Monroe, Marla - The Bikers' Babe [The Dirty Dozen 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - The Bikers' Babe [The Dirty Dozen 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Marla Monroe

  She frowned. Why did it matter? It was her body, and if she got one, it was up to her, not them. Still, she hesitated. The man at her elbow noticed her interest in the tattoo and steered her over to several other larger versions. They were stunning, but not her style.

  “I’m going to think about it. I might be back later.”

  He just nodded and waved goodbye when she walked out of the store.

  Tina climbed back on her bike and rode until she found a sandwich shop not far from the strip mall. She was ravenous and realized it was after eleven. She would need to get to bed soon to get a quick nap in before work.

  While she ate, she thought more and more about the tattoo. Something about it drew her. It wasn’t any surprise that once she finished her sandwich, she headed back to the strip mall. She told herself that if he were busy with another customer, she wouldn’t get one. It would be a sign of sorts.

  Instead, when she pulled up outside the building, he walked outside with a knowing grin on his face.

  “Knew you’d be back.” He opened the door for her. “It means something to you.”

  “How do you know?” she asked.

  “I saw the look on your face when you first saw it. It drew you to it.” He led her over to a chair. “Now, where do you want it?”

  Tina couldn’t believe she was going to do it. She drew in a deep breath and made up her mind.

  “On my pelvis. Nothing will touch it for a week. Will that be long enough?”

  “Should be. Want to share what it means to you?”


  “Hmm,” was all he said.

  “Okay, we’ll go in the back since you’ll have to pull your jeans down some for me to work.” He must have caught her hesitation because he called in back for someone to come out.

  A thin, pretty woman with several tattoos on her exposed tummy stepped out of the back room.

  “This is Lisa, my wife. Would you like her to sit with us?” he asked with a knowing look.

  “Sure, that would be great.”

  They walked to the back and turning her back, Tina unfastened her jeans and shoved them down a little before climbing up on the table. Lisa walked over and shimmied the jeans down a little further.

  “You want this to be just above your hairline even though you do wax. It’s a beautiful tattoo.” She stepped back to the side so that Tina could see her and pulled a chair over.

  “So, what do you do?” she asked.

  Chapter Eleven

  The work week flew by for Tina. She loved the atmosphere in the ER and really enjoyed the people she was working with. They all got along and worked like a team. You couldn’t tell that she was the newbie in the bunch by the way they responded to emergencies.

  When she got off Friday morning for her first week off, Tina hurried home to unpack her things before taking a nap. She couldn’t wait to see the men. Talking on the phone wasn’t the same. She deliberately didn’t tell them about her tattoo, wanting it to be a surprise.

  They were already at work whenever she got home each morning, and she left before they made it home each night. They’d even worked that Sunday and she wondered if they were giving her room to sleep, or whether they were really working seven days a week?

  Her boxes sat in the carport because she’d insisted they be left there until she could unpack them. She didn’t have much. She unpacked the navy blue uniforms and threw them in the washing machine. Then she pulled out some of her other clothes and placed them in the drawers the men told her to use. They’d filled up the other ones with their clothes and moved their stuff into the second walk-in closet, insisting she use the other one.

  At first it felt odd adding her things to theirs in the bathroom, but then she realized she had to get over the fact that she was moving in with them, because she was. It was that simple. The sooner she got past it the sooner she would relax.

  After ironing and putting away her uniforms, Tina took a quick shower and climbed into bed to take a nap before the men arrived. She planned to be awake when they got home.

  Three hours later, she finally got up, unable to sleep more than dozing off and on. She was too keyed up. She hoped they would be in a good mood and be glad to see her. If they weren’t, well then, maybe she’d made the wrong decision in unpacking her clothes.

  At six-fifteen, she heard their bikes roar up into the drive. She couldn’t stop the flutter of nerves deep in her belly. She hadn’t seen them in seven days and it showed she was sure.

  Tina restrained herself from meeting them at the door and throwing herself into their arms. She refused to be that needy in front of them. Instead, she sat on one of the kitchen stools with three beers from the fridge open and waiting on them.

  They walked in the door and zoomed in on her.

  “If I wasn’t so glad to see you, I’d spank that ass for leaving the door unlocked and the security off,” Cole said in way of greeting. He swung her off the stool into his arms, and locked his lips over hers for a deep kiss. His tongue sparred with hers as he explored her mouth. Then he plunged his tongue in and out of her mouth telling her he wanted her in a bad way.

  When he drew back, Zack pulled her out of his arms and nipped her lower lip before taking up where Cole had left off. His tongue met hers and danced. She slid hers along the underside of his. Just when she thought he would pull away, he sucked her tongue into his mouth and held it there with his teeth as he licked it over and over. At last, he released her, but not before kissing her cheek.

  “We missed you, baby. Did you miss us?” he asked.

  “Yes. There was no one to scrub my back for me.”

  He swatted her on the ass and grinned.

  “So you didn’t miss that good fucking we’ve been giving you?” Cole asked with a serious expression on his face.

  “Well, maybe a little. It is pretty good.”

  Cole harrumphed and took a swig of his beer. He raised it to her. “Thanks for the beer. It hits the spot after working in the heat and the dust.”

  Zack held his against his forehead then drew on it as he turned it up. She got distracted watching his throat muscles work as he swallowed the cold beer.

  “Earth to Tina.” Cole chuckled when she suddenly looked his way.

  “How about pizza tonight? I thought we’d order in and watch a movie.”

  “Sounds good to me. I may fall asleep on you though. I tried to take a nap earlier, but couldn’t get comfortable.”

  “We’ll put you to bed when you conk out on us,” Zack promised.

  “After we molest you,” Cole added.

  Tina laughed and wrapped her arms around each of the men’s waists. She had missed them. As much as she enjoyed working, she’d missed this closeness while she’d been gone. She had missed being in bed with them. Not just the sex, but the snuggling they did. Few men did that.

  “We need showers,” Zack pointed out. “Why don’t you order two large pizzas? We want everything. Get the other one however you like it.”

  She pulled away from them and dug out the phone book from the junk drawer. The yellow pages opened up right to the ad she was looking for. Obviously they did a lot of takeout pizza. Tina called and ordered two large pizzas with everything. She could pick off the olives and they would eat more than she would.

  After ordering the pizzas, she settled on the couch to watch TV while she waited on the guys to finish their showers. She tried not to think about them naked with water flowing over their ripped abs, but it was hard.

  The news was on and thankfully there was nothing about the Truck Stop Killer. She knew they hadn’t caught him as she’d been keeping up with it at work. Everyone had recognized her face from the newscast and commented how lucky she was. Then, as if realizing it upset her to talk about it, they dropped it and didn’t say anything more about it.

  Zack was the first one to emerge from the back of the house freshly showered wearing nothing but jeans riding low on his hips. She licked her lips at the sight of all
that male flesh.

  “I like the look on your face. So am I for dinner, or the pizza?” he asked.

  “Hmm, maybe both.” She walked over and ran her hands over his chest marveling at how it felt in her hands. She roved low over his well-defined six-pack. She lingered for a few seconds at the waistband of his jeans before running them back up and over his tight shoulders. She encircled his neck and pulled his head down for a kiss. He opened for her, and she explored his mouth with the tip of her tongue. He moaned as she tickled it then moved on to the roof of his mouth.

  “Is this a private party or can anyone cut in?” Cole’s voice next to her ear startled her enough she yelped.

  “Hey. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Cole kissed her cheek.

  “Sorry, I guess I was a little preoccupied.”

  “It looked like it. Sorry I messed that up, guys.”

  “We can resume it later.” Zack pulled Tina in for a tight hug before letting her go.

  “How long on the pizza?” Cole asked.

  “They said thirty minutes. It’s been about twenty now,” Tina answered.

  “Picked out a movie yet?” Cole walked over to the shelf full of DVDs.

  “Not yet. You can pick this time. We seem to like the same basic shows.”

  Zack walked over to help Cole. The doorbell rang so Tina answered it. The pizza guy stood at the door with two pizzas and a bored look on his face. She smiled at him and turned to tell the guys the pizza was there when she saw a van parked across the street. It looked just like the one she’d seen before several times over the past week. It pulled away from the curb and drove off.

  “Um, ma’am? Do you want the pizza or not?”

  “Sorry, yes.” She called out for Cole and Zack.

  “Pizza’s here, guys.”

  Zack walked up and paid the guy for the pizza and handed them to Cole. He pulled Tina back from the door and closed it.

  “Hey? You okay? You look like you saw a ghost.” He stared down at her with a serious expression.

  “Oh, yeah. I was just thinking about something from work. Not a good time to talk about it, though.” She smiled a cheery smile and walked over to where Cole was opening the pizza boxes. “Let’s eat. I’m starving.”

  They demolished the pizza between the three of them. Tina only managed to cram down three pieces. The van had spooked her. She couldn’t be sure it was the same one, but she had seen it on several different occasions. She debated over telling the guys about it, but decided in the long run she was overreacting and would only lead to more stress for the men.

  She was sure that if Cole could figure out how to do it with work, he would be escorting her to and from work every day. She didn’t need to give him another reason to worry about her.

  The movie proved to be a shoot-’em-up special with several big names. She enjoyed it for the most part, but couldn’t quite keep her attention on it. When the credits were rolling, Zack stood up and stretched then reached down and picked her up. He poured her over his shoulder and proceeded to spank her ass as he walked toward the bedroom.

  “What are you doing?” she asked between saying ouch and laughing.

  “Getting a head start on the festivities. You, my dear, are the main show.”

  Cole chuckled behind her and she knew it was his hand that landed the next spank.

  Zack swung her down on the bed and proceeded to strip her of her top and bra. He immediately went for her breasts, playing and sucking on them. Cole unfastened her jeans and drew them down her body. When he started on her panties, he stopped and growled.

  “When the fuck did you get a tattoo?”

  “Hey, let me see.” Zack sat up to look.

  Tina rose up on her elbows to look down at him.

  “I got it last week before I went to work. What do you think?” She couldn’t see his eyes until he looked up at her. They were angry eyes.

  “You went to some stranger and let him look at your pussy to get this?”

  “Cole,” Zack warned.

  “He didn’t see my pussy, thank you very much, and his wife was in there with us the entire time. I’m not a fucking whore, or is that how you think of me?” She tried to get up, but he held her down with a hand on her abdomen.

  “Damn it. I don’t think you’re a whore. Why would you think that?” he shook his head. “I just can’t stand the thought of someone else seeing you, touching you.”

  “He wore gloves,” she said with a pout.

  “Cole,” Zack said again.

  “Hell. I’m sorry, Tina. It just hit me the wrong way. Why did you get it done?”

  “Do you not like tattoos?” she asked.

  “I don’t have anything against them. I just never really wanted one,” Cole said. He didn’t look her in the eyes.

  “I was looking for a belly ring…”

  “You got a belly ring?” Zack moved Cole’s hand out of the way to see.

  “No. I was thinking of getting one tomorrow, though. I couldn’t handle my waistband of my uniform on it while I worked this last week. My jeans come below my belly button so I could get one now. I guess.”

  “And?” Cole prompted.

  “I saw the wings on the wall and knew I wanted them. They mean freedom to me,” she all but whispered.

  “Freedom from what, Tina?” Zack asked, looking up at Cole.

  “To do what I want. Go where I want, when I want. I grew up in a preacher’s house. I was one of five kids. All of us were adopted. There was no freedom or privacy there. When I finished school, I said I would always have the right to do what I wanted. Well, within the law, anyway.” She smiled and waited for Cole to say something.

  “They’re pretty. I just wish they’d been somewhere else.”

  Before she could say anything she might regret, he bent over her and took her mouth in a kiss. He nipped and kissed all around her mouth, then her jawline.

  “You’re free to be whoever you want to be with us, Tina. Don’t mind Cole. He’s jealous that he wasn’t there to watch you get inked. I am too, for that matter. Did you squeal like a girl?”

  She slapped his naked shoulder. “No. I most certainly did not.”

  Cole undressed and covered his cock with a condom, then grabbed her hips and pulled her down the bed. Before she knew what was going on, he’d lined up his cock with her cunt and pushed in. She was wet from their horseplay earlier, but startled.

  “I know you’re free to do what you want, but no one gets this pussy but Zack and me while you’re with us. No one.” Cole punctuated his words with a tilt to his pelvis that rubbed her just the right way.

  She groaned and grabbed hold of his wrists where he was holding her hips.

  Zack drew one of her nipples deep into his mouth and flattened it against the roof of his mouth. Then he tugged on her other nipple with his fingers. When he tried to take all of her breast into his mouth she almost laughed. He had a big mouth, but not that big.

  Then all her focus was on Cole and how he was manipulating her clit and pounding into her pussy as if he couldn’t get deep enough. With every thrust, he bumped her cervix, sending electric sparks to her clit. He rotated his hips hitting her hot spot over and over until she knew she was going to explode. When he suddenly pulled on her clit, he sent her screaming over the edge.

  He pushed so deep inside her the last time, she thought he would reach her throat. He held himself there for long seconds, growling in the back of his. Then he collapsed on top of her.

  When he pulled out, he cursed and stomped off to the bathroom. Tina wasn’t sure what was going on. When he returned with a bath cloth and began washing her between the legs, she realized the condom had broken.

  “It’s okay, Cole. I’m on birth control shots. I take them every three months. I just had one before I left my last job.”

  “Good. I’m sorry. I was probably too rough. He looked her in the eyes then bent over and kissed her tattooed wings. “They’re cute.”

  “My turn,” Zack s
aid after Cole finally moved.

  “On your hands and knees, Tina.” He swatted the side of her thigh.

  She realized he’d sheathed himself while Cole had cleaned her up. Laughing, she rolled over and got up on her hands and knees for him. Zack had a thing about doggy style. She liked it as well because he could hit her G-spot at a different angle this way. As thick as he was, he was bound to rub over it in any position he chose, but this way always put a smile on her face.

  He slapped her bare ass twice, then rubbed his hand over the burn. She moaned and thrust her ass back for more. He tapped both sides again, then sank his thick cock deep into her cunt. She pushed back to meet him halfway. Their thighs slapped together as he pummeled her pussy with his dick.

  Cole had disappeared for several minutes, but returned to lie across the bed and roll her nipples with his fingers. He tugged on them and pinched them as Zack continued tunneling in and out of her wet cunt.

  She grabbed at Cole’s head and pulled him down for a kiss. He drew her bottom lip into his mouth and held it with his teeth as his tongue licked along it. Then he thrust his tongue deep into her mouth over and over in time with Zack fucking her pussy. Tina reached down and found Cole’s cock already hard again. She wrapped her hand around it and squeezed. He groaned next to her ear.

  “You keep that up and I’m going to have to have that ass.”

  “You keep talking dirty to me and I might let you.” She grinned over at him and he pinched her nipple.

  Zack began losing his rhythm signaling that he was about to come. He reached around and found her clit and pressed on it as he rammed his cock up into her cunt. The climax caught her off guard since she’d been concentrating on Cole at the time. She couldn’t catch her breath and thought she would pass out from the sensations. Finally, Zack pulled out and left her there to go to the bathroom. She collapsed on the bed, gasping for breath. She rolled over and stretched out trying to regain control.

  Cole climbed over on top of her and nipped at her chin. She looked up into his eyes and for just a second thought she saw something there before it was gone. Had she seen love in his eyes? Surely not. This was just a long-term fling, was all. Right?


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