Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains: An Erotic Romance (Book 1)

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Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains: An Erotic Romance (Book 1) Page 12

by Janae Keyes

  He was standing over me in seconds, spreading my legs and positioning himself between them. His hand settled on my cheek, rubbing it softly. I leaned into his hand, just being in that moment with him, I didn’t need more.

  “Now that I’ve got you warmed up. I’m going to get out my toolbox, I keep it filled with everything I need to give you the most pleasure possible,” he informed me. What did that mean? What did tools have to do with sex?

  “Toolbox, you mean full of sex toys like vibrators, dildos, and stuff?” Iasked, feelingg completely ignorant and oblivious to those types of things. I’d never been that girl. I had friends who raged about their vibrators and newest sex toys, but that had never been something that interested me. Now, though, I was intrigued.

  “No, no, my darling. I don’t want anything inside of you except me,” he insisted right away, his olive eyes stressing his seriousness. I bit my lip and nodded. “The items in my box, they don’t vibrate or penetrate. What they do is enhance and enlighten your experience. You will use your senses in a way you’ve never thought possible.” He paused as he continued to stroke my cheek. “Darling, close your eyes, imagine the most pleasure you’ve ever felt.”

  Closing my eyes, I thought of the other night, the way he’d sent me over the edge over and over, keeping me trapped in a relentless cycle of pleasure all given by him. My chest heaved up and down, and my core yearned as I recounted those memories.

  “I can see it on your face, remembering that pleasure. Now imagine that times ten or more. The items in my toolbox will do that for you, if only you let me. Giving me all the control means allowing me to use my tools. Will you agree to let me use my tools?”

  “Yes,” I answered not giving it any thought. Just thinking of that night and knowing I could have that with much more intensity was all the invitation I needed.

  “And you remember your word if you want it to stop?” he asked me again for what felt like the millionth time. I appreciated the care he took for me. I smiled sweetly at him.

  “Yes, I remember,” I responded thinking of my selected word.

  He grinned at me like a child on Christmas morning as he reached his arms under the bed and began to pull something. I glanced down as he produced an old wooden trunk. With a click, he unlocked it and lifted the lid.

  “I think only these for tonight,” he said, seemingly to himself as he pulled out what appeared to be silky deep purple scarves. I was confused, why did we need scarves. He glanced up from the silky material in his hands and into my intrigued eyes.

  “Lie down on the bed,” he instructed as he stood to his feet.

  I did as told, and I moved to the middle of the bed and laid down with my head nestled into the soft pillows. Nate came over me right away, scarves in hand. He took my right hand and began to wrap the scarf around it snuggly. I watched as he took my hand and lifted it toward the headboard. Reaching behind the pillows, I noticed something I hadn’t from our last encounter, there was a large round metal hook attached to the headboard. He tied the other end of the scarf to the hook, one of my hands was tied to the bed. I now understood what the scarves were for as he began to do the same with my other hand and on my left side, there was again another hook behind the pillows on the headboard.

  With both of my hands tied, I watched Nate, who had a final scarf in his hands. I wondered where he would use it as he couldn’t just tie one of my legs. Nate straddled my hips giving me his sexy smirk before he brought the scarf to my face. Everything went black as he covered my eyes.

  “Lift your head for a moment,” he told me and I did so. I felt him tie the silky material behind my head before pressing it back to its spot on the pillows. I couldn’t see anything as I laid on the bed. Nate hovered above me, but soon he was gone. I was seemingly alone, naked, and tied to his bed.

  I strained my ears in an attempt to hear, but my hearing was compromised by the pounding of my heart and the roughness of my breath. Then I felt it, movement on the mattress, Nate had joined me on the bed once again. His hands began to graze my legs, my hairs stood on ends, and I felt goosebumps start to make their appearance.

  “Soft and delicious,” Nate murmured before his lips came in contact with my belly button. I wiggled under his touches.

  Slow and steady, he touched and kissed. Stopping at my one of my nipples, he took it into his mouth, sucking hard, like his life depended on it before taking a nip that caused me to grip at my silky restraints. My eyes were begging to see through the darkness, and my body was on edge. It was as if my primal needs were beginning to stir, my senses were on fire making up for what my eyes couldn’t do.

  I felt his every touch, suck, lick, bite, and kiss. I could hear his breathing, it was relaxed and calm in comparison to my hard and rushed breaths. I didn’t know how it was possible, but it was as if I could taste the electricity of our arousals in the air. I was burning from inside, aching for every touch.

  “You look ravishing, like this, tied up and eager for me,” Nate whispered against my skin before he moved off of me. I ached for his contact as I felt the mattress shift under me before my legs were spread open and my bottom lifted from the soft surface of the bed.

  I moaned at the feeling of Nate’s hardened length nestled against one of my thick thighs. I wiggled in an attempt to move closer to him. I needed him to take me as his own. Nate let out a chuckle before he rubbed the tip of his arousal along my slit. I burned for his entrance.

  “Tell me, Taylor, do I make you wet?” He asked, his voice a steady growl.

  “Yes, oh my goodness, yes,” I answered out of eagerness. I didn’t want to wait any longer, but he was taking his sweet time with me. I let out a whimper and with that, he entered me, but not fully. It was slow and relentless until he filled me completely. I felt one of his fingers begin to rub against my clit, with barely a touch, I was crying out in a powerful orgasm, that took even me by surprise.

  My arms yanked at the restraints, fighting for freedom so I could touch him, I wanted my hands on him. He at once pulled out, but instead of a slow burn to reenter, he slammed into me. I howled out in response, but he didn’t let up. Over and over he pounded into me as I was still on high by my surprise climax.

  At once, he began to slow down and allowed my bottom to touch the blankets once more. He leaned over me still slowly riding, his fingers touched my face and by surprise, light hit my now sensitive eyes. I blinked a few times to see his face over mine, smiling down at me. Nate planted a kiss on each eye before he planted one on my lips. I kissed him back with all my might.

  Nate reached up and untied my right arm followed by my left arm. As quickly as I could, I threw my arms around his neck and held him close as he continued to grind into me. I continued to kiss him as my body was once again shaking under him, an all-consuming heat taking over me. I held him as close to me as possible, snaking one of my legs around his waist.

  I gasped, breaking our kiss. Nate looked down at me, before I shut my eyes tightly and my entire body locked up at once taking me away. I screamed out, not really forming words. I held him tight, spasms of pleasure hit me hard. As I allowed the strong climax to take me, I saw the most glorious colors. I laid there holding Nate close and my eyes shut tightly. It was like a kaleidoscope of sensual beauty. Nate continued his rhythm until only a moment later when his movements became jerky and rough.

  “Fuck, Taylor!” He grunted loudly, his breathing was hard as I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He gave me a smile before planting a soft kiss on my forehead, followed by my lips.

  I allowed my grip on him to loosen while the shocks hitting my system began to wear down. Nate pulled himself up and left me on the bed as he tossed away the condom he’d worn. As he did on our first night together, he returned to the bed and pulled me into his arms. I allowed him to take the blankets and cover the two of us.

  “That was … wow,” I said to him trying to find a clear description in my mind of what I’d just experienced.

  “There is more,
so much more my darling.” I smiled at his words. I loved every single time he called me ‘Darling,’ I felt so cared for and wanted. I felt like I was his ... I was his, I knew I was. I’d made the decision to commit myself to him, but then I was hit with the reality that I would be changing my life to be with him. He supported my art, but would I be able to keep the integrity of my work while being the girlfriend of a freaking Lord. I allowed my mind to wander into the countless possibilities, while my body surrendered into a deep sleep.


  I COULD HEAR birds singing and slowly I allowed my eyes to open. I was greeted by a wonderful sight. My handsome boyfriend sleeping peacefully. I studied his resting stubble filled face, his pink lips, and fluttering eyelids. Everything had taken a change between us, a change I’d have never imagined just days ago. He held an arm around my waist as he slumbered away. I looked up beyond the mountain of pillows to see the purple of one of the silk scarves used to tie me the night before. I bit my lip at the memory of our passionate evening.

  The best part was remembering those colors I saw during my final and strongest orgasm. I saw so much beauty in that brief moment in time in which I was connected with him. I wanted to capture that in something that would last forever. I needed to paint it.

  I wiggled out of Nate’s grip before slipping my bare body from his bed. I was quick to grab my folded dress from the bedside table. I unfolded it and slipped it over my head as I put it on. I grabbed my lace undergarments into my hand before I gave Nate a final fleeting look and smiled to myself at the flutters in my stomach and the warmth filling my heart.

  I made the journey from the far end of the East Wing to the far end of the West Wing, where my room was situated. I took off my dress and grabbed my clothes to take a quick shower. I was eager to get a brush to a canvas as soon as I could.

  Washing my body quickly, I jumped from the shower and dressed myself in a relaxing maxi dress. In just closing my eyes for a brief moment, I recounted how amazing my night with Nate had been, he worshiped my body and though he did things differently, he still treated me and my body like something precious.

  Upon opening my eyes, I saw myself in the mirror, I was grinning like a fool. I’d found someone I could be with and share a connection with. Beyond the sex, Nate and I strangely had things in common. Though we grew up on opposite sides of the world and in different social hierarchies, we both faced demands from our families and fought to keep our own identities. We also enjoyed the same music and had a love for all things artistic.

  My stomach growled, but I ignored it. I was in my zone, and I couldn’t take a food break for fear of losing my vision. I jogged across the hall to my studio. I opened the French doors that led out to the balcony and moved my easel outside. There was a particularly large blank canvas I knew would be perfect for this painting. I set it up and got to work as quickly as possible.

  There was something peaceful about putting a brush to canvas and creating something that nobody had ever created before. I’d always felt with each painting, I was adding some good into the world, I was erasing evil and bringing light to darkness.

  Every few moments, I would close my eyes. I worked to see the kaleidoscope that was in my mind. I’d seen it perfectly in that single moment of the strongest passion I’d ever felt. I slowed my breathing and kept my eyes firmly closed, imagining the feel of his hands on my body, causing me to shiver with each delicate and deliberate touch.

  “That’s beautiful,” whispered a voice. I jumped, and my eyes shot open. I turned to find Nate right behind me. I gave him a grin as he approached me. His arms slipped around me and held onto me tight. “I woke up all alone. I was disappointed you weren’t there with me.”

  “I’m sorry, I had the biggest urge to paint. I had an idea, and I needed to go with it, it was like an impulse,” I said as I leaned into his arms. Inhaling, I was pulled into his matrix with his scent of pine and myrrh.

  “I love it. This would be perfect in my bedroom,” he mentioned. I instantly looked up at him and grinned.

  “That is exactly where I thought it would go,” I proclaimed proudly.

  “What was your inspiration?” he asked me as he moved me from my seated position on my stool. He instead sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

  “Last night,” I informed him truthfully before pressing my lips to his and kissing him softly. Fluttering erupted in my stomach as we sat together, embraced. I was still coming to terms with what had changed between us to allow this to transpire. As he broke away, my stomach then began to growl. I quickly looked away, embarrassed.

  “Hungry?” he questioned, and I nodded. I’d spent the last couple hours working on my painting and not thinking about food. I needed to get my idea concrete and started, but that turned into nearly finishing my piece. “Anne has breakfast ready downstairs. I went there first thinking you were there, but instead I find you here, hard at work.”

  “I still have a job to do,” I said sternly. Though our relationship had changed from employer and employee to a romantic one, I knew at the end of the day, I was still here because I’d been hired to make art for him.

  “That you do, and I appreciate that you do it so well, but right now I’d like to have breakfast with my girlfriend,” he said.

  My stomach jumped at him calling me his girlfriend. We’d had the conversation, but we hadn’t actually labeled anything, though, in my mind, I knew he was my boyfriend. Now it was set in solid stone. There was no helping the smile that was fighting its way onto my face. I couldn’t remember ever smiling this way before. There was something about Nate and not just the great sex we had, there was something about him that attached itself to me and wasn’t going to let go.

  Nate placed me on my feet while he stood before he took me by the hand. We left my studio together and strolled down the hall of the West Wing, hand in hand. As we reached the staircase. I looked at the empty wall at the top of the stairs, my chandelier inspired painting would go perfectly there. When the sun was shining through the windows just right, the reflections of the chandelier would only enhance the painting.

  “I have a painting for this wall,” I pointed to the wall.

  “I’ve been looking for the perfect piece to put there. There was a portrait of my great great great grandfather, but age started to get to it. My parents had it removed to be repaired and placed in proper storage. I think something modern would look amazing there,” Nate explained as he began to lead me down the stairs.

  I wondered about his family, if and when I would meet them. Hell, I wondered how in the world I was going to tell my family about Nate. I’d sent Maci a message over Facebook. Naturally, she was freaking out. Maci was the closest thing I had to a best friend, after the one person I thought I could trust with everything betrayed me.

  I was snapped out of my thoughts as Nate picked me up into his arms. I let out a scream and fell into a fit of giggles as he began to carry me toward the dining room. I loved when he carried me, I felt safe and secured.

  “I had to jolt you from your thoughts,” he said to me as he continued to walk with me in his arms. I slipped my arms up and cradled them around his neck, looking into his olive eyes.

  “I needed that,” I mentioned. I’d cut that person from my life, there was no use dragging up her memory again nor the memories of her betrayal. I knew at the end of the day, I was happy, and my dreams were taking flight.

  As we entered the dining room, I saw Anne right away. She gave the two of us a grin as Nate took me to my usual chair. He pulled it out and placed my butt on the seat. He then went over to his own seat.

  “Good morning, I see Nathaniel brought you down,” Anne said to me, I loved how cheerful her Scottish accent was especially in the morning.

  “Yeah, he tore me away from my work,” I said, giving Nate a sly smile.

  “I’m doing laundry today. Just put your things outside your bedroom door. The housekeeping staff has arrived,” Anne explained to me as she poured me a cup of c
offee. Even after a short time Anne knew me, and she knew a cup of coffee was a must with my breakfast.

  “Maybe while they work, Taylor and I can go to Haverigg,” Nate mentioned.

  “Haverigg?” I questioned while wrinkling my nose. Whatever this Haverigg was, it didn’t sound very attractive at all.

  “Haverigg is a small fishing village on the coast, it’s beautiful out there and quiet. I think you’d like it. You’ll get to see more of the area, get inspired, and we can spend a little time together. I’ve informed my secretary to not bother me with any business matters today. I want to enjoy the day with you,” he informed me. I tried to hide my blushing.

  “There go your cheeks, turning purple,” Nate commented as he took a bite of his baked beans. I stuck my tongue at him before starting into my own breakfast that my stomach was begging for.

  STRUTTING DOWN THE hall, I was excited for the direction my day was taking. I was on the way to the entrance hall to meet Nate as we would be going out for the day. Nearing the staircase, I spotted a young woman in a maid’s uniform, she was dusting some old vase. I gave her a small wave of hello, and she politely smiled before she returned to her work.

  As I started down the staircase, I was shocked to not find Nate at the bottom as he was a tyrant for being on time, just like my mother. I looked around to see if I spotted him in any of the rooms off of the main hall, but he was nowhere to be found. I tapped my foot while waiting, this seemed so unlike him.

  At once, I was shocked by the horn of a car. I went to the front door and opened it to find Nate outside, sunglasses on, and sitting in a very expensive looking convertible sports car. I walked toward the black car, I was sure this was the most expensive car I’d ever laid eyes on. I noticed right away it was a Jaguar.

  Nate jumped out of the driver’s seat and walked around to the passenger side, opening the door for me. I walked to him and the open door.


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