Fatal (Portland Street Kings Book 2)

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Fatal (Portland Street Kings Book 2) Page 18

by Evie Harper

  I look down at my bags, butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. Finally, a packed suitcase and passport in my hands. I'm finally here, Sydney airport, and I'll be getting on a plane and leaving Australia, my home. I love my home, but seeing the world has always been a dream of mine, and today that dream is finally coming true. I, Lily Morgan, will be getting on a plane to travel the world. Excitement vibrates through me like fireworks ready to show the world just how happy I am.

  I look around the airport terminal at the people bustling around me; some on their phones, a couple trying to get their children to behave, and others just sitting, looking out at the runway. I wonder if they are like me, in awe of doing something they have only ever dreamed of.

  I feel movement on my denim shorts and look down past my white shirt to see Sasha poking me. I look over at my sister. She looks like she's ready to burst with joy as well.

  "Lil listen." Sash is jumping on her bum like a little kid, her yellow dress bouncing with her. She points to the ceiling, and I hear the man on the voiceover announcing our gate is ready for boarding. People start walking over and lining up with their tickets.

  We've been talking about going overseas since high school, but we kept putting it off. Then three years ago, our parents were killed in a car accident. A drunk driver ran a red light and hit my parents, striking the passenger’s side of the car. They both died instantly from the impact. Sasha and I crumbled when we lost our parents, but we managed to pull ourselves through some pretty tough times and have slowly moved on with our lives.

  My eyes start to water and I feel a familiar palm squeeze my hand. I look over, and Sash gives me a sad smile. She knows what I'm thinking about, and like always, she is there for me. I bury my pain and put a smile on my face for her; she has suffered enough. I don't want to remind her of how much we have lost.

  When our parents passed, the first place we went was the family farm. We climbed up into our childhood tree for the first time in many years. We cried together and said our goodbyes to our parents.

  Sash may be my little sister, but she is also my best friend. Living on a farm far away from any neighbours, we only ever had each other, and that's all we needed. Being only two years apart, we were always into the same things. We shared secrets and practiced kissing on the back of our hands, giving each other tips. All of this in our favourite tree, we would climb, sit and talk in our willow tree for hours after school until mum would call us in for dinner.

  Many people ask if we are sisters, but we can never understand how people pick us out. We don’t think we look alike. Sash has Mum’s beautiful straight, light brown hair, blue eyes, and her outgoing personality. At twenty-eight, I have more of my dad's dark blond, thick straight hair and his green eyes. Sasha’s and my body types are similar though, generous in the bust area but not over-the-top. We're both tanned and athletic from growing up working on the farm.

  With our parents gone and no one to keep the wheat farm going, Sasha and I decided to move back home. It’s been in our family for four generations. One day we knew one of us would take it over. It meant too much to our dad to just see it go to a stranger.

  It was hard at first to live where our parents had. Sometimes I think I can still hear my mum call us in for dinner or hear my dad's laughter. My parents were in love; not just any love, they were soul mates. They never fought. They argued, but not for long, and usually only if they believed the other was going to get hurt or letdown. They would have done anything for each other. I suppose it was right they died together. I think if one had lived, they would have died of a broken heart anyway.

  After working the farm for three years and acquiring some trustworthy employees, Sasha and I decided it was time to do some travelling. We didn't want to keep putting it off and one day regret never doing it. It's what our parents would have wanted. Mum and Dad were both adventurous. They wanted Sash and I to see the world before we settled down.

  We have no set plans, but our first stop is New York City. It's the one place we both want to visit first.

  "Lil, let's go line up," Sash’s excited voice sends butterflies to my stomach.

  We stand from our seats, pick up our suitcases and start toward the ticket desk. My heart beats wildly, and I have a huge smile. I glance at Sasha and see she has the same sized grin on her face. Yep, this is going to be a trip of a lifetime.


  I clock her as soon as she gets off the plane, fucking perfect. One of the most stunning smiles and perfect bodies I've ever seen. Every man turns his head as she walks by. It helps she has a mini version right next to her.

  Country girls, easy to pick with their clothes. And first-time travellers. The dumbstruck look on their faces says it all.

  She would be fucking perfect for what Marco’s looking for. He’d probably fall all over his feet to have her. A pang hits my chest, knowing these happy, carefree girls would soon be caught and caged.


  After stepping out of JFK Airport in New York, we quickly realise we have made the journey to a whole new world. It doesn't take long to get a cab; they are everywhere. Half an hour later, we are at our hotel checking into our double room. After a quick glance around and look out the window, we decide to head to the bar downstairs to have one drink before calling it a night. Looking around the bar, I'm in awe of all the different types of people. No one seems to be relaxed. Everyone is dressed up in suits, sophisticated dresses and heels, just to a have a drink at a bar.

  I peek over at Sasha and grin at our clothes. Sasha is in a denim skirt and a tank top. I’m in ripped Levi jeans and a plain white t-shirt, and we’re both wearing our flat sandals that we wear everywhere. This is what everyone wears back home at our local bar or pub.

  "What?" Sash asks, seeing me smiling widely.

  I laugh while I explain. "Look at us and look at everyone else. We stick out like sore thumbs."

  Sasha looks around. Realising what I’m saying, she smiles and says. "We do, don't we. Maybe we should have dressed up a little bit."

  We both burst out laughing and I reply, "Next time we will. Lesson learned." We finish our drinks and head back to our room.

  After our showers, Sash and I lay in bed, facing each other, both giggling and talking about what in New York City we want to see tomorrow.

  Sash drifts off to sleep first, and I follow soon after, thinking of all the wonderful places we’re about to experience and will remember for the rest of our lives.


  Days, I've watched her. Her smile lights up a room, people can't help but look when they hear her soft, sexy and musical laugh.

  She senses something. She looks back now and again, and I see her shiver when I imagine undressing her. She feels me, without even knowing I'm here.

  Her light hair flows like fucking silk. I almost touch it when I get too close. Clenching my hands, I need to remember to keep my distance. It's becoming harder and harder every day I watch her. She's fire, and I am a stupid motherfucking moth who wants what I can't have.

  And what I can't have is Lily Morgan.

  I searched their room while they were out and found their passports. My contacts have been able to tell me they’re from New South Wales, Australia.

  Lily and her sister Sasha own a wheat farm, no known relatives, only employees looking after it. My contact has checked their mobile numbers and there have been no calls home to anyone to check in.

  They are making this too simple. Two girls, travelling the world and having not one person to care if they are okay. Stupid girls, you have a fox chasing you, and you are going to be so easy to catch.


  I’m awoken when my bed starts to bounce. I then see light brown hair whip past my face and hear a giggle.

  "Wake up, Lil. It’s another beautiful day in New York City," Sasha booms across the room as she enters the bathroom.

  I roll over and look out the window, a smile gracing my lips as I take in the beautiful view of a warm, sunny New York da
y. We shower, dress, and head out of the hotel ready for day five in this marvellous city.

  A truck drives past with a sign saying P!nk will be at Madison Square Garden tonight. I grab Sasha's hands and start bouncing on my feet, pointing and shouting about it. Sash sees what I’m so excited about and starts squealing with me. We end our squeals and look around to find people staring. We huddle together and giggle as we begin our walk to the Liberty Island ferry. What's that saying, when in Rome, well, when in New York, squeal because you can't contain your excitement.

  On our five-minute walk to the ferry, I get goose bumps and that same strange feeling I’ve felt had a few times. I can’t pinpoint what it is exactly. It’s an instinct that tells me to look behind me and search the area. I tell myself it's nothing, just being in a new place; that's all.

  We get on the nine-thirty ferry. It takes only twenty minutes until we step onto Liberty Island. Looking up at the Statue of Liberty feels like a dream, like I still see it through the TV screen or in the travel brochure. Until we are inside the crown. Looking out over the water, it finally hits me that we are really here.

  My parents’ smiles flash through my mind. They would be proud of Sasha and me. The hard work we have done on the farm to get it back on track after their deaths. So many things we had to learn, that we didn't realise our parents did while we went off and played, enjoying our childhood. But we’ve done it, and now we are seeing the world. I know my parents would be happy. My smile grows as I glimpse Sash to my right, taking millions of pictures.

  I close my eyes, and for just a moment, I let myself feel the loss again, the devastation. Knowing I will never see my parents again, never hear them say they are proud of me and that they love me. When I feel the tidal wave about to take me under, I lock my emotions back down, pull on all my strength and turn around to smile at my sister.


  Two torturous weeks I have followed her.

  I've seen her happy, watched her squeal all girly shit with her sister. Laughed my ass off when they touched the fucking central park grass for ages.

  When her sister isn’t looking, she breaks down, silently. Why is she in pain? Wanting to know almost has me introducing myself.

  Fuck, this girl has power over me, and she doesn't even know I exist.


  What a day! Every day in New York is full on and different. Today we visited Times Square, and it was amazing. Another place and another memory I will always cherish.

  We get back to our room and drop to our beds exhausted. Our legs are killing us from all the walking. On our way back to the hotel, Sash and I decided it’s time to move on. The last two weeks have been wonderful, but it's time to see more wonderful places. New Orleans will be our next stop. We booked a flight for tomorrow night. Excited about heading to a new place, the air hums with our renewed energy, ready to leave New York with a bang. We settle on a rave party we saw signs for today. Bring on our final night in New York City!


  Standing on the balcony looking out over the sea of dancing, sweaty bodies, all I can think about is her. I need to get her out of my head and feel another woman's warm pussy around my cock. Yeah, that will make me forget about her. I need to burn this energy off, so I don't go back to the hotel and wait around like a pathetic loser to catch a glimpse of her.

  I’m scouring the dance floor, looking for any woman who looks like she will be an easy fuck, someone who won’t want the bullshit talking beforehand. That’s when I spot Mick walking up the stairs to the balcony.

  "Well, fuck, you eventually decide to turn up when I ask. Where the fuck have you been for the past two weeks? You haven't answered any of my calls. Marco's been asking for progress reports, you find anyone?"

  I have. She's perfect. But I can't do it. She's too innocent, too fucking special. "No, I didn't find anyone who matches what Marco wants," I reply, still scanning the dance floor.

  “Well, I found someone an hour ago, and she is exactly what Marco asked for. She comes with a bonus as well, plucked them right off the street, easy as pie.”

  Mick pats my shoulder and says, “So it's time to go home now."

  Thank fuck, they finally found someone. I can leave this fucking city and stop my growing obsession for this woman from getting any worse.

  I push back from the railing and follow Mick down the small hall and out the exit doors, where we walk down the stairs on the outside of the building. There're two black vans parked at the underside of the stairs.

  "Take the second van, Jake. It has the package. I'll lead in the first van, with the bonus package."

  I nod and walk to the van. Opening the door, I take a step in and freeze. All the blood drains from my face, and my heart completely stops. I'm looking straight at her, Lily Morgan. Bound and gagged, she’s staring up at me with wide, terrified eyes.

  In the end, the innocent lamb was caught by the blood thirsty fox, just by another fox.



  You Loved Me At My Darkest (Lily and Jake)

  You Loved Me At My Weakest (Emily and Kayne)

  You Loved Me At My Ugliest (Alexa and Joseph)


  Collision (Slater and Piper)

  Fatal (Mack and Lana)

  Tail – Coming June 2016

  Pursue – Coming 2016

  Untitled – Coming 2016


  Evie is an Australian author whose passion for reading lead her into writing. Evie spends her days writing heartbreaking, suspense filled love stories with happily ever afters. Evie’s characters are strong alphas with even stronger heroines who bring sexy sass to the relationship.


  As always, I need to thank my wonderful husband and beautiful children who standby me and encourage me every step of the way.

  To, Mandy, I remember your first email to me about Darkest and I was terrified that you hated it. Lol! I love your personality and attitude toward the book world and also to me as your friend. You’ve never hesitated in helping me and often gone above and beyond what you needed to, to answer my questions and also make my MS the best it can be. Saying thanks just isn’t enough. You’ve supported me and given me something which I cherish, our friendship. xx

  To Ivy, my amazing book bestie, or should that be author bestie now? Still encouraging me and supporting me, from my first book to my fifth and I hope many more. I’m getting teary. lol. You already know how much I adore you and our friendship and would be lost without you and your advice. Thank you for always being there for me. xx

  To my best friends Mel and Amber. THANK YOU. You guys know how much you mean to me. The quirks and strong personalities my characters take on are written from those who I have around me. I know how to write strong women because my life is full of them. Thanks for always having my back. xx

  To my wonderful editor, Kay, from Swish Editing & Design. Thank you for your guidance and support. You’re a beautiful lady.

  Huge shout-out to Haha! Thank you all for your advice, friendship and laughs. I love talking to you ladies!

  Dear Evie’s Collection… THANK YOU! For loving my characters as much as I do. You ladies always put a smile on my face.




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