Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains: An Erotic Romance (Book 1)

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Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains: An Erotic Romance (Book 1) Page 17

by Janae Keyes

  The moment his tongue made contact with me, I tried my hardest to not yank at the restraints and feel everything he was giving me. I knew how Nate liked things, and he knew how to take me to the brink of the waterfall, but I also knew to only jump over at his command.

  Nate’s tongue swirled over and around my clit, causing me to buck under him, trying to keep my release from happening without his explicit instructions. My breathing was hard and hitched as two fingers entered me, I yelped out in hunger to fall, the need to plummet.

  “Are you ready my darling?” he asked me, his voice calming yet seductive.

  “Yes, my Lord. Oh, yes!” I answered, knowing my instructions were not far off.

  “Come for me,” he instructed smoothly before his mouth continued its delicate yet forceful assault on my core. I cried out as I jumped from the cliff I’d been dangling over, my orgasm causing me to buck hard under him.

  As my body worked to make sense of the pleasure I’d received, Nate worked to undo the restraints that kept me held in position for him. He softly planted kisses and rubbed at each wrist and each ankle.

  “How was that for you?” he asked sweetly as I nuzzled my head into his chest.

  “Perfect, Lord Branagan,” I said to him as he laid down on the bed. He pulled off his boxers and allowed his hard manhood free. Next to him, on the bed, a condom waited. He ripped open the package and worked it onto him before he took me by my hips.

  “Get on top,” he instructed.

  I didn’t need to be told twice as I worked to straddle my body over his. I positioned myself, but Nate quickly took my hips and pulled me down onto him. I gasped out as I was quickly filled with him. I started to ride, allowing my body to go slow, to take each moment feel our connection. As I upped my speed, Nate’s eyes stayed glued to my bouncing breasts. I leaned down over him, and he sucked one of my hardened nipples into his mouth.

  Allowing me free, I pulled my body back upright, I relished in the control that wielded at that moment as Nate’s hips bucked under mine, he was trying to find his own release, and I was in charge of that. Yet, the moment his eyes met mine it was over for both of us. My legs tightened, and I threw my head back, taking in every part of the moment.

  “Oh, Nate!” I screamed taken off to a far away place. I continued to ride as I wanted every bit of my orgasm to continue and feed me life. Nate followed up with a moan as his fingernails gripped into my hips, his own climax feeding him.

  I collapsed onto his chest. I didn’t want to move, he was still inside me, I felt his manhood still pulsing in release. His hand quickly came in contact with my backside as he spanked me, right there an aftershock hit me, and I yelped out as Nate rubbed the spot where he’d spanked me.

  “You called me by my name,” he murmured in my ear.

  “I know, and I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help it. You gave me everything, Nate,” I told him truthfully. I lifted myself just enough to see him smiling up at me. “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to have you forever,” he told me before he kissed me gently, but with enough fervor for me to know exactly how he felt.

  “Forever is all I want,” I whispered on his lips as he held me close and tight. There was nothing that would bring us down.

  THE SUN WOKE me from my beautiful slumber. I stretched and sat up. Nate was nowhere to be seen. I slipped from his bed and picked up my robe from the bedside table. I wasn’t surprised that Nate wasn’t there. Some mornings he would wake before me to get work done or go for a run.

  I hummed to myself as I went to my bedroom. I tossed the ripped pair of panties in the trash before I jumped in the shower and got myself ready for the day. I felt amazing, and I felt loved.

  I dressed in a simple pink sundress and slipped my feet into a pair of flats before I went downstairs. I heard voices coming from the drawing room, one belonged to Nate, and the other was a female voice I didn’t know.

  I went toward the room and slightly opened the door. Nate was sitting on the couch, and he glanced up to see me in the doorway. In the armchair was the woman, she was absolutely stunning. She was dressed in navy blue, her brunette hair had the perfect shine as it cascaded over her shoulder. Her lips were tinted with the right shade of peach as she sipped what I assumed to be tea from a china teacup. She reminded me so much of Kate Middleton, the perfection of royalty.

  “Taylor,” Nate said as he stood. I slipped into the room and gave the woman a nervous wave.

  “Oh, you’re Taylor?” she questioned in a sweet British accent. I nodded at her question and gave her a polite smile. “I’ve seen the few pieces you’ve done that are hanging up down here. They are delightful, I cannot wait to see the rest … Oh, I’m sorry, I haven’t introduced myself.” she sat her teacup down and stood. I slowly forced myself in her direction. “I’m Miranda Dowlington, Nathaniel’s fiancee.”

  I froze as she took my hand in a kind handshake, but I couldn’t shake it back. My heart stopped beating as I took a deep breath. I glanced over to Nate, his olive eyes refused to meet mine. Looking down I spotted the antique looking diamond ring on her finger.

  “Lord Branagan, you never told me you were engaged. That is wonderful for you both, congratulations!” I forced false happiness into my voice. Miranda beamed happily.

  “We just got engaged a few weeks ago on the weekend of his birthday, I’m so excited to be living in Branagan Manor very soon with him,” she gushed out proudly.

  “I bet you are, it is a fantastic place to be. If you will excuse me, I have some things to take care of, but it was nice to meet you, Miranda,” I said, eager to make a quick exit. I was already fighting back my tears.

  “You too,” she cooed.

  As fast as I could, I left them alone, and I jogged up the stairs. At the top of the landing I burst into a run, I ran as fast as I could toward my room. Slamming the door behind me as I reached my bedroom, I could no longer help, but collapse on the floor. Nate had gotten engaged. He spoke so much of a forever with me, there was no future with me, his future was wrapped in her and only her.

  I scrambled from the floor, knowing I wanted to get out of this house as soon as possible. I grabbed my suitcase and worked as hard and as fast as I could to stuff as many items as I could inside.

  Picking up my phone I dialed the number I needed. I allowed the phone to ring as I tried to pack, but with every item I placed in my suitcase knowing I would be leaving and never looking back, my heart shattered into smaller and smaller pieces.

  “Hello, this is Langston,” answered the voice I knew I needed.

  “Langston,” I cried into the phone. I tried to steady my breath to form a proper sentence.

  “Taylor, what’s wrong?” he asked me right away.

  “I need ... I need a ride … to the closest major airport … I need to go home … please, as soon as possible,” I begged of him. I couldn’t stay here any longer with the man who’d lied to my face. He made me believe that I was the only one in his life and that we would have a life together. That life together was a lie from the start.

  “I am coming right now,” he informed me. I dropped my phone to the floor as I sat on my bed and cried into my hands. Nate had done well, making me believe his lies, bringing me into his web of deceit to use me and abuse the trust I’d given him.

  “Taylor, my darling,” I heard his voice on the other side of the door. My stomach clenched at knowing he was right out there, the man that was responsible for my broken heart.

  The door opened, and he stepped inside. I refused to look at him, but his presence drew closer to me. I tried to force my eyes away, but they glanced up into his face. He looked saddened, but I knew his sadness only came from getting caught, I’d been cheated on before, I knew the drill.

  “I wanted to tell you. That is why I went off for my birthday without telling you. My parents have been stressing marriage for a long time, and they wanted someone they felt worthy of being my Dutchess. I was presented with Miranda
that weekend and a pact had already been made between our families, I was going to marry her and together we will carry on the Branagan name. I tried to fight it and then she showed up this morning. The last thing I wanted or needed. Taylor, you have to understand I’m trying to fight this thing because I want you, I love you,” He took my hand into his own as he spoke, I ripped it away and stood up from my bed. “These types of deals are not ones that are easily broken, it will take me time, but I will do it because I love you.”

  “You don’t fucking love me. Don’t you ever say you love me!” I yelled out, anger boiling from inside of me. “You just used me, you used my talent and then you used my body. I was just some girl for you to fuck around with. Love was never on your agenda, and it still isn’t. What I don’t get is how you preach honesty as if it is law and then you aren’t honest with me, the one person who has given you all of their honesty.”

  “My darling,” he started.

  “Don’t call me that ever again. The last painting is as finished as it will get, I finished 12 paintings in total. I needed to do 10 to meet the requirements of my contract. Langston is taking me to the airport, and I will be out of your life. Congratulations on your engagement,” I spat as I took hold of the handle on my suitcase.

  “Taylor, this wasn’t something I could just tell you easily. You have to believe that this isn’t something I want, but is something I’m bound to. In this case, honesty was going to break me because I know without you I will be broken. Don’t leave, I’m begging you Taylor.”

  “Begging me?” I laughed through my tears. He was acting as if he wasn’t breaking my heart and he was the victim in all of it. I shook my head. “You act as if you are the loser in this situation when you get to remain the great Lord Branagan who will be married soon. I get to be Taylor, whose heart is broken.”

  I dragged my suitcase behind me as I went to leave the room. I knew there were things I was forgetting, but I couldn’t risk taking the time to pack everything. I wanted to flee, I needed to flee.

  What struck me as I worked my way up the hall was how much I just wanted Nate’s arms around me, consoling me, when he was the one who broke my heart. As I made it up the hall, I spotted Langston coming to the top of the stairs.

  “Hello Taylor,” he greeted me, his eyes were filled with concern. “Are you alright?”

  “I just want to go, as fast as we can,” I informed him, I tried to not break down again. It took every bit of strength in me to hold it together for those few moments in time. He nodded and took possession of my suitcase. I walked behind Langston, not looking back. I refused to look back. I knew the moment I saw Nate that I would run into his arms. I had to find the strength to leave him as he’d already left me.

  I followed Langston downstairs and outside. The air was chilly, and fog covered the landscape in every direction. While Langston loaded my suitcase into the trunk, I opened the back door and sat inside of the car. I glanced out the window to see Nate, he stood at the front door watching. I looked away and down at my trembling hands.

  Langston got into the driver’s seat and started up the engine. I took a glance back up at the house, Nate was still there, but this time Miranda was by his side. Tears escaped my eyes, I looked down once more and quickly took my hand to wipe my tears away, but it was no use as they continued to flow at a rapid pace.

  “I told him to tell you,” Langston commented as we drove off the property. I looked up to the man whose eyes were watching me in the rearview mirror.

  “You knew?” I asked through my tears.

  “Yes, I learned that night, after the party. He was distraught. I told him it would be best to tell you as soon as possible. He assured me he would. I’m sorry you had to find out this way. I would have told you, but it was not my place,” Langston explained. I knew he was only doing his job and that telling me would have broken the trust he had with Nate.

  “It hurts, so fucking bad,” I cried into my hands. I’d never known heartbreak until that very moment. I thought having my ex cheat on me hurt, this was a gunshot to the head and the heart. I was crumbling.

  Sitting in the backseat of the car, I cried harder than I’d ever done in my life. I allowed myself to be vulnerable with him. I gave him control of my body as a gift. I ached to pleasure him, all to be broken and left for trash on the street. The hardest part was, no matter in these moments that I tried to hate him, I loved him more than I could ever love anyone. I was in love with the man that broke my heart and as much as I wanted to tell Langston to turn around and take me back to him, I had to keep going forward. I knew my value, and I was worth more than being a dirty little secret.

  The story continues…

  Be prepared for book 2

  Dirty Little Secret

  Coming Soon!


  WOW! I don’t even know where to start. This project was a scary one as my first Erotic Romance. I knew the direction, but knowing it was going to be dramatically different than my other books, that was a worry. I’d considered writing my Erotic Romance books using a pen name. In the end, I decided I would use my own name as they are my works.

  Once I started writing, this book flowed easily. I went in a new direction, and I think I did a decent job at it. I wanted something sexy, but with a strong female lead.

  I’d like to thank my family for always standing behind me. I thank all of my friends who support my writing journey, you have no idea how much your kind words mean to me. This is hard, really hard. I may somehow make it look easy, but dedicating all your time to developing a story, writing the story, and putting it out there for strangers to judge, that’s hard.

  With this story, I began descending the staircase into the world of BDSM. I didn’t know much besides what you would see online and get from other Erotica books. I’d love to thank fellow Author, Shannon Youngblood (check out her books!), for being my BDSM consultant. I’d know nothing without you.

  A quick thanks to my husband for going with it. He lets me take the plunge and is always there in the end. He even accompanied me to a Sex Shop to look at some BDSM stuff in person. Class Act, this man is.

  To my Beta Readers, you guys really bring it home for me. Your feedback is the first feedback I get, and I appreciate you all taking your time to read my story and helping me make it as good as it can be. A huge thanks to: Kizzy Hartsfield, Debra Crosby, Charmekia Johnson, Mel Osborne, Cassandra Butler Jackson, Sonja Larsen, and Shannon Youngblood.

  As always, to my Cover Designer and Editor, Courtney Cannon, you are everything! I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. It means the world to me to have you as my friend.

  To the readers, I do this for you. You guys keep me going, so please do one favor for me, if you liked this book, write a review. Reviews mean everything for an author, they help books stay alive. So I beg you, review. Go here to review!

  Sending all my love,

  Janae Keyes

  About The Author

  Janae was born and raised in the California Bay Area. She grew up a very creative only child and has been writing for as long as she can remember.

  Janae accidentally met her now husband online, and a whirlwind romance began because of their mutual love of Harry Potter. After dating long distance, Janae picked up her life in California and moved halfway around the world to Belgium to be with him, all in the life of a hopeless romantic.

  When Janae isn’t chasing around her active toddler, she is working on new ideas and working to improve her craft. Janae is currently living in a suburb of Brussels, Belgium with her husband and daughter.

  You can follow updates on Janae and her works:








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