The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined

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The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined Page 14

by Marissa Honeycutt

“Travis and Anna were talking and—”

  “Travis?” Alex cursed in German. “I didn't see him at the party.”

  “He came when you were upstairs. Why?”

  “He's the one person that would know as much about Anna as I do.” He cursed again. “I'm on my way back. Don’t let him tell Anna anything else until I get there.”


  “Because she is, but she doesn't know the significance of it, and if she gets upset I need to be there. Jack and Devin never told her.” He sighed. “I'll be there in...ten minutes. Keep her calm and do not let her out of your sight. If she tries to leave, hold her if you have to. I don't think she will, but just in case—”

  “Okay, I will,” Aaron assured him. He put the phone down and looked at Travis then at Anna, who was staring at the ground. “Alex is on his way back. He said don't say anything else until he gets here.”


  Alex had been in the middle of a shouting match with Kirsty when his phone had buzzed. Without looking at it, he opened the bedroom door and tossed it to Seth, all without missing a step in the argument. Kirsty yelled at him about Anna and he got more defensive than he'd ever imagined possible. If Kirsty had been a man he would have tackled her and beat the shit out of her for what she dared to say about Anna.

  Alex knew this was the end and didn't know why he was bothering to defend himself to her. The worst thing you could do to Kirsty was ignore her. But Alex was in the mood to fight. He felt that his decision to encourage Aaron to date Anna was the right one, but it still frustrated the hell out of him.

  Seth opened the door, wincing, but holding up the phone for Alex to see the text.

  “What?” Alex shouted in German, glaring at Seth. He didn't often yell at his men, but he was on a roll and didn't like to be interrupted. The only reason he could imagine Seth would dare interrupt is if there was a call about a mission and he didn't want to think about any missions right now.

  “You might want to read it, Alex,” Seth said firmly.

  Seth knew Alex's temper as well as Alex did, so he realized it must be important. Alex quickly read the message. Fuck!

  “Get the car started,” he barked to Seth. He turned back to Kirsty. “I have to leave. It's been an interesting six months, Kirsty, but it's time we acknowledged it's over.”

  Kirsty stared at him. “That's it?”

  Alex shoved his phone in his pocket. “Yes. You've spent the last fifteen minutes insulting the woman that I—” He stopped himself before he finished the phrase. “...that is important to my family and I won't listen to it anymore. Anna is here to stay. You are expendable.”

  With that, he turned on his heel and stalked out of her bedroom. As he closed the door, he heard a thump as Kirsty threw something at the door. Seth and Tony were already outside in the SUV parked in front of her condo.

  Alex cursed again as got into the SUV. “Aaron's house as fast as you can, Tony,” he ordered in German.

  After he ended the call with Aaron, Alex leaned back in the seat and ran his hands through his hair. Anna didn't need this right now. He had planned to tell her soon, but wanted her to get used to life before he went and told her the truth about her father. That Aaron was with her was a good sign though. Perhaps things were progressing as he'd hoped.

  He knew Travis well enough to know he wasn't trying to cause trouble. He was a good guy and fortunate enough not to be Devin's son and have a life. Most people who were born in a Manor lived their entire life there. Travis was an excellent dancer and a good friend.

  Alex clutched the seat as Tony took a sharp corner. Tony certainly knew how to drive and it had come in handy many times over the course of the years. It had saved all their lives more than a few times as well.

  He sighed. A mission right now sounded easier than the thought of telling Anna that her father wasn't dead.

  He'd met two of the other Mistresses in the world. They were beautiful, confident women that were a joy to be around. And yes, amazing in bed. But they had to be. The Brotherhood controlled the world using sex.

  He understood why Devin and Jack hadn't told Anna who she was. They might not have been able to control her as much as they did.

  Once Anna knew who she would she react? She could almost take Devin on all by herself, but Alex had a feeling she never would. Fear ruled her, which is exactly what Devin wanted.

  Devin kept her under control through fear. He kept her isolated, so she didn't know she wasn't “normal.” She attributed her attractiveness to men to her training. The fact was, even if she'd never been “trained,” she still would have attracted men in droves. There was just something about a half-Immortal that was irresistible to men. Alex wondered if they had special pheromones.

  Tony pulled up in front of the house. “I'll park and meet you inside.”

  “Thanks, Ton,” Alex jumped out, ran up into the house and went right up to Aaron's room where he assumed they would be. He knocked once and opened the door.

  Anna was curled up in Aaron's lap, stopping him cold in the doorway. He’d momentarily forgotten he’d encouraged Aaron to pursue her. Aaron stroked her hair and kissed her head. Like Alex had done yesterday morning.

  Alex swallowed and tried to ignore the lump in his throat and the pain in his heart as he watched his best friend love on the girl that he himself was in love with. Aaron whispered something in her ear and she looked up at him adoringly.

  Alex rubbed at his chest as he watched them together. It’s better this way. Aaron was better for her right now. More stable. Aaron didn't have a temper like Alex, and he didn't disappear for weeks on end without an explanation. Right now Anna needed stable and safe.

  He could tell just by watching her that she had no fear of Aaron. Something had happened between the two of them and she was content. Peaceful even. Anna at peace was the most beautiful sight he'd ever seen. He hoped he'd be able to make her feel that way someday. She deserved nothing less.

  Anna looked up to see Alex standing in the doorway. She stood quickly and stepped away from Aaron, nervously twisting her fingers together and watching him.

  “It's all right, Anna,” Alex said, lowering his hand and walking into the room. “Stay with Aaron. You looked comfortable.” He sat on the bed and looked around. “Where's Travis?”

  Aaron reached for Anna and she returned to his lap. He wrapped the blanket around her again, but she didn’t seem as relaxed as before she had seen Alex.

  “Travis went down to get his shirt. It's kinda cold up here.” Aaron motioned to the blanket Anna was wrapped in.

  Alex nodded absent-mindedly and looked at Anna with a tender expression. “What did Travis tell you, Schatzi?”

  Anna stared at her hands and repeated what Travis had told her. She glanced up. “Am I really an Elder-Mistress?” she asked timidly.

  Alex sighed and nodded. “Yes, Schatzi. You are.”

  Travis had returned as Anna was speaking and settled into the chair next to her and Aaron. He looked at Alex with a wary expression. “Was I wrong to tell her?” he asked after she'd finished.

  Alex shook his head. “No, Travis. You didn't know that she didn't know. It's wrong that she didn't know before. I just—”

  “You knew?” Anna asked him, eyes full of hurt.

  Alex nodded. “I didn't realize you didn't know until we were talking yesterday morning and then I wasn't sure how to broach the subject.” Alex stood and walked to the window. “What Travis told you is correct, though it's a simplistic explanation.”

  “It's all I knew...,” Travis began.

  Alex turned to his friend. “It's all right, Trav. I wouldn't expect you to know much more than that. I figured if anyone would know what she really was, though, it would be you.”

  He looked back out the window. “Yes, Anna. Your father is an Immortal. Sometimes an Immortal will fall in love with a woman and decide to put aside their immortality for a time. They choose to live as normal men and get married and have a f
amily. In that situation, they can only have one child, a daughter. When that happens, we're supposed to leave the daughter alone. Let her live as a normal person. At some point, when she's an adult, her father will tell her the truth, and she can have the choice whether she wants to become an Elder-Mistress or not.”

  Alex turned to look at Anna. “They live longer and age slower than other women. That can make a normal life difficult. The Brotherhood offers a safe place to live, where they'll be protected and cherished. Or at least they’re supposed to be.”

  Alex felt the old regret return and he took in a shaky breath as he looked back out the window. He didn't want Anna to sense his emotions...not that he was sure she wasn't doing it anyways. “Sometimes they will marry and have a family of their own. Sometimes they just remain a servant of their Elder. It's up to them.”

  He turned back to Anna, his eyes hard. “That should have been your life, Anna. But Devin didn’t give you that choice. He just took you.” He clenched his jaw. “And abused you.”

  “How did he take her?” Aaron asked. “I mean, I knew her parents....”

  Alex frowned. “Before the Elders and Immortals started working together, the Elders would find and take their daughters. They treated them...well, like Anna was treated. There were tomes that were written with instructions on how to ‘tame’ them. Once the two groups started working together, the old ways were outlawed and the tomes were supposed to have been destroyed. The Immortals agreed to give the Elders their daughters when needed in return for the promise that they would be treated as they would their own daughters. Or wives,” he added, avoiding Anna's gaze.

  “One of the old methods mentioned in the tomes was to find a married Immortal and claim the daughter at birth. There only has to be one witness and it didn't have to be another Elder.”

  “Jack?” Anna asked softly.

  “Most likely,” Alex answered. It was the most logical conclusion.

  Anna nodded silently.

  “That's why you heal so quickly, Anna.” Alex added quietly. “That's how you survived all those horrible years with your guardian.”

  “Immortals can't die?” she asked.

  Alex sighed. “No, they can't.”

  Anna looked up at him with questioning eyes. He knew what she was asking.

  “It wasn't possible for anyone to survive that type of accident, Anna. He had to leave. If he'd stayed, it would have raised too many questions. He did what he could to protect you.”

  By coming to Alex's father before he “died” with a desperate request. A girl with brown hair and green eyes, Trevor had said. You'll know her when you see her.

  If Alex had only listened to Vati, Anna could have been saved from so much pain. The knife of regret stabbed deeper into his heart.

  “Can't he come back now? Now that I know?” Her sweet little voice twisted the knife.

  “I don't think so, Anna. I don't know how it works, but I do know that if they ‘die’ there is a period of time that they cannot return. And your father was rather famous. I don't know if he'd ever be allowed to return.”

  She didn't say anything for a minute, staring at Alex's chest. “Where did he go?” she whispered, eyes moving up to look at his.

  Alex shook his head and sighed. “I don't know, Schatzi. I've never asked.” He knew there was a “place” but he'd never thought to ask about it.

  His friend Sebastian was an Immortal. He was Alex's guardian and the one who guided Alex in saving Anna from Devin’s ritual. They'd met about eight years ago. Right around when Anna's parents had died. Alex had to wonder if there was a connection. Sebastian kept pretty tight-lipped about most things. Alex didn't even know he was an Immortal until a few years ago when Sebastian got shot...and didn't die.

  Sebastian preferred living in Frankfurt for reasons unknown to Alex. Alex suspected it had something to do with Devin. But he could and would be here in San Francisco in seconds if needed. He seemed to know when Alex was in trouble.

  Now Alex wanted to know where the place was. Not for his sake, but for Anna's. Sebastian would never tell him about it, though. Alex was mortal and had no business knowing.

  Not for the first time, Alex felt helpless when it came to Anna. Things just seemed to get worse and more complicated as time went on. He wanted to help her, to save her, but he could only do so much. He didn't like feeling helpless. It was against his nature. He always knew how to fix things, how to get things done, and what to do. With Anna...this was such a different arena than he'd ever fought in. His enemy was right in front of him, but he couldn't eliminate him because it would hurt her.

  Alex looked up to see Aaron playing with Anna's hair. He felt like an intruder. He should let them be together.

  He stood suddenly. “Anna, are you all right?” he asked, wanting to leave the room as quickly as possible, but needing to make sure she was okay before he did.

  Anna nodded, not looking at him. She was hurt. The knife sank even deeper, its edge growing ragged, making the pain almost unbearable.

  Aaron nodded to him, letting him know he'd take care of her.

  “Thanks,” Alex said softly. “Call me if you need anything.”

  Aaron nodded again and Alex turned to Travis and raised his brow to see if he was coming. Travis jumped up and walked quickly out of the room with Alex following. He glanced back once and wished he hadn't. Watching his best friend kiss the girl he loved and failed to protect was just too much.


  Anna didn't know how to process what she'd just learned. She half-heard Alex ask if she was all right and she nodded absently, staring out the window. She was...okay.

  Aaron brushed away her hair from her face. “What can I do, Anna?” he asked softly.

  She looked up at him, his kind blue eyes full of tenderness. She shook her head. “I don't know what to think. Or do.”

  Aaron leaned down and brushed her lips with his. “I'm here for you, Anna,” he whispered against her mouth.

  Anna closed her eyes and savored his kiss. It dulled the pain that had crept into her heart as Alex spoke.

  Aaron's lips were firm but tender, enveloping hers. He sucked gently on her lower lip and she sighed. She struggled to get her hand out of the blanket so she could touch him. When she succeeded, she slid it around the back of Aaron's neck, fingers sliding through his hair. She kissed him desperately, as if he were her lifeline. Away from, or back to, reality she wasn't sure. But she needed him.

  Aaron pulled away, breathing heavily. “Anna, I don't want to do something we'll regret,” he said quietly.

  Anna searched his eyes. “You would regret being with me?” she asked, not understanding.

  He gave her a weak smile. “We only just ‘re-met’ a week ago.”


  “I don't want to rush things. I don't want you to wake up in the morning and regret staying here.”

  “Why would I do that?” She really didn't understand what the big deal was. Was he rejecting her like Alex and Wilhelm had? Her shoulders slumped. “You don't want me either?” She started to pull away, embarrassed about her desperate need for him.


  “Alex wouldn't have sex with me or let me please him,” she explained in a soft voice. “Neither would Wilhelm.”

  He didn’t answer right away. “I do want you, Anna. I think you're the most beautiful girl in the world.” He stroked her cheek. “I just...” He sighed. “In the real world, people don't just jump into bed with each other if they want something more than a one night stand.”

  Anna contemplated his words. “What's a one night stand?”

  He gave her a strange look and then softened his face. “ only. Sleep together and never see each other again.”

  She frowned. “Oh. And you don't want that?”

  He chuckled and kissed the palm of her hand. “No. I don't. I want you. All of you. Or at least as much of you that is available.” He gave her a tender smile.

  She che
wed her lip. “I don't know if I know what that means.”

  He smiled again. “I know you belong to Alex and Devin. I know you have obligations to them. But, I want to see you more. A lot more. And take you out and other stuff. If you're interested, of course.”

  Anna was astonished. “Why? I mean, I'd really like to have sex with you. You don't have to take me out or anything for me to—” She stopped talking at the look on his face. He looked upset. “I said something wrong, didn't I?”

  Aaron frowned. “Anna, I'm not saying that because I want to have sex with you. I really want get to know you. Spend time with you.” He twirled a piece of her hair around his finger. “Maybe have you as my girlfriend....” He trailed off, giving her a sheepish smile.

  Anna bit her lip. “Aaron, I can't, I mean, I have obligations to Devin and Alex. Devin is taking me to something on Wednesday night. He said he might send someone over to have sex with me.”

  “I know it's not going to be normal, but I'd like to try at least.” He cupped her chin. “When we danced together tonight, I felt something between us click.”

  Anna's fear melted away at his gaze. “I felt it too,” she said softly. “I feel safe with you. More than any other man I've ever known.”

  “I'm glad,” Aaron said softly. “I want you to feel safe with me.” He leaned forward and kissed her again. “Always.”

  His lips pressed against hers, firm but gentle. He trailed the tips of his fingers down her neck and across her collarbone. She wrapped her free arm around his neck and rubbed just under his ear. He shuddered under her touch.

  He trailed kisses along her jaw and to her neck, pausing to suck gently below her ear before nipping her earlobe. She inhaled sharply. He kissed down her neck, and she leaned her head back as he kissed her collarbone. He tugged at the blanket, but he'd wrapped her too well. He glanced at the bed. Anna followed his gaze, then smiled at him.

  “Do you want to stay the night?” he whispered.

  Anna swallowed nervously and nodded. Why was she nervous?

  Aaron stood her on her feet and pulled the sheets back on his bed before unwrapping her from the blanket. He tugged her gently to him and her body pressed against his. She shivered as he ran his hand down her back. He kissed her neck again.


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