Stonehenge—A New Understanding: Solving the Mysteries of the Greatest Stone Age Monument

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Stonehenge—A New Understanding: Solving the Mysteries of the Greatest Stone Age Monument Page 44

by Mike Parker Pearson

farming landscape of, 72

  flint worked during, 134

  pottery from, at Durrington Walls, 101

  reconstruction of roundhouse from, 74

  timber causeways from, 256

  isotopic analysis, 5, 93, 118, 120, 195, 200, 209, 211, 212, 214, 320

  see also tooth enamel

  Ixer, Rob, 262, 263, 265, 286, 287


  jadeitite, 21

  Jedi, 177

  Jefferson, Thomas, 12

  Jericho, 137

  John, Brian, 270

  Johnson, Anthony, 255

  Jones, Inigo, 30, 254

  Judd, William, 268

  Jury, Reg, 218, 220

  Jutes, 176


  Keen, Jake, 126

  Kellaway, Geoff, 268

  Kennet river, 11, 60, 294, 297

  King Barrow Ridge, 240

  chalk plaques found at, 227, 227, 228

  King Barrows, 240

  Knap Hill, 296, 299

  Knossos, 13

  Knowth, 335

  macehead found at, 204

  Knüsel, Chris, 118

  Kuttamuwa, 12


  Langdale, 271

  Lao Tzu, 12

  Larkhill, 110

  Leary, Jim, 300, 301, 301

  Lewis, Isle of, 150, 325, 353

  Library of History (Diodorus), 353

  LIDAR (laser mapping system), 261

  Limbrey, Susan, 135

  Lincoln, Abraham, 12

  lintels, 5, 27, 34, 40, 90, 91, 102, 248, 252, 254, 259, 280, 292, 293, 334, 338

  Lizard peninsula, 17

  Llandegai henge, 315, 316, 319, 321, 325

  Lockyer, Norman, 45

  Loggan, David, 151

  London Stone, 274

  long barrows, 138, 194, 212, 327

  long foot, 257, 260, 338

  Luxenborough Plantation, 125, 151


  maceheads, 204, 205

  McKinley, Jacqui, 189, 190, 199, 202, 281

  Madagascar, 9, 11, 13, 158, 219, 267, 268, 273

  Madgwick, Richard, 121

  Marden, 300, 301

  marine shell, 67, 158, 159

  Marlborough Downs, 174, 274, 292, 338

  Marshall, Peter, 110, 203

  Maumbury Rings, 318

  Max Gate, 317, 318

  Maya, 212

  Megalithic Yard, 254, 256

  Meini Gwyr, 277

  Mendips, 153, 320, 323

  Menhir Brise, 332

  Merlin, 278

  Mesolithic period, 4n, 18, 22, 305

  flint tools of, 23, 134, 230, 236

  mystery surrounding disposal of dead during, 194

  metal tools, first, 16

  micaceous sandstone, 262, 263, 265

  Michell, John, 257

  microliths, 23, 134

  Middle Stone Age, see Mesolithic period

  midsummer, midwinter solstice see solstices

  Migration Period, 153

  Milford Haven, 265, 266, 276, 283

  Millmead, 158, 159

  Ministry of Defence, 39, 110

  Ministry of justice, 50, 174

  Monkton Up Wimbourne, 319, 322

  monuments, earliest, 20

  Mortimer, J. R., 321

  Mount Killaurus, 279

  Mount Pleasant, 259, 318, 346

  Mukherjee, Anna, 117

  Mulville, Jacqui, 74

  Mycenae, 40, 332


  National Geographic Society, 93

  National Museum of Ireland, 350

  National Trust, 103, 142, 173, 235

  and A 303 trunk road, 232

  and Avebury Museum’s prehistoric skeletons, 176

  Neal, John, 257

  Needham, Stuart, 351

  Neolithic period

  to Bronze Age, transition from, 123, 344

  clearance of forest during, 164, 290

  DNA studies throw light on, 5, 18

  Early, concentration of monuments of, in Wales, 325

  etymology of, 4n

  gathering places during, 16

  illnesses during, 202, 281

  kin-group networks during, 17

  labor organization during, 115

  Millmead pits contain objects from, see Millmead

  mystery surrounding disposal of dead during, 162

  people of, violent causes of death among, 64

  plant remains from, 122, 126, 163

  pottery of, see pottery

  quarries of, difficulty in verifying, 286

  reconstruction of house from, 17

  rediscovery of periglacial feature during, 247

  single farmsteads favored during, 16

  sites of, map showing, 24

  sociable nature of, 275

  and Stonehenge’s new sequence, see Stonehenge’s new sequence

  transition from Mesolithic to, 18, 22

  Ness of Brodgar, 99, 107, 324, 325, 329

  Netherlands, 19

  Nevern valley, 265, 284, 287, 288

  New Stone Age, see Neolithic period

  Newall, Robert, 37, 167, 181, 187, 248

  Newall’s Mound, 242, 247

  Newham, C. A. (“Peter”), 110

  Normans, 176

  Normanton Down, 134, 347, 349

  North, John, 46, 48

  North Barrow (Stonehenge), 310, 311

  North End Pot, 195

  North Kite, 229, 350

  Northcote Primary School, 255

  Northern Circle, Durrington Walls, 3, 81, 87, 92, 109, 334

  Nunn, Bob, 218, 219, 230

  Nystrom, Pia, 199


  Office of Works, 36, 37

  Old Sarum, 36

  Old Stone Age, see Paleolithic period

  omphalos, 331

  On Stonehenge (Hoyle), 46

  Orkney, 16, 52, 53, 58, 72, 97, 99, 100, 101, 106, 107, 28 323, 324, 32 330

  ornaments, see bone pins and ornaments

  Ötzi the Iceman, 123

  Outer Hebrides, 14, 52, 74, 150, 325, 327, 353


  Pagans, 173, 176, 179

  other groups within, 177

  see also Druids

  Pagans for Archaeology, 180

  paleochannels, 156, 162

  Paleolithic period, 4n

  flint worked during, 134

  Upper, 9, 134

  Palisade, see Stonehenge Palisade

  passage tombs, 276n

  Passmore, A. D., 67

  Peak District, 213

  Pendragon, Uther, 312

  Pentre Ifan, 276, 334

  perfect circles, 322

  periglacial features, 242, 243, 245, 249, 310

  Peterborough Ware, 54, 54, 330

  Peter’s Mound, 110

  Peterson, Rick, 296

  phallus, flint, 66, 68, 68

  pig figurine, 236, 237

  Piggott, Stuart, 38, 40, 41, 42, 47, 182, 185, 299, 349

  pigs, 18, 25, 102, 103, 108, 119, 126, 158, 161, 197, 230, 305

  Pike, Alistair, 160

  Pipes, Gordon, 268

  Pitts, Mike, 40, 42, 148, 167, 203, 248, 252, 258

  and Boles Barrow, 272

  plant remains see Durrington Walls: plant remains; Neolithic period: plant remains

  Pollard, Josh, 3, 13, 62, 182, 198, 286, 334, 335

  Avebury excavation by, 59, 152

  Bluestonehenge excavation by, 220, 232

  Larkhill excavation by, 110

  Stonehenge palisade excavation by, 235

  Stukeley sarsens sketch turned up by, 296, 298

  at West Kennet excavation, 234

  Woodhenge excavation by, 85, 94, 95, 150, 160, 196, 259, 339

  pollen analysis, 163

  portal dolmens, 276, 287, 289, 298, 299, 325, 328, 331, 334

  Parton Down, 39

  Posidonius, 179


  Beaker, 54, 77, 117, 117, 170, 206, 212, 344, 350

  Bronze Age
, 4, 19, 40, 54, 77, 148, 187, 237, 238, 261

  Grooved Ware, see main entry

  in Ireland, 20

  Iron Age, 101

  Neolithic, 20, 53, 54, 55, 148, 275, 330

  Peterborough Ware, see main entry

  Roman, at Stonehenge, 32, 170

  in Scotland, 20

  simple names given to types of, 54

  spiral-decorated, 115

  Preseli hills, 7, 264, 275, 278, 283, 325, 327

  absence of Late Neolithic monuments in or near, 327

  acidic soils of, 276

  Bedd Arthur in, 277

  Bedd yr Afanc in, 276

  Carn Breseb in, 287

  Carn Ddafad-las in, 287

  Carn Goedog in, 265, 275, 283, 284, 285, 289

  Carn Menyn (Meini) in, 265, 275, 276, 277, 281

  Castell Mawr in, 287

  Craig Rhosyfelin in, 283, 284, 286, 288, 289

  Foel Trigarn in, 276

  Gors Fawr in, 277

  holy wells in, 281

  map showing location of, 24

  Meini Gwyr in, 277

  Pentre Ifan in, 276, 334

  possible ancestral significance of, 328

  possible Salisbury Plain link with, 271

  prehistoric houses in, 285

  prehistoric quarry found in, 286

  rich in Neolithic monuments, 276

  Riverside Project team’s work in, 283, 286

  stone circles in, 277

  stone tools from, 271

  Waun Mawn in, 283, 288, 289

  see also bluestones

  Preshute, 296

  Priddy Circles, 323

  Pytheas of Marseilles, 353


  Q and R Holes, 43, 166, 183, 193, 223, 253, 260, 303, 307, 310, 343


  radiocarbon dating

  of cremated bones, 200, 202

  of Durrington Walls, 5, 110, 117

  new Stonehenge chronology based on, 307; see also Stonehenge’s new sequence

  of Stonehenge, 23, 40, 42, 45, 108, 128, 135, 169, 184, 185, 200, 230, 247, 303, 307, 332

  Ramilisonina, 6, 7, 9, 205, 219, 268, 273, 293

  Rawlins, Henry, 55

  Rawlins, Stan, 55, 61, 96

  red deer, 24, 25, 121

  pick-axes from antlers of, 32, 121, 197

  Renfrew, Colin, 47, 332

  Reynolds, Peter, 74

  rhyolite, 262, 263, 265, 283, 284, 286

  St David’s (Group VIII) source of, 289

  Richards, Colin, 3, 56, 62, 74, 86, 90, 246, 287, 289

  bluestone chippings’ distribution plotted by, 228

  at Coneybury excavation, 25

  Cuckoo Stone excavation by, 147, 148, 150, 223

  at Fargo Plantation, 94, 229, 262

  and Grooved Ware, 53

  and molehills, 53, 248

  open-air cremation witnessed by, 190

  and Orkney, 52, 58, 72, 97, 106, 323

  and quarries, 150, 284

  and stones’ shaping and dressing, 248

  Tor Stone excavation by, 151

  Richards, Julian, 25, 133, 140, 143, 167, 189, 226, 227

  disagreement of, over Aubrey Hole, 193n

  dolerite found by, 229

  pits discovered by, 145, 227

  Richards, Mike, 211

  Ring of Brodgar, 99, 323, 324

  Rispebjerg complex, 323

  River Avon, 1, 17, 57, 59, 216, 229, 246, 265, 343, 347

  changing course of, 156

  paleochannels of, 156, 162

  role of, within Stonehenge landscape, 156

  Site of Special Scientific Interest, 217

  stone found in, 151

  Stonehenge-Durrington Walls link provided by, 7, 10, 14, 50, 55

  see also Avon valley

  Robin Hood’s Ball, 139, 196, 300

  see also causewayed enclosures

  Robinson, David (“California Dave”), 94, 95, 160, 238

  rock art, 276

  Roman foot, 254, 260

  Roman period, 69, 150, 157, 176, 237, 254, 307, 311, 312

  burials during, 150

  Caesar on, 177

  coins from, 150, 312

  Diodorus Siculus on, 353

  and druids, 76, 177, 178

  and Greater Cursus, 140

  Late, buildings of, 150

  and phallus symbolism, 69

  pit circle reused as amphitheater during, 318

  pottery from, 32, 170, 187, 312

  Tacitus on, 179

  Ross Island, 125

  round barrows, 152, 194, 196, 233, 298, 312, 346, 347, 352

  Royal Archaeological Institute, 62

  Rudston, 331, 332

  Ruggles, Clive, 48, 79, 246

  Russell, Miles, 171

  Rylatt, Jim, 218, 220, 230


  Sahlins, Marshall, 20

  Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum, 38, 90, 108, 132, 150, 184, 272

  Salisbury Plain

  and last Ice Age, 63, 163

  later habitation of, 326

  many monuments on, 1, 7

  as military training area, 110, 147

  possible Preseli link with, 271

  small, mobile groups inhabit, 135

  see also Stonehenge

  sarsen, 34, 147, 150, 292

  from Bulford, 152

  chippings from stone-dressing area, 42, 247, 251

  chippings from Stonehenge and avenue, 187, 243, 247

  difficult to shape, 293

  dressing area for, 248, 250, 299

  dressing of, 247, 293

  hammerstones used for pounding, 35, 187, 250, 293

  sarsen circle, 23, 34, 37, 40, 167, 255, 338

  Amesbury Archer not architect of, 209

  antler picks from, see under antler picks

  compromised stability of, for sake of symmetry, 293

  dating of, 23, 128, 169, 200, 230, 247, 303

  diameter of, 27, 46, 254

  dimensions and weights of stones of, 292

  Stone No. 11 of, 252, 253

  numbering system for, 33

  possible routes for stones of, 294, 295, 299

  Q and R Holes thought by Atkinson to be earlier than, 169

  as symbol of unification, 331

  transport of stones of, 268

  units of measurement used in construction of, 254

  see also great trilithon; lintels; Stonehenge; trilithons

  Saxons, 176, 179, 278, 312

  Scaife, Rob, 163

  Scandinavia, 19

  Scone, Stone of, 273

  Scotland, Neolithic pottery found in, 20

  Senni Beds, 265

  Severn river, valley and estuary, 265, 267, 270, 290, 327, 328

  shamans, 154, 177

  Shaw, Lawrence, 250

  sheep, 15, 25, 159, 237

  Shell, Colin, 154

  Shelley, Pat, 172

  Sheridan, Alison, 20, 21, 326

  shortfoot, 257, 259, 260, 338

  Sikhs, 177

  Silbury Hill, 60, 60, 282, 344, 346, 351, 352

  Simmons, Ellen, 122

  Skara Brae, 52, 53, 99, 100, 101

  Skendleby, 346

  Slaughter Stone, 32, 41, 252, 293, 310

  Smeaton, Lee, 150

  Smith, George, 216, 221

  Smith, Helen, 74

  snails, 164, 240

  Soberl, Lucija, 149, 212

  Society of Antiquaries, 36, 38, 188, 305

  soil micromorphology, 76

  solstices, 41, 45, 48, 144, 161, 173, 180, 198, 245

  Somerbough, Fl.-Lt. 158

  Somerset Levels, 21

  South Barrow (Stonehenge), 107, 310, 311, 335

  South Uist, see under Outer Hebrides

  Southern Circle, Durrington Walls, 3, 57, 79, 89, 92, 100, 109, 254, 334, 339, 342, 345

  better preserved than Northern Circle, 82

  computer-generated image of, 90

  construction of replica, 83

>   construction phases of, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88, 90, 110, 125, 336, 343

  D-shaped building at, 84, 106, 117, 335, 336

  dry valley running from, 246

  end of avenue at, 79, 93, 109, 342

  finds from postholes at, 58, 81, 89, 90, 117

  fire pit found at, 83

  flint surface around, 93, 109, 246


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