Sweet Addiction

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Sweet Addiction Page 4

by Jessica Daniels

  “And are you going to just stand there and not tell me what the fuck that means?”

  “I’m sure you already know everything, you gossip queen. Hasn’t Juls spilled the big surprise?”

  We start jogging down the sidewalk together, our feet hitting the pavement at the same time. It’s already hot as hell outside and that just ups my annoyance level.

  “What big surprise? Juls spent the rest of the reception sucking Ian’s face and God knows what else and I ate my weight in cake after I saw Billy flirting with a waiter.”

  “Oh shit. I’m sorry, Joey. That really sucks.”

  “Whatever. He ended up driving me home and I did him in the back of his Denali as punishment.”

  I push his arm but he doesn’t budge. The man is a mountain of muscle. “Jesus. Well I guess you showed him.”

  “Oh I did. Now, what surprise?” We make our usual trek down Fayette Street on the deserted sidewalk, Joey initiating the pace as he always does.

  “Reese is married.” God it still sucked today saying it out loud. And why did my heart physically ache at the sound of it. I couldn’t be that affected by a wedding hook up, no matter how good the sex was. I stop running and look back at Joey who is frozen on the pavement, his blond curls already sticking to his forehead with sweat.

  “He’s what?” He starts up again, momentarily stunned and I move with him.

  “You heard me. Fucking married. Of course, he didn’t mention this before, during, or after our hot as hell sex in the men’s bathroom. He just simply asked me ‘what the fuck was that’ after he came, told me he was sorry, and went on about his business.” I push my legs faster as we run up a small hill, feeling the burn in my thighs.

  “What a dick. Are you sure though? I mean, I didn’t see a ring and you know I hunt that out first thing.”

  “Yea, so do I. Apparently, Ian told Juls that he was married. He probably didn’t wear his ring so he could fuck me blind. Oh and I almost forgot, to top the night off, Justin followed me outside and alluded to me fucking him since married men are my thing now.” Asshole.

  Joey snaps his head towards me, eyes wide. “Are you fucking serious right now? Where the fuck was I when all this was happening? Oh that’s right, I was eating my God damned feelings.” He picks up his pace as I struggle behind him.

  “Slow down! Your legs are miles longer than mine.”

  “Crap, sorry.” He returns to my side. “I’m sorry about Reese cupcake. I really am. But---”

  “Don’t fucking say it, Joey.” I knew exactly what his next words would be.

  “I’m just saying---”

  “Shut it, Holt,” I spat as he spins around to face me, effortlessly running backwards.

  “You could be the sexy mistress. If the sex was that good, why give it up?” Now I started sprinting and hear a squeal from him as he catches up within seconds.

  “Are you mental? I am not going to be his fuck buddy on the side. I don’t care how amazing the sex was or how hard he made me come. Fuck that shit.” I wipe my forehead with the back of my hand, the sweat already starting to build on my skin.

  “Ooohhh how hard did he make you come? Was he huge? Please tell me it didn’t have some weird hook to it like Billy’s did.” He shakes his head quickly. “I’m not quite sure how I feel about that yet.”

  “Jesus Christ. It is way too early to talk about dick sizes and which way they curve.” I pause. “But for the record, he’s massive and as straight as you pretended to be in high school.”

  “I fucking knew it. You lucky bitch.”

  We ran in silence the rest of the way around the neighborhood, the only noises coming from us being our breathing and the sound of our shoes striking the pavement. I ran fast and hard, desperately trying to push the memory of Reese and our hook up out of my mind and hoping to run away from it. But that wasn’t going to happen, at least not today. And it wasn’t happening for my running partner either. I could almost hear Joey’s mind working as we ran, most likely coming up with all the possible secret rendezvous scenarios between Reese and myself. Needless to say, the five mile trek today was both mentally and physically exhausting.

  I showered and dressed for the day after saying goodbye to Joey so he could do the same. He only lived a few blocks from the bakery and would be back before we opened at 7:00a.m. He was my only employee at the moment, seeing as I hadn’t gotten around to hiring anybody to replace Tiffany after I fired her. I wasn’t entirely sure I needed anybody else to work for me, Joey and I seemed to manage just fine on our own. I grew up with him, going to high school together and then to college where we both studied business. He was more than supportive when I dreamed of opening my own bakery and insisted on becoming my assistant so that we could stay close. Although, deep down I think he just wanted to sample all my new creations. Thank God for our daily runs, otherwise I’m certain we would both be as big as a house.

  I tie my favorite apron on and begin pulling the pastries, muffins, cupcakes, and cookies from the back racks and bringing them up front to the display cases. The house specialty is my banana nut muffins that I spent five years perfecting the recipe on. They are insanely delicious and it’s a struggle not to eat every one myself straight out of the oven. I sold out of them every day by noon and nothing made me prouder. At a few minutes before opening, Joey comes hustling through the door carrying two coffees and his award winning smile.

  “I’m dick talked out so don’t even,” I say as I open the register and count the money.

  “Cupcake, there’s no such thing, trust me. I had them put in an extra shot of espresso for you this morning, figured you might need it,” he says, walking around the counter. “Although, perhaps you’d prefer hard liquor with your coffee today?” He hands me my piping hot cup and I smile weakly. He is handsomely dressed in dark jeans and a bright blue polo shirt that brings out the color in his eyes.

  “Thanks and yes, liquor would be my preferred beverage this morning, but I don’t think the sight of me stumbling around the shop wasted off my ass would be good for business.” I take a sip and let the hot liquid run down my throat, instantly perking me up as the front door swings open. “Good morning. And how are my favorite regulars today?”

  Mr. and Mrs. Crisp live around the corner and come into the stop roughly every morning for two of my banana muffins. They are beyond adorable and always start my day off with a smile when I see them. “Well, besides the fact that this one kept me up all night snoring, we are just fine, Dylan.” Mrs. Crisp motions towards her husband who smiles sweetly at her.

  “You love it, dear. I’m sure you told me once that my snoring helps you sleep.” Mr. Crisp lovingly rubs his wife’s back as she bats him away playfully.

  “Oh that’s ridiculous, Harry,” she huffs. I pull out their muffins as I smile and place them in a bag, grabbing the money that was placed on the counter. “And how was the wedding, dear? You stick it to that nasty no good ex of yours?”

  I roll my eyes after handing Mr. Crisp his change. “Not the way I would have liked to.” I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the counter. “Whatever, I’m just glad it’s over with. The cake looked amazing and was apparently delicious.” I motion towards my assistant who is nibbling on a muffin. “This one ate an entire tier by himself.”

  He snorts loudly at my declaration. “It was not an entire tier. Well actually, yeah it probably was.” The four of us all laugh together as he devours his breakfast. The man can put away the sweets.

  The front door swings open, getting our attention and an older gentleman carrying a white box walks in and up to the counter. Mr. and Mrs. Crisp wave their goodbyes and slip out.

  “Can I help you?” I ask, staring at the box questionably. It doesn’t have any labels on it, giving no indication as to where it’s from.

  He places it in front of me with a smile. “Good morning. Delivery for a Ms. Dylan.” My eyes widen as Joey steps next to me.

  “What the hell did you order?” he asks as
I sign the slip for the man.

  “I didn’t order anything I don’t think. Who sent this?” The man just shrugs his shoulders and takes his clipboard, pushing the box towards me on the counter and walking quickly out of the bakery. We both stare at the box, glancing up and meeting each other’s eyes.

  “Well, aren’t you going to open it?” he asks, arching his brows at me.

  I study it suspiciously before replying. “I don’t know, don’t bombs come in unmarked packages?”

  “Who the hell would try to bomb you?”

  “Well for starters, a certain wife of a certain someone that banged my back out Saturday night,” I huff. He makes a face at me and pulls the white ribbon that is tied on the top, lifting the sides of the box to reveal a folded brown card on top of white tissue paper. I open the card and quickly scan the hand writing.


  I fucked up. I’m so sorry. I would love to see you again.

  X Reese

  My mouth drops open. “You have got to be kidding me.” I hand the card to Joey and hear him gasp after a fleeting moment.

  “Holy shit. He would love to see you again? Dylan!”

  Snatching the card back, I pull apart the tissue paper and cock my head to the side as I stare at the contents of the box. “What the hell?”

  Joey leans in and gawks. “Oh. My. God. This has to be the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  I pull out a pound of flour and drop it on the counter as he squeals next to me. “Why would he send me flour?” I am beyond confused right now while my assistant is bouncing around like a bunny. You would think by the way he’s reacting that I’m currently staring at an engagement ring instead of baking supplies.

  “Don’t you get it? Instead of flowers he sent you flour since you’re a baker. Shit, that’s romantic.”

  I shove him and he doesn’t budge. “Romantic? A married man just wrote me saying he wants to keep fucking me on the side. He’s married, Joey. This is not romantic. It’s sleazy and disgusting.” Picking up my coffee and stepping away from the counter, I stare at the flour and take generous sips. This is insane and my assistant is an idiot.

  “You’re missing some key adjectives there. A hot married man wants to keep rightly fucking you on the side. You must have blown his mind girl. Plus he sends you presents? I want him as my secret boyfriend.”

  I shake my head. “What a pompous asshole. He must think I’m some two bit whore to willingly submit to this joke of a request. Fucking douche-bag.” I pick the card up and toss it in the trash as Joey lunges for it. “Leave it.”

  “No. At least keep it for a day. You might change your mind.”

  “You are high off your ass if you think I would actually consider this.”

  “I fucking wish I was high right now. That would be an excuse for my insane case of the munchies.” He throws his hands up dramatically.

  We both giggle at each other and the situation. Of course this is my life. I couldn’t have some hot guy who gave me the best orgasm be interested in me. No, that would be too normal. He has to be a hot married best orgasm giver with a mouth I would pay to have on me again. Figures.


  The morning went by quickly with the steady flow of customers. Mondays are always busier in the bakery, mainly with walk in specialty requests which I enjoyed immensely and Joey hated. He preferred that I wasn’t tied up in consultations all day so that we could chit chat and gossip. It was close to noon when Juls walked in, looking as chic as ever in her tight pencil skirt, white blouse, and heels to die for. I really needed to raid her closet someday. Besides the height difference between us, we were similarly built and could swap clothes easily. We were both slender yet toned, given how religious we both were about our exercise routines.

  “Hello, lovies. And how is everyone’s Monday going?”

  I moan as Joey smiles big, showing off his lonely dimple. “You look hot, Juls. Got a meeting with an annoying couple?” I ask as I straighten out the remaining red velvet cupcakes in the display case.

  “Actually, I was just about to head over to Ian’s work to have lunch. You know I gotta look good for my baby.”

  I perk up. Perfect. I could tell him off in person. “Mind if I joined you?”

  She tilts her head to the side as Joey gasps dramatically. “Are you going to confront him?” The excitement in his voice is almost palpable.

  I nod firmly. “Hell yes, I am. If he thinks he can proposition me to be his dirty little secret, he is seriously mistaken.”

  “Excuse me? What the fuck have I missed?” Juls brings both hands to her hips and stares at me, waiting for an explanation. Of course, before I can speak, Joey opens his big gay mouth.

  “Well---” he rests his chin on his hand, “---Reese sent our sexy friend here a note with some flour saying that he was sorry about fucking up and would love to see her again.” His grin cracks his face open. “Isn’t that fantastic?”

  She stares at us with a furrowed brow. “Are you serious? Oh damn it, I meant to confront him at the wedding after you left, Dyl, but he actually disappeared pretty soon after you did. Besides, I was a bit preoccupied. And did you say he sent you flour? As in baking flour?” I nod and she raises her eyebrows, her mouth slowly forming an O. “Ah, instead of the traditional flowers. That’s actually pretty clever.”

  I stomp my foot. “Oh for fuck’s sake. Why am I the only person that didn’t get that? And it wasn’t clever. It was stupid, because he’s stupid.”

  “Wow, you’re really gutting him with that insult,” Joey states sarcastically as I pull my apron off. I throw it at his face.

  “Well?” I ask, turning to Juls.

  “Well what?”

  “Can I come with you?”

  “Oh hell yes. I would love to see you chew him a new one. I can’t stand cheaters.” We both move towards the door as I nod in agreement.

  “Hey! What about me?” Joey yells.

  I turn my head. “You need to stay here and man the shop. What did you think I was going to close down for this?”

  “God damn it! This is why we need another employee, Dylan. I fucking miss everything.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll give you all the details after I cut off his testicles.” Juls and I walk out of the shop together and towards her car as I give myself a mental pep talk. Yell first then remove balls or remove balls then yell. Hell, did it matter?

  I’m slowly beginning to lose my edge as we walk into the crisp sleek foyer of the Walker & Associates building. Juls’ heels are clicking on the marble and I inwardly curse myself for not changing my outfit before I so bravely decided that this was a good idea. I’m wearing a pale blue button up shirt, skinny jeans that are dusted in flour, and my favorite ballet flats. This would have been so bad ass if I was wearing something sexy and revealing, showing Reese what he would never touch again. Damn it, Dylan. Think next time. At least my hair and makeup are on point. We step off the elevators onto the twelfth floor and I follow closely behind her, unsure where to go.

  “Nervous?” she asks as she walks up to a small reception area.

  “Nope, but he better be.” She throws her head back and laughs as I wiggle my brows.

  “Julianna Wicks for Ian Thomas please,” she says to the pretty receptionist who smiles and picks up the phone, talking softly into it. She ends the call quickly.

  “Go right in, Ms. Wicks.”

  She shrugs her shoulders playfully. “I fucking love this shit. My man is so important that I need to check in with someone before I barge in.” I giggle at her and follow her through a closed door after she knocks quietly.

  “There’s my girl. I’ve been waiting for you.” Ian stands up and walks around his desk, pulling Juls into his arms and smothering her with quick kisses. Christ, they were annoyingly adorable. “I’m starving and not just for food,” he whispers before his eyes flick to me. “Dylan. Are you joining us for lunch today?” he sweetly asks as he plays with the ends of Juls’ hair. He sounds sincere but
I have a feeling that he’d much rather spend his lunch alone with my best friend.

  I clear my throat. You can do this, Dylan. “Actually, I was wondering if Reese was here. I needed to speak with him.” Juls is too busy frantically working at loosening Ian’s tie to even remember that I am in the room. I’m sure she would have snuck in a bitchy remark had she been paying attention.

  “Oh, of course.” He smiles wide. “Just continue down the hallway until you see the redhead at the reception desk. She’ll point you in his direction.” I nod and turn on my feet, giving Juls one last glance as I step out, closing the door behind me.

  He’s married. He’s married. He’s married. Who cares how fucking insanely hot he is. He’s married. My thoughts are so loud in my head, I’m sure the redhead that I am now standing in front of can hear them. I smile weakly at her.

  “May I help you?” she asks in a rather snippy tone.

  “Um, yes. I would like to see Reese, please.”

  She cocks her head and narrows her eyes. Jesus. Retract the claws. Picking up her phone, her eyes run slowly down my body. “You mean Mr. Carroll? And who may I say is asking for him?”

  Mr. Carroll. Oh how fucking formal. I glare down at her. “Dylan.”

  “Just Dylan?” Her tone is borderline bitchy and I am beyond over it at this point. Sweetie, this is not the day to test my patience.

  “Yes, just Dylan,” I snap back, hands fisting at my sides.

  She rolls her eyes and speaks softly into the phone, slamming it down with more force than is probably necessary. “Go on in, just Dylan.” She motions with a quick swipe of her hand towards a door that stands at the end of the hallway. What the hell is her problem?

  “Thank you. Have a nice day,” I reply extra cheerfully to pluck her last nerve. She scowls. Mission Accomplished.

  Not bothering to knock, I open the office door and step inside, stumbling a bit at the sight of the man behind the massive desk. Yup, that’s what he looks like. Completely perfect. His eyes slowly come up to mine from his computer screen and soften.


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