Home > Other > OUTLAW > Page 4

by Olympia Queen

  “Be safe,” she says, holding her hand over her heart. I nod and dip out. I struggle with the vault-like door before heading to the cave where I left my bike.


  “Come in Outlaw. This is Champion. Over,” I repeat, monotone as I fill up my bike. Outlaw isn’t answering. Lonestar’s line has been dead for a week. Something isn't right. Out of all my brothers, Lonestar and Outlaw always have my back. I figured Lonestar just ran out of gas somewhere and was cooped up in one of our shelters. Now that I ran into that Hellhound and Outlaw isn’t talking, I know he rode into trouble. Like most of our problems since D-Day, the Wasteland Kings are responsible. I can feel it in my bones.

  “Outlaw? Come in. This is Champion. Over…” Static answers me. It’s no use.

  “Who’s Outlaw?” I whip around, my hand on my knife. Arcadia’s at the mouth of the cave.

  “Why didn’t you wait?” I throw away the empty can of fuel and ride up towards her a snail’s pace. Arcadia backs out of the cave.

  “Get on.” She climbs on the back of my bike. Before, Arcadia’s added weight threw me off. It’s just right at the moment.

  “I got bored and you weren’t coming back. Who’s Outlaw? A friend?” She tightens her grip as I take us out of the cave and into the tundra. We ride and I stay hypervigilant. Something sinister is lurking out here.

  “Yeah, he is.” I have to stop myself from saying he was. Outlaw’s not dead. Neither in Lonestar. I have to believe that or I’ll ride into the King’s camp. I’ll slaughter those bastards if I find out they’re hurt or killed.

  “You can trust me, Jude. My word’s my bond and I’m not an ungrateful fucking snitch.” Where did that come from? I pick up speed as we hit the open road, grateful it’s not in the negatives and the winds are light.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I yell over my purring engine.

  “Trust me! You can tell me more about yourself and your friends.” Oh, that’s what this is about?

  “I trust you. I trust you, Arcadia, but I don’t have the time to explain right now—” I’m cut off as an explosion stuns me, knocking me off course. We skid on the ice, coming to a halt dangerously close to a cliff leading to oblivion. Arcadia’s screams stop my heart. Who the fuck would set off an explosion this deep into our territory? Did they want the mutants to overtake them too?

  “What the fuck was that!” Arcadia’s hands shot to my head, clawing at my helmet. I shake them off, pulling out my gun.

  “They’re here.” Half a dozen engines start roaring at once. Motorbikes and snowdrillers pour in from all directions. They circle us like a pack of hungry sharks. The bright red of their uniforms is unmistakable.

  “Fuck! The Kings found us. Arcadia, get down!” I can’t protect her against all of them. She’s shaking so hard I can feel it through my suit. I throw my legs off my bike and she throws herself onto the ground. I try to pin down a face but they’re all nobodies and going too fast. That’s until a red snowdriller shots through the air. It lands in-between the circle a couple of feet from Arcadia and me.

  “Vicious,” I snap. The sight of his supped-up motorbike makes my blood boil. Vicious, the leader of the Wasteland Kings and a constant pain in my ass.

  “In the flesh. Let’s skip the foreplay, Champion! We’ve fucked each other over enough. You know why we’re here.” His pompous voice stings my ears.

  “That psycho Hellhound you sent after me got what he deserved.” I keep my gun trained on Vicious, drowning out the jeers of his cronies surrounding us.

  “Jester isn’t the reason we hunted you down Champion. Oh no. Quite the contrary. He abandoned his mission to get back at you for some petty grievance. I thank you for killing that useless fuck.” Cruel. I’ve spent my life with some messed up fuck ups. Vicious is in a whole other league. He earned his name.

  “So why are you here?” It doesn’t make sense if it’s not because he wants me to pay on a debt.

  “Give us Baron’s daughter and we’ll show some mercy. We’ll put a bullet through your head instead of leaving you to die.” The pigs start squealing in unison. Baron’s daughter? He’s lost his mind!

  “I don’t have Baron’s daughter! Who told you that got damn lie?” I shout with confidence that’s misplaced. Who’s to say Arcadia isn’t his daughter. But, I can’t imagine one of the co-founders of The ARC would throw his flesh and blood out defenseless like I found her.

  “We’ve laid out our deal. Hand over Arcadia or you’ll be left for dead. Do as we say, and we’ll show you mercy.” Vicious smiles a mouthful of rotten teeth. I gag. They’re all slimy, no-good fuckers. But I’m still outnumbered and outgunned.

  “Fuck your shitty diplomacy. I’m not handing her over.” Either way, my choices are death. I said I trusted Arcadia before. Now it’s time to put my trust into action. I fire and duck, a wave of bullets following me. Vicious shouts, my bullet coming it to contact somewhere. I crawl behind my bike, cursing as it takes the beating of bullets. It won’t hold up for long and if they pierce my tank, we’re as good as dead.

  “Are you hurt? Oh my God! Oh my God!” Arcadia starts hyperventilating the second she sees blood. My leg’s been hit but it’s a shallow wound. Gritting my teeth, I out my knife. It won’t do much but it’ll give her some piece of mind.

  “J-Just let them take me!” We jerk as my bike wheezes. Vicious and his sickly little pups shout at us, trying to get me to break.

  “Fuck no!” I turn Arcadia’s offer down.

  “Here. Stay down.” When they stop firing, I seize my chance. I fire, hitting one in the head. I fire again, this time clipping a King’s thigh. I duck as another wave of bullets follows. We don’t have unlimited ammo but I’m running out.

  “Shit!” I shout as a bullet pierces my bikes armor and whizzes by my head. Arcadia wails and throws herself into my lap.

  “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know. I didn’t know Jude!” She doesn’t have to explain herself to me. It doesn’t matter now. We’re going to die anyway.

  “CHAMPION!” It can’t be. I rise when the second wave of bullets dies down. Sure enough, Toshiya’s yellow snowdriller appears on the horizon. Three other Raiders trail him, and they’re packing some serious heat.

  “Fuck yeah!” I start shooting now that I know back up’s on the way. I hit Vicious in his arm twice. He spits blood.

  “Pull back! Pull the fuck back!” He orders. I’m shocked. Vicious is the type to fight to the death; I’ve never know him to run from a fight. I guess a few years fending for himself on the open tundra has made him wearier. The King’s start peeling out, leaving their dead behind. I collapse onto my knees.

  “Champion!” Toshiya the Outlaw pulls in close. He hops off his bike, white radium suit covered in thick, black dust. I get up and run towards him. Our hands smash together in our usual greeting, and I pull him into a one-armed hug.

  “Took your ass long enough. I was calling you all morning,” I grin and Toshiya bursts out laughing.

  “Look. Something came up. I showed up when it counts.” His wiry grin is a Godsend.

  “You got news on Lonestar?” His face falls. Balling up my fist, I will away my worries. If Outlaw is alive, so is Lonestar.

  “Well, I’ll be damned. You snatched Baron’s daughter from Ararat? What the fuck were you smoking?” Outlaw’s mouth hangs open. I turn to see Arcadia on her hands and knees crawling from behind my bike. We’ve come full circle.

  “I don’t know what fucking rumors got spread or where. I didn’t snatch Arcadia from The ARC. She was here, above ground.” My old friend nods absently, eyes never leaving her. I whistle to get Breaker’s attention.

  “Thing you can fix my bike?” He shoots thumbs up. I clap Toshiya on the shoulder and jog back to Arcadia who’s frozen on the ground.

  “Get up.” I bend over and pull her to her feet. It takes her a moment but when she snaps out of her daze, she has the most brilliant smile on her face. We laugh, the thrill of still being alive lif
ting our spirits. I fall into Arcadia’s open arms and we hold each other tight before I pull away. I lift my mask and bend down. I slam my mouth against hers, molding myself to Arcadia’s body. Her tongue scorches my mouth.

  “Ah!” She clutches fistfuls of my suit. I groan, deep and low, getting dizzy.

  “Aye! Enough tonguing down royalty. We need to get moving,” Toshiya calls out playfully as the other’s holler at us to keep going. Arcadia and I pull away. Her eyes are uncertain, lips hanging open.

  “I-I’m not royalty. Promise,” she squeaks.

  “I don’t give a damn who you are. You don’t have to explain yourself to me. Not now, not eve.” Baron’s daughter or not, we’re going home.

  “Let’s go home.” I tug on her arm.

  “Home...” she repeats, a small smile on her lips. She pulls me into another hug as my brother’s come closer, preparing us for the journey.


  A whirlwind of emotions fuses together in my gut. Finally, we come to the place Jude calls home. My new home. It’s intimating, coming straight out of a dystopian wet dream. Frozen spikes of steel and iron bend around the entrance like metallic, ivory tusks. Surrounding the gaping mouth of a cave is a city. Well, more like a big village. Still, I can’t process seeing women and children roaming around. Above ground is supposed to be a wasteland. But here? The spark of humanity my father tried to replicate thrives here.

  People stare at me openly. It’s a mixed community for the most part, so I know it’s not because of the way I look. I know it’s the rumors. Arcadia, Son of Baron, the former Underlord, and co-founder of The ARC. It sounds like a cheesy ass fantasy name. It’s cheesy and it’s true. I can already hear the hushed whispers. Some point at Champion and a shame swirls inside of me. I shouldn’t feel ashamed but I hate the fact he’s been pulled into a wild rumor. The truth is much simpler. My father and mother dead, people hungry for power put a target on my back. I stepped out of line and I got kicked out. It’s the truth and no one will buy it. They want an over the top fantasy. I’ll let them keep dreaming for now.

  Snuggling against Champion broad back, I will away the crowds gathering around us. I hate being the center of attention, even more so when I’m a stranger in a very strange land.

  “You alright?” Champion calls over his shoulder.

  “Yeah. Don’t worry about me.” We pull into the cave. It’s a massive series of smaller caves. Is it connected to The ARC? It must be because the design is almost identical. Each tunnel should lead into more tunnels that lead into smaller rooms.

  As we pull into a parking lot of sorts, a woman’s voice calls out to us.

  “Toshiya!” I turn to see a short, olive-toned woman. Her willowy hair holds the barest hint of curls, flowing to the middle of her back. She’s wearing glasses so I know she’s of some importance. Only the elderly underground got such luxuries.

  “Baby!” Toshiya races over and sweeps her into his arms. That make an odd pair, Toshiya towering over her small frame. When he puts her down, she makes a bee-line for me and extends her hand.

  “My name is Makayla. I use to run The ARC’s crop project in North Central. Now I feed this town.” Champion cuts the engine and I slide off. Shaking her hand, I give her my brightest smile.

  “I’m Arcadia. Um…Baron’s daughter.” Makayla doesn’t seem shocked. I haven’t met her before, but she knows Baron if she’s worked in The ARC. However, instead of instant distrust, I find understanding and sympathy clouding her expression.

  “I know. I’m glad you’re here.” I’m giddy with joy. To find a friend—if I can call Makayla that—so soon is a blessing.

  “Makayla I—”

  “We can do introductions later. Come on Arcadia.” Jude grips my arm and starts pulling me away. Our introduction is cut sort.

  “Bye Makayla! I’ll talk to you later girl, ok?” I wave, looking over my shoulder as Jude guides me towards a cave.

  Makayla nods, leaning against Outlaw who hollers back, “Don’t wear her out! The rest of us want to meet her.”


  “You’re rude.” We arrive in Jude’s room a while later. It’s large and filled with valuables that speak to his rank. But most important is the king sized bed in the middle.

  “And horny. Come here.” He reaches for me after closing the door. I jump back, grinning. He chases me as I circle his bed, laughing. Our new game of cat and mouse is absurd given the circumstances. Still, it takes my mind away. There’s no Hellhounds, open roads, or mutants here. We’re home. We’re free…for now.

  I squeal as he tackles me to the bed. His hands are on me in an instant and I'm ready for him. We kiss like tomorrow isn't coming. Jude's tongue spears my mouth, expertly weaving, darting, and tangling with my own. He digs his nails into my plump ass. I yank at his suit and piece by piece, our clothing falls away. He nibbles on my bottom lip, hands roaming, groping, and searching. I arch my back as he fondles my breasts.

  “You have a big heart,” he murmurs against my pussy lips, blowing sweet air that shoots through me.

  “I’m a big girl.” I gasp as he licks my slit.

  “Hmp. Never offer yourself up again.” Jude takes me into his mouth, eyes piercing through me from the middle of my thighs. My stomach rises and falls, swept away. I start to shudder as he hits my sweet spot. Jude pulls his tongue out, flicking my clit. I grab his head as he spreads my lips. I’m so damn close!

  “Jude!” He likes it when I’m loud. This whole village already knows my name. Why not let them hear me roar?

  “Enough, Kay. Get on my lap,” he says. Finger still working my nub, Jude draws me into a sloppy kiss. When we separate, he falls onto his back. I climb on top. A feral sound rumbles through his chest when I straddle him. I slide down his thick cock and moan for him.

  “Jude!” I lick my lips, a bittersweet taste on my tongue.

  “That’s my girl,” he purrs.

  “I’m not…” I rise up and down, riding him hard, “Your fucking property, Jude.”

  “We’ll see about that. Your my girl from here on out.” He holds my arms and pumps inside of me, taking me for a ride.

  “And… Ah! My name is Arcadia. My Mama didn't name me Kay, okay?” He ignores me, reaching up to squeeze my breast. We keep up our frenzied fucking.

  “I can’t hold back!” Jude pulls me down as he comes inside. I moan, fucking myself on his softened dick, trying to climax. Jude keeps thrusting, sucking on my neck in just the right spot as I climb and climb until I burst inside. We lie in each other’s arms, safe and warm.

  “Welcome home…” Jude snickers, playing with my curls, “Ready for round two?”

  “Home,” I say, holding him tight, allowing his presence to erase my pain and doubts.

  “I’m ready whenever you are, Jude.” He rolls me onto my back. We kiss and this time there’s no need to rush. We’ll take it slow now that I know he’ll never let me go.

  I’ve found the guy who’ll fight for me in hell.

  I’ve found my hero.

  My champion.


  “Would condoms survive a nuclear apocalypse?” I’m not proud of everything I’ve searched on Google, but this was certainly a low point. What do black carbon, motorcycles, and curvy hips have to do with one other? Not much, and that’s a shame. So, I set out to create an erotica series that’s geared towards my tastes: alpha males roaming an apocalyptic landscape and curvy brown skin women kicking ass.

  I absolutely loved Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) when I saw it in theater, especially the power and courage of Imperator Furiosa and the Five Wives. I’m also a fan of classic feminist sci-fi such as Pamela Sargent’s The Shore of Women. So, when I mixed those two together with sex and a healthy dose of diesel, Radium Raiders was born.

  The premise behind Arcadia and Jude’s story is simple: a three-day snowstorm results in two nights of grinding away the midnight oil. I hope you enjoy the next story in the series Outlaw (Radium Raiders, #2) debuting
July 27, 2018. It features the vice-president of the Radium Raiders and a biracial female researcher in a cave.


  Olympia Queen

  June 29, 2018 (USA)


  BIO: Olympia Queen writes speculative erotica (science-fiction, fantasy, and horror). She’s also a cryptozoologist in training. Olympia’s heroes and heroines are multiethnic, biracial, multiracial, AA (African-American), BBW (Big Beautiful Women), BWWM (Black Women/White Men), BWAM (Black Women/Asian Men), and BWLM (Black Women/Latino Men). Keep in touch on social media @AuthorOlympiaQueen. Or, visit www.olympiaqueen.com.

  Sign-up for Olympia Queen's newsletter The Queen’s Clubhouse. You’ll receive news about her upcoming speculative erotica titles and exclusive content.



  D-Day: Ten years ago, a series of nuclear attacks devastated Earth. It poured untold amounts of radioactive carbon into the atmosphere that resulted in a prolonged nuclear winter. In the former United States, it's known as Detention Day, Doomsday, and D-Day interchangeably.

  Radium Suit: Made of a weather-resistant synthetic material that resembles a snowsuit. Some come with a metallic membrane to protect the skin.

  Radium Raiders: A diesel-powered motorbike gang who controls a large portion of the former Midwest now referred to as North Central. Their leader, Saint, was a former Navy Seal turned anti-government agitator. Their gang exclusively trades with ARC civilians, trading and repurposing the items they get above ground.

  Wasteland Kings: An off-shoot of the Radium Raiders. Run by the cousin of the Radium Raider's treasurer, Bishop. They distrust the hierarchal pseudo-society the Radium Raiders have set up above ground and create anarchy wherever they ride.


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