Georgia On My Mind (A Magnolias and Moonshine novella Book 7)

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Georgia On My Mind (A Magnolias and Moonshine novella Book 7) Page 11

by Amanda McIntyre

  He felt like some hidden force placed a big hook in his heart and tried to yank it out of his chest. He noticed, as the children moved off to the next large window, that he’d been holding his breath.

  Tyler and T.J. came up behind him, but he didn’t notice. When T.J. barked, Peter jumped nearly an inch off the ground.

  “Elementary, dear Watson. That,” he said as he pointed to the girl, “Is a thing of beauty.”

  Peter had to agree, once he settled down. All three of them stood in a line, about two feet from the Plexiglas window, drooling in sync.

  She emptied the contents of her fanny pack, zipped it up and waved to her gentlemen audience. The three waved back.

  “Peter,” started Tyler Gray, another SEAL from Team 3, “We got one night in Atlanta, and then it’s back to San Diego. But if anyone can do it, you can.”

  “Do what?”

  “Catch a mermaid,” he whispered.

  It was exactly what Peter was thinking.

  T.J. motioned to a set of metal steps. Tyler and Peter followed behind him until the stairway veered off to the right, giving the audience a view of the tank from the top. At the left, was a door marked private. T.J. took a glance both right and left, and opened the door quickly, holding it open for his buddies.

  “Wow, you know this place?”

  T.J. stopped, causing Peter to run into him. When the big SEAL turned, his glib expression, told Peter he was about to get a whole lot of T.J.’s attitude.

  “Dude, I do know how to chase a filly. Now that I’m a married man, I live vicariously through you single guys.”

  “Like I need help with that?” challenged Peter.

  “I’m positive you need help with that. But let’s just say I’m selfish. Old married Tyler and I will help you get introduced, and then we bow out. Up to you to get back to the hotel by at least oh-six-hundred. And you can’t be wearing these.”

  T.J. was referring to Peter’s bright yellow aloha shirt, his green cargo pants and the red flip-flops. And his orange toes which one of the SEAL daughters had painted for him before they left.

  His teammate didn’t wait for an answer, faced the hallway in front of them, and took off in a brisk walk. A series of office cubicles with glass doors lined the hallway, until they hit the double doors, which automatically opened to the outside. There in front of them, the mermaid was showering, and removing her flippers, her weight belt and fanny pack and had pulled off her facemask. Her hair was now free and glowing golden under the shower.

  She placed a big fluffy white towel to her face, and then popped her head up to examine them.

  “Hello, fellas. What about the word private didn’t you understand?”

  “Ma’am,” T.J. began, “We just came to see if you were okay. We experienced a minor earthquake down below watching you feed the fish.”

  Tyler couldn’t restrain his snicker. Peter was still dumbstruck. The girl was muscled, with tanned skin and bright blue eyes. Her whole face lit up when she smiled. Peter wondered why she wasn’t more afraid of three strange men watching her rinse off.

  She laid eyes on each one of them, and came back to Peter. “You let your SEAL buddies get you into trouble, or are you a frog too?”

  “Now how the hell would you know that?”

  She reached out and pinched T.J.’s bone frog logo on his polo shirt, snagging his nipple at the same time.


  Without reacting to T.J.’s outburst, she removed Tyler’s hat with the same logo, showing it to him. And then she pointed to the frog print tats on each of their forearms.

  Peter extended his right forearm to show her he had the same ink. All the guys on Kyle’s squad had the same tats, all done by the same artist in Coronado.

  “Well then, that explains it.” She threw her towel around her neck, picked up her things. “Show’s over, gents. I do the rest of it in private, and I have a job to go to in one hour, so adios.” She gave a mock salute and just walked away.

  “Shit, Peter. You’re gonna be single at fifty if you don’t get yourself organized,” said T.J.

  “You know, I’m a big boy, asshole. You don’t need to lecture me.” Irritation was mounting. He was disturbed by the fact the lady didn’t introduce herself. Or ask them questions, like everyone else did when they discovered they were SEALs.

  “I’m sure she’ll like that a lot, but first, my man, you gotta get her nekked.”

  “I’m not—”

  T.J. looked like he was going to punch him. “Yes you are. You’re thinking with your little head, and that’s okay. We want you normal, not a priest.”

  “Oh, that’s cold, man. You Catholic, Peter?”

  “Hell no. And no, I just want to get to know her.”

  “Hard to do that when you didn’t even hardly say a word or try to stop her,” added Tyler. “Just sayin’.”

  “Getting to know them is overrated,” spat T.J. “We’re here for one night. You barely have time for that drink I promised you. Don’t forget, it was your idea to go to the Aquarium instead of hanging out at Dante’s.”

  Their conversation was causing attention and an older gentleman in a white lab coat with horn-rimmed glasses was making his way over to them.

  “We were just leaving, sir. We thought we knew the lady,” said Peter.

  “Who, Abbey?” He turned and scanned the hallway behind him. “I didn’t think she was still here.”

  T.J. was walking briskly toward the doorway they’d come through.

  “Have a nice day,” said Tyler.

  The man in the lab coat watched them leave without saying a word.

  “Abbey. That’s her name,” whispered Peter as they descended the stairs. “I’m going to try something.”

  He approached the visitor information desk. A young girl stood behind the round command center desk and blinked nervously at him, quickly checking out T.J. and Tyler, who stood directly behind.

  “Can I help you?”

  “I’m Peter Watson, and we were just talking to Abbey upstairs.”

  “Oh yes. Abbey Hart.”

  “Right. She had to run off to work. We’re under water stuntmen, working for a movie crew in town, and Abbey was giving us some pointers. We think our director might like to meet her.” Peter paused, hoping his ruse would work. He tilted his head and gave her a crooked smile. The girl blushed. He lowered his voice to a whisper. “We’ve only got two more days of shooting, and I think Abbey could be in another James Bond film. Don’t you think?”

  “Totally! Oh that would be so cool!” the girl gushed.

  He was heartened. “So, you know where we might find her since she’s gone off to work? My co-workers and I think she’d be perfect for the part. And, the truth is, the actress we had slated will need a body double. Poor thing can’t swim.”


  “Who, what?”

  “She’s wondering who the actress is,” T.J. spoke up. “It’s Brooke Decker.”

  Peter glared at T.J. He didn’t have a clue who she was, and neither did the girl behind the counter.

  “Playboy Miss October last year,” added T.J.

  “Oh. I see. Sorry, I just thought it might be someone famous.”

  “We got Tom Hiddleston as Bond.”

  “Oh Abbey would be thrilled.” The girl quieted and then waited for another staff member to walk behind her. “I know she works at that place that is owned by the SEAL guy. What’s his name?”

  All three of the SEALs answered in unison.


  Dear Readers,

  I hope you enjoyed Justin and Georgia’s story. It was such fun to join such a talented group of authors to create a series--Moonshine& Magnolias--expressly for the 2017 Romantic Times Booklovers conference and set in the host city of Atlanta, Georgia.

  And it’s no secret that I’m happy Georgia and Kolby decided to settle in End of the Line!

  Back in December 2016, I introduced readers to End of the Line, Montana through
LOST AND FOUND. In April 2017, I followed with another crossover novella, GEORGIA ON MY MIND. Both are part of a new line of books related to both the Kinnison Legacy trilogy, the books that started it all.

  As much as I loved writing these characters, it appeared readers did as well, readers asked for more, and so came the spin-off series –Last Hope Ranch was born. This series features guests and those who work directly with the dream Jed Kinnison had for the ranch, to make it a place of healing and second chances for both horse and humans. In NO STRINGS ATTACHED (Sally and Clay’s story) I introduced to you, Hank Richardson, and old friend of the Kinnison brothers, and Clay’s sister, Julie Williams, who along with her sons, Chris and Kyle, are rescued from a domestic violence stand-off. Now living at Last Hope Ranch, Julie and Hank assess the sparks between them to determine if it’s real or simply hero worship. Watch for their story in WORTH THE WAIT, coming in 2017! And in August of 2017, I’ll be releasing my second Sable Hunter’s Hell Yeah! Kindle World story-HURRICANE SEASON which features Dr. Gavin Beauregard, the new physician at Billings Clinic Hospital (introduced in No Strings Attached) and Caroline Richardson (Hank’s little sis and introduced in Rustler’s Heart) What does fate, a tropical storm, and tea leaves have in store for these two? Find out in HURRICANE SEASON coming in August to Kindle World.

  The KINNSON LEGACY TRILOGY, THE LAST HOPE RANCH, AND THE END OF THE LINE, MONTANA series all feature the familiar faces and introduce new folks who may visit, live, work, love and play in this once booming old mining town!! Come on by! We think you’ll like it here!

  About the Author

  Amanda McIntyre’s storytelling is a natural offshoot of her artistic creativity. A visual writer, living in the rich tapestry of the American heartland, her passion is telling character-driven stories with a penchant (okay, some call it a wicked obsession) for placing ordinary people in extraordinary situations to see how they overcome the obstacles to their HEA. A bestselling author, her work is published internationally in Print, eBook, and Audio. She writes steamy contemporary and sizzling historical romance and truly believes, no matter what, love will always find a way.

  Find out how to sign up for my newsletter, follow me on social links, and be included in upcoming announcements at:

  Other Books by Amanda McIntyre:



  Rugged Hearts, Book I Wyatt & Aimee

  Rustler’s Heart, Book II Rein & Liberty

  Renegade Hearts, Book III Dalton & Angelique

  All I Want for Christmas (Kinnison holiday novella)


  No Strings Attached, Book I

  Worth the Wait, Book II (2017)


  Lost and Found/Crossover novella

  Georgia on My Mind/EOL Crossover Novella (April.2017)

  Hurricane Season/EOL crossover/Hell Yeah Kindle World (Aug.2017)


  Going Home /Sapphire Falls Kindle World

  Thunderstruck/Hell Yeah Kindle World


  Stranger in Paradise

  Tides of Autumn

  Unfinished Dreams

  Wish You Were Here


  A Warrior’s Heart

  The Promise

  Closer to You (formerly Wild & Unruly)

  Christmas Angel (formerly Fallen Angel)

  Tirnan ‘Oge

  The Dark Seduction of Miss Jane


  The Master & the Muses *(audio/international)

  The Diary of Cozette *(audio/international)

  Tortured *(audio/international)

  The Pleasure Garden *(audio/international)

  Winter’s Desire *(audio/international)

  Dark Pleasures *(audio/international)





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