Theirs to Take

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Theirs to Take Page 13

by Kaye, Laura

  Hartley burst into tears. “I…I don’t know why I’m crying,” she said, pressing a hand to her mouth. “I’m so happy.”

  “Subspace,” Cruz said.

  Jonathan nodded, satisfaction rolling through him. Because Hartley was more submissive than she even realized—capable of giving herself over, of surrendering, and therefore of opening herself up to the depth of emotion and sensation some submissives could experience. “We pushed her hard enough. Take her to the couch. I’ll get you a blanket and some water.”

  Short minutes later, the three of them sat together on the couch, Hartley sitting in Cruz’s lap, her head against his shoulder while Jonathan rubbed her feet.

  “Where do we go from here?” she asked drowsily.

  And it was a brave damn question, because admitting love was one thing, but turning that love into a working relationship was something else altogether.

  “We’ll figure it out together,” Cruz said.

  Jonathan nodded. “That we will. Because I promise you, tonight is just the beginning.”


  Cruz stood at the helm of the Far ‘n Away and stared out at the wide blue horizon of the Chesapeake Bay. The view gave him hope, as if the whole future was wide open to him. To all of them. And it was. For the first time, he could really believe that.

  His parents’ disapproval still hurt like hell, but something had happened that gave him hope that they could still yet come around. This morning, Hartley’s friend, Linda, the older lady who managed the marina office, had caught them at the docks before they’d set sail. She’d brought Hartley a birthday present—but the real gift had been that she’d teasingly asked Hartley what was going on between the three of them. And their Hartley—their brave, fearless girl—had told her that she was dating both him and Jonathan. Linda’s expression had been almost comically gobsmacked by the news, but she’d recovered beautifully, not only smiling at the men and chiding them to take care of Hartley in that grandmotherly way she had, but also hugging Hartley and jokingly asking to let her know if they had any much older brothers.

  If Linda could accept them, maybe his parents could, too. Someday. In the meantime, he had the love of two incredible people. Both of whom, through their words and their actions, were slowly but surely chasing away every last one of his fears.

  Today had been another great day. It was Hartley’s birthday, and all she’d asked for was to spend the day out on the water with her two favorite men. How much of a lucky fucker that Cruz was one of them? They’d cruised the bay, sailed past a few lighthouses, swam off the back of her boat, ate a delicious lunch under the autumn sky, and made love in the cabin they’d spent so much time repairing. It was damn near a perfect day.

  “I guess we should head back soon,” Hartley said, sitting perfect still in the captain’s chair.

  “There’s one thing we gotta do first,” Jonathan said, sitting on the bench seat beside her.

  Hartley smiled, her cheeks pink from the sun, her hair windblown around her face. She was absolutely gorgeous. “Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

  “Give me five minutes, then come down to the salon and see.” Jonathan waggled his eyebrows at both of them, then disappeared.

  Hartley arched a brow at him, and Cruz shrugged. “He’s a devious motherfucker. I don’t know.”

  Laughter spilled out of her. “Pot, meet kettle.”

  Bracing his arms on either side of the chair, Cruz boxed her in. “That’s what you think, huh?”

  “That’s what I know,” she said, her gaze all challenging.

  Grinning, Cruz kissed her deeply, and it was a kiss filled with banked passion and deep emotion. Full of love, for him. “You know, I think you have thirty-one spanks coming your way sometime today.”

  Heat flashed through her eyes. “Well that sounds—”

  “Yo, birthday girl,” Jonathan called from inside. “Get your sexy ass in here.”

  She chuckled. “Let’s go see this so-called deviousness.”

  Laughing, Cruz followed her into the salon where they found the galley table covered with two little presents and a small chocolate cake with four lit candles atop it—three grouped together on one side, and a single one on the other. Cruz gave him a nod, because he had known about the cake—but not the extra gifts. He frowned. What was Jonathan up to now? They’d already given her presents this morning. Still laying in Hartley’s bed, they’d presented her with a membership to the club, one of his framed photographs of a bald eagle over the bay, and a charm bracelet with a sailboat, a masquerade mask, a heart, and three colorful birthstone crystals representing each of them.

  “Aw, you guys. You didn’t need to do this.” Her smile was as bright as the sun. “But I’m glad you did.”

  “Blow out the candles and make a wish,” Jonathan said, his voice a little…off? Cruz eyeballed him and threw him a what’s up expression. Jonathan gave a single shake of his head.

  “Okay,” Hartley said. “Here goes.” For a long moment, she closed her eyes, and then she leaned down and blew them out. “And there are presents, too?”

  Crossing his arms, Jonathan nodded. And Cruz almost would’ve sworn the guy was nervous.

  Hartley grabbed the first little square box, and got the most comical expression on her face. “This one’s for you, Cruz.”

  “Me?” He took it warily. Like he’d told her, devious motherfucker.

  “And this one’s for me.” She clutched the matching box to her chest. “Let’s open them together. Ready?”

  Eyeing Jonathan, he nodded. And then they were both tearing the ribbon and pulling off the lid. Hartley gasped. And Jonathan’s jaw dropped. Because if he’d ever worried about them wanting him for the long-term, this box had totally allayed that fear.

  On top was a set of shiny silver keys on an engraved silver dog-tag-style keychain. It read Far ‘n Away II. “What does yours say?” Cruz asked Hartley.

  “Far ‘n Away I,” she said.

  Jonathan pulled a matching set of keys from his pocket. “And mine says Far ‘n Away III. They’re the keys—”

  “—to your condo,” Cruz finished, recognizing the more beat-up keys on Jonathan’s new ring.

  “Yeah.” Jonathan gave a fast nod. “I don’t want to be apart from either of you, so…I’m inviting you to move in with me. Both of you. But there’s more.” He nodded toward the boxes.

  Overwhelmed by the gesture and everything it said about their future, Cruz pulled out a folded square of paper and set his box aside. He unfolded it as Hartley opened hers.

  It was a real estate listing. For a nearby house on the water. A very private house judging by the acreage and the neighborhood. Jesus, when had Jonathan done all this?

  “I’m hoping, if you’re both open to it, that my place would just be temporary. And that we could maybe find a house that we could all call home. I kinda fell in love with this one, but I’ll look at as many houses as you two like if it means we could find one where we could build a life.”

  “A life together,” Hartley said, her voice tight with emotion. “Oh, Jonathan. This is beautiful.” She rushed into his arms.

  And then the two of them looked to Cruz, who was clutching the key and the paper like they were lifelines. And he guessed maybe they were. “I worried you two wouldn’t want me forever. That eventually you’d want to pair off.”

  “What?” Hartley exclaimed, her mouth falling open.

  Whereas Jonathan’s expression turned to a dark storm. “What the fuck, Cruz?”

  He held up a hand. “I worried about that back at the beginning. But this…” He shook his head as the words lodged in his throat. “This proves just how wrong I was.”

  “Get over here,” Hartley said, holding open her arm. Drawing them together the way she always did. “You’re our family. We would never want to be without you.”

  As he joined their embrace, Cruz nodded, and Jonathan’s hand cupped the back of his neck.

  “I’m far and away happiest
when I’m with you both,” Jonathan said.

  “Aw, that’s why the keychains,” Hartley said. Jonathan nodded. “This is my very best birthday. And I would love to move in with you.”

  “All I know is that I want to be wherever you both are,” Cruz managed.

  “Then it’s settled,” Jonathan said, deep satisfaction rolling over a sexy, aroused expression.

  “It’s settled,” Cruz agreed.

  “Yes,” Hartley said, uttering that one word that had first brought them all together.

  And together was right where they were going to stay. Because when you found people who accepted you for exactly who you were, you held on tight.

  And you didn’t let go.

  And none of them would. Not ever.



  I hope you enjoyed this newest story in the Blasphemy series! And I hope you’ll join my VIP Readers – because I’d love to share all kinds of fun exclusives with you!

  I had my own saviors while writing this book. Namely my very good author friends, Christi Barth and Lea Nolan, who selflessly threw themselves into editing and proofreading and helping me make Hartley, Jonathan, and Cruz’s story shine. I love these ladies like sisters and appreciate all they do for me so much.

  I must also thank KP Simmon, who is always such an amazing source of support, but who was a cheerleader and a protector and a generator of fun ideas around this book.

  One of the best parts of writing Theirs to Take was all the amazing encouragement I received from readers while writing it. You guys might not realize the impact your posts and notes have, but each and every I can’t wait for this book! I received pushed me through when the going got tough – thank you!

  This book would not have been finished without the patience of my kids, who encouraged me to go work and cheered me on when I finished. My family is an amazing source of support, and I couldn’t do what I love without them.

  Or without all of you. Thanks, as always, to my Heroes and my Reader Girls. And thank YOU, dear reader, for taking my characters into your heart and allowing them to tell their stories over and over again. ~LK

  Introducing Reveal Me (A Steele Brothers Novella)

  By Jennifer Probst

  A Special Crossover Release with Laura’s Theirs to Take








  One Masquerade Ball.

  One Chance to Reveal All Secret Desires.

  One Fiery Encounter.

  One Shot at Love.

  Are you ready to reveal all?

  A Man Who Knows What He Wants…

  Leonardo Sinclair never expected to fall for the fierce, yet vulnerable woman he meets at his friend’s masquerade party, or for her to disappear without a trace. When his cousins sign him up with the mysterious FANTA-C agency, he finds her back in his bed. This time Leo’s not about to let her go. But can he convince her she’s safe to reveal every hidden part of her soul before she walks out of his life again for good?

  A Woman Ready to Explore her Desires…

  Scarlett Rose has always been tempted to explore her wilder side, but for years she’d been humiliated and emotionally abused by her ex. Now that he’s gone, she’s finally ready to embrace her true self. Safely hidden behind a mask, she attends a ball held in the famous Blasphemy club and meets the man who not only embraces her, but demands her complete surrender. Once the mask is stripped away, will she be brave enough to reveal her entire self and take another risk on love? Or will her past ruin the chance of a brand new future?

  If you want to know more about Leonardo and Scarlett, read on…


  A Steele Brothers Novella


  Leonardo Sinclair stepped into the cool darkness and swept his gaze over the soaring, vaulted ceiling of the converted church. Colorful frescoes decorated the walls and thick marble columns lined the open area. Massive stained-glass windows offered protection from the curious gazes and judgments of the outside world. A smile touched his lips as he took a deep breath. Damn, it’d been a long time since he indulged in his favorite vices.

  Good thing he’d come to Blasphemy for play rather than forgiveness for his many sins. The popular Baltimore BDSM club was everything he’d hoped it would be, and he intended to enjoy every moment before it was time to head to Vegas.

  Adjusting the plain black mask he wore, he moved forward, appreciating the large circular bar made of gleaming marble and the intimate set up of leather couches, chairs, and private nooks where couples gathered to chat and play. The sexy timbers of hip-hop ground out from the speakers and urged crowds onto the dance floor. He savored the scents of musk, sweat, and sex drifting in the air, heading toward the bar. He usually hated themed parties such as a masquerade ball, but when one of his brothers from his Navy days asked him to do something, he did it. So when Jonathan and Cruz had invited him to the party before he put the East Coast behind him, he’d agreed.

  Now, he was glad. The muscles in his neck and shoulders began to soften from the long car drive. He’d grab a drink, try to find his buddies, and play with a sweet subbie tonight. Someone easy and experienced. Someone he’d enjoy for a few hours in mutual satisfaction and never look back on. Someone—

  “About time you got here,” the familiar voice called out.

  He turned around with a grin, shaking his head at the wolf mask covering the top half of Jonathan’s face. “Got stuck in traffic. Please don’t tell me I’m supposed to be channeling some sort of animal here?”

  “Like an ass? Nah, you’re good. Let’s just say I’m in the mood to hunt tonight.”

  Leo laughed and they embraced. Jonathan’s quick wit and humor made for an easy friendship, but it was his fierce loyalty and work ethic that earned Leo’s respect. With his staggering height and long blonde hair, he had a quiet presence that screamed authority. “Is there a particular target you have in mind?” Leo asked. “Or is it an open field?”

  Jonathan’s gaze narrowed thoughtfully. “Oh, there’s a target. Her name is Hartley. Tonight’s her first time at Blasphemy.”

  “Sounds promising. Cruz on board?”

  “You better believe it,” another voice said from his left. Leo turned, recognizing Cruz’s short, dark hair and tattoos over warm brown skin even beneath the smooth, famously carved white mask. Shorter than Jonathan, he had bulging muscles that either had a woman running in fear or begging for more. They clapped shoulders, and a fierce wave of emotion clipped through him. He’d forgotten how much he missed his friends. It had been too long.

  Leo raised his brow. “Are you supposed to be the lamb to his wolf?”

  Cruz winked. “Wouldn’t you like to know? Besides, gotta keep her guessing. Much more fun that way, as you’ve told us many times.”

  They all laughed. Leo waved his hand in the air. “This is amazing. I can’t believe you’re both part owners of this place.”

  “We’ll introduce you to the other Masters later,” Cruz said. “Now that we have the boat building and restoration business under control, we’re able to enjoy ourselves a bit more. The people at Blasphemy have become a second family to us.”

  “I’m glad, you deserve it.” After the Navy, they’d all struggled with finding the right fit and place to settle down. The military seemed the only thing that could temporarily satisfy his innate restlessness—always pushing him toward the next adventure. It was good Jonathan and Cruz seemed to find their fit here in Baltimore. Maybe he’d finally find his same place in Vegas. God knows, his cousins had been on his ass for years to go out and join them.

  Cruz motioned him over. “Come on, I’ll get you a whisky and we’ll show you around.”

  “Sounds good.”

  They moved past the dance floor and deeper into the club, unveiling specialized theme rooms that cate
red to every dark, delicious whim, and a beautiful high platformed stage for various demonstrations. Leo crossed his arms and watched a willowy blonde floating above her Dom, her naked body bound with intricate rope work that offered her up like an artistic sacrifice. Low moans broke from her lips, and her body shook and shivered under her Dom’s flick of the whip.

  The crowd surrounding them was respectfully silent, yet caught up in the sensual tension ready to explode before them. Leo enjoyed the tight feel of skin over his bones, and the low punch of heat in his gut that preceded the anticipation of mastering an open, willing female. He’d always known he needed more in his sexual relationships, even young. The deep satisfaction of pleasuring another, of stripping away the walls and bullshit to get to the core—to become truly free with another—that’s what kept him coming back to BDSM.

  “Your wristband marks you as an experienced Dominant,” Jonathan said, walking back toward the bar section. “All the subs have color coded bands that mark their limits and experience level. You’re free to roam and pick from the crowd and all rooms are available for your use—we’ve already approved you for full access. We’re using the masquerade theme to build membership, encourage more of the newbies to participate, and hopefully push some soft limits. Masks must stay on at all times. It’s up to the individuals at the end of the session if they want to exchange true identities.”

  “Thanks. Honestly? This is one of the nicest clubs I’ve seen. You two have done good.”

  Jonathan nodded, pride shining in his eyes through the mask. “You still have to head out tomorrow?” he asked. “We were hoping you could stay with us for a few days.”


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