Opposites Attract

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Opposites Attract Page 7

by Jools Louise

  “I hated her,” Fly said, gulping hard, trying to dislodge the hard knot that had wedged in his throat. “I really did. But there’s a part of me, that little boy part of me, that is desperately sad because she never wanted to love me. I never knew why.” He felt Noah’s lips caress his shoulder, and realized they were naked, Noah’s big cock lying between Fly’s slender thighs, hard and hot. “Make love to me,” he whispered, turning his head. “I need to forget, just for a moment. Make me forget all the bad stuff. Please.”

  Noah’s lips found Fly’s mouth and they kissed hungrily, desperately. Fly pushed back against his lover’s big body, rubbing his body against the thick fleece of hair covering his mate’s wide chest. He felt Noah’s cock harden even more, as the big bear shifter began to thrust his hips, lifting Fly’s leg over his thick thigh. Fly groaned, his cock rising to attention and slapping against his abs. Noah grasped it in his fist, pumping it slowly as he took Fly’s lips, devouring them with ever-increasing ardor. Fly was overcome, swallowed up by Noah’s passion.

  “Inside me…need you inside me,” he begged brokenly. Noah tweaked his nipples, toying with the sensitive little nubs.

  “Need lube,” Noah murmured against Fly’s mouth, his lips following a fiery trail to Fly’s shoulder, biting down with his fangs, claiming Fly with gentle force.

  “Gorilla,” Fly whimpered, reaching out to find his favorite stuffed animal.

  “Got it,” Noah whispered, and bit down harder. Fly bucked against him, and heard the quiet snick, then a squirty sound. A moment later cool fingers smeared with lube played at his hole, thick and insistent, stretching him, tormenting him, amping him up until he was a writhing mess of excitement. “So fucking gorgeous,” Noah grunted, muffled by Fly’s flesh in his mouth. “I could stay here forever.”

  Fly keened loudly, arching his back as a blunt, wrist-wide rod began to push against his rosebud. It punched past his loosened sphincter, filling Fly steadily, splitting his ass as it plowed his warm chute.

  “There you go, love,” Noah said approvingly, stroking Fly’s flank gently as he bottomed out. “So beautifully tight. You’re like a vise around my cock, darling. So hot. You’re the perfect fit, my love. Perfect.” Fly soaked up the tender words, absorbing the loving inflection like a sponge, hungry for Noah’s adoring attention. The big shifter began to flex his hips, testingly, and then thrust more firmly. Fly’s leg was lifted high, draped over Noah’s thigh as his ass became Noah’s playground. The bear shifter’s cock stretched Fly wide, making him ache and burn in the best way. Fly shoved back against each long stroke, impaling himself eagerly.

  “Noah,” Fly wailed, writhing wildly, his entire body rocking with each powerful snap of Noah’s hips. He heard the slap of their flesh meeting, felt the warm weight of Noah’s balls as they swung back and forth. He felt his balls draw up, felt his cock thicken in anticipation as Noah continued to stroke him. Then he came with a glad cry, lost in pleasure. Noah grunted and thrust harder, then gave a low growl, returning to Fly’s neck to bite deep, claiming him again. Fly whimpered with delight, closing his eyes blissfully as he felt warm cum spatter forcefully inside his hole, anointing him, marking him. He loved that he belonged to Noah, and vowed to claim his big bear soon.

  “Hmmm,” Noah muttered, nuzzling into Fly’s neck. He turned Fly in his arms, dislodging his cock in the process, and cuddled Fly, turning the cheetah shifter into a warm puddle in the afterglow. His bear was so tactile, stroking and kissing him, fingering his wet chute, probing with a large finger inside his cum-soaked ass. “Give me a minute, then we can go for round two,” Noah laughed softly. Fly kissed him hungrily, spreading his thighs as he felt his mate’s cock thicken against him, wedged between their bodies.

  “I love you,” Fly said hoarsely, licking at Noah’s throat, tasting the salty tang of sweat, enjoying the rasp of Noah’s stubble under his tongue. “I didn’t realize how much, until I thought I’d driven you away.” He gave a low cry of dismay. “I’m sorry.”

  “Aah, sweetheart, don’t be sorry,” Noah said, sinking back inside Fly’s warm body again, his cock returning unerringly to Fly’s quivering chute. “We’re just finding out what works and what doesn’t. I knew you needed space, so I left you to process what happened with your mom. I didn’t want to, and you hurt me when you gave me the cold shoulder. But I would never leave you. We’re mates. I love you.”

  Fly wrapped his arms around his lover, pushing the bigger man onto his back and straddling him. From this position he could see the expressions flitting across Noah’s face, and read love and desire and amusement, mixed with a tinge of pain. He lifted up, then dropped down smoothly. He wanted to erase any trace of hurt, and replace it with pleasure. They would be dealing with all the nastiness of what Ghost and his mother had done, but for now, Fly wanted to lose himself in his lover, and ride him into oblivion, for just a few more hours.

  * * * *

  Noah groaned when Fly began to ride him, moving up and down gracefully, alternating the tempo. He watched the flush of passion deepen on Fly’s pale skin, dusting him with a rosy hue, his flesh damp with sweat, and his hair a mess of golden fire, tousled and sexy as fuck. Fly resembled a debauched angel, the angular lines of his body exquisitely formed, the narrow ropes of muscle strong as tensile steel beneath his soft skin. Noah arched his back, kneading Fly’s taut buttocks gently, letting his mate play. He loved seeing the intense pleasure on Fly’s face, and knew, at that moment, that nobody else existed but the two of them, making love, destroying their demons.

  “Fly, you’re so beautiful, honey,” Noah said, snapping his hips a little, bouncing Fly on his hard cock. Fly smiled a little at the sudden movement, and held on when Noah repeated the movement. “You look like a doll up there, a very naughty doll, impaled on my cock.”

  Fly giggled, bouncing again, and leaned forward as Noah gripped his hips more firmly and began to rock him back and forth. Their lips fused together, then Noah gave a low moan, and flipped Fly beneath him, desperate to claim his mate again. Fly’s sharp fangs bit into his neck as he began to thrust hard into his lover’s snug hole, fucking him forcefully now, losing control as he felt Fly’s whimpers of need, the heady perfume of their sex as they writhed together.

  “Harder, Noah, fuck me harder. Make me feel it for days,” Fly pleaded. Noah complied willingly, hooking his mate’s legs over his forearms and lifting up onto his haunches. His mate was spread out like a banquet, a feast for Noah’s gaze. Noah watched the play of emotions wrestle across Fly’s face, the golden eyes glittering with lust and love and a pleasure so deep it ignited Noah to new heights. He spread Fly’s thighs wide, and started to power fuck his lover, his balls slapping Fly’s taut ass with each hard stroke. Fly arched his back, taking the sexy punishment willingly, his cock thick and hard, slapping his belly. Noah knew he wouldn’t last much longer, and gave a low, feral grunt as his balls unloaded, and he came again, deep inside his mate’s succulent ass. He lunged forward, biting deep into Fly’s shoulder, and felt Fly respond in kind, sharp fangs digging into Noah’s flesh simultaneously. Noah growled, undone, his hips bouncing jerkily as he unloaded about a gallon of cum, ecstatic that his lover had claimed him, as well.

  “I love you, darling,” he said as he curled to the side, taking Fly with him, and enveloping his mate in his strong embrace. “Whatever happens, we’ll stick together.”

  “I love you, too, bear,” Fly replied drowsily, before tumbling into slumber. Noah smiled to himself, draping the quilt over them and snuggling down under the bedclothes. He would let the rest of the world wait for now. He needed to stay with his beloved Fly.

  * * * *

  Cullen firmed his jaw, strolling along the street, as though he hadn’t tagged the man on his tail. He was trembling with fear, and had the belated realization that he shouldn’t have tried taking on a killer by himself. But Ryder was being too slow. And Cullen had a bone to pick with one of the men behind him. Ghost.

  His cellphone rang. He ignored
it and glanced behind him, seeing his pursuer closing the gap.

  “You can’t hide, Cullen,” Ghost sneered, laughing mockingly. “You never could best me. Always so sweet and trusting, and now look at you. Pretending to be so brave. Do you think I won’t win?

  Cullen sped up and sent a quick text to Noah to warn him of the impending situation. Noah needed to know that Ghost had just sent a hunter to Noah and Fly’s apartment, someone Cullen was trying to intercept, as well as leading Ghost along. Noah would be happy to meet Ghost. He heard Ghost’s wheelchair, its wheels scuffing over the concrete. Ghost was smart, but maybe he wouldn’t figure out what Cullen intended too early. Otherwise the plan would be scuppered.

  “Fuck!” he cursed, not hearing the wheelchair anymore. There was only silence. Where was Ghost? He texted John. The shifter would know what to do, and he was excellent at tracking. Right now, Cullen needed to get to that apartment.

  He cursed again as he saw a second guy, outside the apartment complex, joining the first. This was going to get nasty. He began to run, not even considering how he was going to stop them both.

  * * * *

  Loud screams woke Fly from a sound sleep. He jack-knifed up in bed, and scrambled out of bed. Cullen, a fox shifter who had been badly injured a few years ago by his former boyfriend, the ubiquitous Ghost, was being shaken like a rag-doll in their living room, courtesy of a stranger wearing combat gear and holding an evil-looking hunting knife. How the hell had either of them got into the apartment? So much for security scanners.

  “Noah!” he cried.

  “Noah’s doing fine,” Cullen panted out, nipping at the hunter with sharp fangs, his legs kicking the man furiously. “But if I could have a little help here, I’d be grateful.”

  Fly eyed the big hunter, a six foot two inch wall of muscle who stank of weed and cigarettes. He was a damned masseur, not a fighter, how the hell did Cullen expect him to take down this monster?

  “Just bite the bastard,” Cullen screamed.

  “Bite him?” Fly asked in horror. The man probably had cooties or STDs or something.

  “You’re a damned shifter, Fly, you won’t catch anything,” Cullen yelled furiously. “Now bite the motherfucker, princess.”

  Fly smarted at the nickname, sniffing haughtily as he moved closer to the pair. The hunter immediately dropped Cullen onto the couch, then turned menacingly toward Fly. “Well, now, here’s a lovely bit of ass,” the guy said tauntingly. “Such a pretty boy, aren’t you? My friend Ghost tells me you’re a cheetah shifter. Valuable. There’s an Arabian sheikh who’ll pay a hefty price for your hide…dead or alive,” he chuckled evilly.

  Fly eyed him through slitted lids. “Really? An Arabian sheikh wants little old me?” he simpered, luring the man closer. “How much do you think I’ll fetch, hmmm?”

  “Oh, you’re worth at least two hundred thousand, probably more.” The hunter clearly had no idea who he was dealing with. Fly smirked at him.

  “Is that so?” he said, lifting his chin haughtily. “I think I’ll decline, thank you very much.”

  “You don’t exactly have that option, sweet cheeks,” the man said, sneering. “We already own you. Your mother agreed to the sale.”

  Fly bit back the whimper of pain the admission sent spearing through, staying in character. He would not show weakness. “The problem you have, asshole, is that I’m not for sale. So I’m afraid you’ve had a wasted journey. I’m priceless, you see. Certainly, there’s no way you could afford me.” He sniffed in disdain, running his gaze up and down the hunter’s grubby garb insultingly. He watched with satisfaction as the man glared and lunged forward.

  Darting away, Fly let the man’s momentum send him flying past, then whirled and delivered a hard kick to his posterior. The hunter snarled loudly, regaining his balance quickly, and went into a fighting crouch, wielding the knife skillfully. Unfortunately for him, he failed to spot the very large bear now looming in the doorway, and as he pounced again, the bear struck. The man screamed in terror as lethally sharp claws raked his back, digging deep as the bear turned him around, roaring loudly in his face.

  “Don’t eat me,” the hunter yelped.

  The bear roared again, and attacked, his jaws closing over the hunter’s lower jaw and neck and crushing them easily. In seconds the fight was over, and Fly could only stare at the massive bear, blood on its muzzle, as it shook the hunter several times before sending the corpse flying out the front door.

  “Noah?” Fly asked hesitantly.

  “Again with the lack of assistance,” Cullen complained wryly. “Don’t mind me, you two, I’ll just lie here for a while with a broken leg, while you make goo-goo eyes at one another.”

  Fly turned swiftly, and saw Cullen lying awkwardly, one leg bent beneath him at a nasty angle. “I’m sorry, Cullen, I didn’t know you were there,” he said lamely, wincing at the droll look Cullen sent his way.

  “Dude, I don’t know which is worse, you actually forgetting about me, or the sight of your dick swinging in the breeze.” Then he smirked, rolling his eyes. “Thanks, though, you gave Noah time to take care of things. I was terrified Ghost would show up, and you’d be killed.”

  “You killed Ghost?” Fly asked his bear mate, who shifted back to human form, nodding. Immediately Fly rushed into his lover’s arms, hugging him tightly, ignoring Cullen’s sigh.

  “It wasn’t Ghost,” Cullen said. “I tried to get Ghost to follow me here, but he disappeared. The guy Noah just killed was another of Ghost’s disposable minions.

  The two mates began kissing passionately, despite Noah’s bloody countenance.

  “Guys, please,” Cullen protested. “This really isn’t the time for all that, is it?”

  “I blame Ryder for training you in all those dangerous courses you’ve been taking,” Fly told his mate, nuzzling into his hairy chest.

  “They didn’t do much for me, though, did they?” Cullen asked, wrinkling his nose. “I got a broken leg again, just like before.”

  “You baited the Ghost trap, and he didn’t fall for it for it,” Ryder corrected, fixing Cullen with a hard stare as he came into the apartment. “Next time, I’d appreciate a heads up if you’re planning to do anything so stupid again. You of all people know how dangerous that bastard is.”

  “I found out about all the devices, didn’t I?” Cullen responded sulkily.

  “Indeed you did,” John cut in mildly, following Ryder inside. “However, now that our big bear here has ripped this man into tiny pieces, and Ghost is nowhere to be found, we won’t know where he has hidden his little surprises. I tracked him two miles, then lost his scent. He had help and a vehicle. He could be anywhere by now. For someone with no legs, he sure can disappear fast.”

  “Ghost does have some more gifts in store, but the hunter guy I killed outside wasn’t talking much. Seemed to take delight in taunting me, telling me that we were all toast,” Noah said. “However, just before I ripped the bastard’s face off and turned him into a pile of minced mush, I was able to obtain this little beauty,” he added, picking up a small electronic device from the floor, resembling a calculator. “It had all the locations of the little donations he’s planted. Three in total. One at the mall, one in a dumpster behind your café, John, and the last one in a vehicle in front of Ryder’s offices.” He threw the device at John, who caught it handily. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’ll get dressed, then we can discuss how you intend to thank me.”

  “Thank him?” Ryder asked, wide-eyed, as Noah left the room. “We could have done with interrogating Ghost a little more. These hunters would know where he went.”

  “No,” John replied, shaking his head. “Ghost is too smart for that. These boys were cannon fodder, nothing more. Ghost probably intended for us to find the devices, anyway. We’ll catch up with the bastard. Ghost needs to be destroyed. He’s gotten too good at escape and evade. I found where he was holed up, and found a backpack with a small computer, smartphone, and an address book with coded note
s in it. He was so confident, so cocky going after Cullen, that he made another mistake when he realized I was on his tail, and left quickly.”

  “You didn’t think to tell me?” Ryder asked sharply.

  “He told me,” Pace said dryly, wandering in, glancing at the trail of destruction left by the recent battle. “You were at the hotel fire. I am still the sheriff, you know.”

  Ryder snorted. “Yes, you are,” he retorted. “I just wish I wasn’t being kept out of the loop. I want time to interrogate Ghost once we catch up with him. If you go off half-cocked, we’ll lose an opportunity to find out more about Flashpoint.”

  “More time?” Cullen asked incredulously. “The man blew up a fucking hotel, planted three more incendiary devices. He makes the bombs and plants them with his team’s help. There was one right in front of your own offices, and you don’t think it’s about time he was put out of business? Are you insane, or did you sniff some soluble substance this morning? I didn’t bait that trap so you could have a téte-a-téte, I wanted Noah to kill him.”

  Fly stared in shock at Cullen, more than a little surprised at the man’s reaction. Cullen really had grown a set of titanium balls, standing up to Ryder and that hunter guy, and making himself bait so Ghost could be apprehended.

  “Be careful,” Ryder warned, his face taut with anger. “You’re being insubordinate.”

  “Really? Is that what’s getting to you? Insubordination? Well, let me tell you, I recently watched two of my very favorite people on earth tortured and murdered, right there in Hi-Def, at Café Anglais, for the entire town to see. You didn’t ask if I knew them, you just made the decision to stream the video. How the fuck do you think I’d feel, huh? Did you think I’d thank you?” Cullen was shrieking now, tears streaming down his face as he tore into his boss. “Ghost took my love and destroyed it, threw it back in my face, and then used it to try and destroy this town. Do you think he was just going to roll over again for you? He wasn’t. Ghost came here to finish things. He was never going to go back to jail. And I managed to fuck that up, too. Someone else is probably going to die, because I’m stupid,” he finished bitterly.


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