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Jet Page 4

by Vivian Gray

  She went back out to the main room and saw two things. First, two takeout containers were sitting on the coffee table. Second, there was a pile of sheets and pillows sitting on the couch. Oh. Well… it’ll be a comfortable place to sleep at least. Save her from doing a walk of shame back to her apartment. But she’d thought maybe he’d bring her into bed, curl up with her. It might feel good to be held. She thought it would.

  “Here,” he said, gesturing at the food. “Eat. Caroline said she’d find you something comfortable and clean for tomorrow.” He went very still, and then he looked right at her. She saw more heat in his eyes than she’d expected, given how careful he’d been since they’d finished. “But if you want to stay, you can.”

  Bree had to swallow hard, and she couldn’t quite look at him. She felt the blush climbing up her neck and brightening her cheeks. “I want to stay. I... like this. Like you. I want to stay. At least for... what I agreed to. After that... I can hang around. We can see how things go. I’ve got school, I mean. And studying a lot. And work.”

  “You don’t have to keep working if you don’t want to. I said I’d cover things, and I meant it. Whatever that means for you, that’s fine. Hell, I’ll give you a job in the club waitressing, if that’ll make things easier. The outfits are skimpy, but the tips are good.”

  “Why are you doing all this? It’s not just ‘cause I’m a good lay.” The words popped out before she thought better of it, and she kept her gaze down. All the other words – since he’d already gotten what he’d paid for (her first time), and thus how much more could he possibly want from her? – she forced to stay behind her teeth. It wasn’t easy, but she made it happen.

  “It’s not,” he agreed. “I get what it’s like to be in a rough spot, and need a hand up. I can give you that. I want to.”

  “But why?”

  She heard him sigh, and when he looked up, he was rubbing his jaw. She heard the rasp of his end of day stubble and her mind went to how it might feel if his mouth was between her thighs. “Can it be enough that I do?”

  Bree made herself shrug. “If that’s what you want.” It wasn’t her place to question her mysterious benefactor. “Which one’s mine?” Because she was so ravenous that her stomach was going to start growling in unbecoming ways if she didn’t put some more food in her body, and soon.

  Jet handed her one of the two boxes. “I didn’t know what you’d want on it, so Caroline kind of separated everything out. I’m not going to be offended – just toss what you don’t want to eat.”

  Bree sorted through the little containers and separated vegetables. She piled bacon, mushrooms, lettuce, and some sort of sweet smelling sauce on the burger and dug in. It was incredible, just like the tenders he’d given her earlier. She wasn’t really into waitressing, but maybe if she worked in the kitchen, this Caroline would teach her a few things. She had no interest in being a chef, but adding another skill to her list couldn’t hurt. Who knew how long Jet’s generosity would last, and the more things she knew how to do, the better her chances of finding another job if she needed one.

  Not that she had decided to give up the job she had now. She hated retail work, and hated her boss, but getting another job was a pain in the ass. She couldn’t just walk away. It wouldn’t be safe. And she had to stay focused on the big picture, the long game.

  Except, what if she didn’t? What if she just took a damn break, let this guy play sugar daddy with her for a little while, and took a minute to breathe? Maybe it wouldn’t last forever. Okay. She’d make sure to keep whatever she could aside to give herself a cushion if it all fell apart, but maybe... it would work out. Maybe it was worth a try.

  “I’m going to keep my place,” she said to the air.

  “That makes sense.”

  “Especially…” She was going to burst into flames if her cheeks kept getting hotter. “I appreciate you giving me a place to crash tonight, but I don’t want to take up your couch or whatever.”

  “What? No. I didn’t know if you’d want me in bed with you.” He laughed, the sound coarse but suddenly much less tense than everything had been. “Look, this may seem a little ridiculous, but as far as I know, I’ve never fucked a virgin before. I didn’t know if you’d want space or something.”

  Bree shook her head, and this time she looked right at him. “I don’t want space. I mean, being glued to you would be weird. But I don’t…” She looked down and realized that she was pressed as hard into the corner of the couch as she could get. Jet was about as far away as he could be, too.

  She smiled to herself; she could do better than that. She put her burger down; she’d eaten half of it and some of the incredible waffle fries, and she was ready to be done now. Jet mirrored her, and she slid slowly across the couch, pressing lightly against his side. He lifted his arm and pulled her against him.

  “I’m too sore to try for three,” she said. “But otherwise, I would have been begging you to follow me into the shower.”

  He laughed. “You’re insatiable, aren’t you?” He squeezed her in a way that made it clear he liked it. “I’m sure we can find a way to fix that. If you want to?”

  He closed up both the boxes of food, put them away, then took her hand and led her into the bedroom.

  Chapter Five

  The extra clothes Caroline had brought up turned out to be barely necessary. Bree spent most of the next three days completely naked. When she and Jet did get dressed, it was to watch some TV and eat for a little bit, so his boxers and T-shirt were plenty. They spent plenty of time in bed. Jet seemed to enjoy not just showing her every single thing that made him happy – she’d never thought she could take a guy so huge down her throat so far – but doing everything he could think of to make her come, screaming, over and over. It wasn’t just his cock; he used his fingers, his mouth, everything.

  Some part of her was incredibly glad that she’d waited as long as she had – if this was the result.

  After the three days, she thought about just staying in Jet’s apartment. He’d hinted that he wouldn’t mind having her around that much, but it seemed like too much. She had to get back to class anyway, and she and Cat had the apartment just off campus. When she was paying rent, it seemed silly not to stay at her own place.

  So, she’d go to class, and mostly went back to her apartment to study. Unless Jet answered when she texted and told her that he’d be around the club. Or the clubhouse. Or that she should come up to his apartment for a “study break”. And when she pointed out that she hadn’t started studying yet, he’d told her to stop making excuses and come upstairs because his cock was hard and he wanted her.

  He was scrupulous about her work; when she had to study for a test, he made sure it got done. But the second she closed her books, he was on her, and she didn’t mind it at all.

  But she carefully kept one little part of herself held back. This isn’t going to last. She had to be ready for the idea that it was going to end, eventually. The first time she thought that she felt a little shocked. This wasn’t a relationship; it was an arrangement. Its end shouldn’t have been a problem. But she kept thinking of the point when Jet would be done with her and getting a little sad about it.

  After class one day, she stopped by her apartment to pick up some fresh clothes. Jet had made it incredibly clear that she would be sleeping over, so it made sense to have a bag packed. Cat was sitting in the living room when Bree got there.

  She’d hardly seen Cat since the auction. Her friend had been at the club now and then, but nothing like as often as Bree was. Cat was always with a different guy, too. Bree had heard talk that Cat had been wild with Kane, the man who’d been bidding against Jet for her the night of the auction, but that Kane hadn’t been as impressed as Cat had hoped.

  Now, she was biker bait, having fallen hard for the tattooed badass men hanging around the club. The girls had nothing good to say about her though. Bree found herself defending her friend more than really seemed entirely right.

; When Bree walked in, Cat looked up with a sour expression on her face. “Look who’s back,” Cat said, and her tone was harsher than Bree remembered. “Has your fancy biker president finally gotten sick of your virgin cunt?”

  Bree winced. Cat had made a couple of snide comments about that since the night of the auction. She’d assumed Cat knew; whenever they’d gone out, Bree had played the wingwoman, and then gone home to study once Cat messaged her to let her know she was good for the night. But the insinuations had gotten more intense every time she’d seen her friend.

  “Cat, what’s going on?”

  “Oh, nothing.” Cat picked up her phone and started flipping through screens. “I just wish I’d thought of as good a lie to tell about myself.”

  “Why the hell would I lie about something like that?”

  Cat was silent, and Bree rolled her eyes.

  She couldn’t really blame Cat for being upset. Cat’s family wasn’t all that much better off than Bree’s, although Cat’s family was helping her a lot more with tuition, at least. But Cat’s grades weren’t as good, and she had a harder time keeping down a job. And now Bree had gotten lucky here, too. If the tables had been turned, she would have been bitter as well.

  But you wouldn’t have been such a bitch about it, whispered a little voice in her head. You would have been happy for her, even if you were jealous.

  Yes, well, that was fine, but expecting someone else to behave the way you would, was a way to make yourself miserable, and very quickly. Bree shook off her frustration and went into her room to pack her things for the night.

  Cat turned up in her doorway, and her voice was all sad apology, even if she didn’t actually say the words. “I don’t suppose you know any guys in the Choppers who are looking for a regular girl? I keep trying to make friends, but no one seems to like me, and I’m... God, I’m so tired, Bree, of just being by myself all the time. You have such a great guy – everyone says such good things about Jet. They talk about how he never ever fucks the same girl twice, so I know you’re totally enjoying it while it lasts. But if we both had a guy there, we’d be able to spend so much time together.”

  While it lasts. The words were stuck in Bree’s head and made her stomach flip over. She had to swallow hard to keep herself calm. That’s right. Don’t forget. No matter how good it feels right now, it isn’t going to last.

  “I don’t really know the guys well,” Bree said. “Mostly I’ve gotten to be friends with a couple of girls, with Caroline and some of the others. But if I hear anything, I’ll... let you know, I guess?”

  She’d absolutely never tried to hook anyone up on a blind date, but Cat had been there for her through a lot of tough times, and if she could help her friend get into a better situation, it only made sense to do that. Even if her friend was occasionally a little bitchy.

  Cat flung her arms around Bree in a big, impromptu hug, and Bree laughed, wrapping her arms around her friend in return. “Thank you,” Cat said, her voice just this side of cooing. “You’re the absolute best.”

  “Anyone would do it.” Bree suddenly was uncomfortable with the attention.

  Cat let go of her so fast that Bree had to work to catch her balance. Cat didn’t look back at all as she scampered back to her TV show; she’d run over during the ad break on whatever streaming service she was walking. There was an ugly twist in Bree’s stomach for a moment, but she pushed it away. She had to remember that things weren’t the same for her and for Cat.

  They were different people and were good at different things. If there was anything Bree had learned from her childhood, it was that sharing was the only way everyone survived. She’d always heard about the generosity of the rich, but in school, it had been the poor kids who stuck together. If someone’s mother hadn’t been able to put lunch together that morning, they all shared. Tomorrow, it might be them.

  But that wasn’t the point. When Cat had enough, she shared too. She was so good about that. And her ideas, though zany, usually worked out. And if it weren’t for Cat, Bree never would have met Jet.

  She let her thoughts linger there as she put together the things she would need overnight. Jet had offered to have one of the guys from the club come pick her up – he was caught up in a meeting this afternoon, he’d texted her – but that had just seemed excessive.

  She walked a block and caught a bus to just a few blocks away from the clubhouse. It was a nice walk. Relaxing.

  Chapter Six

  Brass was going over figures from the auction, and Jet had to be impressed. Sure, his own ridiculous contribution in terms of what he’d paid for Bree had helped the event overall raise the income for the event, but beyond that, they’d done well. All the girls had seemed satisfied, several of them insisted they’d be happy to come back. It was a good showing.

  But there was something else happening.

  “It started with Kane,” Brass was saying. “There’s nothing the Runners are doing, exactly. It just seems like – every time I turn around, they’re just there. Some patch is watching who I’m talking to, who seems interested, who wants a little more on the side.”

  Jet sighed. The Choppers were, as these things went, a fairly clean club. They helped girls – and guys – who wanted to make some money on their backs find the kind of clientele who were willing to pay for such things. No one used such crass terms as “pimp” or “brothel”, even if those words might have been good descriptors of the War Choppers public club.

  By keeping things clean and catering to the rich folks of the city, Jet and the Choppers avoided the attention of the local police. They didn’t keep people in place through abuse or drugs; the people who were there wanted to be there. Vice squads had more important things to do than bust healthy working girls who wanted to make money at the oldest profession in the world.

  Sure, they ran a little moonshine, and the brewery in the back might not technically pass a really detailed inspection, but again, on the scale of drug running in the city, no one cared about this sort of thing. Not when other groups were trying to get in on the molly and coke businesses in the city. Like the Red Runners.

  Kane’s club was smaller and newer than the Choppers. From that point of view, Jet understood Kane’s fascination with him and the group. But beyond that, the two clubs were so clearly and completely different that Jet didn’t understand at all why the other man couldn’t let it go. Even if they did manage some kind of hostile takeover, there was no way for Kane to merge the two clubs; he’d end up like a king running two countries. Jet could barely keep his heart in one.

  If the Runners weren’t such a bunch of evil bastards, Jet had reflected more than once, he might very well have let the son of a bitch take over. But that wasn’t going to happen. Jet had a lot more years to give before he was tired of the club and needed to move on. By necessity, if nothing else.

  “What else?” he asked.

  Brass nodded and kept going. Samuel had taken up an independent contract as a wetworks man, but he was keeping appropriate separation from himself and the Choppers, so there was no worry there. Dusty had run into a couple of problems on the souped-up bikes they used for racing and had taken some funds to get those sorted out, in case something came up where they were needed. Other small details of the club management. Caroline wanted a couple new waitresses for Saturday nights and wanted to see about offering Sunday brunch, of all the damn things.

  Jet kept himself from eyeing the clock. He was already annoyed that he couldn’t go pick up Bree after class; he wanted her here already.

  It was disturbing how quickly he’d gotten attached to the girl. He’d assumed that sooner or later he’d get tired of her cunt and move on. He’d keep the financial promises he made to her, but there was only so much of a single pussy that a man could have. He’d always believed that.

  Except for Bree, apparently. The girl was happily making up for lost time after all those years without, and he’d never met a woman who kept up with his drive before. That first time and
how rough she’d liked it hadn’t been a fluke; she was insatiable in every way he could want, and a couple he hadn’t even considered.

  He found himself wanting her not just bouncing on his cock but cuddling in his arms at the end of the night, and he had no idea what the hell to do with that desire. The girl didn’t seem to mind, which was good, and didn’t seem to mind the nights he offered to drive her home either. Or the time he fucked her up against the wall of her apartment building because the vibration of his bike had gotten her so wet she didn’t want to go upstairs without taking him one more time. He’d covered her mouth so no one would hear the cries she couldn’t keep contained when she came.


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