Holding Tight Five in a Bed 03

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Holding Tight Five in a Bed 03 Page 22

by M. A. Blisher

  Inside the hotel, Antonio was securing a large cabana in the best location not far from where TJ and Ricky were playing. Although it had been unseasonably warm, due to the time of year, there were not a lot of beach goers. Their area was relatively desolate. Ten minutes later, Antonio walked out to the beach, waving his boys over with large beach towels. “Mitch just called. He and Danny found a nice spot in town for a bite to eat that allows dogs on the patio. I told him we would join them.”

  “Great, this rascal here can’t keep his hands off me, and I’m starving!” TJ teased with a poke at Ricky.

  The three men plus puppy hopped on an afternoon trolley and took a scenic ride to the quaint boardwalk. Mitch and Danny were waiting for them in the outside eating area of a bistro catering to men with big appetites. They had pushed two tables together under the awning so they could sit together in the shade.

  After fawning over the puppy, the waitress took their orders. She brought a water dish for Nicky as the men sat back enjoying the relaxed atmosphere.

  “TJ! Dude, is that you?”

  TJ sprung from his seat. “Rip?” He slapped his buddy on the back. “What are you doing here?”

  “We’re in Florida less than an hour and TJ is already running into people he knows,” Danny grumbled.

  “Damn, I was about to ask you the same thing,” Rip said, giving a fist bump to his old surfing buddy. “I thought you moved up to big times in the big city.”

  “Just taking a little vacay.”

  “One of those damn snow birds now, eh?”

  “You know it.”

  Rip glanced around the table. “So, you’re still doing the gay thing?”

  “It’s working for me so far,” TJ winked.

  “Rumor had it some young teen put a spell on you and you ran off to New York with him.”

  “Oh, you heard about that did you?”

  “News travels fast and far.”

  TJ jerked his head toward his youngest partner. “Actually, he’s right here.”

  “Hey,” Danny mumbled, blushing red.

  “That’s Danny,” TJ informed.

  The lanky twenty-six year-old with short scraggly facial hair reached across the table to shake Danny’s hand. “You’re legendary,” he told him.

  Danny blushed again.

  “That’s why it’s called a rumor. If people remember correctly, I was already living in sin in the city with Mitch and Antonio.”

  “Ah, that’s right, the big dudes.” With his thumb and pinky raised, Rip spun his wrist in a shaka greeting.

  Mitch nodded from his seat. Antonio put his hand out to offer him a cordial handshake.

  “Damn, it’s a trip to finally meet you all.” Rip turned back to TJ. “How long’s it been?”

  “‘Bout a year-ana-half.”

  “Time sure does go by fast.”

  “‘Specially when you’re having fun,” TJ agreed. “Danny’s been a partner with us since he turned eighteen this past fall. And, this is Ricky,” he introduced. “All five of us are together now.”

  “Hot damn! You have four partners? What are you forming a boy band?” Rip laughed outrageously at his own joke.

  Antonio motioned to an empty chair. “Would you care to join us?”

  “Uh, what exactly are you offering,” Rip questioned with a curled lip.

  “A meal,” Antonio answered.

  “Only bustin your chops. I’m actually here to pick up a food order. There’s a big group of us having a bonfire and surfing party tonight. Why don’t you guys come?”

  “Thanks, but we just got here,” TJ said. “Maybe another night?”

  “’Fraid this is the last night, dude. Bunch of the guys will be traveling tomorrow for a surfing competition in Panama Bay. We just took a trip out to celebrate Joe’s thirtieth birthday. The big three-o.”

  “No shit. I haven’t seen him since his big two-five party. I turned a quarter of a century myself this year.”

  “Time does fly. I’m due to be a father in a few weeks.”

  “A father? No fuckin way!”

  “Fuck ya, bro. I’m a family man now.” Rip flashed his ring at TJ.

  “Aren’t you going to the competition?”

  “Eh, I’m not in their league.”

  “That’s not what I remember. You got your nickname because you always had a knack for finding and going after the biggest rip tides.”

  “I still have the knack of finding ‘em. It’s staying up on ‘em that’s the trouble. With fatherhood in my future, I can’t be takin’ crazy risk anymore. It was you who could always ride a wave like you were gliding on air.”

  “Nah, I’m outta practice. Not too many chances to surf in New York.”

  “Oh, come on, it’s like riding a bike, once you get back on it’ll be like old times. Why don’t you reconsider? A lot of your old buds will be there. It’ll be a rocking night.”

  TJ looked down at Danny. He wouldn’t be allowed to go unless Mitch and Antonio came along, and they didn’t seem to be in the mood. “Thanks, man, but I didn’t bring a surfboard.”

  “No worries, there’ll be plenty of extra boards. I’m bringing at least two.”

  “I imagine the water’s cold on the ocean side and I didn’t pack a wetsuit.”

  “Wrong, the water’s been warm, especially for you northern types. Not to mention, they’re having an awesome sale on wetsuits in a surf shop not a block from here, so you’re out of excuses.”

  “Well, my men aren’t really surfers and I’m here to spend time with them.”

  “Oh, that’s cool then.”

  Antonio could see the disappointment on his oldest boy’s face. “Listen, TJ, we’re gonna be here a few more days. You’ve been talking about wanting to teach Ricky to surf. Why don’t the two of you go to the bonfire? It’ll give Mitch, Danny, and I some alone time.”

  TJ hedged at the offer. “I appreciate it, but...”

  Biting down feelings of jealousy, Danny turned toward TJ who was smiling warmly at him. “I think you should go. I kinda like having the big guys all to myself.”



  Excited, TJ turned to Ricky. “What do you think?”

  “Sounds like fun,” Ricky admitted.

  “I guess we’re in.”

  “Excellent!” Rip gave a high five to TJ and Ricky. He borrowed a pen from a waitress and a piece of her notepad to write down directions to the beach party. “Here” he said, adding his cell number. “Call me if you get lost.”

  Rip picked up his order and said good-bye to the rest of the men. “Nice meeting everyone,” he shouted on his way out.

  After a satisfying meal, the men went outside to part ways again. Mitch handed the keys of the rental to TJ. “Remember,” he said to both TJ and Ricky, “don’t do anything stupid. This is an opportunity to redeem yourselves.”

  “We want you to have fun,” Antonio added. “Just don’t do anything reckless.”

  “We won’t,” TJ and Ricky promised.

  Before leaving, TJ took Danny aside. “Listen, kid, I’d take you if I thought Mitch and Antonio would trust me. But, I don’t dare ask–not after I got Ricky into a bar fight. I’m surprised they’re even letting me go.”

  “Yeah,” Danny agreed. “Honestly, I don’t mind. Everyone could see how much you wanted to go. You and surfing is like Ricky and music.”

  “Thanks for understanding, babe.”

  “No problem. ‘Sides,” Danny said shyly, “I never had the Daddies all to myself. Or at last not for fun.”

  “Trust me, I know what that’s like.” TJ gave Danny a kiss and followed up with a teasing wink. “I’m not sure who’ll be in for the biggest ride.”


  Under the balmy sky of dusk, the drapes of the cabana swayed with the ocean breeze. The candles inside blazed at the intrusion, tenaciously holding onto its light, making long silhouettes against the heavy canvas walls.

  Danny was sitting inside with
his legs crossed on a beach towel between Mitch and Antonio. He was playing with the floppy ears of his sleeping dog as he fought for his voice. “Secret thoughts?”

  “Yes. Don’t be shy,” Antonio encouraged. “Share with us at least one sexual fantasy.”

  “Oh, um. I don’t know, normal stuff, I guess.”

  “Normal stuff? I don’t think you understood the question, sweetheart.” Antonio laughed softly. “We all have hidden desires. What are yours?”

  “Oh, I um. I’m not really sure. I mean, I pretty much let you guys take the lead.”

  Mitch rested his hand on Danny’s knee to steady it. “What about before you were having sex with us? Tell us what you fantasized about.”

  Danny bit his lip.

  Antonio got up to put Nicky to bed on a pillow Mama Cecelia made for him in the shape of a beignet. Sitting back down, he pushed Danny to open up. “This is your chance to take the lead. Don’t be afraid. Sexual cravings are pretty universal, even those that you think are unusual. It’s all in the nuance that they become unique. There is no reason for you or anyone else to be ashamed of them.”

  “I used to think wanting sex with men was unusual,” Danny admitted. “I tried not to think about it.”

  “You were sixteen when you came to us,” Antonio reminded him. “Certainly there were times when sexual thoughts have entered your mind whether you wanted them to or not. I know you had a healthy libido. I’ve cleaned your sheets.”

  Danny’s blush flamed as strongly as the candlelight. He sucked in and confessed, “Well, I tried to imagine what you guys were doing in your room. I would daydream about being in there with you. But, other than, the basics, you know, I didn’t really think too much about it.”

  “Maybe it’s time to explore that more,” Mitch said. “Think about the things we’ve done that you particularly liked. Not just the obvious, something that turns you on that we might not have noticed, or considered.”

  “Oh, um, I like it when you, um…”

  Antonio took Danny’s hand. “Go ahead, baby. Tell us what you like. There are no wrong answers. Trust me, whatever you share no one will think is crazy–it might make us go crazy, but that’s only because we’re crazy about you.”

  Danny’s lips turned up in a crooked grin. Inside he was burning with fever at the thought of his men thinking about him in that way. He looked at Antonio out the corner of his eye. “I like…I think it’s hot when you, when…”

  “Go on.”

  “Well, before I get spanked, I have to stand with my pants down, when you’re dressed, and um…I’m not.”

  “That turns you on does it?”

  Danny made a face at Mitch. “Only, I don’t want it to be for punishment.”

  Mitch squeezed Danny’s knee. “Now you’re talking. And here I thought TJ was our only kinky little boy.”

  “I think we’re all kinky little boys deep down,” Antonio said in Danny’s defense.

  Shivers ran through Danny despite the temperature rising inside and the heat emitting from the bodies next to him.

  Antonio unfolded his legs to stand. He held Danny firmly by his shoulders taking him up with him. “I like it,” he said. “It’s a good place to start.”

  Danny’s fingers fluttered up against the man’s chest.

  Antonio took the nervous hands, held them to his face, kissing each palm. Gently dropping them, he slid his hands down the back of the teen, stopping at his hips. Kneading the small round cheeks of Danny’s bottom, Antonio slowly slipped his hands under the waistband of his bathing suit. He crouched, following the suit to his ankles. Lifting each of Danny’s legs, he took the time to kiss the tops of each small foot before releasing it from the suit. The swimwear was swiftly discarded as Antonio kissed his way up his boy’s left leg, making his right leg quiver. Antonio ghosted his wet lips over Danny’s silky smooth penis, then around his navel, and up his chest. He sucked briefly on the neck and chin before taking a step back, observing the goose bumps sprouting atop the pink flesh of his pretty little boy.

  Danny hitched in a breath while Antonio exhaled in awe. “Look at him, Mitch. Isn’t he a sight?”

  A cool breeze blew into the cabana making a whistling sound against the flaps. The candlelight flickered in response. Standing awkwardly with his feet turned inward, Danny fought the urge to cover himself.

  “He’s a vision, all right.”

  Danny’s face flared.

  “Turn around, let me get the full picture.”

  Danny slowly turned, peeking over his shoulder. Looking skeptically at his backside, he tried to imagine what his lovers were seeing. It was not possible for him to comprehend the vision of loveliness he was presenting to them.

  “Speaking of a picture. I want to get one.” Antonio opened a bag with the camera gifted to them by his maw-maw.

  Danny whimpered, arching his back to the touch of Antonio’s finger wisping up his back from the crease of his butt cheeks to the top of his spine.

  “Now, lift your head and turn it slightly towards me. Give us one of those enchanting smiles of yours.”

  Danny’s face reddened to a deep crimson. The nervous, sly smile that crept up with a hint of coyness did not disappoint. Antonio took a step back to catch his breath and capture the full effect. The flash of the camera lit up the dimples on his tilted face, and the faint sun-kissed freckles sprinkling his nose and shoulders. The tremble in Danny’s hands, that were posed on his slender waist, was almost visible on the still shot. That, and the sparkle in his eyes, added to the image, making it come alive. Antonio snapped a picture that would forever be framed in his memory.

  Armed with massage oils and lube, Mitch got up to move closer to his men. Placing his collection on the large portable cooler acting as a table, he considered his approach. Antonio kneeled at Danny’s feet to prepare him by brushing off sand from the beach that was decorating sexy calves and reaching up to two pert round globes. Mitch did the same with his upper half, thoroughly wiping away debris trapped by sunscreen.

  New energy vibrated through Danny’s blood as powerful hands ran up and down small tight muscles beneath the firm smooth skin of his youth.

  After selecting vanilla scented oil, Mitch poured some in Antonio’s palm and then his own. He began the massage by following the opposite path his partner was taking. Starting at the cranial socket, he cradled the base of Danny’s head with his thumbs while caressing his crown with the tips of his long fingers. The experienced digits worked their way through Danny’s hair and down to his temples rotating in small circles. With his thumbs, Mitch loosened up the tight muscle of Danny’s jaw, eliciting puppy-like whimpers. The young body began twisting wantonly toward his Dominant’s meaty thumbs that were now pressing to his neck.

  While Antonio continued to work his magic up Danny’s legs by tickling the backs of his knees, Mitch stopped briefly for more oil to coat Danny’s shoulders, releasing knots of tension.

  Danny swooned at the numerous sensations.

  Antonio massaged his inner thighs, running his elegant fingers around the sensitive skin of his crotch. He was toying with Danny’s erogenous zones–coming teasingly close, but not touching his swollen testicles or blood filled shaft. Danny’s erection stood proudly, begging for attention as Mitch’s hands glided down his sides, holding him in place.

  Mitch and Antonio’s fingertips met by Danny’s bottom. Antonio was cupping the lovely buns as Mitch’s thumbs moved to press deep into the two dimples of Venus above.

  Danny tensed. His back arched. His boyhood drooled with arousal.

  Mitch picked up the tube of lube and dripped a copious amount between his young lover’s crack. He paused to squeezed more on his thumb, working his way into Danny’s small opening.

  Danny jutted his bottom out for his Daddy, purring in pleasure.

  Blood ran through Mitch’s own cock, making its need noted. He jerked it, and gave it a shake to calm it down.

  Antonio was so in tune with Mitch’s body, tha
t on pure instinct, he did the same. Reaching over Danny, he pulled Mitch by the back of his head to his opened mouth. Each with one hand on a tiny cheek, and the other around a Dominant shoulder, the men kissed with passion.

  Danny whimpered underneath. Sliding his hands down both men’s swim trunks, he latched onto the large cocks. One long, one thick, both hard and slick.

  Breaking away from the kiss, the men simultaneously spanked the cheek their hand was resting on.

  Danny yipped, grabbing his smaller, firmer testicles.

  His bottom was smacked again by Mitch. “Don’t touch, we’ll attend to it soon enough.”

  A moan escaped through Danny’s throat. It rang through the men’s’ ears and traveled to their gonads.

  “Is it me, or is it getting hot in here?”

  “Oh, it’s hot,” Mitch agreed.

  “Whaddya say we go for a dip?”

  “Huh?” Danny asked, puzzled, as if his men were talking a different language.

  Mitch raised his brows. “Mmm. I like that idea. I like it a lot in fact.”

  Danny looked up at each of their faces, trying to gauge what was on their minds.

  Antonio smiled down, taking his hand. With a smoldering expression, Mitch took his boy’s other hand. Danny’s body shuddered with anticipation. Without another word, they walked out of the cabana. Danny’s toes clutched the sand, but his heels lifted from the ground as if he was levitating–flying somewhere between happiness and yearning.

  As a whooshing wind broke the hazy fog of intoxicating desire, Danny became acutely aware of being nude outdoors on a secluded beach. His only cover was the two Daddies dressed in bathing trunks at his side, making him feel all the more naked.

  His young cock sprang back to life, bravely poised against the winds calling from the ocean. Evening waves lapped up, beckoning them closer as night began to fall.

  When Mitch and Antonio dropped their hands to shed their suits, Danny crossed his arms missing the warmth of their contact. The heat rose up again at the view of Mitch and Antonio bending down in front of him.

  At the shoreline, the ocean reached out to caress their feet. The men stood facing the water, one hand clutching the other, looking up at the night sky. The view from behind was just as enticing. At one end was Mitch’s wide masculine moon, accentuated by dark hair creeping from his crack and spreading out to the muscular gluts. At the other end was Antonio’s high and supple backside rising to the tall lean legs of a natural runner. In between was the taut curvy hiney belonging to Danny.


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