Melted Iron (Blue Bandits MC Book 3)

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Melted Iron (Blue Bandits MC Book 3) Page 24

by Michelle Woods

  “Do you understand what I am trying to say?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I do,” Roz said.

  “Good, then no more hiding.” Reaper got up then and gave her a little hug that surprised her before he headed over to the couch, lifting Sarah up and plopping back down with her in his lap. Iron sat down next to her wrapping an arm around her tightly.

  “You okay? What did he say to you?” Iron growled, his anger with Reaper clear in his voice and the way his eyes bored into Reaper’s back.

  “I’m good actually,” Roz said, realizing that her nerves were gone and that she felt relieved that Reaper didn’t hate her. Even though Iron had told her that several times, she hadn’t really believed it until just now when he’d hugged her.

  “Are you sure?” Iron asked, still not buying that she really was okay. “I could deck him for you.”

  Smiling at him, she shook her head. “Nah, I think what he said made me feel better actually.”

  Iron watched her carefully, his eyes narrowed slightly before he finally said, “Well, if you’re sure.”

  “I am, now let’s go dance.” Roz grabbed his arm pulling him up and out towards the bonfire, feeling good for the first time in weeks because things were going to be okay now that she knew they weren’t going to treat Iron any differently because of what happened that night. Iron allowed her to drag him out into the darkened night to dance wantonly in the firelight, an indulgent grin spreading over his lips.


  Iron leaned into the counter watching Roz help the patient into the exam room that Lance had indicated. She was helping Harriett from the dry cleaners, who had hurt her ankle when she tripped over some clothes that had fallen off the carousel. Iron had tried to help Roz with the woman but she’d glared at him and waved him off, telling him to get lost, she was working. He’d grumbled that he was just trying to help before stepping back.

  Roz came back from taking Harriett into the room and stood before him, her foot tapping and her arms crossed. Her lips were compressed into a tight line and he could see a twitch in her eye. Damn, she was still really upset with him.

  “What are you doing here, Iron?” Roz asked angrily.

  “I came over here to say I’m sorry,” he said, his face twisted into a pleading expression.

  “And that couldn’t wait till I got home tonight because?” Roz demanded, still tapping her foot angrily.

  Iron sighed. Damn it, he’d just been trying to protect her. She shouldn’t be so angry with him over him trying to keep her safe. It was his job after all.

  “I wanted to see if you and I could have lunch and maybe we could talk about it.” Iron fidgeted from one foot to the other, glancing at her from beneath his lashes, wanting to just grab her and kiss the daylights out of her. That hadn’t gone over too well when he tried it the first time though, so he refrained.

  “No, I won’t. I’m still mad at you for what you did,” Roz growled.

  Iron sighed again. She’d been mad for three days now and he’d been sleeping on the couch, which was damned frustrating. It wasn’t like he had done something wrong. After all, killing Hank had been necessary for his sanity.

  Iron was just pissed that Rebel had talked about it in front of her the other day. He’d tried to shut the idiot up by kicking him hard under the table but the idiot had just yelped and then started talking again. All the while he’d seen the anger growing on Roz’s face.

  She’d demanded to know if he had killed her stepfather over what had happened in the past and he’d had to tell her because otherwise she would have gone there to see for herself. He still couldn’t figure out why it made her so angry. Iron had explained that it was where he’d gone the day he’d left her in the hospital thinking it might soften her anger, but it had only made her angrier. It didn’t make a damned bit of sense. He would think that she would be happy that her mother’s killer was dead.

  “I’ve apologized like ten times, Rozzy. What more do you want from me?” Iron asked wearily, his hands out imploringly.

  “For you to mean it!” she growled, then began shoving him towards the doorway.

  “Fine, I’ll leave but tonight you’re coming with me to the clubhouse for Rebel’s birthday celebration. I’m not going to that alone!” he told her while allowing her to shove him towards the exit.

  “Oh, fine, it wasn’t like I wasn’t going to go with you in the first place, you big idiot, now go. I’m not in the mood for you right now,” Roz grumbled as she huffed and puffed, shoving him out the door.

  Roz was walking towards the clubhouse with a frown on her face. She’d been mad at Iron for the past three days for not telling her that he’d killed Hank. It wasn’t that he killed the man that she had a problem with. No, it was that he didn’t want her to know that he had killed him that bothered her. She supposed she would have to forgive him soon, otherwise she was going to go insane from lack of orgasms. Over the past eight months she’d become accustomed to having several a night, but she had been punishing him and in turn herself for several days now.

  It was why she was walking into the clubhouse without him in fact. He would likely be pissed off when he found her note on the kitchen counter stating that she was riding over with Sammy instead of waiting on him. She smiled wickedly.

  Sammy was back by the car being kissed senseless by her man, who’d attacked her the second they pulled up because he’d been gone on a run for five days and was just getting back. Seeing that their wanton display wasn’t going to end quickly, she’d decided to head inside without her. Roz walked up the stairs to the porch hearing a familiar voice coming from inside and pushed open the door in surprise, thinking she must be wrong about the owner of that voice.

  But when she stepped inside she felt an excited trill because it was Tara standing just inside the door talking to Flame. Tara was testing Flame’s muscles and tittering out a little giggle while she did it.

  Roz shook her head because Tara almost always played this part with men. Roz had been quite shocked to find out she wasn’t the ho-bag she appeared to be. She was just an extreme flirt and she didn’t hide it at all, which made her appear to be a ho.

  “I’ll be damned, look what the cat dragged in!” Roz exclaimed.

  Tara grinned widely and walked towards her, wrapping her in a big hug.

  “I couldn’t leave you here without any back up, now could I?” she demanded, pulling back to look at her then glancing at Flame. “Besides why should you get to spend time with the eye candy while I rot away in Grandyville!”

  “Ha, that’s the real reason you showed up, the eye candy,” Roz teased.

  “Um-hum, and that tall drink of water is just what I need,” Tara said, setting her sights on Pansy, who’d just walked into the clubhouse. She dragged Roz over to him and grabbed him around the waist. Roz giggled at the expression on Pansy’s face. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

  “Aren’t you just the cat’s meow,” Tara said, rubbing against him like a bitch in heat and Roz shook her head. Tara loved to make men feel uncomfortable and she always seemed to know which ones to mess with.

  “Uh, who is this person?” Pansy asked, trying to push her away without success because Tara clung to him.

  “Hey, I thought I was the sexiest man you’d ever seen?” Flame said, walking up to them looking out of sorts. Oh dear, Tara was already making trouble and she had only been here for ten minutes.

  “Tara, would you behave,” Roz commanded

  “That’s no fun and you know how I like to have fun,” Tara teased.

  Then Roz spotted Iron, who walked in looking grim-faced and scanning the room for her. Roz moved over to him before her friend could get a hold of him. She took his arm and pulled him to her side before turning to Tara.

  “This one’s mine, so don’t get any ideas!” Roz told her and Iron pulled her closer kissing the top of her head.

  “Does this mean you’ve finally forgiven me?” he asked, looking hopeful.

  “No,” Roz told him, shaking her head and watching his face fall. The poor man, she really did need to let him off the hook before he died from heartache.

  “Oooh, honey, he is a fine one. I see now why you were holding out for him.” Tara laughed before she took Roz’s arm. “You know that they have hooch punch over in the corner, right? Let’s go get us some.”

  Roz allowed Tara to draw her away, hearing Pansy’s low ‘so you’re still in the dog house I see’ as they moved away, making her smile wickedly.

  Iron carried a very drunk laughing Roz from the clubhouse two hours later headed back to their place. He had watched her throw back drink after drink with her friend, who seemed to be a little wild in his opinion and he wasn’t sure that he wanted her around his Rozzy because she seemed like a bad influence. Roz had invited her to stay with them but Iron had made a deal with Pansy to take her back to the rec center instead because he really needed to see if he could fix this crazy fight they were having before his balls turned blue.

  He was none too happy that she was drunk off her ass at the moment because with her mad at him, he didn’t want to take advantage of her inebriated state. Helping her onto the bike, he sighed when she leaned into him. He took them home and helped her off the bike before lifting her and carrying her into the house while she giggled for no good reason.

  Iron took her up the stairs to their room. Entering, he laid her on the bed and she began to toss her clothes off. He stood there staring at her bare breasts like a starving man and he supposed after three days he was starving for her because she was sexy as fuck and his cock was hard for her all day everyday.

  “I forgive you, now fuck me, big boy!” she yelled, almost piercing his ears with the shrillness of her cry.

  “Yeah, if you tell me that in the morning I will be all over you but right now you’re too drunk for me to take your word for it,” he told her sadly, trying to tear his eyes off her naked body. “Get some sleep, baby.” He turned to leave.

  She dove for him, grabbing him around the waist when he would have walked away. Because she was half on him and half on the bed and if he moved she would likely fall, he stopped. Her head was at his back and she pushed up his cut and his shirt and began kissing his spine. Iron groaned because he only had so much control and she was testing the little bit he had left.

  “Roz, go to bed.”

  “Not till you fuck me, Iron.”

  Iron turned in her embrace, which wasn’t easy from the way she’d grabbed him but he somehow managed it without her landing on the floor face first. He helped her back onto the bed.

  “Babe, please. I don’t want you to be even more mad at me tomorrow than you already are.” He couldn’t help the sigh that escaped him nor could he prevent his hands from cupping her breasts where they pressed against him.

  “I won’t be mad! I decided to forgive you.”

  “Yeah, and if you weren’t three sheets to the wind I might buy it,” Iron grumbled as he held her to him, unable to let her go.

  She giggled, “Oh do shut up and kiss me,” before slamming her mouth over his in an attempt to kiss him. It was an awkward lineup that smashed their teeth together before her tongue teased his lips seeking entrance.

  He tried to resist but it had been too long and suddenly he was naked on the bed with her legs spread and his cock buried inside her. Iron wasn’t sure how the hell it happened but as he thrust into her repeatedly, he didn’t really give a fuck. Hearing her little keening cries of pleasure, he felt his own orgasm fast approaching and he groaned.

  He loved her so damned much and he really hoped this didn’t earn him another turn in purgatory, but fuck, it felt good being inside her again. It didn’t take either of them long to explode and he was lying beside her panting when she said it.

  “You know I only made you sleep on the couch because I wanted us to have really hot make up sex, right?” Roz asked, laughing like it was the funniest joke she’d ever heard.

  Iron stared at her as he shoved up on his arm. “You’re not drunk!” he accused.

  “Nope, but it was really sweet of you to worry I would be mad in the morning,” Roz teased, a sly smile curling her lips.

  “You little devil! You’re going to pay for that,” Iron growled, rolling her beneath him again before he proceeded to punish her with the hardest fuck of her life.

  Thank you for taking time to read Melted Iron. If you enjoyed it, please consider posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated.

  Other Works

  Reaper Unleashed

  Book 1

  Blue Bandits MC

  Sarah and Reaper’s story

  Taming Lucca

  Book 1

  Red Devils MC

  Lucca and Molly’s story

  Coming Soon

  Burning Desires

  Book 4

  Blue Bandits MC

  Burner and Kelsey’s story

  February 2016

  For more information on upcoming releases sign up for new release notifications in the coming soon section of my web site: Or friend me on Facebook:

  Works by: C. Shivers and Stacy L Mantlo:


  Chapter One


  Driving through the small town of High Springs, Florida, I instantly adore all the quaint shops and the smiling people strolling down the sidewalks. I’m already beginning to relax, relieved with my decision to get away from my old life and find a new beginning. Just like any fresh start, it’s bittersweet; I’m already missing the three people in my life I love most, but I had to do what was right for me.

  Just thinking about my decision to uproot my life and start it over in a new place kicks the drama back on replay in my mind. Even six months later, I’m still in disbelief that Quintin was cheating the whole dang three years we were together. And he was with Dixie, my so-called friend to boot. To find out on my wedding day was totally humiliating and devastating. Being told would have been cruel enough, but to walk in on it, to see it happening with my own eyes was like having it branded onto my brain. Yeah, I was so blind, such a trusting moron. I mean, how could I have been so clueless? I thought I’d surprise Quintin as I waltzed in the door, assuming I’d be finding an anxious, excited groom. Well, the surprise was on me when instead I found him with his pants down around his ankles, pounding into Dixie, who was bent over the chair, barking like a bitch in heat. Yes, barking.

  I guess it was bridal jitters that kept from noticing she wasn’t in the room with me while I was getting ready. I wonder when she slipped out? But once I found them, all I could do was stand there, anchored to the spot and unable to speak. I was too shocked to make myself turn and run like I wanted to do. It was that precise moment that all the lies came rushing in like a tsunami, all the stories that he told that didn’t quite fit or make perfect sense flashed before me like a highlight reel. I knew in that moment that the last three years of my life were nothing more than a lie. I’m still so angry at myself for being so gullible, so trusting. Quintin Johnson is nothing but a big damn asshole, cheating fraud who shattered my heart and soul.

  Then just a few months after my discovery of finding out what a douche bag of an ex I have. I lose two important people in my life and only two days apart, both my grandparents. First my Grandfather then my Grandmother. They were so good to me. I wish now that I had bit the financial bullet and went to see them one last time. It was just such an expensive trip going all the way to Alaska; but I sure regret it now. I remember my dad would send them videos of me when I was in school plays and other actives growing up. They loved it. Gosh, I miss our weekly chats. My dad is the best. He tried so hard to stand in for them. I know he was trying to ease my pain of losing them. My dad should win an award for best dad. I—Stop!

  I shake my head against the torrent of memories.

  I have my head above the water instead of allow
ing myself to be drowned. I’ve been through agony and shock and was settling down into a paralyzed state of emotional numbness. I might have stayed there, shut down and incapable, if the bastard had not turned around a week later and married Dixie at the court house. I mean, what the hell is that about? Stupid girl—if she believes he won’t do to her what he did to me, she has another thing coming. But that’s what got me moving. You know, maybe they both have that revolting fetish. Honestly, I’m relieved to be rid of him because of it. He would get furious every single time I refused him. He was my first lover and I wanted to make him happy so bad, but there’s a difference between wanting to please your man and feeling like a damn fool.

  At least I don’t have to deal with him constantly begging me to do that during sex anymore, not that we had sex very often. I giggle at the thought of when I told Whitney about Quintin’s little, um…preference. It took her ten minutes to stop laughing. Then, she informed me that it is most definitely not normal behavior and to run for my freaking life. I should have listened. Thank goodness she told me that, because I was beginning to worry there was something wrong with me. Of course, now I realize that’s exactly what that scum bucket wanted me to believe. I was an inexperienced virgin, totally blinded by love, and Quintin took complete advantage of my ignorance. Well, I don’t plan to let any other man trash the little bit of heart and soul that I have left. It’s mine and I plan to keep it that way. Plus, I hope his microscopic dick falls off. I chuckle to myself at that thought.

  Thankfully, I can find a little smidge of humor in the situation now. Whitney and Alayna both marched into the room, took stock of what was going on, and then acted on it. Basically, I remained paralyzed, in my beautiful white wedding gown, weeping while I watched my two best friends beat Quintin and Dixie’s cheating asses.


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