The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined

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The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined Page 42

by Marissa Honeycutt

  “No permanent damage, I assure you.”

  “I appreciate that, Jerry. I’d hate to have to kill you for hurting her permanently.”

  She heard strained laughter, then silence. “Of course, Devin.”

  “Is she awake?”

  “I don’t know. I, uh, knocked her out pretty good last night.”

  Devin sighed. “I have things to do today, you know.”

  She heard footsteps get approach and she opened her eyes to see Devin standing next her. “Anna? Are you awake?”

  Anna grunted and turned onto her side.

  “Hey, Baby. How are you feeling?”

  Anna managed a small smile at Devin’s gentle tone. “Hurt,” she whispered.

  Devin turned her onto her back and helped her sit up. “Get me some water for her, Jerry.”

  The senator hurried out of the room. Devin stroked her hair. “I’ll get you back to the hotel room and you can take a nice bath. How does that sound?”

  Anna smiled wearily. “Good.”

  The senator returned with a glass of water, which Devin handed to her. Anna drank it thankfully, then dressed slowly so Devin could take her back to the hotel.

  “He’s quite taken with you, Anna,” Devin said as he opened the door to their suite. “You did a good job.”

  “Thank you, Devin,” she said quietly. She was looking forward to her bath.

  Devin led her to the bedroom. “I’ll go get Maggie. She has some bath treatments that will help you feel better. We have some things to do this afternoon, so I hope you feel better quickly.”

  “I’ll do my best, Devin.”

  Two hours later Anna felt much better. The bath salts that Maggie had put in the water had done wonders for her aching body. She had dressed and eaten breakfast and was on the way to the Representatives Office Building with Devin.

  She spent the afternoon much as she had the previous day, though there were more women. Devin had a special camaraderie with the Speaker of the House who was also the Representative from San Francisco. Anna personally didn’t like her very much, but did as she was told to do. She didn’t want to be punished.

  That evening Tom, Tyler and Tommy came to their hotel suite and Anna spent the evening tending to their sexual needs. She slept hard that night and was somewhat disappointed she didn’t have a dream about Alex.

  But of course, she didn’t want to dream about him.


  Thursday during the day, Devin took Anna sightseeing, along with Tom, Tommy and Tyler. Anna desperately wanted to go to the Library of Congress and asked Devin if they could, but he said it would be boring. Anna didn’t ask anything else the rest of the day.

  Everywhere they went, Devin or Tom seemed to know somebody. Anna was introduced and leered at. A few times she was led to a private area and fucked or she gave a blowjob.

  That evening, Devin told her, they were to have a dinner party. A private meeting of the Elders.

  She spent the afternoon with Maggie getting ready. Much of the preparation was how she was prepared for Gatherings, though she wore a dinner dress instead of a sheer gown.

  The floor length white silk dress had a deep ‘V’ neckline that dipped well below her breasts. It was sleeveless with beaded straps and a beaded belt around her waist. She wore no shoes and no panties. But at least it wasn’t see through.

  Anna waited in the bedroom until Devin came and got her. When he did, he led her out into the living room where six men stood around talking. She could feel their power as she entered the room and looked around at them, bewildered. These were the men that ran the country, Devin had said.

  They all turned when she walked in. It was all she could do to stand there and not shake. Devin had told her that tonight was very important to him. What would happen?

  Devin introduced her to the other men, then told her their names: Marcus Reece from Chicago, Connor Diaz from Philadelphia, Javier Hollingsworth from Houston, Oscar Silverman from Boston, and Brandon Seay from LA. Tom she already knew was from New York.

  Each man nodded his head slightly as Devin said their names. Brandon gave her a big smile. Anna remembered that he was Travis’ father.

  “Anna,” Brandon said, walking up and kissing her cheek. “It is truly a delight to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you from Travis.”

  Anna smiled. “It’s wonderful to meet you too, my lord. Travis has spoken very highly of you.”

  Brandon chuckled. “He’s a good young man. He said that he would be dancing with you for Nutcracker. Did you know?”

  Anna nodded. “Isaak told me before I left. I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Travis is as well.” Brandon glanced behind her where Devin stood across the room talking with Marcus and Tom. “Anna, if you ever need anything....” He trailed off and shrugged his shoulders. “Tell Travis and he’ll get in touch.”

  “Thank you. That’s very kind.”

  “I know Alex. And Wilhelm. Good men.”

  “Yes,” Anna responded vaguely. “I adore Wilhelm.”

  “And Alex?” Brandon smiled knowingly.

  “He is my Master,” Anna said, softly, not wanting to think about Alex.

  Brandon looked at her curiously, then smiled again. “I’m looking forward to seeing you dance,” he said, changing the subject.

  Anna smiled brightly and they talked for a few minutes about dancing. He was knowledgeable about the subject and obviously very proud of Travis for what he had accomplished.

  Dinner was served a few minutes later. Devin sat at one end of the table with Anna at his right hand. It was clear that the men respected Devin immensely and sought his opinion on various issues. Devin in turn asked each elder about something specific.

  The main subject matter of the dinner seemed to revolve around the willingness of people to do as the Elders asked.

  “You know, it would be much easier to deal with these types of issues if we went back to the old ways,” Devin said slowly over dessert. He seemed nonchalant about it, but Anna could see a glint of something in his eyes.

  Oscar chuckled. “Yes, but there’s no way that the other countries would let us.”

  “Why do we care what the other countries think?” Devin asked. “We’re Americans. We can do as we please.”

  “But we’re supposed to be working together,” Brandon interjected. “The old ways were outlawed years ago.”

  “Outlawed.” Devin snorted. “America wasn’t even a country then. How do we know they won’t work here?”

  “It’s not that they didn’t work...,” Javier said slowly. “Isn’t it better to work with the Immortals than against them?”

  “What if the Immortals were willing to help us go back to the old ways?”

  A silence fell over the room.

  “What do you mean?” Connor asked after a long pause.

  Devin leaned back in his chair and tapped his fingers on the table. “I mean, what if the Immortals preferred the old ways?”

  The men laughed. “They don’t,” Brandon said. “That’s why we abandoned them.”

  “Maybe not elsewhere, but here, they might,” Devin said with a small smile. “I’ve spoken to them about it.”

  There were gasps around the table.

  “You can’t be serious. Why would they want to take second seat to us?” Brandon protested.

  Devin raised his eyebrows. “Maybe they’re tired of the responsibility. Or maybe they realize that we should be in charge of our own country.”

  “I understood it to be a partnership.” Brandon frowned.

  “It will always be a partnership. But we would be the stronger partner.” Devin waved his hand. “All this equality of power is really ridiculous, if you think about it. There is always someone stronger in a partnership. And I think it should be us, rather than the Immortals. After all, they don’t deal with the day to day aspects of running the country.”

  There were murmurs of ascent around the table.

n smiled and suggested they adjourn to the more comfortable seating area across the room. The men settled in and Anna went to sit by Devin’s feet, but he stopped her.

  “Shall we have some beauty to look at as we talk?” Devin asked, unzipping Anna’s dress and letting it drop to the floor.

  Anna stared at the coffee table as she felt the men staring at her.

  “You’re a lucky man, Devin,” one commented. Anna thought it was Marcus.

  Devin chuckled and pulled her down into his lap to nuzzle her ear. “I am at that,” he said in a low, seductive voice that resonated through Anna’s body. He sat her with her back leaning against his front with her legs on either side of his. He rubbed her inner thighs with his fingertips and she closed her eyes and sighed.

  “Where did you get her?” Oscar asked.

  “I claimed her at birth. Using the old ways.” Devin’s fingers strayed across her swelling outer lips.

  “Old ways?” Connor asked. “You mean she really is a half-Immortal?”

  “You don't think I’d dare claim to have an Elder-Mistress if I didn’t, would you?”

  “There were rumors that you had one...I must say I didn’t believe it,” Oscar said, looking at Anna closely. “How do we know she really is one?”

  “Why would I lie?”

  Oscar laughed. “Come on, Devin. I’m not an idiot. If you’re really suggesting that we go back to the old ways, by claiming she’s a Mistress you’re claiming the head council position.”

  “Would that be such a bad thing?” Devin asked, caressing Anna’s breasts and nibbling her ear.

  Both Brandon and Oscar stared at him with concerned eyes.

  “We are all equally fit for the position, Devin,” Oscar said.

  “True. But I have her and you don’t.”

  “She should belong to all of us,” Oscar said in a low voice.

  “She will,” Devin said. “In a way.” Devin narrowed his eyes. “Would you be willing to do what it takes to take the position, though?”

  Oscar looked flustered. “You’re serious about this.” It was more a statement than a question.

  “I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.”

  “Devin,” Brandon said. “Don’t you think we should talk about this more? Using the old ways is...well, I don't know if it’s a good idea.”

  “The old ways will ensure our power remains strong and unquestioned,” Devin said. “The politicians in this country are growing arrogant and forget about us. That is dangerous. I spoke to several over the last few days. Their attitudes are truly disturbing. If we don’t do something drastic, we are in danger of losing our influence over them. That would be bad for us and bad for the country. A Council is a much more effective way of governing than a Brotherhood.”

  Several of the men nodded their heads.

  Brandon frowned. “I think there are other ways.”


  Devin had suspected that Brandon would be a dissenter. Oscar protested, but only because he wanted the position himself. Brandon just didn’t like the idea. Well, he could be persuaded.

  Devin looked at Brandon, then ran his hands over Anna’s body and whispered ancient words into her ear. Her eyes glazed over for a moment, then she looked intently at Brandon with a seductive smile.

  “Go to him,” he whispered in her ear.

  He watched Anna’s hips sway as she walked around the table and straddled Brandon’s lap. He saw her whisper in his ear, then work her seductive magic on him.

  Devin glanced at Tom and Marcus with a smile. They were his biggest supporters. Javier frowned, and Devin realized he might need some persuading as well. Connor might fight him for the position as well, but Devin doubted either Connor or Oscar would be willing to do what was needed to prove themselves worthy of the position. They wanted power, but Devin doubted they’d be willing to kill to get it.

  He watched as Anna worked on Brandon. Devin could see Brandon’s self-will failing him. The persuasion would wear off in a few days, but by then it would be too late.

  Yes. Devin saw Brandon submit to her touch. Brandon was his.

  Devin closed his eyes and communicated to Anna to go to Javier. The bonding ceremony had ensured his ability to connect their minds. Since Alex was nowhere around the bond was stronger than ever. It was almost as if the Alex problem had never happened and Devin was content to pretend it hadn’t. Especially since Devin had managed to get rid of Alex’s rings “accidentally,” Devin’s influence over her had grown.

  The other men chatted softly while Anna worked on Javier. In no time, Devin could see Javier turned. Devin smiled satisfactorily as Anna returned to his lap and cuddled close.

  Javier and Brandon looked a little dazed and watched Anna’s every movement. Devin chuckled at their desire.

  “So, do we agree that a return to the old ways is necessary and good?” Devin asked.

  All the men nodded.

  “But then the question is, who shall lead the Council?” Connor asked.

  “I think Devin should lead,” Tom said with a wink at his friend. “He has the Mistress.”

  “Technically, she belongs to all of us,” Oscar said in a scathing voice.

  “Do you want to be the Chairman, Oscar?” Devin asked.

  “I’d at least like to be considered,” he answered sullenly.

  “That’s reasonable,” Devin conceded. He had no doubt that he would be made Chairman, but it would at least give a good show to consider the others. “As Oscar said, we’re all fit for the position, otherwise we wouldn’t be Elders.”

  “Then how do we decide?” Oscar asked.

  “We believe we might be able to help,” said a deep voice behind him.

  Devin smiled as the other men jumped. Kaveh and Val, the Immortals, suddenly appeared in the room. Devin stood to greet them, pushing Anna off his lap.


  Anna stared at the two men in awe. They didn’t look like her father or Sebastian. They were tall and muscular with light brown skin, glowing golden eyes and long black hair pulled back in a tail. They wore white tunics and linen pants with golden belts around their waists. A glow emanated from them and she could feel their power.

  The men greeted them with reverence and respect. Anna couldn’t move. She’d never seen anything like them. They frightened her.

  One of them looked at her. “Hello, Daughter,” he said with a sensuous smile. He walked over to her. “I am Kaveh.” He stroked her cheek and she trembled under his touch.

  Anna’s mouth moved, but no sound came out.

  “What a pretty thing you’ve grown into,” he said moving closer. “Your father would be proud.”

  He leaned down and crushed his lips against hers. It was not a gentle, giving kiss; it was harsh and taking. His tongue invaded her mouth and she struggled for breath.

  She clung to his muscular arms for support. He roughly caressed her breasts and she moaned against his lips. When he pulled away suddenly her lips felt bruised. He turned her to face the men with his arm across her shoulders and pressed her back against his body.

  “We understand you want to go back to the old ways, Elders,” Kaveh said in his deep voice. Anna could feel his chest vibrate. “We are hoping we can find a compromise. We detest the idea of giving up all our power.”

  Devin’s eyes narrowed. “Compromise?” He looked suspicious.

  “Yes. We grant you the powers you desire, but we reserve certain powers that we have gained over the centuries.” Kaveh’s hand strayed down to Anna’s breast. “We are loathe to give up entire possession of this beautiful creature.”

  “We will continue to block the eyes of the other Immortals so you can rule your country as you wish,” Val said, coming to stand next to Kaveh and Anna. “We simply wish to be partners with the Chairman.”

  “There are aspects of this country which are quite pleasing to us and we would hate to see things change,” Kaveh explained.

  Devin frowned. “The old ways do
not include a partnership. We do as we wish.”

  “We will give you what you want. We will not interfere in most aspects. It would be...wise to include our perspective when making decisions. We have not steered you wrong before.”

  Devin lifted his chin and studied the Immortals. He appeared to consider their words. “That is true.” He turned to the other men. “Do we agree?”

  They nodded. Brandon and Javier were still dazed.

  “We agree,” Devin said.

  “Good,” Kaveh said. “Then who is your Chairman?”

  “We were just discussing that when you arrived,” Oscar said.

  “Perhaps we can help,” Kaveh said. His hand kneaded Anna’s breast as he spoke. “An Elder must show he is willing to do what must be done by his piercings. A Chairman must go further.” His gaze intensified. “How far are you willing to go to prove you will do what it takes?”

  “As far as I must,” Oscar said arrogantly. Connor nodded in agreement.

  Kaveh smiled. “Show us. Kill the Mistress.”

  Anna gasped and looked fearfully at Devin. He calmly looked back at her. She wanted to struggle out of the Immortal’s grip, but knew it would be fruitless.

  Both Oscar and Connor’s eyes widened. “K-Kill her? But she is the source of the Chairman’s power.”

  “You must be willing to do what it takes,” Val said. “Whatever it takes. A Chairman is not a mere Elder. He must go further. He must seize the power offered and be willing to sacrifice anything to hold on to it.”

  Anna’s eyes widened in terror. They were going to kill her.


  Devin watched the internal struggle of both Oscar and Connor. They had their moments, but they were not ruthless like Devin. Devin would do whatever it took. The last two and a half decades had proven that. Kaveh and Val knew that, but were playing the game so that Devin would not be contested.

  Kaveh took hold of Anna’s hair and brought her to her knees. She looked at Devin with terror-filled eyes.

  “Rape and kill the Mistress,” Kaveh said in a low voice. “Take possession of her. Make her bleed. Then you must kill her.”


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