MARRYING MR. RIGHT (The Brides of Hilton Head Island Book 3)

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MARRYING MR. RIGHT (The Brides of Hilton Head Island Book 3) Page 6

by Sabrina Sims McAfee

  Even at the age of twenty-seven, the people in the fashion industry here in Paris treated her like royalty. Like a Princess. Looked at her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Gave her whatever she wanted, and things she didn’t need.

  Yet with all the money and success Taylor had, she still felt empty inside. Had a hole in her heart. Felt like something was missing from her life. Her emptiness had nothing to do with not having a man, because if she wanted one, she could definitely have one. With very few friends, from time to time she dated. But every time she got close to having sex with a man, she couldn’t go all the way. Before she knew it, all of her relationships ended because of her inability to give herself completely. Not just because of the sex, though; she struggled with giving in to her emotions as well.

  Zeke’s name echoed in the black stillness of Taylor’s mind. The only man for me probably was Zeke. A girl only gets love like that once in her lifetime. What is your life like now, Zeke? I’m sure he’s happily married with three kids or more by now.

  Reminiscing about Zeke, an image of what her ten-year-old son she’d named Zavier may look like came to Taylor’s mind’s eye. Oh, Zavier, who has you? I’m sure my little Zavier looks just like his father, Zeke, only light brown-complexioned. Probably has Zeke’s hair texture, and my eye color.

  Gazing out the window, Taylor brought the hot cup of peach tea to her mouth and sipped. Longing for the return of her son, she savored the warm beverage as it glided down her throat. A cool breezed rolled off the river across the street, sailed through the window, and prickled her scalp.

  Just as she rose from the chaise, her cell buzzed on the fancy dresser inside her bedroom. Sipping from the mug, she crossed the room to answer her phone. She glanced at herself in the mirror before lifting the phone to her ear. God, she could use a facial. “Hello?”

  “You’re up early, I see, honey. Good. Good. I have some great news for you.” Pierre’s chipper French accent immediately perked up Taylor’s spirit.

  Walking back toward the window, Taylor smiled. “I’m always up early, Pierre. You know that.”

  “True. True.” Pierre clucked his tongue. “I tell you, this darn dog I have is becoming a nuisance. Prissy, stop hunching on my leg! Horny dog. Anyway, what was I saying?”

  Giggling, Taylor flopped back down on the chaise lounge. Elbow perched on the window sill, she extended her legs in front of her, crossed them at the ankles. “You had some—”

  “Oh yeah. Revlon called, and they want to book you for a hair commercial. There’s only one problem, though.”

  “Uh oh. What?”

  Pierre cleared his throat. “They want you to color your hair this God-awful red.”

  A picture of Zeke’s red-headed stepmother, Katherine, popped inside Taylor’s head. “Red? Not red, Pierre. No.”

  “Honey, what do you mean, no?”

  Having red hair would remind her every second of the day of Katherine. “I mean no, I’m not doing it. I’ve reached a point in my career where I’m only taking on jobs that make me happy, and coloring my hair bright red won’t make me happy. It’d only make me look like—”

  “A damn fool! I agree, honey. Okay. I’ll let them know. Tootles.” Without further speaking, Pierre clicked her off.

  Coloring my hair red; like hell I’m doing that. A few moments later, Pierre called her again. “Yes, Pierre?” she answered after spying the Caller ID.

  Pierre stated, “I spoke with the casting director at Revlon, and you’re not going to believe how much they offered to pay you if you agree to do the commercial shoot!”

  “How much?”

  “Three hundred and fifty thousand dollars,” Pierre’s voice pitched.

  “Umm. For that amount of money, I think the red will look great!”

  Pierre’s light chuckles came through the phone. “Me, too, honey. Me, too.”

  Hilton Head Island

  ZEKE PUSHED THROUGH the glass door of Balfour Resort & Hotel, located on the ocean, with a huge frown on his face. Wondering why in the hell his father had called a mandatory meeting at the last minute so late in the evening, Zeke stalked past the concierge desk and headed for the elevator. While he loved working for his father at the hotel–and loved Colton with all his heart–he just wished his workaholic father hadn’t interrupted him this evening, he thought, pushing the button to the elevator.

  As Zeke waited for the elevator to arrive, his mind traveled back to what he’d been doing moments prior to his father calling him. He’d been at the group care facility with Braylon and Richmond, tutoring underprivileged boys. Giving back to his community meant so much to him, and there his father had to go and interrupt it. The gold elevator doors swished open, and Zeke stepped inside. “Interrupting my pastime; this better be good, Father.”

  A few seconds later, Zeke stepped off the elevator and headed toward the conference room at the end of the hallway. Photos of his ancestors clung to the wall to his left. To his right, expensive sculptures lined the walls. For their protection, only certain people had access to the twenty-fifth floor, where the executive offices and boardrooms were located.

  Coming to the end of the hallway, Zeke stopped when he reached the closed door to the conference room. Colton held only important meetings in this room. Knowing this, and considering the urgency that’d been in his father’s voice a little while ago, curiosity piqued Zeke’s interest. Zeke turned the door knob to the big, spacious room and pressed the door wide open.

  Katherine, Bane, and Antonio were all present inside the conference room overlooking the ocean. Zeke’s father, Colton, sat at the head of the table, and Katherine sat beside him. Bane sat to his father’s left, while Antonio sat to his right.

  Antonio brought his watch up to his face. “About time you got here,” he spat, giving Zeke an unjust look.

  Ignore foolish Antonio. “I got here as fast as I could,” Zeke remarked, feeling as if he shouldn’t have to explain himself. Some of us have important things to do for our communities after work.

  “Close the door,” Colton ordered. Zeke closed the door, then plopped down in the leather seat next to Bane. Colton’s serious eyes grazed over Katherine’s face first, then Antonio’s, then Banes, and lastly Zeke’s. Colton cleared his throat. “Thank you all for coming on such short notice. As soon as—”

  The door flung open, and his father’s attorney, Gar Grainger, stormed in. “Got stuck in traffic. Sorry.” Gar plopped down in the vacant seat next to Zeke.

  Colton continued. “As I was saying before Gar came in, thank you all for coming this evening, especially on such short notice. The reason I called you here is because there’s something important I have to tell you. What I have to tell you will affect each and every one of you.”

  Katherine cupped Colton’s hands. “Why do I have the feeling I’m not going to like this, Colton?”

  Colton nodded. “You’re right, Katherine. You’re probably not going to like what I have to say. In fact, there may be several of you in this room that may not like what I have to say. But just know this…my decision has been made. And it’s final. There’s nothing anyone can do to get me to change my mind, so don’t even try.” His deep, firm tone made everyone sit up straight and take notice.

  Katherine caressed the back of Colton’s hand. “What’s going on, Colton?”

  Colton’s brown eyes grew darker, and sad. “I’ve been diagnosed with prostate cancer.”

  Jesus Christ. Cancer? Zeke felt like someone had stabbed him in the heart with a sharp blade. Keeping his emotions intact, he swallowed. He inwardly prayed for his father.

  Katherine’s jaw dropped, and a loud gasp flew out. “Cancer! You’re dying?!”

  Colton shook his head. “Calm down, Katherine. Don’t go overreacting on me.”

  Tears shot to Katherine’s eyes. “Oh my God, Colton. Are the doctors sure? What does this mean?”

  Colton explained, “It means I’ll be undergoing extensive medical care and will be unabl
e to work for a while. As of tonight, I’m relinquishing my duties, and I have no idea when I’ll be returning to Balfour Enterprises.”

  Zeke looked across the table at his reddish-blonde-haired brother Antonio. A huge smirk displayed on Antonio’s face. His blue eyes were lit up. It’s going to be hell working for Antonio, Zeke thought, knowing Colton would probably put Antonio in charge. Antonio was the oldest, after all; however, working for Antonio’s arrogant ass would be downright hard. Almost impossible.

  Colton continued. “That being said, I need someone I can trust to take over Balfour Enterprises while I’m out. Someone reliable. Someone that works their ass off, just like me; therefore, I’ve decided to make Zeke the new CEO of Balfour Resort & Hotels.” Colton looked at Zeke. His lips turned upward into a smile.

  Astounded, Zeke’s eyes widened. “Whoa. Whoa.”

  “This is fucking absurd!” Obviously angry, Antonio jumped up from his seat. “I’m the oldest, and I should be in charge.”

  Colton glanced up at Antonio and shook his head. “Please don’t take this personal, Antonio. I think the best of all my children. But Zeke, he’s a lot like me. He’ll run the company the way I run it. And he—”

  Anger blazed Antonio’s blue eyes. “Zeke’s always been your favorite son! And I want to know why? Do you feel sorry for Zeke because his mother was murdered when he was just a kid? Or do you favor him because you feel guilty for cheating on Katherine and bringing a bastard into our home?!”

  Colton leapt to his feet and leaned into the table. He growled. “You watch your gotdamn mouth, Antonio! I don’t care how mad you are, Zeke is still your brother, and I’m still your father.” Colton’s jaw shook. “You will not speak to me in that nasty tone, son.” Colton pointed at Antonio’s chair. “Now, please. Sit back down so we can finish the meeting in a pleasant tone.”

  Muscles flickered in Antonio’s jaw. “How could you do this to me, Father? How?” Breathing harshly, Antonio balled his fists, then stormed out of the room.

  Colton barked, “Don’t you walk out of here. I’m not done!”

  Tears dripped from Katherine’s eyes. “Antonio feels betrayed. I don’t blame him. He’s the oldest, Colton. The oldest. If anyone is going to run the company and handle all that money, it should be your oldest son.”

  Zeke’s muscles tensed beneath his collared dress shirt. God, please heal my father, he thought, sitting quietly. Trying to absorb everything going on around him.

  Bane shook his head negatively. “Mom, who runs the company should be the least of any of our worries. Our main concern should be Daddy’s health.” Keeping a stern face, Bane looked at his father. “I’m sorry to hear about your health. Please let me know how I can be of any help, Dad.”

  Upon hearing his father had cancer, sadness filled Zeke’s heart. Determined to remain positive, he shifted in his seat and gazed at Colton’s sullen eyes. “Same here. When’s your next appointment? I want to go with you.”

  Colton nodded at the attorney, Gar. “Paperwork, please.” Gar reached inside his briefcase, extracted some papers, and extended them to Colton. “The only thing I need for you two to do is see to it that Balfour Enterprises keeps thriving. Zeke, you will run this company while I’m away. If he accepts, Antonio will be second-in-charge. This is the contract.” Clenching the contract in his hands, Colton’s eyes roamed up and down the extensive lettering. He then laid the contract on the table, retrieved an ink pen from his shirt pocket, and scribed his name on the dotted line. A smile developed on Colton’s face as he slid the contract towards Zeke. “You’ve worked hard, Zeke. You deserve to run Balfour Enterprises. Sign the contract and make it official, my son.”

  Zeke lifted the contract in his hands. “Are you sure?”

  Colton nodded. “I wouldn’t be doing this if I weren’t sure.”

  A sense of achievement sparked inside Zeke as he wrote his signature on the dotted line. “Thanks for believing in me,” he said, sliding the signed contract back towards Colton.

  Colton signed his name beneath Zeke’s, and now the contract was signed and sealed. He then handed it to Gar. “Here, Gar. It’s official. Zeke is the new CEO of Balfour Enterprises.”

  Gar took the contract, overlooked it, and shook Zeke’s hand. “Congratulations, Zeke.”

  Katherine grabbed a tissue from her purse, dabbed the corners of her eyes. “I can’t help wondering if this is a mistake. Antonio is your firstborn, Colton. Your firstborn. Antonio should be the CEO, not Zeke,” Katherine whined.

  Seemingly irritated, the line of Colton’s mouth tightened a fraction more. “Just because Antonio is my firstborn, doesn’t mean he’s equipped with the right skills to run a billion dollar organization. From my perspective, Antonio has demonstrated that he’s an irresponsible, pompous ass.” Putting a hand to her chest, Katherine gasped. “He’s never worked hard for a thing in his life. Everything Antonio has has been given to him, not earned. You can thank yourself for his behavior. You’ve spoiled him rotten, Katherine. Zeke and Bane, on the other hand, they work hard. Put in way more hours than Antonio. They speak with the customers. Keep the finances in order. The renovations. From the maids and butlers all the way to the executives, Zeke gets shit done. Conversation over.”

  Katherine’s face contorted, then turned bright red. She hopped from her seat, snatched her purse from the chair next to her, and ran out of the office.

  Colton cleared his throat. His lips turned up into a smile as he extended his hand toward Zeke. “Congratulations on your new position at Balfour Enterprises, my son.”

  Zeke gripped his father’s hand and gave him a firm shake. “Thanks, Dad. I’m going to make you proud.”

  Colton released Zeke’s palm. “You already have. The first thing I need for you to do, though, is go to Paris.”

  Surprised, Zeke shifted in his chair. “Paris? We don’t have any business in Paris. So why there?”

  Colton clasped his hands. “We don’t have any business there yet. One of your grandfather’s greatest wishes was to someday build a hotel in Paris. Before I die, I want you to make your grandfather’s greatest wish come true. Have a hotel built in Paris. And do it quick. I want to see it done before I leave this Earth, Zeke.”

  Is this cancer worse than he’s telling us? Zeke wondered, the pit of his stomach churning with apprehension. Zeke wanted to ask his father if the cancer had spread, but decided the time to inquire about it was all wrong. “You’re going to live a long time; however, your wish is my command. I’ll go to Paris and look for sites to build on next week.”

  Colton shook his head. “Why put off to next week what you can do tomorrow?”

  Knowing this was important to his father, Zeke agreed. “I’ll make some contacts with some realtors in Paris tonight. If anything sounds promising, I’ll leave for Paris first thing in the morning.”

  Colton and Zeke stood at the same time. Colton threw his arms about his son’s shoulders and gave him a big bear pat on his back. Clutching his shoulders, his father released him. His eyes showed pride. “I love you, Zeke. Your mother, Bridget, would be so proud of you. Now go make your calls.”

  “Thanks again, Dad. Goodnight.” Smiling, Zeke turned on his heels and stalked out of the conference room. Already imagining how he wanted the hotel in Paris to be built, he smiled harder. The hotel was going to be one of the tallest and grandest in the whole entire world.

  Feeling good about his father’s decision to make him CEO of Balfour enterprises, Zeke pushed the elevator button. The golden doors slid open, and Zeke stepped inside. With his back to the wall, the door glided closed. Look out, Paris. Here I come.

  Chapter Eight

  Paris, France

  Three days later

  People packed the inside of the Parisian eatery, Ladurée Bakery & Coffee shop. The bakery looked more like an elite jewelry store than a bakery. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Stainless steel chairs accompanied the circular glass tables. Diamonds outlined the glass displays containing
the beautiful assorted pastries and desserts.

  Sitting at the circular glass table by the window across from Pierre, Taylor brought her hot cup of coffee to her lips and sipped. Gazing at the delicious pastries inside the glass display, Taylor’s stomach growled. Seasonal winter pastries lined the shelves, displayed like fine works of art. Deciding she’d better pass on the red velvet cupcake that kept calling her name, she gazed back at Pierre.

  Holding a pamplemousse macron to his lips, Pierre tore his gaze from the crowded sidewalk filled with people, looked at Taylor, and bit into his Parisian pastry. “Mmmp. This is so delicious,” Pierre spoke around his food. “Want a bite?”

  Licking her lips, Taylor nodded. Pierre handed her his tasty dessert, and she took a big bite. Always feeling like she had to watch her figure because of her career, she devoured the tasty treat. “Oh my God. This is sooo good, Pierre.”

  “I know. Now give it back, honey.” Pierre held out his hand, and Taylor handed the pastry back to him. Although Pierre was Taylor’s talent agent, he was also her good friend. “So. Are you ready to dye your hair red, honey?” He chuckled.

  “For three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, I sure am.” Holding the hot mug to her lips, the delightful aroma of the gourmet coffee wafted up her nose. Curling her lips around the rim of the mug, she sipped the warm vanilla, sweet orange coffee. Mmm, Ladurée’s gourmet coffee is the best in town.

  “Good. This morning, I got two calls requesting your services. One was for a toothpaste commercial, and the other was for a hotel billboard. Apparently, some new hotel is being built here, and they’re looking for some models. Honey, I tell you…you’re hot stuff.”

  Taylor blushed. “Thanks, Pierre. For everything. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I love you.”

  Pierre fanned his face. “Ah. Stop it, honey. You’re going to make Pierre cry. And Pierre hates crying. What can I say? I love you, too, honey. Now let’s discuss this toothpaste commercial, because that’s coming up real soon.”


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