Legends of the Damned: A Collection of Edgy Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance Novels

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Legends of the Damned: A Collection of Edgy Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance Novels Page 138

by Lindsey R. Loucks

  Reclaim your body soldier.

  Shaking my head to clear it, I force myself to put the glowering man on the side out of my head. He’s jealous of Niko. Jealous that Niko gets to touch me and he doesn’t.

  And I’m making the most of it.

  I hold up my arm, wiggling my fingers at Niko, beckoning him forward, making sure I make the gesture half-seductive, half-serious. He takes guard, his features tighten, but he doesn’t respond.

  Control your limbs, your core; the space around you.

  Taking a deep breath, I let the worry, the tension, the stress of the past month drain away, leaving me curiously light. The energy flows through me uninterrupted, crackling at my nerve endings and when I open my eyes, I see only my target.

  Discard any doubts about yourself.

  My body is no longer the enemy, no longer a constant source of disappointment.

  I rush him, and springing into the air, ram into Niko’s chest. Take him right in the middle of that broad expanse of muscles.

  It’s still like hitting a concrete wall.

  My body shudders from the impact, vibrations running through me, jarring through my bone.

  He. Doesn’t. Even. Give.

  As I fall to the ground this time Niko grabs me around my waist, and for a second I cling to him, arms grasped around his neck.

  He plucks me off him, my body still shuddering from the impact, and holds me suspended by my collar.

  I sway there, my heartbeat thundering in my ears, the adrenaline pumping through my blood.

  Then he lowers me to the ground gently till my feet touch the floor.

  When he lets go, my knees buckle, and red-violet pain cuts through me, so I almost black out. I drop to my knees, bend my head and place my palms flat against the floor like a runner at the start of the race.

  Except it feels like I’ve reached the end of this one.

  My head drops between my knees and I take a deep breath. Then another. Let the sickness pass.

  Niko drops down; he doesn’t touch me, though. Respect. This time, he’s treating me like a fighter. Like him. An equal.

  "You did well," he says and I hear a smile in his voice.

  I look up then, aware for the first time that there’s a small group watching us. All of them part of Jai’s team. My eyes scan their faces, searching for his. I curse myself and look away.

  Then I’m thrown to the ground. Niko loses his balance too and I manage to roll aside at the last minute to prevent being crushed by his falling body.

  A heavy metallic-sounding blow reverberates through the deck and the ship shakes with a strange back-forth-back movement. The ship blares its horn, the sound as alien as that of silence in a crowded Bombay street.

  Someone yells. I turn to find Jai running towards me.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  It galvanizes the team, who scatter, in what I learn later is a pre-planned move. Niko springs to his feet and grabs hold of a massive gun that one of the team throws at him.

  Jai throws my sword at me, and before I have caught it he’s already pulling me to my feet.

  "What," I gasp. "What’s happening?"

  "Shifters," he says, his voice grim. "They’re attacking us." He swears aloud. "Breaking the treaty. I should have known better than to believe them, take them at their word. I let them lull me into a false sense of security and then this. Fuck! Aria, if something happens to you now…I…’

  For once he’s lost for words. His face twists as if he’s trying to say something…trying to tell me what? That he still cares for me?

  I know that already.

  Before I can say anything more, he turns, grabbing a gun flung at him by someone. Thrusting it at me, he takes a bigger automatic type weapon.

  On his back, the scabbard with his sword.

  Around me, the team takes positions. All armed with guns and weapons of their choice, ranging from swords, to Neela’s bow and quiver full of arrows.

  The entire team is still, focused.

  Next to me, Jai tenses. The muscles on his arms flex as he takes aim with the gun. His jaw hardens, his features wiped of emotion, and he draws in a deep breath.

  His chest muscles rise-fall-rise rhythmically. At that moment, it’s as if he has forgotten where he is or who I am.

  All he sees are the shifters – in human form – who smoothly vault over the side of the warship, dropping to the deck to crouch down before springing towards us.

  They have human features and yet it’s clear they are not. They are much too large. Each one as tall as Jai, and broad. And with muscles which bunch and move. They range in skin color from pale to almost coal black, but what’s consistent is that they are all male. Well-built. Ferocious. And unarmed.

  Jai’s right, they prefer hand-to-hand combat, and it’s as if they’re unafraid of our guns. Like they know they can move fast enough to avoid bullets. Evade our sword.

  All I see is Jai watching them. He takes aim and fires.

  And I do the same.

  Fast. Once, twice, thrice. We fire in tandem. But already I know the bullets are wasted. And as always they ramp up speed, moving so swiftly their body shimmers, vibrates. As if they’re tapping into that otherworldly part of themselves. One which spurs them on to a speed that’s too fast for the naked eye to follow. Then they are right in front of us, and without a second thought I pull out my sword and leap at them.

  I’m in my element. The weeks of training have made me faster too, and with my muscles bunching together, I bring my sword down on the first shifter. I’m sure I’ll miss but don’t.

  The blade goes clean down the side of his neck, almost loping it off, blood spurting out.

  I’m faster than I’d thought.

  Adrenaline pounding thorough me, I pull out the sword, step to the side, sliding on the blood. Sliding down feet first. As fast as the shifter in front is coming at me. When I slam into him, the vibrations go straight through me, almost stunning me. But the shifter male loses his balance too, and with a high-pitched growl that’s not quite human, he topples towards me. Quickly. I roll aside, spring to my feet and bring my sword down on him. Hack at him again and again, getting him the second time. He howls and I see the stunned surprise on his face before he goes down too.

  The breath whooshes out of me and then I’m raising my sword yet again, for the next shifter is almost on me.

  But this one is faster. And stronger.

  He raises his massive hands and grips my sword, not caring that the blade is sharp enough to bite through his skin to the bone. Blood pours down his hands.

  It’s like I’ve plunged my sword into quicksand which is closing around me, sucking me down. Down. Pulling me down.

  And then he lets go so quickly I almost fall on my back.

  I recover my grip on my sword in time to see Jai pull his own sword out from where he’s stabbed the male in his back, pushing his body to the side.

  Blood pounding in my ears, I gasp out a "thanks’.

  But he’s already turned around and so have I. We stand there back to back, panting, swords raised in defense. And for the first time I see the horror of what we’re facing.

  A lot of Jai’s team has not been as lucky. I identify that at least Neela and Kabir are down. The rest are missing, either covered under bodies of fallen shifters or else…thrown overboard…a part of me realizes with horror.

  And they still keep coming. At least another five shifters vault over from my side. And I take guard, bend my knees; raise my sword…

  Just then there’s a whooshing sound from the side – an explosion, the impact of which slams into me and knocks the sword out of my hands before making me fall to the ground.

  Before Jai hurls himself over me.

  Just in time. For the next second, yellow flames bloom over us, recede.

  Heat sears us, surrounding us. A thick blanket weighs us down.

  Sweat breaks out over my forehead and before I can even struggle, there’s another boom. Then silence.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Above me, Jai is still. So still my heart stops for a second then starts with a rush, slamming against my ribs.

  His face slumps against my neck, his weight pushing me down into the floor. I push at him, trying to shake him, trying to roll him off me but I can’t even move him. Behind us the heat is intense, the flames leaping into the sky. The sweat breaks out on my forehead, and I know it’s bad.

  Very bad.

  Adrenaline pours through my blood and a rush of energy makes me heave against him again. This time I press my palms against his shoulders, and putting all my strength into it, grit my teeth and heave. And then he’s being lifted off me and flung aside.

  I scream again as his head bangs against the floor painfully and he lies there unmoving.

  Then there’s the sound of thudding feet and Mikhail rushing towards the shifter, who has flung Jai away. In his hand is a gun. Mikhail’s face is pale, resolute, his hand moves so fast he’s a blur of motion. I don’t even realize that he’s fired till the shifter swears aloud. Clutching his arm where the bullet has scraped him. He’s been hurt but not enough to stop him.

  A part of me registers that Mikhail is fast enough to get the shifter. And then that too is forgotten as another shot rings out. Mikhail looks at me, his features twisted in pain. He’s been shot from behind. He stands there, a light trickle of blood emerging from his nose.

  But his eyes are clear, they lock onto mine and in them I see everything that he’s wanted to tell me. That he’s tried to convey to me and never managed to say out loud.

  But I know.

  Have known he cares for me.

  Shaking my head to clear it, I look from him to where Jai lies. Silent. Unmoving.

  When I turn back to look at Mikhail, he nods. He knows now how I feel about Jai, that I won’t, can’t let him die.

  The pulse thuds in my ears, my throat gone dry. I turn to crawl over to Jai’s still body when I’m hauled to my feet.

  This shifter male is taller than Niko and bigger, with shoulders like a tank and forearms as thick as my— It’s Gabriel. The shifter who’d hauled me up the last time I’d met Vishal. The one I’d insulted and laughed at. His face is etched in my mind and by the look on his face, he hasn’t forgotten me either.

  He wears a human form but there’s no mistaking the beast lurking under his skin.

  It’s there in the burning look he gives me. He leans close, his breath hot on my cheek, and sheer unadulterated panic cuts through me. I kick out, catching him in the groin.

  He doesn’t even blink.

  I kick him again.

  He just leers, moves in closer, his chest brushing my breasts.

  And that pisses me off.

  A spurt of red-violet anger wells up inside. Bringing both my knees up, I whip out my legs, catching him once more in the groin. At the same time my fist connects with his jaw and with my left I poke my fingers into his eyes.

  He yells and his hold loosens.

  And I kick him, punch him. Finally gripping his shoulder, I move closer, bury my teeth into his arm, and hold on, not caring that he’s screaming above me, not caring when the blood gushes into my mouth, runs down my throat. When I snatch my teeth from his skin, a piece of flesh comes away with it.

  And then he lets me go and I fall to the ground.

  He howls, a wolf’s cry of anger, but I don’t care. All I can think of is Jai. Is he still alive?

  His big body shudders and he turns to where Mikhail is standing, holding a massive piece of metal. It’s the door leading to the ship’s cabins, which must have come loose in the explosion. As I watch he swings it, smashing it into the shifter.

  Not waiting to see how the shifter reacts, I spring to my feet and leap the last few feet towards Jai. I don’t notice the pain shoot through me as my knees connect – hard – with the decking.

  Jai’s eyes flicker open and he looks straight at me with those amber eyes glowing gold in the light from the fire ahead of us.

  "You’re bleeding," he says, his voice hoarse, a puzzled look in his eyes as if he’s not quite sure where he is.

  The breath whooshes out of me and I touch his cheek, run a finger down that square jawline, and realize what a fool I’ve been.

  I’ve wasted these precious few days when I could've spent every second getting to know him. Feeling him. Seeing him as he’s seeing me now, a depth of feeling in his eyes.

  "Take my sword," he says. "Use it."

  As I hesitate, he says, his voice urgent, "Do it Aria. Now."

  Leaning over him, I pull out the sword from the scabbard, almost reeling under its weight, when a sound makes me jerk around. I look up in time to see the shifter bring his fists down on Mikhail’s head.

  Mikhail takes a step back, stunned, his big body wavering on its feet.

  My throat closes in alarm, as the shifter follows it up with a massive punch to Mikhail’s side.

  Even at this distance, a crunch, like the sound of bones breaking reaches me. Before I can react, the shifter leans down, drags Mikhail to the side by his arms. Then heaves him over the edge.

  A cry escapes me and I can’t believe what he’s just done. He’s just dumped a living man overboard. Just like that.

  Not Mikhail. No!

  A thousand images run through my mind, all bleeding into each other, till I can’t tell what is what. Except they are all woven with Mikhail. I hadn’t loved him. But there'd been something unspoken between us. Something that’d made me very aware of him. And now he’s gone.

  He’d taken care of Lily, given her a home. Given us refuge.

  And now he’s gone!

  Just like my parents and so many other friends. Lost to time. Lost to me. Can someone cease to exist just like that?

  Something inside me shatters.

  A part of me refuses to believe it. And yet, the other part, the instinctive one, is already moving forward.

  Shock runs through my body, pumping the blood through my veins, slamming my pulse against my temples. And springing to my feet I rush towards him, Jai’s sword outstretched in front.

  Anger bubbles up inside me. Leaping into the air, not even aware that my body is twisting in an arc, I thrust the blade, catching the giant in his side. He growls. Sidesteps me. Landing on my feet, my muscles tense to spring at him again. Gripping Jai’s sword, putting everything I have into it, I attack again. Lunge and catch him on the other side this time.

  He screams and charges at me, throws his weight at me; I step aside but not fast enough to evade him completely.

  He just brushes past me but his momentum is enough to take me down. I go sprawling on to the ground, still holding onto the sword. Without waiting to recover, I spring back to my feet and thrust the blade, only to be hit from behind.

  Not fair, a part of me cries out inside even as I’m punched again, this time so hard it feels like my guts are in my throat. Almost puking, I fall facedown.

  The brute I had fought earlier walks up to me, and bending down, peers into my eyes. And then he grips my upper arm, his fingers circling mine, all the while staring at me as if mesmerized by whatever he sees in my eyes.

  His fingers tighten.


  Pain. White. Hot. Red streaks up my shoulder and I don’t realize I’m screaming. I don’t even realize my fingers have lost their grip on the sword till I see him throw it across to another shifter.

  Then I’m yanked to my feet, barely conscious as the pain ebbs away, leaving my wrist throbbing, hanging limp.

  Throwing me over his shoulder he begins to walk away. I struggle in earnest, only to be punched in the side. My breath comes whooshing out.

  The sound of feet thudding against the deck and Niko runs towards us. His massive gun is aimed at the shifter holding me. Then the sound of fire, and Niko too falls to the ground. Behind him another two shifters, and past them I see the rest of the team, on the floor. Wounded. Dead.

  My throat chokes up, my gut twisting
with fear.

  And then it gets worse. I shout a warning as the other shifter, an almost human-looking one, walks up to Jai with his sword. Raising it, he slams the heavy handle against the side of Jai’s head.

  Fear squeezes my heart. I scream, punch; throw everything I have, pushing against the arms holding me down. Another arm is thrown around my legs. And it’s like a wall of stone has fallen on me, holding me down.

  Stepping over Jai, the leaner shifter walks towards us with Jai’s sword. His mother’s sword.

  Then the shifter holding me captive turns as well. He reaches the side of the ship and then it dawns on me. He’s leaving the ship, and taking me with him.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  When the shifter reaches the side of the ship, a fresh burst of adrenaline has me struggling against him. Turning my head sideways I bury my teeth in the back of his upper arm with enough force to make him yell out. Then he lets go of me so I crash to the floor. Red-white pain slices through my head and I lie there stunned for a second. By the time my eyes fly open, he’s already bending towards me, his face twisted with anger.

  "I hate being bitten," he howls, reaching towards my neck when someone crashes into him.

  It’s Jai.

  The two go flying across the deck all the way, tumbling over each other.

  He’s alive.

  A fresh jolt of adrenaline rushes through my blood. Watching them grapple, my heart leaps into my throat.

  And he’s going to get hurt. Again.

  Disregarding the pain that still rattles inside my head, I jump to my feet, and run across to where the shifter is bringing his fist down on Jai, who’s trapped below his massive legs.

  Screaming, I throw myself at the shifter, clinging to his neck. He gets to his feet, swaying with my weight on his back. All the while he’s moving, trying to shake me off. But I tighten my arms around his neck, hold on fiercely, and try to kick him again from behind. I will not let go. I will not let him hurt Jai.


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