Tiger Woman on Wall Stree

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Tiger Woman on Wall Stree Page 26

by Junheng Li

  Economic growth:

  and consumerism, 133-136

  and future of Chinese economy, 245-246

  and mid-cycle analysis, 189-190

  quality and quantity of, 163-164

  Economic stimulus plan, Chinese, 154-156, 170-171, 223-224

  Economics classes, 62-64

  Education, 236-244

  during childhood, 26-29

  in China vs. America, 53-54, 238-241

  at Columbia Business School, 3, 72-74

  in Cultural Revolution, 18

  father’s role in, 9-10, 26-27, 31, 47

  idea- vs. knowledge-based, 2, 240

  at Middlebury College, 2, 53-67

  at SISU, 48-51

  Education sector, investments in, 197-201

  Efficient market hypothesis, 251

  Einhorn, David, 97

  Elicitation techniques, 75-76

  eLong, 184-185

  English, learning, 47-52, 56

  English First, 115

  Enron, 176

  ERA Mining Machinery Ltd., 173

  “Ernie” (“Sunlight Systems” competitor), 85

  Ernst & Young, 164


  in Chinese culture, 147-148

  honor code at Middlebury College, 54-59

  universal code of, 2

  European Union, bank bailouts in, 225

  Everbright Bank, 233

  Executives, grading of, 214

  Expedia, 184

  Failure, 15

  Fan Min, 185


  and author’s education, 9-10, 26-27, 31, 47, 240

  on blind belief, 20-21

  Cultural Revolution and experiences of, 17-21, 61

  current life of, 247

  encouragement from, 110-111

  factory job of, 29-30

  interest in American news and culture, 46-48

  involvement in author’s childhood, 29-33

  job and wages of, 24

  parenting style of, 2, 9-11, 26-27

  SISU visit with, 51

  vacation in Thailand with, 139-144

  viewing Gone with the Wind with, 35-37

  Fiduciary Trust Company International (Franklin Templeton Fiduciary), 3, 70-72

  Financial crisis (2007-2009), 106-110

  Financial industry, Shanghai, 125-131

  Financial markets:

  bubbles in, 3-4, 107-108, 236

  first interest in, 45-46

  inefficiency in, 194-195, 251-254

  Financial reports, fabricated, 175-176

  First Solar, 197

  Fitch, 233

  “Five-bagger,” 118

  Food safety, 149-152, 206-211, 216

  Foreign brands, 135, 210

  45-day chicken scare, 206-211

  Franklin Templeton Fiduciary (see Fiduciary Trust Company International)


  at “China Little Fertilizer,” 164-165

  and Chinese IPOs, 129-131

  investigations of, 165-170

  and M&As with multinational corporations, 170-176

  and reverse mergers, 127-128

  Frauds (short sale candidates), 83


  in American education system, 53-54, 59, 243

  as American ideal, 36

  in childhood, 25-26

  and human rights in China, 153

  and Tiananmen Square demonstration, 40

  Game theory, 63-64

  Gang of Four, 18-19

  Gaokao system, 242

  Gardner, Helen, 65

  Garmin, 90-91

  GDP, in top-down analysis, 182, 183

  General partners, 74

  “GET” (see “Global Education and Technology”)

  Gifts, luxury goods as, 157-159

  “Global Education and Technology” (“GET”), 114-115, 117, 171-173

  Global Financial Integrity, 160

  Global investing, 255-258

  Globalization, 94

  “Go out” initiative, 95

  “Going dark,” 128

  Gold, Jason, 74, 92, 110

  advice on “CLF” from, 123

  on Chinese IPOs, 95, 98-99, 104

  and financial crisis, 106, 107

  first interview with, 13-16

  on good companies and good stock, 82

  grading of executives by, 214

  investigative research method of, 75-76

  phone call training with, 76-78

  Goldman Sachs, 109, 167, 236

  Goldpebble, 193-194, 196, 202-203, 207

  Gone with the Wind (film), 35-37

  Gone with the Wind (Margaret Mitchell), 37, 50

  Google, 92, 177

  Government expenditures, 224-226

  Government subsidies, 103-104, 224

  Graft, 30

  Grand Bargain, 41

  Grandfather (paternal), 18

  “Grandma Yangyang” (neighbor), 26, 136-138

  Grandmother (maternal), 21, 43, 44

  Great Leap Forward, 60, 244

  Greenberg, Hank, 167

  Green-tech companies, 101-104, 108, 110

  Gross domestic product, in top-down analysis, 182, 183

  Growth model of Chinese economy, 6

  Hedge fund managers, 72-74

  Hedging, 119-120

  Herbalife, 197

  Hewlett-Packard, 218

  High-frequency risk, 236

  History, in education, 243-244

  Home, childhood, 24-25

  Honor code, 55-59

  Hope, 61-62

  Housing crises, 106-108

  Housing reform, 38-39

  Hsieh, Louis, 200

  Huaxia Bank, 234, 235

  Human rights, 153

  Hypes (short sale candidates), 83

  IBM, 218

  ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China), 142, 222, 225

  ICR Consumer Conference, 216-217

  Idea-based education, 2

  Independence, board of directors’, 176

  Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), 222, 225

  Industrial Revolution, 187-188

  Initial public offerings (IPOs):

  CFOs for, 122

  fraud and, 129-131

  IPO road show, 113-117

  and reverse mergers, 126-128

  three waves of, 94-98

  Innovation, 148, 229

  Insider trading, 172

  Instant alphas, 117-120

  Intellectual property, 99-103

  Internet, Chinese, 176-181

  Internship, M Capital, 64-65

  Investigative research, 191-220

  at Aurarian Capital Management, 16, 74-80

  on Chinese stocks, 196-204

  and influence of state media on businesses, 217-218

  at JL Warren, 111

  and market inefficiency, 252

  meeting with Yifeng, 191-196

  need for, 4

  and past performance as indicator of future success, 219-220

  for special situation investments, 196-204

  on Western multinationals operating in China, 204-220

  and x factors in China, 204-217


  advice on, 6-7, 251-259

  trading vs., 187-190

  Investment, domestic consumption and, 227

  Invisible hand, 62-63

  IPO road show, 113-117

  IPOs (see Initial public offerings)

  Jacques, Martin, 170

  Japan, 246

  Jasmine (sister), 11, 24, 133-136, 147, 152, 239, 248

  Jing An District (Shanghai), 24

  JL Warren (author’s company), 248

  father’s investment in, 142-143

  gifting estimates from, 157

  investigations of WMPs by, 235

  starting, 4, 110-111

  Jobs, Steve, 217

  “Joe” (client), 77-78

  J.P. Morgan, 176, 197

  KFC China, 204-217, 256
, 258

  Knowledge arbitrage, 195-196

  Knowledge-based education, 2, 240

  “Knucklehead” (trader), 118-120

  Korea, 246

  Land titles, leasing of, 226

  Langone, Ken, 212, 214

  “Lau, Jackie,” 121-122

  Lay, Kenneth, 176

  Learning how to think, 67

  Lee, Ann, 171

  Lehman Brothers, 186

  Leigh, Vivien, 35-36

  Lenovo, 218

  Li Gang, 149

  Li Lu, 185

  Li Peng, 146

  Liar loans, 107

  LinkedIn, 84-85

  “The Little Match Girl” (Hans Christian Andersen), 28, 67

  Little Sheep, 216

  “Little Uncle,” 43-45

  Liu Zhijun, 153

  Living standards, 23-24, 46, 136-138

  Local government expenditures, 224-226

  Lockup period, 122

  Longtop Financial Technologies, 167-169, 195

  Love, 10, 11, 141-142

  Lululemon, 252

  Luxury goods, 133-135, 156-160, 208

  LVMH, 156, 159

  M Capital internship, 64-65

  Ma, Jack, 97

  Macau, casinos in, 155

  Macro calls, 182

  Macroeconomic data, 182-183

  “Manfred” (at “Sunlight Systems”), 84-85

  Mao Zedong, 17-19, 21, 60, 145, 244

  Market bubbles, 3-4, 107-108, 236

  Market inefficiency, 194-195, 251-254

  Market value, stock, 188

  McDonald’s, 210

  Medi Spa, 78-79

  Media, Chinese, 46-47 (See also China Central Television [CCTV])

  Mengniu, 150

  Mergers and acquisitions, 170-174

  Mid-cycle analysis, 188-190, 258

  Middle class, Chinese, 137-138

  Middlebury College, 2, 15, 52, 240

  art class, 65-67

  economics classes, 62-64

  educational experiences in China vs. America, 53-54

  honor code and cheating, 55-59

  M Capital internship, 64-65

  students’ behavior at, 54-55

  viewing of To Live (film), 60-62

  Milk powder scandal, 149-151

  Ministry of Education, 239

  Ministry of Finance, 225

  Mistress economy, 157-158

  MNCs (see Multinational corporations)

  Monetization, 177

  Morality, 145-147, 175


  Cultural Revolution and experiences of, 21, 61

  current life of, 248

  garment import-export business of, 30, 42-43

  housekeeping by, 25, 46

  job and wages of, 24

  music instructor’s treatment by, 32

  qualities inherited from, 14-15

  MSN, 207

  Muddy Waters, 128, 165-171, 174, 196, 197, 200-204

  Multinational corporations (MNCs):

  in China, research on, 204-220

  transparency problems for, 170-176

  valuation of, 195, 219-220

  Music, 20, 32

  Mutual fund managers, 72-73

  Nanjing, China, 222

  Nanjing Road (Shanghai), 134, 137, 163

  Nasdaq, 96, 98, 164, 176

  National Bureau of Statistics, 182, 183

  Neighborhood, childhood, 25-26, 49, 136-138

  New Oriental Education & Technology Group, 96, 197-204

  New York City, 124-125, 248-249

  “Nick” (friend), 126, 127, 129, 164

  “Nikolai” (classmate), 57-59

  Novak, David, 212-214

  One-child policy, 198-199

  Online travel industry, 184-185

  Opportunity cost, 63

  Oversubscribed (term), 117

  Parenting style, 2, 7-11, 26-27

  Past performance, 219-220, 257-258

  Paulson, John, 166-167

  Pearson, 171, 172

  Pei, Minxin, 154

  The People’s Daily, 46, 218

  Pershing Square fund, 197

  Pettis, Michael, 236

  PF Chang’s, 219

  Phone calling (research technique), 76-80

  Piggybackers, 97

  Pitch books, 70

  Pollution, 50, 151, 221

  Poverty, 23-24, 26

  PPR, 156

  Pride, 11

  Principal-agent problem, 256-257

  Private equity, 130

  Privatization, 38-39

  Progress, 37-38, 105

  Qihoo, 180-181

  Quantum Fund, 181

  Questioning, 27, 67

  Rand, Ayn, 203

  R&D programs, 99-100, 148

  Real estate market, Chinese, 49, 236

  Red Guard, 19

  Red Party, 114-116, 130, 256, 257

  Redemption, 108

  Reeducation, 18

  Reform and Opening Up program, 23, 35, 37-40, 145, 187

  Religion, 134, 145-147

  Research business trips:

  for Aurarian Capital Management, 93-94

  at Fiduciary Trust International, 71

  first trip to China as an investor, 98-106

  (See also Shanghai research trip [2010-2011])

  Retail stock, 123-124, 204

  Reverse mergers, 126-128, 130

  Richemont (see Compagnie Financière Richemont SA)

  Risk factors, Chinese stock, 257

  “Robert” (friend), 126, 129

  Rogers, Jim, 181-182, 184

  Rogers, John, 84

  Rupert, Johann, 159

  SAC Capital, 14

  SAIC (State Administration for Industry and Commerce), 180

  Saint-Saens, Camille, 32

  Samsung, 218

  Scalping, 41-42

  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC):

  insider trading lawsuit by, 172

  investigations of Chinese companies by, 164, 167, 169-170

  reverse mergers and, 126-127

  treatment of Chinese IPOs by, 97, 98

  Shadow banking, 223, 230-236

  Shanghai, China, 222

  financial industry in, 125-131

  life in, 54, 247-248

  reform movement in, 37-39

  Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), 48-51

  Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 192

  Shanghai research trip (2010-2011), 124-131, 133-138

  economic growth and consumerism, 133-136

  financial industry in Shanghai, 125-131

  living standards of family, 136-138

  modern Chinese culture, 145, 160-161

  motivation for, 124-125

  vacation with father, 139-144

  Shanghai Stock Exchange, 45

  Shanghai No 2 Toy Company, 43

  Shared beliefs, 148-149

  Shin Kong Place, 156

  Short selling, 80-83

  of China-based investments, 104-106, 120-124

  of clean-tech stock, 83-88

  in housing crisis, 107-108

  and Muddy Waters’ fraud investigations, 166

  Short squeeze, 81

  Sina, 176, 193-194, 207

  Sino-Forest, 166, 195

  Sinovel, 103

  SISU (Shanghai International Studies University), 48-51

  Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 227-229

  Small-cap stocks, 253-254

  Smith, Adam, 62-63

  Social trust, 148-149

  Socialism, 62

  SOEs (state owned enterprises), 155-156, 227-229

  Sony, 91

  Soros, George, 181

  Special situation investments, 196-204

  Sports culture, 241-242

  Starr International fund, 167

  State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC), 180

  State media, influence of, 217-218

  State owned enterprises (SOEs), 155-156, 227-229r />
  State-controlled banks, 222-225


  Chinese (see Chinese stock)

  good companies vs. good, 82-83, 254-255

  Stop-loss rules, 81-82

  Strangers, helping, 148-149

  Students’ behavior, 27-29, 54-55

  Su Hai Group, 206, 211

  Success, future, 219-220, 257-258

  Sun Tzu, 87

  “Sunlight Systems,” 83-88, 122-123

  “The Swan” (Camille Saint-Saens), 32

  Swatch Group, 156

  Tai Xing Road (Shanghai), 24, 136

  Taiping Rebellion, 147

  Taobao, 208

  Tencent, 185, 207

  Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) examination, 48-52, 200

  Testing, in schools, 27-28, 56-59

  Tiananmen Square demonstration, 39-41, 146

  To Live (film), 60-62, 244

  TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) examination, 48-52, 200

  TomTom, 91

  Tongshang Guoyin Asset Management Company, 234

  Top-down approach for investing, 181-187

  Toshiba, 218

  Trading, investing vs., 187-190

  Transparency, 170-176

  Travel industry, online, 184-185

  Tribeca Grill, 192

  Trust, 59, 148-149

  Tudou, 202

  United States:

  bank bailouts in, 225

  China as threat to, 6

  Chinese investment in, 141, 152, 160

  desire to go to, 2, 35-52

  economy of China vs., 5-6

  education system of China vs., 238-239

  goals of American vs. Chinese companies, 105

  preparing to go to, 48-52

  shadow banking in, 230

  Urbanization, 214-216


  of Chinese companies, 121-122, 186-190, 258

  of multinational corporations, 195, 219-220

  Valuation inefficiency, 194-195

  Variable interest entity (VIE) structures, 96, 198

  Voice of America radio broadcasts, 2, 47

  Wang, Gary, 202

  Wealth management products (WMPs), 232-236

  Weibo, 193-194, 207

  Wenzhou, China, 229-232

  What the U.S. Can Learn from China (Ann Lee), 170-171

  When China Rules the World (Martin Jacques), 170

  Winn, Peter, 114-116, 125, 198

  WMPs (wealth management products), 232-236


  in American popular culture, 36

  in mistress economy, 157-158

  reputation of Shanghai, 25

  Work, addiction to, 65, 92-94

  Work ethic, 70, 92-94, 249

  WuXi PharmaTech, 197

  X factors, 204-217

  Xi Jinping, 159

  Xiao Gang, 234

  Xinhua, 217

  Yahoo, 97

  Yang (family friend), 41

  Yianjie (classmate), 27-28

  Yifeng (of Goldpebble), 191-196, 202, 208

  Youku, 176

  Yu, Michael, 201-202

  Yum! Brands, 204-217, 219, 220, 256

  Zhang Yimou, 244

  Zhengzhou Siwei, 173-174


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