MARRYING MR. RIGHT (The Brides of Hilton Head Island Book 3)

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MARRYING MR. RIGHT (The Brides of Hilton Head Island Book 3) Page 2

by Sabrina Sims McAfee

  She sucked his bottom lip into her mouth, then spit it out. “I love you, too, Zeke.”

  “Are you about to cum?” Zeke asked her. Taylor nodded. “Good. Me, too. Let’s come together.” He twirled her creamy walls, and Taylor’s sex exploded. And so did Zeke’s. Like he’d wanted, they’d cum together.

  After Zeke and Taylor made love in the lake, they swam to the edge of the water. Zeke climbed out first. Knees pressed into the grass, he hooked his arms beneath Taylor’s armpits and pulled. Taylor somehow ended up on top of him.

  Laying on his back with her on top of him, Zeke smiled. His member grew hard on her stomach. Gazing into his handsome eyes, she threaded her fingers through his wet, wiry hair. He clenched her hips with one hand, raised her from his lap. He slipped inside her again, and they ended up making sweet, tender love in the grass.

  Long moments later, Zeke and Taylor lay side by side in the grass, gazing up at the sky. He pushed up on his elbows. He scooped her wet hair up in his hands, brought it up to his mouth, and kissed it. “I’ll never forget this night for as long as I live.”

  “Me either.” Taylor stood and walked over to the makeshift tire swing. Holding on to the sides of the tire, she slid inside the circular part of the rubber, and then gripped the twined rope. Batting her lashes at Zeke, she smiled. “Push me, Zeke. Push me as high as you can,” she said, wildly kicking her feet.

  “Hold on!” Zeke lifted the sides of the tire up to his chest, then gave her a hard push. Giggling hysterically, Taylor went flying in the air. Her wet hair whipped at the sides of her smiling face.

  Suddenly, a voice rang out through a bullhorn. “Zeke!”

  Taylor shrieked. “Someone’s coming, Zeke. Stop the swing. Stop the swing.”

  Zeke gripped the tire, bringing it to an abrupt halt. “That’s my stepmother, Katherine. How in the hell did she find me?”

  Touching the tips of her toes to the ground, Taylor writhed her way out of the circular hole of the tire. Covering her breasts, she ran and snatched up her clothing. “Oh God, I’m really in trouble now,” she said, quickly pulling her shirt over her head, then shoving her arms through the sleeves.

  “What do you mean you’re in trouble?” Zeke questioned, observing fear in Taylor’s wide eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, Zeke—”

  “Zeke! Where are you?!” Katherine’s loud voice echoed through the dense wooded area.

  “Your stepmother sounds mad, Zeke.” Taylor prayed like crazy that Katherine hadn’t somehow found out she was pregnant before she had the chance to tell Zeke herself. Oh God, I should’ve told Zeke sooner.

  Zeke’s brows drew close together. “You’re right. She does sound angry.”

  Taylor yanked her jeans up over her hips, grabbed her brown sandals. “I’m going home. Call me later.”

  Zeke clutched Taylor’s arms. “You don’t have to hide from my stepmother, Taylor. You’re my girl, and I think it’s high time that Katherine finds out about us. I love you, my love.”

  Moisture wet Taylor’s pupils. “Oh, Zeke. She probably already knows about us. I’m so sorry. So, so sorry.” With her worn sandals clenched to her chest, Taylor took off running through the forest. Breathing erratically, she ran as fast as she could past all those trees.

  “THERE YOU ARE!” Gripping the handle of a bullhorn in one hand and pointing a bright flashlight in the other, Zeke’s stepmother, Katherine, marched toward him with a noticeable frown on her white, round freckled face. Wearing a long ivory dress and her red hair pulled into a low bun, Katherine pinched her lips together. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Her eyes lowered to his bare shaft, then back up to his face. “Where are your clothes? Have you been out here fucking that girl?”

  “What girl, Mom?” Although Katherine wasn’t his birth mother, his father insisted he call her that. At times, he hated he had to refer to the snobbish Katherine as his mother. But considering his birth mother, Bridget, had had an affair with his father while he was married to Katherine, she probably hated it, too.

  Right after his birth mother Bridget had died, his father Colton had brought Zeke to live with him and Katherine, and their other two children—Antonio and Bane. From the very first day that Zeke had stepped inside their mansion, Katherine had despised his mere existence. Despised him for being born. Despised him because he was the result of an affair.

  Katherine narrowed her eyes at Zeke. Pointing her finger in his face, she barked through clenched teeth, “Taylor. Taylor Spelling. Have you been out here fucking that girl again?!”

  How does she know about Taylor? His mother’s–well, not his real mother, but Katherine’s–harsh tone irked him. Made him angry. His face scrunched as he snatched his jeans from the ground and put them on.

  Hooking his gaze on Katherine’s furious green eyes, Zeke sucked his teeth. “As a matter of fact, I have. What’s it to you?” he asked snidely, buttoning his jeans.

  Katherine threw her hands up in the air. “Dear Lord! It’s true! It’s true!”

  What the hell is she screaming about? Bemused, Zeke gave his stepmother a dumbfounded stare. He shrugged. “What’s true?”

  “Taylor’s pregnant! You got that hot little bitch pregnant!” Stunned, Zeke’s heart clenched. His stepmother continued, spatting, “Now she’s going to ruin the family’s name. Everything your father has worked so hard to protect, you’ve destroyed it, Zeke. You and Taylor. Other than you, we’ve never had a bastard born in this family. Never.” Hatred dulled her green eyes.

  Zeke’s face turned beet red. Seemingly confused, his brows lifted. “Taylor’s pregnant?” This is what she wanted to me. She wanted to tell me she was pregnant.

  “Yes. She’s pregnant.” Still holding the bullhorn and flashlight, Katherine’s green eyes narrowed. “Taylor’s mother just paid me a visit and told me out of her own darn mouth.” Taking a step closer to him, her eyes roamed over his face. She fisted her hips. Head tilting, her eyes stretched wide. “Oh. My. God. Your little supposed girlfriend didn’t even bother telling you, did she?” Zeke shook his head. Katherine continued. “These little sluts around here been trying to get their hands on the family’s fortune for years. For all I know, the baby may not even be yours. Taylor’s getting an abortion, and that’s all there is to it.”

  Folding his arms across his chest, Zeke gave Katherine a brutal stare on purpose. Like hell she will. “No, Mom. If Taylor’s pregnant, she’s keeping my baby.”

  Katherine slapped Zeke! Face stinging, his mouth dropped wide open. Lips twisting, she clutched his shoulders and shook him. “There’s no way in hell I’m letting another bastard child come into this family. Into my house. No way in fucking hell! Do you understand me? Do you?”

  This lady is crazy. Knowing he had every intention of keeping his baby, Zeke nodded yes just to appease the redheaded Katherine. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Gently patting his face where she’d slapped him, the corners of Katherine’s lips lifted. “I’m glad you agree with me, Zeke. You let me handle Taylor and this stupid pregnancy. Now, let’s go home and have dinner. Don’t argue with your brothers tonight while at the table. I’m not in the mood for any more drama tonight.”

  Lady, you put the D in drama. And you put the D in damn fool if you think my girl is getting an abortion. Zeke shrugged on his shirt, then followed his stepmother through the forest. Thinking about how Taylor was pregnant with his child, warmth infused his heart. Smiling inwardly, he couldn’t wait to talk with Taylor and let her know of his new plans.

  Walking behind Katherine and heading home, a mild smile touched Zeke’s lips. I’m going to make sure Taylor and my baby don’t ever have to worry about a thing. As soon as I graduate from high school, I’m going to convince Taylor’s mother to sign papers stating she can marry me. But even if she don’t sign them, we’re going to get married as soon as we can. If anyone tries to stop us from being together, we’ll run away and raise our child together. Yes. I’m going to be a father. Yes! Oh God, I love m
yself some Taylor.

  Trailing closely behind Katherine, Zeke finally reached the back of his parents’ red brick mansion. Katherine fisted the sides of her long dress and marched up the steps of the back desk.

  So glad Taylor was pregnant, Zeke felt like jumping up and kicking his damn heels. However, knowing that action would piss Katherine off, he decided to keep his excited emotions on the down low and just clambered up the steps behind the stuck up woman instead.

  GAZING DOWN at the sparkling promise ring that Zeke had given her, Taylor crossed the railroad tracks leading towards her home and smiled. Zeke said this is a promise ring. A token of how much he loves me. He said we’re going to get married one day. Placing her hand to the bottom part of her belly, Taylor’s heart sang with delight.

  Feeling blissful and hopeful about her future with Zeke, Taylor wondered if he knew she was pregnant by now. His stepmother’s voice had sounded quite angry about ten minutes ago. Maybe she should’ve just stayed and faced mean-behind Katherine head on. It wasn’t like the lady could do anything about her situation. If anything, Katherine should be happy that she loved Zeke more than life itself.

  Close to her home, the sky had grown even darker. Almost pitch black. Burning wood wafted up her nose. Gazing down at the ground, she kicked at a rock and looked at her sparkling promise ring again. Oh, Zeke is so sweet. And good looking. And ooo, he’s so fine.

  Suddenly, Taylor felt a shadow behind her. Just as she whirled, someone covered her head with a sack. Clawing at the hands squeezing her neck, the locket necklace around her neck snapped and fell to the ground. Losing her breath, she plummeted to her hands and knees.

  Scurrying away with the bag covering her head while on her hands and knees, the crazy man yanked her off the ground. Unable to see, Taylor screamed. Terrified, she kicked and punched. Jerked harshly in the strong man’s arms. “Let me go! Let me go!”

  “Shut up. You should’ve thought about your consequences beforehand.”

  Crying her eyes out, she heard bleeps from a car, as if her abductor were unlocking a vehicle. The strong man tossed her, and she landed hard on something. Bam! Sounded like the trunk of a car had slammed close.

  Frightened to her wit’s end, Taylor snatched the bag from her head to find herself trapped inside the truck of some man’s car. Lying on her back, surrounded in sheer darkness, she felt the car rock and shimmy over the railroad track. Short moments later, a train’s whistle resounded throughout the night’s air and sailed into the dark trunk of the horrible monster’s car.

  Kicking and banging on the trunk’s roof, Taylor wailed. He’s going to kill me and my baby. Oh God, please help me. “Somebody help meeee!”

  Chapter Three

  Indulging in a very bland meal, Zeke sat in silence at the long, wooden dining table. Along with him sat his stepmother, Katherine, and his two half-brothers—Antonio and Bane. Forking green beans into his mouth, Zeke’s eyes traveled to the empty chair at the head of the table, where his father normally sat. His workaholic father, billionaire Colton Balfour, was still at work.

  Hating the tension stabbing the air, Zeke’s eyes left the vacant chair to glimpse Katherine’s round, red, freckly face. When their gazes connected, Katherine shook her head in disgrace, then rolled her eyes.

  Sitting across from him, making mean faces, Katherine’s long ivory dress bunched with ruffles over her breasts area. Who gets dressed up just to stay in the house all day? She swears she’s an actress on the soap operas. Dark red hair, striking green eyes, and pink lips, Katherine was attractive on the outside, but on the inside she was ugly. Past ugly. Way ugly.

  Always prim and proper, Katherine worked hard to maintain a perfect image for her family, especially her marriage. Because Zeke was the result of a secret affair, Katherine felt embarrassed by him. Part of him couldn’t blame her; but then again, it wasn’t his fault his mother had had an affair with his father and had gotten pregnant with him.

  Everybody makes mistakes. I can’t wait ’til dad gets home. Katherine’s evil stare is driving me nuts. When I leave here, I’m never coming back. Taylor and I are going to get married and move far, far away. Raise our son or daughter together.

  With his older brother Bane to his left and his other older brother Antonio to his right, Zeke spooned a heaping tablespoon of dry mashed potatoes into his mouth. Yuck! Katherine’s cooking was horrible. He’d be glad when their chef, Delbert, returned. But what he really couldn’t wait for was to speak with Taylor.

  Happiness filled Zeke’s insides. Oh, Taylor. You’re having my baby. As soon as he finished his dinner, he was going to go upstairs and call her. Longing to speak with Taylor about the pregnancy, Zeke forced himself to swallow the disgusting food inside his mouth that Katherine had cooked.

  When Taylor said she was in trouble earlier, he had no idea she was trying to tell him she was pregnant. Right before she’d taken off, she’d even apologized. As far as he was concerned, she didn’t have anything to be sorry for, he thought, dragging a napkin across his mouth.

  Zeke’s older brother, Antonio, nudged him in his side with his elbow. Chuckling, Antonio shook his head. “Heard you gon’ be a father, dude.”

  Holding a glass to his lips, Bane’s tea flew from his mouth. “Damn, dude, you got somebody pregnant?! What the fuck?!” Bane laughed.

  Dabbing at the corners of her mouth, Katherine’s napkin went flying in the air. “Watch your mouth, Bane!” Her eyes narrowed at Antonio. “And you. How do you know about this?”

  Reddish-blonde hair, blue eyes, Antonio looked a lot like his mother Katherine. Antonio’s blue eyes became flat as he pondered what to say. “I overheard you talking with Taylor’s mother, Veronica, a little while ago.”

  Shoulders pushed back, Katherine jutted her chin. In her famous proper tone, she spoke, “What did I tell you about getting in grown folks’ business, Antonio? That wasn’t polite, you know.”

  Antonio met Katherine’s dark green gaze and shrugged. “Well, it’s not like I was trying to hear you speak, Katherine. All that yelling you were doing with Veronica, I couldn’t help but overhear you.”

  “Please, don’t address me as ‘Katherine’. I’m your mother, Antonio. Anyhow, I’m going to tell you just like I told Zeke…no baby is coming into this house. Veronica and I discussed this situation, and we both agree that it’d be in Zeke and Taylor’s best interest if she had an abortion.”

  Zeke tried to give Katherine a black, angered glare. Fuming, he scooted his chair back and jumped to his feet. His angry gaze held Katherine’s hateful glare. “Taylor is not having an abortion.” His tone came out bold and icy. Just the way he felt.

  Katherine’s red eyebrows dipped. Her pink, thin lips twisted with disdain. “Don’t you dare speak to me in that manner,” she ordered through clenched teeth. “You’re too young to have a baby, Zeke. You’ve been accepted into some of the most prestigious universities, colleges in the world—Yale, Howard, Princeton, and even Oxford, just to name a few. If you have a baby, you can forget about going to college. You’ll be stuck here raising a baby. And the last thing I need is for you to stay here in Hilton Head.”

  Shaking his head, Zeke’s fists balled. He tossed his head back and released a throaty, fake laugh. Meeting Katherine’s evil stare again, he retorted in cold sarcasm, “You’ve never wanted me here, have you, Katherine? Don’t worry, I won’t mess up your plans to get rid of me. I’ll find a place of my own, and I will take care of my baby and Taylor all by myself.” Suggesting Taylor has an abortion; Katherine is one nasty woman.

  Katherine rose to her feet and fisted her hips. “If you and Taylor decide to have this damn baby, you and she will take care of it!” She roughly thumbed her chest. “Not me!” Hands back on hips, she gave her head a hard shake. “And not your father! Your father has invested too much money in you for you to go out and mess up like this! You—”

  “What’s going on in here?” Zeke’s father, Colton Balfour, emerged from the kitchen and stood benea
th the framed arch. Wearing a navy blue suit and loosening the red speckled tie at his neck, Colton stalked toward his seat at the head of the table. “I can hear you screaming all the way outside, Katherine. Please, lower your voice.”

  Katherine huffed. Her eyes were filled with contempt, and she looked like she hated him. Just hated him. “Are you going to tell him, Zeke, or should I?”

  Silence hung in the air like black smoke, suffocating Zeke.

  Both Zeke and Katherine sat back down in their seats.

  Colton stood at the head of the long wooden table, shrugging his arms from the sleeves of his suit jacket. Clearing his throat, he draped the jacket on the back of the wingback chair, then plopped down in his seat next to Katherine. Waiting for Katherine to fix his plate, like she always did whenever Delbert was absent, Colton clasped his hands.

  Expressionless, Colton’s dark brown eyes went from Katherine to Bane, then to Antonio, and lastly to Zeke. “Well, is somebody going to tell me what the hell is going on, or what?”

  Zeke’s heart palpitated wildly in his chest. He’s going to be pissed. Mustering up the courage to drop the bombshell on his father, Zeke inhaled deeply. “My girlfriend, Taylor…well…she’s pregnant.”

  “This is just horrible. Horrible,” Katherine mumbled.

  Colton’s eyes rounded in disbelief. He opened his mouth to speak, then zipped his lips shut. Straightening his back against the chair, he folded his arms across his thick, burly chest. As his father sat thinking, silence loomed in the air. Waiting for his father to say something, tension coursed through Zeke’s veins. I don’t care what anyone says, I’m going to support Taylor. She’s having my baby, and that’s that.

  Suddenly, Colton’s eyes brightened. Looking at Zeke, his full lips pulled into a big, wide smile. “Well, congratulations, my son. I’m looking forward to being a grandfather. It’s going to be fun having a little one running around here. Please invite your girlfriend, Taylor, over so I can tell her face-to-face how happy I am for the two of you.”


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