Not in Your Lifetime: The Defining Book on the J.F.K. Assassination

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Not in Your Lifetime: The Defining Book on the J.F.K. Assassination Page 60

by Summers, Anthony

  False names. See Aliases

  Fascism, 189, 193

  FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). See also Hoover, J. Edgar

  Camp Street offices and, 269

  COINTELPRO, 264–265

  FPCC and, 255, 343, 349

  Hoffa and, 225

  Hosty and, 346–347, 348–349, 350–351, 380

  JFK assassination files, full disclosure, 116–117

  JFK assassination involvement, 120

  Marcello and, 424, 428

  Oswald-FBI relations, 175, 261–265

  Shanklin and, 75, 76–77, 335, 348–349, 350

  Sullivan and, 147, 349

  Fenner, Nanny, 347–348

  Ferrell, Mary, 26

  Ferrie, David

  Banister and, 283

  CAP and, 284–285, 286

  Eastern Airlines and, 282, 287

  homosexuality of, 282, 285, 286, 288

  JFK and, 283, 289

  Marcello-Ferrie connection, 288–289

  Oswald and, 283–286

  Fibers, in rifle butt, 69, 70, 83

  Finck, Pierre, 22–23, 51

  Fingerprint evidence, 68, 70, 83, 85, 88, 122

  Finland, Helsinki, 136, 144, 145

  Fithian, Floyd, 227

  FitzGerald, Desmond, 367, 374, 376, 377

  544 Camp Street. See Camp Street offices

  Flusche, Don, 415

  Fontainebleau Hotel meeting, 211, 215, 216

  Fonzi, Gaeton, 244, 304, 442

  Ford, Gerald, 35, 398, 399

  Fort Worth, Texas, 6, 7, 174, 179, 184, 185, 445

  Four shots, 33, 34, 41, 45, 46, 50

  Fox, Thomas, 151, 175

  FPCC. See Fair Play for Cuba Committee

  Frazier, Buell, 70, 84, 85

  Free Cuba Committee, 272, 411

  Freedom of Information Act, 10, 332, 342

  Friends of Democratic Cuba, 274

  Fritz, Will, 66, 71, 78, 411

  Frontline, PBS, 177–178, 285

  Fulbright, William, 5

  Gallery magazine, 28

  Gambling operations, 201, 214, 238, 291, 292, 405, 424, 427, 434

  Garner, Nina, 262

  Garrison, Jim, 245, 274

  Gaudet, William, 307–310

  Georgia plates, stolen, 59


  de Mohrenschildt, George, and, 183

  East Germany, 171

  Hitler and, 183, 187, 189

  West Germany, 151, 171, 189

  Giancana, Sam, 215, 216, 218, 219, 220, 224, 225–226, 229, 232, 402, 407, 422

  Gill, G. Wray, 289

  Givens, Charles, 89–90

  Glenn, John, 257–258, 259

  González, Pedro, 354–355

  Grassy knoll area

  accounts of people in, 38–43

  acoustics study, 35

  Arnold, Gordon, and, 38–40, 58

  Book Depository witnesses, 37

  Bowers and, 42, 57

  description of, 38

  Dictabelt recording and, 28–29, 33–34

  gunpowder smell, 42–43

  Moorman’s photograph and, 43

  National Academy of Sciences report and, 28

  police officers and, 37–38

  Price and, 56–57

  Secret Service agent impostor in, 57–58

  Smith, Joe, and, 43, 57–58

  Sorrels and, 37

  Willis and, 56

  Graves, 397, 445

  Greer, Secret Service agent, 32, 34, 36

  Gregory, Peter, 179

  Griffin, Burt, 399, 416, 417, 443–444

  Guinn, Vincent, 46–47, 49–50, 54

  Gunpowder smell, 42–43

  Guns. See Mannlicher-Carcano rifle; Revolvers

  Guthrie, Steve, 402

  Gutiérrez, Pedro, 391

  Guy Banister Associates, 268, 273, 280

  Hall, Gus, 248

  Hall, Loran, 305, 360, 361, 362, 363

  Hall, Ray, 416

  Hallett, Joan, 149

  Handguns. See Revolvers

  Harbison, Charles, 51

  Hargis, Police Officer, 44

  Harker, Daniel, 385

  Harper, Billy, 45

  Harrison, William “Blackie,” 418

  Hart, Gary, 243, 244

  Hartmann, Paul, 342

  Harvey, William, 150, 205, 216, 219

  Harvey Oswald Lee alias, 350

  Hauser, Joseph, 424

  Havana. See Castro-U.S. secret dialogue

  Head wounds, 15–16, 17–22, 25, 45, 53, 87

  Heindel, John Rene, 73–74. See also Hidell, A.

  Helms, Richard, 145–147, 161, 162, 218–219, 339, 445

  Helmstedt, 171

  Helpern, Milton, 15, 48

  Helsinki, Finland, 136, 144, 145

  Henderson, Ruby, 60, 62

  Hendrix, Hal, 118–119

  Hensen, Eldon, 327–328, 343

  Heroin trafficking, 213, 214

  Hidell, A. J. (alias), 69–70, 72–73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 87, 119, 188, 248, 256, 257. See also Oswald, Lee Harvey

  Hill, Clint, 18

  “Historic Diary,” of Oswald, 153–156, 158, 162–163

  Hitler, Adolf, 183, 187, 189

  Hoffa, James “Jimmy”

  Baker, “Barney,” and, 224, 407, 413

  Dorfman and, 224

  The Enemy Within and, 223–224

  FBI surveillance, 225

  JFK and, 223, 225

  JFK assassination plan and, 227–229

  Justice Department and, 224–225

  Marcello and, 233

  Nixon and, 223

  Partin and, 228–229

  RFK and, 222–223, 225, 227–229

  Teamsters and, 222–223, 224, 228, 230, 407

  Trafficante and, 229, 230

  Holland, Oswalds’ stay in, 171–173

  Holland, Sam, 40, 41–42

  Homestead Air Force Base, 119

  Homosexuality, 282, 285, 286, 288

  Hoover, J. Edgar

  Banister and, 273

  CIA and, 337

  Hoffa and, 225

  Johnson, Lyndon, and, 335–336

  Mafia existence and, 224

  obsession with speed, 93

  pledge violation and, 236

  Hospitals. See also Parkland Hospital

  Bethesda Naval Hospital, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24, 52

  Botkin Hospital records, 154–155

  Hostess, Queen Bee, 131

  Hosty, James, 346–347, 348–349, 350–351, 380

  Hotel Berlin, 136

  Hotel Cuba, 316

  House Committee on the Judiciary, 347, 349

  House Select Committee on Assassinations. See Assassinations Committee

  House Un-American Activities Committee, 254, 257–258, 260, 273

  Houston, Lawrence, 218

  Houston, Texas, 6

  Howard, Lawrence, 360

  Howard, Lisa, 365, 366, 368–369, 374, 377

  Howard, Tom, 406, 414, 415

  Howe, FBI Agent, 349

  Hubert, Leon, 399

  Huize Avila, 173

  Humes, James, 22, 52

  Humphrey, Hubert H., 5

  Hunt, H. L., 6

  Hunt, Howard, 202, 204, 208, 210, 259, 305, 340, 391, 440

  “Hunter of fascists ha-ha-ha!!!” inscription, 193

  Huxley, Aldous, 249

  Huxley, Thomas H., 31

  Hyde, Marie, 168–169

  Immigration Service, 234

  Imperial Reflex camera, 71r />
  Impostor, Oswald, 316, 325, 326, 327, 370

  Inauguration, JFK, 165, 233

  Information Council of the Americas (INCA), 252, 260–261

  Intelligence community (U.S. intelligence). See also Army Intelligence; CIA; FBI

  Eisenhower comment on intelligence gathering, 165

  JFK assassination involvement, 242–245

  Mafia and, 212–213

  “national security” excuse, 116

  Oswald as tool, 127, 140, 145, 152, 252, 244, 267, 293, 326

  Oswald-intelligence community relations, 73, 120, 164, 265–266

  performance, Senate Intelligence Committee and, 126

  sickness ploy, 143

  sleeper agents, 151, 161

  Szulc and, 217

  Intercontinental Penetration Force, 305

  Internal Revenue Service, 292, 346, 408, 409

  International Brotherhood of Teamsters. See Teamsters

  Interpen, 305

  Intourist guides, 136, 154, 155, 168

  Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, 81, 185, 186, 190

  Janos, Leo, 383

  Jarman, Junior, 91

  Jenkins, James, 52

  Jesuit seminary, 249

  Jet effect, 45

  Jewish cemetery, Ruby in, 445

  JFK. See Kennedy, John F.

  JFK (film), 6

  JFK Records Act, 10, 117

  JM/WAVE station, 206, 207, 219

  Joannides, George, 438, 439, 445

  Joe Pecora alias, 216. See also Trafficante, Santo

  John Birch Society, 6, 7, 189, 211, 273, 370, 412

  Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, 442

  Johnson, David, 71, 72

  Johnson, Haynes, 377

  Johnson, Lyndon Baines

  Cuban (Castro) plan, for JFK assassination and, 240, 382–384

  in Dallas, 238

  Hoover and, 335–336

  magic-bullet theory and, 49

  on Oswald’s motivation, 115

  Warren and, 379

  Johnson, Priscilla, 166–167

  Joint Technical Advisory Group, 143

  Jones, Paul, 402

  Jones, Robert, 74–75, 76

  Jones Printing Company, 248

  Journal of Forensic Sciences, 54

  Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 50

  Journal of the American Medical Association, 16

  Judiciary Committee, 347, 349

  Junta Revolucinaria (JURE), 356

  Justice Department, 224–225, 227, 229, 233, 234, 288, 407, 444

  Kaack, Milton, 262, 263

  Kaiser, David, 242, 265, 361

  Kantor, Seth, 118–119, 410

  Karamessines, Tom, 339

  Keenan, Laurence, 389

  Keenan, Steve (Kennan, Steve), 325

  Keesler Air Force Base, 128

  Kefauver Committee, 215, 402

  Kellerman, Roy, 20, 32–33, 34, 36

  Kenin, Steve, 325

  Kennedy, Jacqueline

  husband’s brain matter and, 8, 9, 18

  remembrance of assassination, 8

  in Zapruder film, 25

  Kennedy, John F. (JFK). See also Assassination; Autopsy; Bay of Pigs disaster; Castro-U.S. secret dialogue

  adrenal glands disease and, 16

  American University speech, 295

  Boggs and, 5

  Campbell, Judith, and, 219–220, 225

  Castellanos and, 370–371

  Castro assassination plots and, 217, 297–299

  Connally, Nellie, and, 7

  Cuban Missile Crisis and, 6, 119, 208, 209, 295, 296, 305, 321, 379

  Ferrie and, 283, 289

  Fulbright and, 5

  Giancana and, 220

  grave, 397

  Hoffa and, 223, 225

  Humphrey and, 5

  inauguration, 165, 233

  JFK (film), 9

  JFK Records Act, 10, 117

  Krulak and, 297–298

  Monroe and, 225

  Oswald’s liking of, 112–114, 157, 387

  Profiles in Courage, 249

  sports stadium speech, 207–208

  warnings, to avoid Dallas, 5

  Weisburg and, 226–227

  Kennedy, Robert F. (RFK)

  as Attorney General, 217–218, 219, 224, 234, 288, 297, 378, 427

  autopsy of JFK and, 16

  Bay of Pigs and, 204, 205–208

  Castro assassination plots and, 217–219, 297–299

  CIA and, 204

  The Enemy Within, 223–224

  Giancana and, 224, 225–226

  Hoffa and, 222–223, 225, 227–229

  Lansky and, 224

  Mafia and, 217–218, 219

  Marcello and, 233–234

  missing brain and, 23–24

  Monroe and, 225

  Special Group on Cuba and, 218–219, 297, 298, 368

  Trafficante and, 224

  Kent State University, 26


  Intourist guides, 136, 154, 155, 168

  Minsk KGB file, 164

  Nosenko and, 126, 160–161, 162

  Oswald-KGB relations, 126–127, 158, 159–164

  Semichastny as, 163–164

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 187, 208, 301, 371, 375, 379

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 184

  Klein’s Sporting Goods Company, 68–69

  Knight (alias), 440. See also Hunt, Howard

  Knight, Francis, 307

  Kohly, Mario, Jr., 206, 396

  Kohly, Mario García, Sr., 396

  Kohn, Aaron, 232, 273, 290, 291, 292

  Kostikov, Valery, 319

  Kramer, Monica, 168, 169

  Krulak, Victor, 297–298

  KUJUMP, 176

  Kutner, Louis, 402

  Lacombe, 305

  Lamont, Corliss, 268

  Landis, Paul, 37

  Lansky, Meyer, 213, 214, 215, 224, 232

  Latell, Brian, 300

  Latin America, 211, 217, 296, 366, 381, 441

  Latin American Newsletter, 308

  La Unione Italiana Cemetery, 445


  pro-Castro, 76, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 253, 254, 267, 275, 276, 278, 393

  “Wanted for Treason,” 197

  Lechuga, Carlos, 365, 366, 369, 380

  Lee, Harvey Oswald (alias), 350

  Lee, O. H. (alias), 74, 346


  Lenin, Vladimir, 153

  Leningrad, 156, 159

  Leninist, Marxist-, 67

  Leon Oswald alias, 357, 361, 362–363, 370

  “Leopoldo,” 356–358, 390

  Letters, Oswald

  on Communism, 125

  to Communist Party, 351–352

  to FBI, 76–77, 347–348, 350, 371

  to FPCC, 246–247, 270

  Liebeler, Wesley, 69–70, 246, 331, 359–360

  Lie-detector tests, 175, 400

  Life magazine, 25, 392, 430

  Liking of JFK, Oswald, 112–114, 157, 387

  Liverde, 234

  Location issue, head wound, 17–22

  Lone gunman theory, 9, 33–34, 239

  Loner, Oswald as, 128, 132

  Lorenzo, Aurelia, 40

  Louisiana Intelligence Digest, 273

  Lovelady, Billie, 90

  Luce, Clare Booth, 392–393

  Luce, Henry, 392

  Luciano, Lucky, 213

  Maasdam, SS, 173

  Mafia, 221–237. See also Hoffa; Marcello; Trafficante
br />   Batista and, 213–214

  Bruno and, 227

  Capone and, 215, 224, 401

  Castro and, 214

  Castro assassination plots and, 214–219, 311

  CIA and, 211, 213

  Fontainebleau Hotel meeting, 211, 215, 216

  gambling operations, 201, 214, 238, 291, 292, 405, 424, 427, 434

  Giancana and, 215, 216, 218, 219, 220, 224, 225–226, 229, 232, 402, 407, 422

  Hoover and, 224

  intelligence community and, 212–213

  Lansky and, 213, 214, 215, 224, 232

  Luciano and, 213

  Murret and, 238–239, 249, 291–292, 293, 303, 408, 424

  Organized Crime Section lawyers and, 226

  Reid and, 235

  RFK and, 217–218, 219, 221–222

  Roselli and, 215, 225, 384, 419, 422–423, 430

  torture usage, 213, 221–222, 226

  Weisburg and, 226–227

  Mafia-involvement theory

  Blakey on, 236, 241–242

  Marcello, 234–237, 242, 288, 293, 408, 422, 423–428

  overview, 241–242

  Trafficante, 221, 229–231, 236, 422, 423

  Magic-bullet theory, 47–51, 71

  Maheu, Robert, 215

  Mailer, Norman, 159

  Mailer’s Service Company, 248

  Mann, Thomas, 388, 389, 390

  Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, 72–86

  bullets, 46

  cartridge cases, 14, 31, 33, 68, 71, 86–88

  cleaning equipment, 190

  cost of, 188

  “curtain rods” story, 70, 71, 84–86, 98

  fibers in butt, 69, 70, 83

  Hidell alias, 69–70, 72–73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 87, 119, 188, 248, 256, 257

  magic bullet, 47–51, 71

  Oswald, Marina, and, 69, 79, 80, 157

  Paine garage and, 69–70, 78

  palm print on, 68

  paper bag and, 70, 85, 88

  photographs, with Oswald, 70–71, 78–83, 189–190, 193

  P.O. Box 2915, 69, 72

  purchase of, 77, 193–194

  serial number, 68–69

  shipment of, 188, 189

  in Texas School Book Depository, 14

  Walker and, 191

  Mantik, David, 24, 54

  Marcello, Carlos, 231–237

  Assassinations Committee and, 236, 423

  Banister and, 289–290

  Becker and, 234–237

  as Calogero Minacore, 233

  Civello and, 409, 419

  CRC and, 281

  deportation of, 233, 234, 288, 289

  Dolan and, 406

  FBI and, 424, 428

  Ferrie-Marcello connection, 288–289

  Hoffa and, 233

  jailing of, 425

  JFK assassination and, 234–237, 242, 288, 293, 408, 422, 423–428

  Murret and, 238–239, 291–292, 293

  Pecora, Nofia, and, 292–293, 408

  RFK and, 233–234

  Saia and, 292, 424


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