A Pirate's Heart (St. John Series)

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A Pirate's Heart (St. John Series) Page 8

by Lora Thomas

  “Well, why not?”

  “I think you know ‘why not’.” Max looked at Alex. Alex raised a blond brow at his friend. “Well?”

  Max took a slow breath. He realized Alex was displeased. But what else was he supposed to do with her? “I know, I know. I should have discussed it with you first, but I didn’t think you’d mind.”

  “Mind? Mind? No, I don’t mind at all,” Alex replied, disdain dripping from every word. “Why would I mind a stowaway becoming our new cook? Or that you took it upon yourself, without any discussion with me, to make the stowaway our new cook. Oh, and did I forget to mention that our new cook is a woman!”

  “Now Alex—”

  “Don’t ‘Alex’ me, Max!” the captain shouted at his friend. “Do you know what’s going to happen when the others find out about her? I’ll be lucky to keep these randy bastards in line. It’s hard enough with just men on board, but add a woman to the mix. Jeez, Max, what were you thinking?!”

  “She was already on this ship. What did you want me to do, leave her locked up in my quarters?” Max heatedly retaliated.

  “The brig is unoccupied.”

  Max shot Alex a frustrated look. “Really? The brig? Why not just put a banner up stating ‘we have a woman on board’ because, if you recall, the brig is located under the forecastle. And, if I know the newest member of the crew, she would protest quite loudly, drawing the attention of all the crewmembers. Then you would have a mutinous group of randy bastards trying to be the first to sample her goods.”

  “You could control them.”

  Max shot Alex an infuriated glare. “No. The brig is out of the question. Besides she said she could cook, which I doubted until I tasted the fare she just prepared. I suggest you let her stay. Unless you want to continue eating James’s cooking.”

  “She is still a woman, Max.”

  “But she can cook!”

  “I don’t give a damn if she can spurt golden nuggets from her ass. No, I will not have a woman on my ship. We’re coming up on some unnamed islands. We’ll just drop her off there. Someone will find her—” his sentence was interrupted by Max shoving one of the pastries in his mouth. A look of anger and then surprise crossed Alex’s face as he tasted the delicacy that was shoved in his mouth. “Well, I guess she could stay until we reach Nassau.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  Chapter Eight

  Over the next few days, Alex and Max decided to inform the crew that when they signed on some of the extra crew while docked in Tortuga, they had acquired a new cook as well. The crew was informed that the cook had been terribly disfigured during a fire years ago and didn’t like an audience.

  “So no matter what, do not look at him,” Max ordered.

  “I don’t care what the fellow looks like, as long as he keeps cooking like he does, that’s fine by me,” James interjected, ecstatic that he was no longer in charge of feeding this motley crew. “I’ll go back to being bos’n now, thank you very much!” He’d had one too many insults tossed at him since he was “chosen” to be cook. It was more like who was the last man standing after fighting Max. James still didn’t know how he managed to do it. He just concluded that everyone else faked the extent of their injuries after the first punch of Max’s sledgehammer-like fists. They “bowed out” in order to keep anything from being broken.

  Once that was settled, Max joined Alex at the helm. Max breathed deeply and looked out at the sea. “Ya know, Alex, they’ll find out about her eventually.”

  “Now you’re worried? Brilliant,” Alex replied drily.

  “No, I’m not. I was thinking,”

  “Please don’t. Last time I ended up with a new cook.”

  Max gave Alex a heated look. “As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, she’ll need some clothing. I borrowed what I could from Samuel, but … well … the one outfit that would fit is starting to smell funny, even with her sponging off. I should know since you conveniently placed her in my quarters. I know she’s only been here a few days, but something’s gotta give.”

  Alex nodded his understanding. “We’re entering Jean Claude’s territory. If I spot him, I’ll have him hailed.”

  A wary look came across Max’s face. “Why are we in his waters?”

  “While you have been preoccupied with our new chef, I came across some documents from our little outing in the jungle. It seems that one of Emerald Shipping’s cargos was confiscated near St. Kitts. And with the mood you’ve been in since your new roommate, I didn’t feel the need to burden you with this information … yet.”

  “I see. Ah, yes,” he replied remembering their old ally. “Maybe Jules has something that will work.”

  “Well, I’ll let you ask her. She is too feisty for my tastes. Besides, I think she took a fancy to you last time.”

  Max winced at that reminder. They had been along Barbados and had teamed up on a haul. She sent him quite a shock when she told him, unequivocally, “When I decide to lose my virginity, I want you to take it.” He couldn’t reply to that. What could he say? Other than, “Your brother would kill me.” He almost jumped overboard at her confession. Jean Claude was his friend, but wouldn’t hesitate in killing him, or anyone for that matter, who so much as even looked at his sister.

  A few hours later, Alex gladly informed Max that The Savage had been spotted. She wasn’t hard to miss. Her bright red hull with gold trim stood out on the pristine blue of the water. Alex ordered for the sails to be sheathed to slow their pace so The Savage could catch up with them.

  “How do you plan on getting her over there?” Max questioned.

  “Not my problem,” Alex told his friend with haughty derision.

  “Why? Why do I even bother?” Max asked as he stormed off in search of the woman in question.

  He found her in the galley, sitting on a small stool, peeling potatoes. The back of her blue shirt was pressed against her, being held in place by the sweat pouring off her body from the heat of the kitchen. Her discarded vest lay on the floor at her feet. She had taken off her overly large hat, but kept her braid twisted on top of her head in an attempt to keep cool. Even with the small windows open, it was stifling in the galley.

  She turned her head at the approaching footsteps. She didn’t need to guess who it was. Samuel had informed her what was told about her. Everyone was in unison to not disturb her. She had outdone herself with her culinary expertise these past few days and no one wanted to give her a reason to leave.

  Max picked up her hat and handed it to her. “Better get your disguise back on.”


  A tight smirk crossed Max’s face. “We have to go socializing.” Her confusion was evident. “Let me rephrase that. We have hailed The Savage down in order to properly attire you for the remainder of our journey.”

  “I don’t understand?”

  “Samuel doesn’t have enough clothing for both of you for the trip to St. Kitts, much less to Nassau. Not that it would matter to him, but I know how hot it gets down here. What you’re wearing needs washing, but it would take days for your clothing to dry. Jules should have some clothing that will fit you.”

  “Who’s Jules? One of your lovers?” she questioned as jealously entered her.

  Max snorted with disgust “Not likely. No, her brother is the captain of The Savage. Now put your disguise back on so I can get this over with.”

  She quickly pulled on her vest and hat. She followed Max cautiously to the deck. When she reached the top deck, she noticed that the few crewmembers on deck looked the opposite direction. They were forewarned that the new cook was coming to the deck to board The Savage. Apparently what Samuel told her was true. He told her that the captain informed the crew to not look at the new cook or the cook would leave. She was amazed at how well his orders were followed.

  She was jolted from her thoughts as the other ship bumped into The Abyss so they could board her easily. She watched as a narrow plank was lowered between the two vessels. She f
ollowed Alex and Max across. Once on board The Savage they were warmly greeted by the captain.

  “Alex! Max!” Jean Claude gave a small embrace to each. “So good of you to drop by,” he acknowledged in a French accent. Kristina studied the Frenchman who seemed so friendly. He was of average height, but a little on the thin side. His ash blond hair was tied back with a twill string. He had a neatly trimmed goatee that surrounded an overly large mouth. His steel blue eyes sparkled as he addressed his visitors.

  “Max has a matter of business to discuss with you,” Alex informed the exuberant Frenchman.

  Jean Claude’s expression did not change. His only reply was, “I see.” He motioned them to follow him to his quarters.

  As they entered Jean Claude’s quarters a woman jumped up from behind the desk and excitedly squealed, “Max!” Kristina had never seen someone whose hair was as light as hers. It was almost white. The woman darted over to Max and tossed her arms around his neck, quickly kissing both of his cheeks in the traditional French greeting. As she embraced Max, she looked over his shoulder, giving Kristina a glance with a pair of lavender eyes surrounded by dark lashes. The other woman slowly looked back towards Max, batted her eyes with a sly smile on her pretty face. “Have you come to take me up on my offer, Max?” the other woman purred as she ran her long, dainty finger along Max’s collar.

  “What offer?” Jean Claude asked.

  “Nothing, Brother. Just a little bet between Max and I,” she said. She gave Max a wink and sashayed towards her brother.

  “Now, what has brought you aboard my ship, gentlemen?”

  “Ah, Jean Claude, must we discuss business first? You have the best wine this side of the Atlantic,” Alex said.

  “How rude of me,” Jean Claude stated. He walked to his desk, opened a drawer and pulled out a bottle of wine. “Please sit, sit,” he said as he gestured towards the chairs. He poured several glasses of the burgundy liquid and handed each a glass. “Now, business.”

  As the guests sat down, Jules rushed to sit beside Max. Kristina just stood at the door, not believing what was happening. She was on board another ship, dressed as a boy, and apparently going to ask Max’s lover for clothing. This was unbelievable.

  “Well, Alex?”

  “Like I said earlier, I’ll let Max tell you.”

  Jean Claude looked at Max. Max swirled the burgundy liquid around in his glass and downed the entire contents. “I don’t know how to begin, but it seems we are in need of some … clothing.”

  “Clothing?” Jean Claude questioned suspiciously.

  “You see, we have acquired a new cook who is, shall we say, not made manly. I was wondering if we could buy some of Juliana’s clothing to fit the chap.”

  “You mean to tell me your new cook is built like a woman?”

  “I am,” Kristina interrupted.

  Jean Claude looked towards the voice. He rose from his chair as if cast under a spell. Before he could reach Kristina, Max stepped in front of him.

  “Don’t,” Max replied with warning in his voice.

  “Are you threatening me? Aboard my own ship?” Jean Claude questioned, with malevolence in his voice.

  Alex could sense the tension beginning to rise in the room. Being the leash to Max’s temper, he interjected, “No, not all. Right, Max?”

  Max said nothing. He stood his ground, blocking Jean Claude from reaching Kristina. Jean Claude was many things, a businessman of sorts, a pirate, a fierce fighter, and a lover of women … all women. If they were unwilling, he would woo them until they were, and then he would leave them. If he found a woman he wanted, he would just capture her and be damned of the consequences.

  Kristina rolled her eyes at the men. Goodness. They brought her here to get clothing, but were refusing to let the people they were buying them from see her.

  “Max,” Kristina replied with slight frustration.

  Jean Claude raised a golden brow at Max as a roguish expression crossed his thin face. “I think you have misinformed me, mon ami. I believe your new cook is of the fairer sex,” Jean Claude said, a sparkle apparent in his eyes.

  “What?!” Juliana croaked as she turned towards the person in question.

  “Look, Jean Claude,” Max began. “We have a new cook who is in need of clothing. Do you have anything we can buy for her or not?”

  “No!” the response came from Juliana.

  “No?” Max questioned as he looked her way.

  “That’s right. I said no.”

  “Juliana, do not be rude to our guests,” Jean Claude interrupted. “Of course you may purchase some clothing for your new chef. But … ,” Jean Claude’s words trailed off.

  “But what?” Max asked, the malice in his eyes apparent, as he was growing impatient.

  “I must see her first. She is a Spaniard, no?”

  “Out of the question,” was Max’s curt reply.

  “Then no deal, mon a—” his words trailed off as Kristina removed her oversized hat, allowing her long braided hair to fall from its hiding spot.

  Jean Claude inhaled a quick breath upon seeing Kristina. He quickly sidestepped Max’s barricade and picked up Kristina’s dainty hand. “Allow me to introduce myself, Chėre,” he said as he placed a gently kiss across her knuckles. “Jean Claude Ranvier, captain of this lovely vessel, The Savage.”

  The stunning smile Kristina bestowed Jean Claude dulled the appearance of the sun. It infuriated Max that she was apparently taken in by Jean Claude’s flirtatious manner. “Very nice to meet you, Señor Ranvier. I am Kristina Garcia Hernandez,” she replied sweetly as she heatedly glared at Max.

  “Chėre, I hope these pirates you associate with have treated you like the princess you apparently are. But wait,” he replied with drama as he placed his free hand on his chest, “they are not, no? They have you slaving away in a hot galley like a lowly servant. Leave them and join me and you shall not lift a finger again.” He placed a lingering kiss on her hand again.

  Max watched the exchange and a slow rage began to build. “What would you do with her after you have bedded her, Ranvier,” Max replied, obviously annoyed at the attention Jean Claude was giving Kristina.

  Jean Claude gave Kristina a playful wink. Kristina gave a flirtatious giggle to purposely add to Max’s annoyance. He turned to face the black haired giant. “Jealous, mon ami?”

  “Please, Jean Claude. I just want to get off this ship before your sister—” Max stopped as he realized he let his annoyance make his tongue loose. He almost blurted out what was propositioned to him by Juliana.

  “Do not insult my sister, Maxwell,” Jean Claude warned. He quickly added, “What did she say?” as he pointed towards Juliana.

  “Nothing,” Max quickly answered. “I just don’t want her to change your mind about the clothing.”

  “Very well,” Jean Claude replied with disinterest. “Jules, please take the lovely Princess Kristina to your quarters and see if something there will please her, this precious jewel of the sea.”

  “Jean Claude!” Jules protested.

  “Silence!” Jean Claude yelled. “Do as I say. I may be your brother but I am also your captain, and you will not defy my orders. Understand?”

  Juliana looked heatedly towards her brother. She didn’t even look at Kristina as she stomped to the door, angry that she didn’t get her way. “Follow me,” she rudely commanded.

  “And Jules,” Jean Claude called after her as they were leaving. “Make sure they are your good clothing. Do not give this lovely radiant flower your rags. Only the best.”

  “Yes, Captain!” Jules hissed as she stormed off with Kristina following cautiously behind.

  Chapter Nine

  Juliana did indeed have plenty of clothing. She had more articles to wear than Kristina had ever seen. Once Kristina had chosen several suitable outfits, some undergarments, along with a new hat and boots, she was escorted back to Jean Claude’s office. Just as soon as she entered, Max informed Alex to collect the articles of clo
thing, whisked Kristina out of the room and back on board The Abyss. He roughly took Kristina by the elbow and escorted her into the galley. Abruptly letting her go, he turned to leave.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Kristina asked as she whirled around to face Max, rubbing her elbow.

  “What?” he snapped.

  “Are you planning on ripping my arm off or were you afraid Jean Claude would convince me to take ship with him?”

  Max gave her a stern look. “No.”

  “No to what? The arm or Jean Claude?”


  “Both? Both?” Kristina repeated, the anger building as she remembered the conversation she had with Jules. The white-haired femme fatale had basically said that she and Max were lovers, and that Kristina was to keep her hands off her lover or terrible things would happen to her! “Well, I tell you what, Max, why don’t I go and join Jean Claude’s ship and you can have that hateful she-devil come here!”

  “What the hell are you talking about, woman?”

  “That horrid woman and all her threats! I could handle Jean Claude and his flirtatious manner. I could even resist his apparent attempt at seduction. But what I cannot handle is your lover threatening me!”

  Max narrowed his eyes and in a low voice said, “She is not my lover.”

  “Really?” The skepticism was apparent in her voice.

  “Lower your voice and mind your tone there,” Max warned.

  “I don’t have a tone. This is my usual voice when dealing with unreasonable people.”

  “Unreasonable? I think you are the one being unreasonable.”

  “No. I am perfectly reasonable. I just had to spend the last hour and a half with your lover.”

  “As I just said, she is not my lover,” he replied with eerie calmness.

  “Well, obviously something’s happening between the two of you. And she took great delight in telling me every … intimate … detail!”

  “She’s lying,” Max said coldly.

  “She’s lying! She’s lying! No, Max, I think you’re lying!”

  Max crossed the room to Kristina, the rage apparent in his eyes. Kristina did not back down. She was tired, she was hot, and she had just spent the most grueling hour and a half with that horrid woman.


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