Melted Iron (Blue Bandits MC Book 3)

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Melted Iron (Blue Bandits MC Book 3) Page 19

by Michelle Woods

  She wasn’t too worried because it must not be anything bad or he wouldn’t be dancing her around the fire like he didn’t have a care in the world. Roz felt a little dizzy when he spun her out a second time before capturing her in his arms and placing a kiss on her nose. Iron then held her close for a long moment, looking down at her with a look of deep contentment on his face and a wide grin splitting his mouth.

  Roz couldn’t believe how handsome he still was even without the raven locks she so adored. He had promised the other night never to shave his head again and she was going to be sure he kept that promise. He was starting to get a bit of length back to his hair, only about a quarter inch, and she couldn’t wait until she was able to run her fingers through it again.

  “I want to take you somewhere tonight. Will you go with me?” Iron asked, his green eyes dark in the firelight.

  “Always,” Roz whispered.

  She meant it too, she would go anywhere with him because as long as they were together nothing else mattered to her.

  Iron didn’t speak. He just grabbed her and pulled her along with him towards his bike that he had parked in front of the clubhouse. He climbed on and waited for her to get on. Roz used his shoulders to settle then wrapped her arms around his waist leaning into his back. Roz felt the bike lurch into motion and wondered if she would ever get used to riding with him. Roz was sure that she would never refuse to go with him on a ride if he asked her to even though she disliked it.

  It took longer than Roz expected to get where they were going. It was a little farm style house with a white picket fence and a small garden. As she climbed off the bike using Iron’s shoulders to steady herself, Roz wondered who lived here. She stood beside the bike waiting on Iron to set the stand, admiring the little blue shutters attached to the cream-colored siding and the small bay window that graced one side. She immediately loved the almost homey feel to the house and decided that one day she would convince him to buy her a house like this one.

  Iron took her hand.

  “Come on, babe,” he said, tugging her along behind him.

  Roz noticed the almost worried look on his face and wondered what they were going to see. No one seemed to be home because there were no lights on in the house and it was silent. Only the crickets and the noise from a few nearby houses could be heard.

  Roz watched Iron pull out a set of keys and open the door. He let go of her hand and took out his gun, surprising her. He shut the door and flipped on the light, looking at her for a long moment.

  “Wait here with your gun drawn, just don’t shoot me when I come back, okay,” Iron said, running a hand over her face briefly. Roz glared at him because she knew how to handle her weapon for goodness sakes. It wasn’t like she would shoot him by accident.

  “I think I can manage not to shoot you unless you piss me off by saying something that stupid again,” Roz growled, her body stiff as she removed her gun and took the safety off.

  Iron grinned, giving her a quick peck on the lips before he turned and walked into the other rooms checking that the house was secure. While he did that, Roz looked around at the bare living room wondering why there was no furniture. There was however a nice fireplace with a huge bearskin rug in front of it.

  She would bet that in the winter it would be the perfect place to curl up in front of a roaring fire. She smiled thinking of one day sitting in Iron’s lap naked while a fire burned in a fireplace like that one. Roz noticed that the kitchen, which was off to the left, was also devoid of furniture but the marble countertops were a pretty tan and the appliances gleamed brightly in the light from the entryway where she stood.

  It didn’t take him long before he was standing in front of her with his gun holstered. Roz put hers away too while Iron locked the door, having checked all the windows in the room to assure himself that they were locked as well. She put her arms around his neck smiling at him.

  “Come on, let me show you around,” Iron said and took her on a tour. There were three bedrooms, two with large bathrooms and walk-in closets. The only other room besides the living room, half bath and the kitchen was a small room with bookshelves and a small writing desk. Roz was charmed by the place and loved every room more than the last. She was a little jealous of whoever was getting this house from their man. She was sure it was Reaper or Animal who were buying this place for their woman.

  After the tour Iron led her back into the living room. Standing near the fireplace, he asked, “Well, what do you think?”

  “It’s lovely. I would love a place like this. So whose house is this anyway?” Roz asked, expecting him to say it was soon to be Sammy’s or Sarah’s home.

  “Ours,” Iron replied.

  Roz felt tears spring to her eyes because she hadn’t expected that to be his response. She couldn’t believe that he had bought her a house when nothing was settled between them. She knew he loved her and that she was going to move here to Death Valley to be with him but she had never once expected things to move so fast because of all they’d been through. She was overwhelmed by the emotions that bombarded her at his faith in them and their love.

  Iron had always been sure of what he wanted and he never backed away once he decided on something, it was one of the things she loved about him.

  “Ours?” Roz echoed, staring around the living room in awe.

  “If you want it to be. I don’t want you to settle so if you’re not happy with it, we can look around for another one or hell, have one made exactly as you want it done, I don’t care. I just want you to be happy. We can’t move in until the security’s been upgraded of course because I want lockdown shutters and a much better alarm system put in but I wanted to be sure it was the house you wanted,” Iron rushed to tell her, his eyes running over her face as if searching for any hint of disappointment.

  Roz smiled despite the tears that were pouring over her cheeks. The silly man, he thought she would want to turn down the house he had chosen for them but she loved it. She shook her head.

  “This is perfect, Iron. I can’t believe you bought me a house.”

  “Um, well––I actually bought this place before––before I went to get you when I was twenty,” he confessed and she felt terrible. Her face fell and she whimpered out a sob.

  “Damn––I––” Roz began but Iron placed a kiss on her lips, stopping her.

  “Don’t feel bad about it, baby. I don’t want to live in the past anymore. What happened then doesn’t matter now. I love you and I have you back and that’s what matters.” Iron kissed tears from her cheeks.

  “Oh, Iron. I don’t want to live in the past either. I love you too. More than you could ever know,” she whispered, her arms wrapping around his neck.

  “Aw, baby, it’s not possible that you love me more than I do you. I can’t live without you, I never could. But I have one more surprise for you,” Iron whispered. Roz wanted to argue about how much she loved him but she was too curious about another surprise.

  He moved over to the kitchen, lifting something off the counter that she hadn’t noticed earlier when she was looking around. It was black and looked like leather. When he neared her heart began to pound in her chest because she knew what that was and she couldn’t believe that he was about to give her one. Roz was barely breathing as she waited on him to take those final steps back to her. He stood with the soft leather in his hands and her eyes were trained on the patch he held.

  “It’s a little worse for the wear and I can have it re-made if the stitching in the top here bothers you but I–– well, this was the one I had made for you and then I went back and well––” Iron’s voice trailed off. He was showing her a small section of the leather near the neckline of the vest that was stitched together. She frowned, wondering how the cut had gotten there.

  “I left it with you––okay, not with you but at the time I thought it was with you,” Iron was saying. Roz was confused as she frowned up at him, unsure what the heck he was talking about, he had never left this with h
er because he hadn’t. If he had, she would have remembered.

  “It was on that cross on your––your grave,” Iron managed and Roz felt her heart wrench and she closed her eyes tightly as guilt assaulted her.

  She couldn’t imagine what he had gone through thinking she was dead. It made her wish that she had stayed despite Hank’s violence. She could have found a way to just stay away from him after all. Only he had threatened her when she was lying on the floor. He’d told her that she would be his new bitch because she was good enough and her mother was dead.

  She hadn’t wanted that and she knew that she wouldn’t have been able to handle him if he came after her so she chose to run. At the time it seemed like the only option. Roz pushed those thoughts back because it was done and they were not looking back anymore. Their future was all that mattered now. Opening her eyes, she reached out taking the soft leather vest with ‘Property of Iron Blue Bandits MC’ written on the back.

  “Like I say, if you want I can have another one made, but I wanted you to know that you are the only woman I ever wanted to wear––” Roz placed her lips over his, stopping the nervous flow of words coming from her normally self-assured man.

  A slight trill that she could make him rattle on like a school boy ran through her as she whispered against his lips, “It’s perfect and I will wear it proudly.”

  Iron took over then, his hands moving to her clothes, pulling and tugging them off, throwing them aside as she did the same to his, both needing to feel the other close. Her soul sang with joy as he lay her back on the rug, his hands possessive on her hips, his lips running over her skin, and his cock rubbing along the inside of her thigh.

  She moaned as he pushed one of her legs up to her chest, his cock slipping into her pussy with a slick slide that had her almost mindless with desire. Her body gave way to his heavy thrusts that brought her to the brink quickly, his body moving over hers in a needy taking that left them both crying out in blissful orgasm within minutes before they both curled up in each other’s arms. Roz fell asleep on his chest with his hands moving slowly through her hair and the sound of his heartbeat under her ear.

  Chapter 19

  Iron woke to the sound of birds chirping outside. Opening his eyes, he could feel the slight weight of Roz resting on his chest and he let out a contented sigh of pleasure. Last night she’d agreed to wear his patch and she had loved the house he had bought for her so long ago.

  Iron hadn’t wanted to admit to himself that her liking this house had been important to him but it was. He wanted her to love this place as much as he had when he bought it a week before he went to get her. He had imagined presenting her with this place and seeing the joy in her eyes when she realized that it was the place they would put down roots. Iron hadn’t realized how much that need still pulled at him until he had walked her through the house feeling nervous because although he could tell she liked it, he hadn’t been able to tell if she would love it.

  Iron’s hand rubbed possessively over her bare skin. They were sleeping on the bearskin rug in front of the fireplace where they’d made love last night. After making love to her again sometime during the night, Iron had pulled a blanket out of the closet down the hall to cover them. Sun streamed in through the bay window casting a halo over Roz’s head, which rested on his shoulder. With the warmth of the rays warming his skin and his woman in his arms, Iron felt a deep contentment with the way things had turned out.

  Things had been rocky for them at first but now that they had both agreed to let that all go he knew that they would be happy together. He was already happy just having her with him here in what would soon be their home. He was turning into a fucking pussy, he thought ruefully. Iron hadn’t thought about such bullshit in years. He was a bastard when it came to women. When he first came here the reason they’d named him Iron was because women who threw themselves at him didn’t tempt him.

  He’d known then that sex with them wouldn’t touch the perfection of sex with Roz so there had been no point in touching them. Then when he thought she had died he’d been so destroyed by it that he had needed something, anything to just feel something. Sex had been a way to try and recapture what he’d lost. It hadn’t worked of course but he knew that he couldn’t live forever without sex. Only it was meaningless to him with any woman but her. He’d fucked many women trying to catch that elusive joy he felt in her arms, but it was a cold physical exchange for him every time.

  Then his new name had been about his heart because more than one member of the club had told him he was cold as fuck when it came to women and they hadn’t been wrong. Iron didn’t feel anything with the many women he’d fucked and now looking back he wished he hadn’t fucked around so much. Roz was bound to come into contact with quite a few of those women and knowing her the way he did, he knew it would hurt her, like seeing Grace in his room a few weeks ago had hurt her, and he wondered if it would put a strain on their relationship.

  His jaw set in a hard line, he tightened his arms around her. No, it wouldn’t strain their relationship because he wouldn’t let it. He was determined to have the happily ever after they both deserved. Circumstances had pulled them apart for more years than they should have had to endure. They weren’t the same people anymore but now that they were together again nothing was going to come between them. He wouldn’t allow that to happen because she was too important to him.

  Roz stirred, letting out a little breathy sigh that puffed air across his chest tickling the few hairs that it disturbed. She opened her eyes and propped her chin on her folded hands, a light smile gracing her lips.

  “Morning,” she whispered, happiness glowing in her gaze as she watched him.

  “Morning babe.” He buried a hand in her hair looking at her, unable to pull his eyes away from her. He felt his pulse pick up and his cock throbbed with the need to take her again because fuck, she was gorgeous.

  “Umm, someone’s happy to see me.” Roz giggled as her hips rubbed against his hardened cock.

  “Yeah, that particular appendage is always happy to see you, baby,” Iron snorted, kissing her forehead.

  “I think that we should get up and go take a shower together and maybe me and little Iron can get better acquainted.” Roz wiggled her hips so that he knew what she meant, not that he’d had any doubts.

  “No,” he said firmly, his eyes narrowed on her.

  “No what?” she asked, looking down at him beneath her.

  “No, we are not calling my cock little Iron. It’s not happening.”

  “But it is hard like Iron and it’s little–––” Roz began only to giggle when he slapped his hand over her mouth glaring at her.

  “My damned cock is not little, damn it. It’s ten inches.” Iron’s brows were drawn together in a dark frown as he glared at her for suggesting such a thing. Roz wiggled until he released her mouth, laughing as she pushed to her knees before getting to her feet. Iron sat up quickly intending to grab her around the waist and pull her back down to the rug with him but she moved away too fast.

  “I can’t believe you measured it! I still don’t know, maybe you are right. There was that one time when he got a little wilted when we were younger, maybe that happens a lot, which means we shouldn’t call him little Iron. Maybe limp Iro––” Roz teased, making him roar as he jumped up. She stopped talking, letting out a scream as he came after her giggling form as she raced to the master bedroom naked. Iron felt his heart lighten, thoughts of the days they would share together like this rolling out before him as he followed her into the bedroom.

  “It was one time and it was because your mother walked in on us fooling around and you damned well know it!” Iron growled as he stomped into the bedroom after her. Roz turned looking at him, a smile so bright it was almost blinding splitting her face as she teased him again.

  “Sure, sure, that’s what you say but maybe little Iron isn’t so iron-like after all,” she said, trying to dodge his arms as he made a grab for her but he caught her easil

  “I don’t think so. I’ll show you how iron-like my cock can be, you little brat.” He was pressing her back into the wall, his lips moving to take hers when he heard it. He paused for a moment listening. Iron wasn’t sure but that had sounded like glass breaking.

  “Hey, I thought you were going to show me?” Roz asked looking at him but he shushed her by placing a finger to her lips, still listening.

  Fuck, he’d left his gun in the living room with his clothes.

  “What is it?” she whispered, suddenly alert.

  He shook his head and waited, listening. He couldn’t hear anyone moving around in the house but he would have sworn he heard something a moment ago. Maybe it had been at one of the houses next door. They were close, only about ten feet apart, because it was safer that way. Less places for people to hide and more likelihood of hearing if someone was in trouble. Of course most of his brothers and their old ladies hadn’t been home last night when they got here because they were at the bonfire but they would likely be home this morning.

  Iron frowned, looking down at her where he pressed her against the doorway of the bathroom. Roz was now watching the door to the bedroom with her head tilted to the side listening as hard as he was.

  Leaning forward, he put his lips to her ear. “You hear anything?” Iron asked.

  Roz shook her head no and Iron turned, still straining to hear anything in the quiet house but all he could hear were the birds outside and the sounds of a car going by on the street. Frowning, he leaned his forehead into hers.

  “I’m going to go get my gun and you wait here. When I get back I’ll show you just how not little or limp my cock is,” Iron told her before releasing her and taking a step towards the door.


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