ass, Pet. Not now, anyway.”

  Squeezing my hips, he hooked my panties and moved them aside. With the fabric cutting into both of us, he fed his cock into me. Groaning, I forgot where we were. I was too hungry for release, a slave to my own passion.

  This bastard was right.

  He could control me.

  Silver fucked me with full, hard strokes. There was no patience. I had the feeling that he'd been lusting for me since we'd first had sex. He'd had a taste, and being forced to wait for more had cracked some of his stoniness.

  “Yes,” he growled, hunching over me. “Fuck, yes. Drive your pussy back onto me. Do it!”

  I obeyed, already gyrating helplessly.

  A wave made of butter and trembles skipped down to my clit. My muscles clenched, making his every movement delicious. I was coming before I sensed it, caught off guard and openly whimpering.

  It must have set him off; he clung to me, hammering into my twitching pussy. I thought, when his release tipped over, that he sighed in content. But that was a noise too soft for a man like him.

  I must have imagined it.

  Sliding backwards, he traced his fingers through my hair. “I missed you.”

  Stunned, I remained where I was against the wall. He turned away, zipping his pants, effectively stopping me from responding.

  I missed you, too, was my unsaid answer.

  Gathering up the lingerie, he smiled at me over his shoulder. “Let's get out of here before they call security on us.”


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