Forever, Please (Please #4)

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Forever, Please (Please #4) Page 9

by Willow Summers

  I put one hand on the back of his neck, pulling his lips harder against mine. The other hand found his back, gently, barely touching. I sucked his tongue into my mouth and slowly ground my hips toward him. His tip moved. It paused at my opening again.

  I applied pressure with the hand on his back.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, a small tremor in his voice.


  His hips rocked forward marginally. His tip barely parted my folds. “I love you.”

  He drove forward. His manhood thrust into me, filling me up.

  “Ohhmmmm.” I wrapped my legs around his waist. He pulled back and then rocked forward. I swung my hips upward. Sparks shot through my body. Pleasure unfurled like a flower, soaking into me and boiling my blood. I lost all control.

  “You feel so unbelievably good,” Hunter exalted, his movements silky. His body sleek.

  I groaned, clutching him. I swung my hips up wildly, crashing into him as he rocked down onto me. Everything tightened. My breathing labored.

  “Oh yes,” I said, over and over. “Yes, Hunter.” I squeezed him tightly with both my arms and legs. I held him in my body, the movements getting smaller now, but much more intense. Almost unbearable.

  “Yes. Yes!” I just kept repeating it, over and over. It was like the track was skipping. Like a wire tightening around a spool, my body wound up. Pleasure coursed through me. Slapping me. Pulling.

  “Come with me, baby,” Hunter groaned in my ear.

  Color burst behind my eyes. My body blasted apart. I shook under him, violently, the orgasm vibrating through my body.

  It took me a while to come down. Each time I thought I was ready to relax, an aftershock sizzled through me. My arms and legs tingled.

  “That was the stuff,” I said with smile. “If only losing my virginity had been that good.”

  “I’m glad it wasn’t, for both of us,” Hunter said seriously, moving off to the side. His hand trailed across my stomach. “It makes it that much better with you. Let’s tell your mom tomorrow.”

  “Promise you won’t dump me when you go to leave and realize her hand is in your pocket?”

  “I doubt she’s as bad as you think.”

  “She’s exactly as bad as I think, if not worse. Trust me. She’s not even shy about gold digging in her old age. She goes right for it. The only guys that will give her the time of day are married.”

  “Desperation does strange things to people. I’ll look into it. She might just be mismanaging her money.”

  “You don’t need to, Hunter. She’s not your problem. You have a crazy dad. That’s enough for you.”

  Hunter stayed silent for a while, stroking my stomach. When he spoke next, his tone had deepened, almost sounding suspicious. “Why don’t you want me to help?”

  “Because…she sucks, Hunter. I told you. She’s embarrassing. You’re the father of my baby, but you’re not tied to her. You don’t have to help her. I appreciate that you want to do me a favor, but I’m not sure I want you to get involved that much with her. It’s… There’s no other way to describe it. It’s embarrassing.”

  “What if we were married?”

  Tingles worked through my body. This wasn’t how I hoped he’d eventually bring this subject up… “You can’t view marriage as a way to get into my mother’s financial situation, Hunter. That’s just weird. And very unromantic.”

  He fell silent again, still stroking my belly. Eventually he rolled out of bed, turned out the lights, and came back, all without saying a word. He curled up around me. “I love you. Good night.”

  “Love you.” I turned so my cheek would be against his lips. He gave me a kiss before I turned back, snuggling into his arms.

  My mind went back to the way he’d asked about marriage. Didn’t it matter to him at all? Worse, had I just put him off, making him think I didn’t want it?

  Chapter Eight

  I awoke the next morning as Hunter was opening the shades, allowing the sunlight to splash the room. I glanced at the clock. It was eight o’clock.

  “What are you still doing here?” I asked in confusion. I had to think really hard about what day it was. “Today is Saturday, right?”

  He turned to me, in jeans that perfectly displayed his butt and strong thighs. I knew this even though he was facing me because I’d picked them out. He was also wearing a shirt on the dressy side that did a fabulous job of showing his cut upper body, leading down to his trim hips. I’d picked that shirt out, too. I had great taste.

  “I’m taking the day off,” he said. “So are you. We’re going to go see your mother. Among other things.”

  “Among other things?” I rose up to my elbow. “What things?”

  “Do you want breakfast in bed, or would you rather go downstairs?”

  I sat up and rubbed my eyes. “I’ll go down. My taste buds have gone berserk. I might need to forage through the kitchen until I figure out what sounds good.”

  Hunter didn’t say anything. After a second I realized he hadn’t moved either. He was staring down at me with a blank expression.

  “What?” I asked, flinging the sheets off so I could get up.

  “I should’ve known that. I’ve missed a lot of your pregnancy. I’ve been given the rare opportunity for a second chance, and I’m squandering it.”

  “Hey, glass-half-empty, cheer up. There’s still a million months to go.” I slipped on one of his shirts. They were big and he liked seeing me in them. “And no you haven’t! I’ve seen you every day since this whole thing began. I may not work with you, but I work near you. That counts.”

  I tied my hair up in a ponytail. He still hadn’t moved.

  I went to him and slipped my arms around his waist. “Do I have time for a shower before or should I take it after?”

  His chuckle splashed breath across the top of my head. “Strangely, when you don’t try to make me feel better about a situation, and instead think about food, it lifts the load off.”

  “Food is the great cure-all. So do I have time?”

  He kissed the top of my head. “Yes. I’ll see you downstairs. Dress in something pretty that you like to wear.”

  “Something pretty that I like to wear? Cryptic.”

  “Something that’ll impress your mother,” he said as he made his way out of the room.

  I got nervous flutters. I really wasn’t looking forward to telling her. It would just cement the idea that now she could ask my rich baby-daddy for money.

  I really hoped she didn’t nudge and wink at me for trapping a rich man with a baby. It was the kind of thing she’d think. In fact, it was the kind of thing a lot of people would think, apparently. When I’d told Kimberly a month ago, she’d squealed and freaked out, as I’d expected. But then she’d said I shouldn’t tell the others until I’d got a ring or there was no other choice. She worried that they’d think I planned an oops.

  I shook it off as I climbed into the shower. There was nothing for it—I was pregnant, and today would probably suck. Best to get on with it.

  A couple of hours later, Hunter paused in the garage, looking between his sports car and my Land Rover. Finally he put his hand to the small of my back to lead me to the passenger side of my Land Rover.

  “I didn’t say you could drive my car,” I said as I climbed up into the seat.

  “Can I drive?”

  “What’s the magic word?”

  He was smiling as he got into the driver’s seat. “I love you.”

  “That is three words. And therefore, not correct. Try again, please.” I nodded toward him. “I just gave you a hint.”

  He pushed the button to open the garage. His smile grew. “I love that you’re the mother of my child.”

  “I’m not even going to count those words. Epic fail. Keep trying.”

  He started the car. “Last night was the best sex of my life, and it was because it was so much more than sex. I love you more than I’ve loved anyone, ever. You’ve helped me to experience the
world around me, and that has allowed me a larger capacity to care. You are everything to me, Olivia.”

  I blinked away tears. I loved his sticky-sweet moments, when he took a look around him and realized that he’d been living a half-life all this time. He then opened up his heart and put to words all the things he felt—rare for a man.

  “Wrong again,” I said, putting my hand on his upper thigh.

  “Please,” he said, pulling out of the driveway.

  “That’s it! Kind of jumped the gun on the privilege, though. Next time, you might try using it before you drive away in my car.”

  “Ah. Is that how it works.”

  “It is indeed. Don’t worry. I’ll get you society-ready in no time. Next lesson, thank you.”

  It didn’t take long to realize we were going to see my mom before the “other things” he’d mentioned. A thought struck me. His mom was out this way, too. Maybe he finally planned to stop in and confront one of his remaining fears. We’d get my mom’s blessing—hopefully—and he’d get his mom’s. That would make this day much less sucky.

  About a half-hour later we pulled to a stop outside of my mother’s house. My heart sank when I saw her car in the driveway. I hadn’t called her to say we were coming. I should have, but I really hoped she wouldn’t be home.

  “She’s home.” I opened the door as Hunter did.

  “These jeans are tight. I don’t think she can get her hand in my pocket.” Hunter came around the car and took my hand.

  “It won’t be long until you know for sure, huh?”

  Standing in front of her door, I knocked. Then buckled down and ran the doorbell. Maybe she wouldn’t answer…

  The lock disengaged.


  The door swung open, revealing my mother, all done up and smiling. She had on a breezy, expensive-looking dress and glittering jewelry. Her hair was swept back, showing impeccable makeup on her beautiful face, looking ten years younger than her true age.

  “Do you have company over?” I asked in confusion. She always did hair and makeup, but this was overkill for a Saturday morning.

  “Just you!” She stepped back and gestured us in. “Welcome, Hunter. May I call you Hunter?”

  “Yes.” Hunter directed me in and then stepped in behind me. He was wearing his business mask, making him somewhat curt and distant. It had the effect of simmering down my mother’s exuberance. Strangely, it also calmed me. If anyone could handle my mom, Hunter could.

  “Come in, come in. I was so excited to get your call. Can I get you a drink?” My mother bustled ahead of us, leading us into the living room.

  “You called her? That’s cheating,” I muttered.

  “A glass of wine, maybe?” she asked, watching as we sat. “Brandy?”

  “Coffee is fine for me,” Hunter said. He glanced at me.

  “Water, Mom. Thanks.”

  “Sure. Stay right there.” She glided out of the room.

  “I’ve never been on this end of her people-pleasing side. It’s weird.” I leaned against Hunter as he took my hand again, threading his fingers between mine.

  “I didn’t plan on being here long. We can leave whenever you want.”

  I made as if to get up. He smiled. “Let’s break the news first.”

  My mom came back in with a tray. She set the tray on the coffee table and distributed drinks. She offered a plate of crackers and cheese to Hunter.

  He shook his head before looking at me.

  “Olivia?” My mom said, moving a little closer.

  “No, thanks.”

  She set the plate down and situated herself in the chair across from me. Her legs crossed at the ankles and her dress swished just right. She leaned against the arm of the chair in a way that said relaxed and interested in your conversation at the same time. The woman could entertain better than anyone I’d met. She was a pro.

  “We can’t stay long, Mom,” I started. It needed to be said.

  “I’m just so happy you stopped by. I’ve been trying to get you over for months!” She gave us a big smile.


  “You are really cute together, let me just say,” she said.

  “Thanks, Mom. So, um…” I randomly gestured. No reason for it. Just movement to dispel some of my nervousness. “We thought that you’d want to know that…I’m pregnant.”

  Her face froze, as though she had to stop all reaction to keep that smile plastered on. A shadow crossed her eyes as her gaze dropped to my stomach. Her facial muscles danced as a frown wrestled her pencil-thin eyebrows. Before it could win, that smile was beaming again. “Congratulations! That’s great!”

  She stood, all graciousness, and held out her arms. “Give me a hug. That is just great.”

  Her tone had changed. She had been overly exuberant before, but now it sounded like she was struggling to be optimistic. As if depression were dragging her down.

  I hugged her, confused. After sitting down, I noticed that her smile had become forced. She didn’t initiate the next leg in the conversation.

  “I’m four months along.” I took Hunter’s hand.

  She nodded, her smile sputtering. She looked at Hunter, and then down at her hands. “That’s great.”

  “So…” I didn’t know what to say. I expected her to ask a few questions. Instead, she picked at her dress, making sure it swirled around the chair just right, and then looked up at Hunter. Her forced smile was back.

  “How is business?” she asked him.

  He squeezed my hand. “Just fine. I’m ahead of where I want to be.”

  “Oh that’s good. I hear you have a real head for business.”

  “I started a business,” I said. “Kinda. I’m a partner. The game we created has done really well.”

  “Is that right?” My mom looked at me with blank, uninterested eyes. I knew this look well. I just hadn’t expected to see it today.

  “Yeah. I don’t work for Hunter anymore,” I continued. “We live together, though. I think I told you that…”

  “You didn’t, no. You just said you were dating him. I didn’t think it would last, in all honesty.” Her smile was thin. She started, then laughed. “Just because you’re so fickle, honey, you know!” She laughed again, a high-pitched, uncomfortable sound. “She finally found someone who could meet her high expectations,” she said to Hunter. “It’s so great.”

  “I think we need to go, Olivia,” Hunter said quietly to me, squeezing my hand. “Your mother probably has a lot to do.”

  I expected my mom to resist. To engage us in conversation. Instead, she stood. “That’s too bad. It was nice of you to visit, though, Hunter. Thank you guys for stopping by.”

  “That’s it?” I asked in confusion. I had wanted to leave early, but we’d just arrived. The departure was a bit abrupt.

  “What do you mean, honey? I’m so happy for you. It’s just great.” She didn’t mean those words. I could hear it in her tone.

  Taken aback, I let Hunter lead me toward the door. Once there, my mom opened it and smiled. “Good to see you, Olivia. Nice to meet you again, Hunter. Congrats. That’s just great.”

  How many times was she going to say great?

  “Okay. Bye, Mom…” I let Hunter direct me, utterly confused. Once in the car, I just stared at the house for a minute, in a fog. “What the heck just happened?”

  Hunter started the car. “She’s jealous.”


  “She’s jealous. You landed the wealthy bachelor. Didn’t you say that that was her life’s plan? You’ve done what she could not.”

  “Usually parents are happy when their kids fulfill their dreams.”

  “I don’t know your mother that well, but I think you just reminder her that her life’s been a failure. She’s tried for how many years? You accomplished it in less than one. It probably galls. It did for my father as it concerned business. He didn’t try to hide his frustration like your mother did. That is a credit to her.”

“When you got the better job, you mean?”

  “When I left my father’s company for a CEO position, yes.” Hunter sped up and got onto the freeway, going in the opposite way to home. “He exploded in anger. Then threatened me. You’ve seen the result.”

  “So my parental situation is less messed up than yours, huh? You try to beat me at everything.”

  Hunter took my hand. “I think she’ll come around. She tried to hide her disappointment. That means she cares about you.”

  “As much as she ever did, anyway.”

  “That’s better than the alternative.”

  I couldn’t argue there. His dad was terrible. I guess I now knew my mom wasn’t horrible. Just…not great.

  I looked out of the window for a while, but saw nothing. I had to admit that the meeting with my mom wasn’t sitting well. I would rather have had her try to get money out of Hunter, in the open, than do this suffer-in-silence routine. Because she was suffering, I had no doubt. Hunter was right: she’d tried to land the rich guy all her life. All she’d had was disappointment. The one time she got close, she found out she was pregnant with a poor man’s child. I’d dashed what she’d probably thought was her last hope. And now, here I was, getting it all. Getting her dream.

  She probably felt like I’d robbed her.

  “She’s never been great to me, and sometimes I’ve hated her, but this sucks.” I felt a rise of emotion as we parked. “I don’t want her to be unhappy.”

  I felt Hunter’s fingers run through my hair. When I turned to him, his eyes were full of love and sympathy. “We’ll give her a chance to get over her disappointment, and then we’ll try again. It’ll work out, Livy. Okay?”

  I closed my eyes, squeezing out a tear. I felt his thumb wipe across my cheek. “Your confidence is soothing.”

  “Are you ready for the next event of the day?”

  I took a deep breath and looked around. We were at a cemetery. The cemetery where we’d buried my father.


  Hunter was getting out of the car.

  I followed suit, more emotion springing up. He wanted to symbolically tell my dad I was pregnant. Tears came to my eyes for the second time.


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