Agent E2: Aidan (Superhero Romance) (The D.I.R.E. Agency)

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Agent E2: Aidan (Superhero Romance) (The D.I.R.E. Agency) Page 6

by Hahn, Joni

  “You were here before?” Aidan said. “When Jim Monroe was shot?”

  He nodded.

  Tristan’s eyes grew wide when he shared a glance with Aidan. “Don’t go postal on me, Monroe.”

  “Monroe?” Buckner said.

  “Yeah, asshole. The man you shot was my father.”

  Buckner shook his head. “He wasn’t supposed to get shot. We wanted to keep him as a resource. Whoever Monroe had in the back shot at us and hit Johnkowski.”

  “There was someone else at the store that night?”

  “Yes. Hiding in the back. Your father had backup.”

  Chapter 6

  The next morning, Cassandra stepped from the shower and donned a color-block sundress of pink, white and black. D.I.R.E. had graciously allowed her access to her suitcases, but her purse and makeup had been locked away. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d showed her face in public without makeup. The notion made her feel vulnerable, with no control over her own person.

  Then again, she had no control over anything except the pesky cables they’d tied around her wrists. They were Naylor Interests standard issue, something she used to practice on while she waited for files to upload.

  Today, she’d removed them to clean up, and would put them back in place when she got around the agents again.

  She had to keep some kind of advantage.

  Cass studied her reflection as she dried her hair. This all had to be a bad nightmare. The unstoppable Robert Naylor lay in a hospital bed, on the verge of death. Dar had been reduced to cooperation through guilt.

  For the first time in her life, she’d needed to rescue them and failed miserably. Naylor Interests sat on the verge of collapse.

  Her entire life had disintegrated. Not that it had been much of a life anyway.

  Donning her glasses, Cass retied the cables around her wrists and walked out into the hallway. She nodded at the D.I.R.E. agents posted outside her room and Dar’s, just down the hall. Even from a small town hospital, Mitchell Jacobs ran an efficient, competent agency.

  Cassandra sighed. She wished they would let her visit Dar. He always made her feel better, more in control.

  The total opposite of Aidan Monroe.

  The man had haunted her thoughts the entire night. She didn’t get a wink of sleep. Where other men told her she looked beautiful, Aidan made her feel beautiful. He’d never said a word to her about her looks, but had talked to her, looked at her, touched her, in ways no other man had dared.

  He was the first man she’d met that wasn’t afraid of her father.

  Mitchell and Tristan Jacobs probably weren’t afraid of Robert Naylor either, but they didn’t consume her thoughts like Aidan Monroe.

  Aidan made her want to run away to an exotic island and while away the hours making love in the surf. He made her want to snuggle on a sofa and watch romantic comedies, and dance in the dark to slow, soft music.

  Why in the world did she feel this way now, when her life lay in shambles?

  Pushing open her father’s door, she peeked around the corner. A nurse stood at his bedside, checking his IV and fluffing his pillow. His ventilator had been disconnected and shoved against the wall.

  Thank God Kate wasn’t there.

  “Thank you for helping my father.”

  Whipping around, the woman stopped to stare at Cassandra. If all of the nurses were as gorgeous as this one, Dar would probably find a reason to get sick.

  “Well, I’ve been told he’s my father, too.”

  Cassandra stood rooted to the spot. This was her new sister? The love child of Kate Monroe and her father? Dar was right, Rachel did look a lot like Robert. She had Kate’s beauty and her father’s coloring.

  “I’m Rachel.”

  With apprehensive steps, she approached Cassandra and held out her hand. The scent of orchids reached her nose. Cass stood stiff, her hands tied in front of her. A blush stole up Rachel’s neck as she dropped her hand.

  Yes, not all of us get to walk around hands free.

  “I’ve been bugging Mitchell to let me meet you, but for some reason, he’s kept me away.”

  Rachel Monroe emitted a warmth, a friendliness Cassandra had never felt before. Over the years, anyone she met had treated her with kid gloves because of her familial connections. No one ever felt comfortable with Robert Naylor’s daughter.

  Obviously, her new sister felt no intimidation whatsoever.

  “Here, sit down.” She dragged a chair over to the side of the bed.

  Cassandra just stared at her. Was she for real? Did she really expect them to sit down and talk about boys and giggle behind their hands like real sisters? Other than genetics, they had nothing in common.

  Then again, what better way to learn about her enemies than to keep them close?

  Taking a seat, Cassandra lifted her chin, her bound hands in her lap. Rachel sat down across from her.

  “I’ve been waiting for a time to visit when my mother wasn’t here. I…” She shook her head with a grimace. “…just can’t stomach her right now.”

  Cass could understand that. If her father had kept the truth from her like that, she’d be angry, too. As a matter of fact, he had kept the truth from her. He still claimed innocence on Riordan’s whereabouts.

  “Thank God for Tris.” Rachel’s eyes held tears when she looked at Cass again. “He’s been wonderful through all of this.”

  “Tristan Jacobs?”

  Nodding, Rachel smiled for the first time since she entered the room. “Yes. We’re engaged.”

  Cassandra glanced down at Rachel’s left hand. She had long, oval fingernails just like her.

  “No ring yet.” She held up her hand. “He just proposed a few days ago. Things have been a little crazy.”

  Understatement of the year. Rachel’s life had taken huge blows over the last few days but she’d found love despite it all. Cassandra felt alone, even though she and Dar were in this together. While he remained locked up and drowned himself in guilt, she had to keep things together. It was up to her to stay focused and get them out of this situation.

  Rachel shook her head. “I’m sorry, I’m monopolizing the conversation. I guess I’m a little nervous.”

  Cass sat back in her chair. “To be honest, I don’t know what to say or how to treat you. We’re on opposite sides of this situation. I can’t just forget everything and treat you like a long lost sister.”

  Rachel lifted her chin. “You’re right. I could look at this situation the same way and decide that I want nothing to do with the Naylor family and all your father orchestrated over the years. But, what you’re forgetting is that my mother lied to me, too. So did my father – or, stepfather.”

  She leaned forward, her arms on her legs. “Do you think I want a world-renowned criminal as my father? Do you think I want to claim a brother that kidnapped me and tried to shoot my mother?”

  Cassandra knew her father and brother had been involved in illegal activities. She’d always tried to justify the weapons sales, the trade secrets, the government leaks by telling herself it could be worse. Dar had always told her they weren’t that bad because they’d stayed out of human trafficking and illegal drugs. But, Cassandra knew a sin was a sin, no matter how big or small.

  It didn’t keep her from loving her family.

  Rachel sat back in her chair and blew out a breath. “The only constant has been Aidan. He’s my brother and that can’t be taken from me. I know I can depend on him no matter what may arise. He’s responsible for starting this entire ball rolling.” She laughed to herself. “On second thought, I may have to kill him.”

  “I wouldn’t mind teaming up with you on that one.”

  Her gaze shot to Cassandra. “Why? What has he done?”

  Driven her mad with longing, irritated her with his high-handed attitude, and kissed her with a fire that could melt steel.

  Cassandra felt heat rise in her face. “Just his job.”

  Rachel gave her a knowing smil
e. “Don’t kick yourself, Cassandra. My brother has had females flocking to him since middle school.”

  Gee, thanks for making me feel so much better. Not.

  “He’s a hothead, though. His pride and his temper are what caused the rift between he and my father, err, Jim. They still weren’t speaking when my father was shot. I think that weighs on Aidan a great deal.”

  “What happened?”

  Sighing, Rachel crossed a leg over the other. “Aidan played football in high school. He played wide receiver for Creekmore.”

  She should’ve known he was a jock.

  “Aidan’s senior year, we had a game in a nearby town. Three college scouts were expected to attend to watch him play. Jim was pumped about Aidan giving it his all.”

  Rachel gave a half grin. “Pride and arrogance were strong traits in Jim too, so he and Aidan always got into it. That night, Jim really put pressure on Aidan to perform well.”

  Cassandra had seen the same between her father and Dar. The pressure had never helped. It only made things worse.

  “An older guy from the other school had a little too much to drink and made obnoxious comments about our players. It happened sometimes, so everyone brushed it off.

  Then he started making lewd comments about the cheerleaders, one of which was Aidan’s girlfriend, Sandra. Mom could see Aidan getting agitated with the guy so Jim yelled at him to blow it off.”

  Sandra. The woman who had pulled over on the side of the road the other day. Interesting.

  “Couldn’t someone call security?”

  Rachel cocked an eyebrow. “Security from the hometown police?” She shook her head. “Obviously, you’re not from Texas.” She smiled. “They told the guy to back off but he would start up again a few minutes later.

  Anyway, Aidan was out on the field, lining up for a play, when the guy walked over to Sandra and started flirting with her. When he leaned in close and whispered something in Sandra’s ear, Aidan ran off the field and punched him in the face. Not once,” she held up a finger, “but three times, until the guy fell backwards on the ground. Aidan broke his nose.”

  Cass smiled to herself. He punched another man because he was jealous. She could see it so clearly.

  “Good for Aidan. I probably would’ve done the same thing.”

  Rachel chuckled. “Jim didn’t see it that way. He was absolutely livid. Of course, the scouts weren’t interested in Aidan after that. He’d ruined his chances of playing college ball.”

  “That had to be, what, ten years ago?” Cass said. “He still held a grudge?”

  “They argued non-stop until they both just ran out of gas. Once Aidan left for the Navy, it was easy to keep a distance. They never talked again.”

  Rachel gave a watery grin. “I think Aidan took his death harder than any of us. If he’d seen Jim as a quadriplegic, I think it would’ve killed him. Aidan won’t rest until he finds whoever shot him.”

  “If you go looking for trouble, it’ll let you find it.”

  Cassandra whipped around. Her father stared at her with lazy eyes. She jumped up and rushed to the side of the bed, Rachel behind her.

  “Father.” A sob broke her voice as she squeezed his hand. “You had me so worried.”

  He gave her a weak smile. “It’ll take more than your brother’s lousy shot to bring me down.”

  Rachel chuckled behind her. His gaze moved to her. “Rachel, my other daughter. You’re here, too?” He patted

  the opposite side of the bed. “Come here.”

  A twinge of jealousy nipped at Cassandra.

  Get a grip, Cassandra. She is his daughter. Get used to


  “How are you?” Rachel stood close, her hands clasped in front of her. “Can I get you anything?”

  Robert took Rachel’s hand, his speech groggy. “I want to get to know you, Rachel. Too much time has been wasted.”

  She covered his hand with her own. “Now that you’re awake, we have all the time in the world.”

  Smiling, Robert turned his head on the pillow and took Cassandra’s hand. He gave her a slow wink.

  “My beautiful, beautiful daughters. Promise me that no matter what happens, you will be there for each other.”

  Cassandra frowned. How could he ask that when she wore cables around her wrists and a tracking anklet? They were on opposite sides of his feud with Mitchell and the D.I.R.E. Agency. How could they support each other when they wanted different things?

  His eyes drooped.

  Rachel said, “I’d like that, Robert, but we all know things would have to change.”

  Cassandra stared at Rachel. “Yes, they certainly would, starting with these.” She held up her hands.

  Robert’s eyes widened. “They have you in shackles?”

  Rachel stood hands on hips. “You had me in those same cables a few days ago.”

  He rolled his head on the pillow to face her. “Rachel, you were only a means to an end. I wanted Mitchell’s son.”

  “Mitchell’s son is my fiancé.”

  Her father’s face grew flush. “No. I forbid it.”

  Rachel gave a sarcastic laugh. “Forbid it? You have no say in it. I love Tristan more than life itself. I’ll never give him up.”

  Cassandra’s mouth dropped open. She never would’ve spoken to her father in that manner. Life had taught her things were more… pleasant when her father got his way.

  His fist clenched where it lay on the white blanket. “You don’t know Mitchell. He’s a backstabbing, self-absorbed tyrant, and Tristan is a product of his father. So is your brother.”

  Cassandra didn’t know if it was Rachel’s mettle or her father’s biased opinion of Aidan, but either way, she exploded.

  “For your information, Aidan Monroe saved your life.”

  Rachel gasped. “What?”

  Robert’s gaze shot to her. “The hell you say...”

  “It’s true. Ask Kate. You died last night. We couldn’t revive you. Aidan came in and...” She glanced at Rachel. “…brought you back.”

  Her father’s nostrils flared wider with each word out of her mouth.

  “You wouldn’t be talking to us now if it wasn’t for Aidan. So, despite the vendetta you have with Jim Monroe – who is dead, by the way - and Mitchell Jacobs, your precious, new daughter is going to marry Tristan.”

  “Cassandra…” Rachel’s voice held a note of warning.

  Cass shut her eyes, dejection weighing on her like lead. Had she lost all common decency? Her father had just woken up from a serious, life-threatening gunshot wound. Was she so self-centered that she couldn’t allow him the peace he needed? Could she not give him the answers he wanted like a good daughter?

  Lowering her voice, Cassandra stepped back from the bed. “Maybe it’s time you reconsidered whatever feud you have going on with them. I know I’m tired of it and you’ve been living with it for twice as long.”

  He shook his head on the pillow. “Never.”

  Even under serious pain medication, the man remained stubborn.

  “Never?” Cass held up her hands. “Look at us. You’re lying in ICU, I’m wearing a tracking anklet and cables, and Dar is cuffed to a hospital bed. We missed the gun deal last night, and Naylor Interests is running on backup crew. D.I.R.E. has given their agents these, these…” she looked to Rachel for help.


  “…powers to do things no normal human being can do. Their technology is far beyond anything we have.” She shook her head. “I love you father, but I think it’s time to throw in the towel.”

  His eyes looked like they would burst from their sockets, his eyebrows high in his forehead. “We have one setback and you want me to just throw away all I’ve built over the years?”

  Rachel laid her hand on his shoulder.

  Cass berated herself mentally. She should be doing that. Instead, harsh words continued to spew from her mouth.

  “Oh yes, because selling guns, laundering money and selling trade s
ecrets are honorable professions to carry on.”

  Squinting his eyes, Robert glared at her. “What has gotten into you? I’ve always been able to depend on you.” He looked over at Rachel. “You’ve been around this one and Mitchell. See what happens?”

  Snatching away her hand, Rachel said, “Which obviously, has already done her some good.”

  Scowling at Rachel, he turned to Cass. “Maybe you need to be taught a lesson, Cassandra.”

  She stilled, her father’s dark tone unleashing memories long buried in the bottom of her heart. He’d made that same statement, in that same vindictive tone, the night she’d told him she loved Riordan St. James. She’d blown it off, thinking Riordan would protect her.

  The next day he was gone.

  Would her father harm her? Rachel? Aidan?

  The thought terrified her.

  Pasting on an apologetic smile, Cass patted herself on the back for flawlessly falling into her old, pleasing routine.

  “I’m sorry, Father.”

  Rachel whipped around to look at her with raised brows.

  “No. How can you allow him to use emotional blackmail that way?”

  Rachel had no clue. It wasn’t emotional blackmail. It was a legitimate threat.

  “Cassandra knows that when I say something, I mean it. You will learn the same.”

  Shaking her head in disgust, Rachel grabbed her purse off the chair and headed for the door. Admiration and fear swirled in Cassandra’s stomach. Would she ever have the strength to do the same thing?

  “I don’t know what got into me, Father. I guess I’m just tired and frustrated with this whole situation.”

  Robert bared a confident smile. “That’s my girl.”


  Exiting the fourth floor elevator, Aidan stopped short when he saw Cassandra down the hall. She had pulled one of the waiting room chairs over to the bank of windows overlooking the back parking lot and the field beyond. Sitting with her knees propped up to her chest and her chin on her arms, she stared out at the bare asphalt and miles of desolate land. He wondered if she really saw it at all.

  She appeared incredibly lonely, like a child staring out the window on a rainy day. Aidan felt the overwhelming desire to wrap her in his arms and just hold her. To pull her onto his lap and stare out the window with her.


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