The Next Play: Part Four: the play series | book 1 | part 4

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The Next Play: Part Four: the play series | book 1 | part 4 Page 6

by Byrd, Rhyannon


  “If you give me your bowl,” Jonah said with a lopsided grin, reaching over to ruffle Davey’s curls, “then we can celebrate with more ice cream.”

  Choking back a laugh, she gave the gorgeous man her best “mom” look. “Maybe we should wait until after dinner.”

  He smirked at her like the sexy devil he was, and she caught the mischievous glint in his blue eyes as he leaned down and whispered something in Davey’s good ear that made her precious little boy laugh.

  “Jonah’s funny,” Davey giggled, happily handing his empty bowl over to the tall redhead.

  “I’ll just bet he is,” she drawled dryly, figuring she was going to have her hands full with the two of them.

  As Jonah headed back into the kitchen, Davey leaned close and whispered, “Guess what, Mommy. Jonah says we can have ice cream for dinner, but we have to have veggies for dessert!”

  She laughed then too, and then just kept on laughing and smiling for the rest of the day, which she never would have thought was possible after the scare with Davey’s ear infection. But her little boy stayed cool to the touch and pain free, and was basking in the attention Jonah gave him, clearly having a great time, so it was impossible not to be happy too.

  They broke out the new boxes of LEGOs and spent hours building imaginary towns, the way Jonah seemed to genuinely enjoy his time with Davey making her feel all swoony and in love.

  And she was.

  She was in love with Jonah Cartwright.

  Jocelyn had realized it a week ago, but each day the feeling had solidified, growing stronger. Steadier. More vital and real, as if it were now a necessary part of her, like her heart and lungs. And now that they’d taken that next step and gone to bed together, the riot of emotions inside her were snowballing together into the mother of all avalanches, impossible to control and even more powerful than before.

  So please don’t break my heart, she thought, watching him from her place on the floor as he and Davey put the final touches on their elaborate dragon castle. Because this feels like… Like it’s meant to be.

  As the sky turned a breathtaking blend of pink and orange beyond the penthouse’s tall wall of glass, she took Davey upstairs for his bath, and when they came back down, the three of them headed into the kitchen and made homemade pizzas topped with cheese, peppers and mushrooms. They ate the scrumptious dinner at the breakfast bar, talking about the trip down to San Diego that Jonah wanted to take them on, and after promising Davey that he could swim in the pool once his ear was fully healed, they broke out the new Xbox console. Then they played with the stack of games Jonah had bought until Davey started to yawn, his green eyes drooping with exhaustion.

  “Come on, bug,” she said, taking his tiny hand in hers. “It’s time to get you in bed.”

  Davey pulled away so that he could run over and give Jonah a big hug, then took her hand again, chatting nonstop about everything they’d done that day while they walked upstairs to the guest bedroom that was just down the hall from Jonah’s. After going to the bathroom, he climbed into the comfortable bed, and her heart gave a little thump as he cuddled up with the stuffed penguin that Jonah had bought him at the zoo. After the long night at the hospital and fun day at the penthouse, Davey was sound asleep before she even got halfway through the story about Jack and the giant, and she took a few minutes just to hold him in her arms, beyond thankful that he was feeling better and not in any pain, before leaving him to his dreams.

  As Jocelyn shut the door to the guest bedroom behind her, she could hear Jonah talking on the phone in his home office, and so she went back downstairs. Lured by the magnificent view of the San Francisco skyline, she walked over and simply stood at the far wall of glass, her hands in her pockets and her thoughts on the sexy redhead she had a hunch was upstairs talking to the team of investigators he was paying God only knew how much money to track down Valerie Johnson.

  She hadn’t had much time to herself, like this, to think about what Jonah had told her that morning at the hospital. But now, as she opened the door, walked outside and made her way over to the railing, staring out at the dazzling city below and turning the story over in her head, there seemed a kind of tragic symmetry to it all. Because if it actually turned out to be Valerie who had sent her the disturbing texts and that godawful photo, then the woman was responsible for ruining Jonah’s first attempt at a serious relationship…and for trying damned hard to destroy his second one. Not that she was going to let the crazy bitch get away with it.

  And now that she knew the whole horrid story, Jocelyn wasn’t surprised that Jonah had steered clear of emotional entanglements for so many years. Not after the way two of the people who should have loved him most in this world—a parent and his romantic partner—betrayed him in such a horrible fashion. She was even starting to understand the role that Vane had played in his post-Valerie life, and why Jonah had developed such an attachment to the sex club. An attachment that still worried her, even with that knowledge and understanding.

  But if she loved him, and she did, then she had to love all of him, didn’t she? Even the difficult parts, and the secretive ones, despite how much they worried her…and frightened her. She had to, because there was the kind of love that came easy in this world, and then there was the love that you would go through fire for. And it was the fire that toughened things until they were strong enough to last, no matter what you threw at them. Crazy exes and awful parents and even threesomes with his friends. She had to find a way to deal with it all, because the only other option was to walk away and lose him forever.

  And there was no way in hell Jocelyn was going to let that happen.

  * * *

  Finished with another disappointing update from Phil, Jonah was careful to be quiet so that he didn’t wake Davey as he went in search of Jocelyn. He’d heard one of the doors chime while he’d been on his call, so he headed downstairs and walked over to the wall of glass.

  As soon as he spotted her standing at the railing, her golden curls tousled by the wind and the moonlight gleaming against her creamy skin, he was nearly flattened by a barrage of emotions. There was blinding need, which he always felt for her. And protectiveness, the likes of which he’d never known. Hell, he hadn’t even really thought he was capable of it.

  But he’d been wrong.

  And then there was the frustration. The burning, blinding, angry frustration that after everything Valerie had done, she was still slipping through their fingers, posing a threat to what he and Jocelyn were building. Where the fuck was she hiding? And what could she possibly want from him?

  Exhaling a rough breath, he turned and headed into the kitchen. Determined to put the bitch out of his mind for the night, he poured two glasses of wine, and then walked outside to join Jocelyn. “You okay?” he asked, when she turned her head and gave him a small smile, the look in her eyes telling him she’d been using the time alone to think.

  “Yeah,” she murmured, her smile getting a little wider as she took the glass he offered her. “Thanks.”

  It was warm for November, and the air still smelled like fall. Like leaves and bonfires, earthy and rich and wild. Even from up there, where they were on top of the world. And as he stood there, watching her in the moonlight with that shy, precious smile on her lips, Jonah knew he was going to love this woman until the day he died. That he wanted to build a huge-ass family with her. Grow old with her. Share every minute of his life with her, because the best moments could only be the ones where he was beside her.

  “Did you get any news about Valerie on your call?” she asked, pulling him from his sappy thoughts of happily-ever-after.

  “How did you know that’s what it was about?”

  Her smile turned wry. “Because while we might not have known each other long, I feel like we’re getting to know each other pretty well.”

  “Better than pretty well,” he told her, willing her to believe him as he stared into her eyes. “You know me, Jace. The real me
. Probably even better than I know myself.”

  He caught the flash of doubt that crossed her features as she lifted her glass to her lips, but kept silent, not wanting to start an argument. Not when there was already so much other shit hanging over their heads. Proving his words to her was something that would come with time, and he planned on fighting for that time with every bone in his body.

  The silence stretched out between them as she turned to look back out over the city, and then she gave a little sigh. “So what did you learn on the call?”

  “Not a damn thing,” he muttered, leaning down and bracing his forearms on the railing. “But I’m paying a hell of a lot of money for that to change.”

  “I don’t doubt it,” she murmured.

  Taking a deep breath, he said, “There are a few things, though, that I need to bring you up to date on.”

  It was impossible to miss the worry in her gaze when she looked his way again. “All right.”

  “Yesterday, I learned that some of the employees at the club have been getting phone calls.”

  Her eyes darkened with concern. “About what? You?”

  “Yeah,” he muttered, wishing he’d poured himself something stronger than the wine. “And to be specific, about the time that I spent there. So far, the calls haven’t amounted to anything, because no one’s talking—and to be honest, the security team thinks it’s just one more way she’s trying to fuck with my head. But if it is Valerie behind all of this, then she definitely has someone working with her, because the calls are being made by a woman, as well as a man.”

  “So she has an accomplice,” she said quietly. “God, that’s creepy.”

  “We’re going to find her, Jace. You have my word on that.”

  “I know you will.” She took another sip of her wine, looking like she needed it, and there was a huskier note of emotion in her voice as she lowered the glass from her lips. “And thanks for telling me. I know you’re worried about sharing these things with me, but you don’t need to be. I just don’t want there to be any more secrets between us.”

  Christ. If ever there were a time to tell her about the night he spent with Monica Kreskey in the Diamond, Jonah knew it was now. He was living in fear of another photo from that night being sent, nearly jumping out of his skin every time her goddamn phone buzzed with a message. But as badly as he knew he should just come clean, he…couldn’t. Not when there was a chance that she would look at the things he’d done as something he might miss or not be able to live without, when the only fucking thing he needed and wanted was her.

  As if she sensed just how frightened he was in that moment, she mercifully changed the subject, giving him a temporary reprieve. “You know, you spoiled Davey rotten tonight.”

  “After what he’s been through, he deserved it.” Lifting his free hand to the back of his neck, Jonah rubbed at the tense muscles there. “But I get that it can’t be all ice cream and presents. I know I have to be responsible too.”

  “I wasn’t criticizing. It was lovely.” She set her wine glass down on the nearby patio table, then reached over and took his hand. “And you’re lovely too,” she added with another one of those shy, sexy smiles that always floored him, before pulling him with her as she turned and started leading him back inside.

  “Not nearly as fucking lovely as you,” he said low, his heart hammering as he watched her gorgeous ass move inside the tight jeans. And when she started walking up the stairs, it was such a breathtaking sight he could only stare like a lovesick idiot, every ounce of his sophisticated polish reduced to rubble beneath the force of his need for this woman.

  She led him into his bedroom, closed the door, then took his wine glass from his hand and left him standing on his own as she turned and headed over to his bedside table.

  “Jocelyn,” he groaned, a little shocked that she was taking the initiative, and a hell of a lot turned on, his dick so hard he could have hammered a damn nail with it.

  “Yes?” she asked, looking back at him over her shoulder as she turned on the lamp, the soft wash of light casting her in a sensual, golden glow.

  Leaning back against his bedroom door, Jonah gave himself a moment to simply appreciate the stunning view of Jocelyn Brenna standing beside his bed, still dressed in her fuzzy pink sweater and jeans, knowing damn well that he’d never seen anything more beautiful. Then he brought his appreciative gaze back up to hers, and said, “Take off your sweater for me.”

  She blinked as a nervous smile twitched on her lips. “What?”

  “I’m hoping like hell that you brought me up here to have your wicked, perverted way with me. So take it off while I just stand here and enjoy the view.”

  She hesitated, her gaze skittering to the side as she bit her lower lip. But then she took a quick breath and straightened her shoulders, her determination burning through as she started pulling the fuzzy sweater up over her head, slowly revealing the pretty pink bra that strained to contain her exquisite breasts. There was a warm feeling building beneath his skin that felt fucking awesome, the sensation turning molten as she finally let the sweater fall to the floor and began walking toward him, the desire in her big green eyes making him feel like the luckiest bastard alive.

  And there was something about the look on her face that made his breath catch, like she was about to tell him something really fucking important. He couldn’t wait to hear it, his heart damn near beating its way through the wall of his chest—until her phone suddenly buzzed and they both flinched, his hunger turning to dread in the blink of an eye.

  “That was a text,” she said quietly, her gaze darkening as she halted her steps in the center of the room, her bare arms wrapping around her middle in a protective hold. “God, after last night, I’m afraid to look at it.”

  Jonah pushed away from the door. “Then don’t,” he clipped, ready to take the phone and crunch it beneath his boot.

  Her brows knitted with worry. “But it could be my parents calling to check on Davey.”

  “You want me to check it for you?” he asked, hoping she said yes.

  “No!” she blurted, already walking over to the far bedside table, where she’d left her phone charging that afternoon.

  “You sure?”

  Her throat worked as she gave a hard swallow, but her response was firm. “I’m sure. I’m not going to run from this or let you shield me from it.”

  “Why the hell not?” he demanded, not even trying to mask his frustration. “Because if it is from Valerie Johnson, we’re just giving her what she wants by letting her screw with your head.”

  “I know,” she whispered, picking up the phone, “but it would drive me crazy wondering what she’s sent.”

  “Fuck,” he growled, shoving the word through his clenched teeth. “I’m tempted to take every phone in this house and toss them in the goddamn pool.”

  She tightened her grip on the phone, as if afraid he was going to come over and snatch it out of her hands, which was exactly what he was dying to do. He wanted to take a hammer to the thing and smash it to pieces, until it didn’t resemble anything but a shattered pile of metal and plastic. But Jonah respected her choice, even as it killed him to watch her walk toward the wall of glass, exactly the same as she’d done the night before, the sickening sense of déjà vu surrounding him making his stomach turn. And then, with her back to him, she looked down at the phone and pulled up the message. A second later, he heard her swift intake of breath, the pained sound shattering his restraint, and before he knew it, he was standing at her side, careful not to hurt her as he ripped the phone out of her trembling hands.

  “That motherfucking bitch,” he snarled under his breath, staring down at the screen. Just as he’d feared, Jocelyn had been sent another photo from the same night as before, this time the image one of him in the Diamond with both Monica and Jenny. He was lying on his back in the center of the massive black bed, his hands gripping Jenny’s hips as she rode his dick, while a smiling Monica straddled his head, gettin
g ready to lower her slick pussy onto his mouth.

  Below the explicit photo was a text that read: I told you he likes his variety.

  “Shit,” he cursed, his grip so tight he was surprised the phone didn’t break apart in his hand. “I warned you not to look at the fucking thing.”

  She exhaled an unsteady breath, then looked up at him. “You did. But I refuse to play the role of the tragic victim who needs to be protected.”

  “This isn’t about strength,” he argued, struggling to rein in his anger as she turned and headed back over to the place where she’d dropped her sweater. “Christ, Jocelyn, I know how fucking strong you are. You’ve raised an awesome kid all on your own, while kicking ass at your job and not losing your sanity. No one is questioning your strength. I just don’t know why you want to see things that you know are going to hurt you.”

  Clutching the pink sweater to her chest, she said, “But hiding it from me doesn’t make it untrue, Jonah. It doesn’t erase it from existence. As messed up as these messages and photos are, at least I’m seeing—”

  “Seeing what?” he snapped, cutting her off. “Exactly what kind of damaged goods you’re getting? Is that what you need to see so badly?”

  “Don’t do that,” she shot back, her once pale cheeks now burning with color. “I never said you were damaged. I would never say something so horrible!”

  He snorted as he shook his head. “You don’t need to say it when we both know you’re thinking it.”

  “No, what I’m thinking is that you’re acting like a total dick,” she muttered, before jerking the sweater over her head. Then she pulled her golden curls free from the collar, marched back over to where he was standing, and tried to snatch her phone away from him.

  “What the hell are you doing?” he growled, hating that they were now arguing over this shit as he held the phone up out of her reach, which only infuriated her even more.


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