Passion Play: Celestial Soul-Mates, Book 3

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Passion Play: Celestial Soul-Mates, Book 3 Page 1

by Opal Carew

  Chapter One

  “I wonder if those two come as a pair.” Crystal smiled at the two gorgeous men sitting at the next table, glancing her way. “I’d definitely be up for that.”

  Kate, the young woman next to Crystal at the round table, giggled. Next to Kate sat Jenna, who also laughed, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. Across from Crystal, Eva, the fourth woman, smiled.

  These woman she was sitting with, all of them strangers to one another, were all quite different. Jenna’s lovely wide eyes watched everything with avid curiosity, and she seemed fascinated by Crystal. Crystal was used to that from other women, but most had a disapproving air toward her relaxed attitude about sex. She sensed none of that from Jenna. Nor from Kate, for that matter. Kate, a few years younger than the rest of them, seemed to have an adventurous spirit but still lacked experience and confidence.

  Eva seemed more reserved. Just her classic little black dress and pearls said volumes about her. Yet Crystal felt a connection to this woman. If they lived in the same city, rather than having met at a holiday resort, Crystal wondered if they might be friends. Most people would think one couldn’t tell that much about someone after knowing them for only an hour or so in such a casual setting, but Crystal had a good instinct about people. She could tell that Eva might come off as tight-assed to most people, but Crystal was sure it was because she had learned to be cautious. Probably because she’d been hurt, by some man no doubt. In fact, she was probably recently divorced, judging by how she often ran her thumb over her ring finger, where a wedding band would sit.

  That sure wouldn’t happen to Crystal. One reason being that she didn’t intend to get married. And she sure as hell wouldn’t be hurt by a guy. She’d never get emotionally involved enough for that to happen. Not that she had anything against marriage. It would just tie her down too damn much. She loved sex way too much for that. And variety. One man would just never do.

  She glanced around the large ballroom at the plethora of exquisitely gorgeous, fuckable men. This was some sensational welcome party. And this resort was five-star all the way. She worked in the marketing department of a chain of luxury hotels, and this place rivaled her chain in every way.

  She had to admit, it was nice to be a guest for a change. This next week, she intended to relax on the beach, swim and read some steamy books…and meet men. She was in dire need of sexual distraction. For the past couple of weeks, her libido had been in overdrive. She was always ready for a good fuck with a willing and able man, but lately, her yearning had intensified a hundredfold. And when she tried to satisfy that longing with a good long fuck session, it barely took the edge off.

  God damn it, but she was starting to think she’d go insane if she didn’t find something to meet the intense need gnawing at her insides. Her gaze caught on an exceptionally good-looking man two tables over, who filled out his tuxedo jacket quite nicely with broad shoulders and thick muscular arms. Her gaze fell to his trousers, but she couldn’t get a feel for what he was packing. He definitely had potential, though. Her gaze shifted to his face and his brilliant smile…then she realized he was smiling at a woman approaching the table. Her glance shifted to his ring finger and—damn it—there was a gold band. Fuck, she was slipping.

  Crystal took a sip of the sweet red cocktail in front of her, the specialty for this evening. Eva’s gaze was turned to the left, and Crystal noticed the hostess leading another woman, holding one of the red cocktails in her hand, to their table. In a black tailored suit and with her golden-blonde hair swept back from her face in a neat up-do, she looked like she’d just left the office. The woman tugged at the hem of her trim jacket, glancing around uncertainly. She definitely needed to learn to relax.

  “This is where you’ll be sitting this evening,” the hostess said over the music and laughter as they approached the table. “Please help yourself to drinks and appetizers, and someone will come and get you for the orientation in about twenty minutes.”

  The blonde nodded her thanks and settled in the empty chair. Eva smiled at her.

  “Hi. My name’s Eva.”

  Eva offered her hand, and the other woman shook it.

  “Hi. I’m Aria.”

  Eva’s fingers glided along the simple string of pearls she wore at her neck. The pearls paired with the flattering black wraparound dress gave her an air of elegance and femininity, a sharp contrast to the professional, business tone of Aria’s power suit.

  “This is Jenna, Kate and Crystal.” Eva introduced the women clockwise around the table.

  They all smiled and nodded. All but Aria wore an evening gown.

  “I feel a little out of place.” Aria fiddled with the clip holding her hair in a twist at the back of her head. “I should have worn something else.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Eva said. “You look great.”


  Crystal admired the way Eva put the woman at ease. She seemed the quintessential hostess. Or maybe it was more a need to nurture. It was something Crystal wished she could do herself, but she didn’t really know how to connect with other women.

  “This is so exciting!” Kate pushed her long, auburn hair behind her ear, her green eyes glittering with enthusiasm. “I wonder what they have planned for us.”

  Aria sipped the drink she still held in her hand.

  “I don’t know, but I hope there are men involved.” Crystal openly admired the hard, muscular butts of three gorgeous guys in their early twenties as they passed by. She watched them as they approached a table with several other young men. Maybe later she’d strike up a conversation with them and see where things might lead. Maybe one or two or even three hard young bodies might satisfy the craving deep inside her.

  “There certainly are a lot of good-looking men here,” said Kate.

  “And women,” Jenna said.

  Crystal glanced in the same direction as Jenna to see a pair of blonde women in low-cut gowns pass by, their generous, round breasts practically bouncing out of their dresses. The women had all the obvious attractions that made a man drool, but Jenna had them beat. Jenna’s short feathery black hair framed her wide blue eyes, high cheekbones and sweet smile. She had a flawless complexion and a lovely figure too. Yet she seemed uncertain of her own allure.

  “Don’t worry about those two, honey. They’ve got lots out here…” Crystal indicated her chest, then waved her hand by her head. “But not much up here. Not like you.” She laid her hand on Jenna’s. “You’ve got brains and looks. In fact, you’re way better looking than most of the women here.”

  When Crystal had arrived at the table, Jenna and Eva had been talking about the fact that Jenna taught English at a college. Brains and good looks. What more could a woman want?

  Jenna smiled at Crystal, but as soon as Crystal drew her hand away, Jenna tucked hers under the table. Crystal sensed an uneasiness in the other woman, and she had a feeling it wasn’t just from being touched by a stranger. With the slight flush of her cheeks and the way she avoided looking in Crystal’s direction, Crystal wondered if maybe Jenna was a little confused…sexually speaking. Not that Crystal minded a little girl-on-girl action every now and again. She sensed Jenna had never tried being with another woman. Maybe after Crystal had satisfied her intense craving for cock, she’d suggest Jenna join her and some hunk in a threesome, just to help Jenna explore her curiosity. Crystal would have to work at loosening her up a bit along the way—opening her mind to the possibilities of sexual activities other than boy meets girl, boy fucks girl. So many women seemed so stuck in a rut.

  The thought of cocks and fucking sent heat thrumming through Crystal. She locked gazes with a gorgeous man
two tables over. He glanced her way, and she sent him a seductive smile. His dark eyes glittered, and he smiled back. Hmm. A definite possibility.

  But she wanted to spend a little more time getting to know these women first. It would be nice to have friends to spend the days sunning and laughing with.

  “With all these sexy hunks to choose from,” Crystal said, “I plan to get laid every night by a different man.” She winked at Eva. “Or two.”

  Kate grinned, and Jenna stared at her glossy black polished nails.

  A waitress stopped beside the table. “More drinks, ladies?”

  Eva nodded. The waitress took away the empty glasses and set down five new ones. Eva picked one up and sipped.

  The man Crystal had been making eyes at stood up and started walking toward the table.

  Chapter Two

  “And here comes contestant number one,” Crystal purred.

  He smiled and leaned close to Crystal. “You are incredibly sexy, and I’d love to dance with you. Shall we start vertically?”

  She chuckled, and her lips curled in a wicked smile at the corny line. He was hot and sexy, despite his lack of imagination. When it came to sex, she had enough imagination for the both of them.

  He took her hand and led her to the dance floor, where he drew her close to his hard chest. It was what she’d been craving—being pressed close to a solid masculine body, the prospect of sex imminent—but for some reason, the thought of being with this man did not lessen the craving for…something. What that something was, she couldn’t tell, but it gnawed at her insides. She didn’t understand it. This man was extremely do-able.

  As she danced, she tried to relax into it, to let out the party girl in her, but this just didn’t seem right. Whatever that meant. She just couldn’t get into this guy. And if she wasn’t into him, he wasn’t getting into her.

  The song changed, and Crystal drew away. “Thanks.”

  He grinned. “So, my place or yours?”

  “Ah, no, I mean I’m going back to join my friends.”

  She began walking off the dance floor.

  He frowned. “You’re kidding, right? After sending me those ‘come fuck me’ looks, you’re just walking away?”

  She simply shrugged as she continued strolling away. It must be her jerk-meter that had kicked in—that was why this guy wasn’t working for her. She returned to the table and wrapped her hands around her glass.

  The women glanced at her expectantly.

  “He was nice,” Crystal said, “but not exactly what I’m looking for.”

  “And what are you looking for?” Kate asked.

  “I don’t know, but I’m sure I’ll know it when I find it.” At least, she hoped she would.

  Crystal stabbed the cherry in her glass with the sharp end of the swizzle stick and brought it to her lips. She gently tugged it off with her teeth, then drew it into her mouth, closing her lips around it.

  Jenna watched with fascination, then nervously glanced down at her hands.

  “You know, I won this vacation in a contest.” Jenna twirled the tip of her finger around the rim of her glass

  “Really? I did too,” Eva responded.

  Kate’s eyes widened. “Me too.”

  Crystal glanced around, then pointed at Aria. “And you?”

  Aria nodded.

  “Same here.” Crystal sipped her drink.

  “Omigod.” Kate giggled. “What a coincidence.”

  “Not a coincidence, sweetie. They probably want to get a photo of all of us. You know, for marketing, yada yada yada.” Crystal rested her chin on her hands. “And we’ll probably have to sit through some long, boring pitch to buy a timeshare.”

  “I don’t think so,” Aria chimed in. “We’re not exactly the demographic they’re looking for and—”

  A prickle started at the back of Crystal’s neck, then skated down her spine as heat washed through her. She turned to see a devastatingly handsome man walking toward the table, his dark, glittering eyes fixed on her and so intense she thought they’d burn through her.

  Now that was definitely what she was looking for.

  At over six feet tall, with broad shoulders and a slender waist, he was a magnificent specimen of manhood. He had full sexy lips she could imagine moving across her skin, a square jaw she’d love to stroke, and thick, wavy, sable brown hair that she longed to glide her fingers through.

  But as soon as he stood beside the table, his attention flickered to the group of women as a whole.

  “Ladies, my name is Terrien. It’s time for the orientation.” He smiled at them with dazzling white teeth. “Would you all come with me, please?” He drew Kate’s chair back.

  Kate sent him a glowing smile and stood. “Lead on.”

  Crystal leaned toward Aria and murmured, “I would absolutely come with him. Anywhere. Anytime.”

  In fact, the way her libido was spinning out of control, if she were merely to brush against him, anywhere anytime might just be right here right now.

  Oh, this man was definitely what she’d been looking for.

  Aria giggled. Eva seemed to have trouble keeping her gaze from locking on the man’s rock-hard butt as he walked away from the table. And Crystal couldn’t blame her. Crystal, on the other hand, didn’t resist the urge. If there were any way on Earth to make it happen—and she was sure she’d find one—she’d be stroking that muscular butt within the next couple of hours, as she devoured what she prayed was his spectacularly huge cock.

  As her gaze remained glued to his gluteus maximus, she followed him, along with the others. He led them out of the ballroom, then turned left.

  “Aren’t the elevators the other way?” Jenna asked.

  “The normal ones, yes,” Terrien answered, “but we’re taking the VIP elevator.”

  “Mmm, VIP. That’s my kind of action,” Crystal murmured to Aria and Jenna.

  Kate walked beside Terrien, Eva walked a couple feet behind them, and Crystal followed with Jenna and Aria. Terrien led them down a narrow corridor, then pushed open a door labeled “Authorized Personnel Only”. At the end of another narrow corridor, they came to an elevator. Terrien pushed a key into a lock on the control panel, and the doors opened. They crowded into the small space, and the doors closed.

  “This doesn’t look very VIP to me,” Crystal grumbled, gazing around at the small, ordinary-looking elevator.

  Her attention immediately switched back to Terrien. Standing in such close proximity to the man sent her temperature rising, even though he had chosen to stand on the other side of the elevator with four women between them. Still, his gaze kept flickering in her direction. Her whole body tensed, and the deep yearning that had been building for weeks.

  God, she wanted this man. And she didn’t know why. Well, she knew why. She was horny and he was extremely sexy. But she’d never wanted a man so desperately. The intensity of it unnerved her.

  If the other women hadn’t been in the confined space with them, she would have stopped the elevator and torn off his clothes immediately. Her heartbeat accelerated, and the world seemed to be spinning out of control. Then she realized the elevator seemed to have sped up. It jostled a little from side to side. Aria swayed sideways and grabbed on to Crystal’s arm. Crystal placed her hand over Aria’s and glanced at the other woman. Aria had gone as white as a sheet, and she looked as though she might throw up.

  “You okay, honey?” Crystal asked. “You look a little green.”

  Eva clasped Aria’s other hand. “You don’t look well, Aria.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be fine in a minute,” Terrien said.

  The doors opened, and Kate, Terrien and Jenna stepped out. Aria took a step or two; then her knees started to buckle. Crystal grabbed one of Aria’s arms, and Eva took the other. They steadied her as they helped her from the elevator.

  They entered a moderate-size room with upholstered armchairs facing one wall. The décor had changed dramatically from the coral and green they’d seen everyw
here else in the hotel. Also missing were the wooden details. This room was cool blue with very minimalist, clean lines.

  Crystal paused, feeling a little dizzy herself, whether from the disorienting elevator ride, the jarring change in environment, or the sudden distance from Terrien, she didn’t know.

  Eva led Aria to a chair.

  “I don’t know what came over me.” Aria’s cheeks flushed red.

  “The transporter has that effect on some people.”

  Crystal turned toward the unfamiliar female voice.

  “The what?” Aria’s eyes widened.

  A woman stood beside Terrien, who was taking off his suit jacket. Crystal stared mesmerized at his broad chest and muscular arms. The woman handed him a dark green jacket just like the one she wore, and he pulled it on. It looked like a military uniform of some sort.

  Oh, God, she loved a man in uniform.

  “The transporter,” the newcomer repeated. She pushed a button on a small console on the wall beside her, triggering a loud humming.

  The wall started to slide upward, revealing windows beyond. Aria gasped, echoed by several of the others, as a stunning vista of stars was revealed.

  “It transported you to our starship.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” Crystal wondered if this was some kind of space fantasy camp or something, but she wasn’t interested. She wanted a man, a bed and a solid cock. And the bed was optional. All this space-fantasy crap would just get in the way of her getting laid.

  She stepped up to the window and peered outside. Still, they’d done a great job on the display behind the glass. She could almost swear she was looking out at a real star field.

  “I don’t know, Crystal.” Kate’s voice sounded on the edge of panic. “Look!” She pointed upward.

  Crystal followed her gaze. The wall panels continued to retreat over the ceiling, revealing a beautiful but quite disturbing view of Earth.

  “Oh, my God.” Eva sank into a chair, sounding a little panicked. “We’ve just been abducted by aliens.”

  Chapter Three


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