Agent E2: Aidan (Superhero Romance) (The D.I.R.E. Agency)

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Agent E2: Aidan (Superhero Romance) (The D.I.R.E. Agency) Page 12

by Hahn, Joni

  He shook his head slowly. “I’m doing this so your children will have a safer world to live in.”

  “Without their uncle.”

  “I’ll be back.” He said it in his best Terminator voice.

  “This isn’t funny, Aidan.”

  No, if it wasn’t so serious, he wouldn’t be going at all.

  Rachel sighed. “If you’re going, you need to get matters in order.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “You may never see any of us again. Don’t leave without settling things. You need to tell Cass how you feel.”


  “He’s what?”

  Hidden in a far corner, away from the agents, Cass sat back in the plastic cafeteria chair, her half-eaten pasta forgotten. Her heart sat paralyzed, her mind numb with disbelief.

  Rachel stood at her elbow, her disposition guarded. “I just thought you’d want to know.”

  “Even I have to admit that’s cool.” Glancing up at Rachel, Dar stared at Cass across the white acrylic table before taking a bite of baked potato.

  “Cool?” Rachel glared at him. “It’s dangerous.”

  Dar swallowed. “Rachel, where would mankind be if we were too scared to fly to the moon, or perform surgery or… build a car?”

  “I get it, Dar. I just don’t understand why it has to be my brother, right now.”

  A part of Cass marveled at Dar and Rachel’s civil conversation. They were actually talking to each other. However, Aidan’s disloyalty screamed for attention in Cass’s mind. She really didn’t mean anything to him if he could do something like this without even telling her.

  Time travel. Could he endeavor anything more dangerous? It sounded right up Aidan’s alley.

  She’d thought he lost his job. Had Mitchell given him another chance or, was this an ultimatum?

  The thought infuriated her.

  You hate him. Let it go.

  If she hated him, why did tears burn at the back of her throat?

  Dar waved away Rachel’s concern. “He’ll be fine, Rachel.”

  Cass fisted her hand on the table. “How do you know that? There are so many factors out of his control, Dar. What if he gets hurt while he’s there? Or killed? What if he gets stuck in timelessness forever?”

  The last was her undoing.

  Jumping up from the table, she ran from the room. She had to get away, had to find some way not to think about it.

  Not to care.

  Two strong arms stopped her just outside the cafeteria door. She saw the copper and gold armbands in her peripheral vision. His stupid, distracting, intoxicating scent filled her nostrils.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  She wrenched herself free even though the need to hold him overwhelmed her. “You.”

  Cass rushed on, trying to put as much distance between them as possible.

  She didn’t care. She did not.

  Catching her by the arm, Aidan turned her around. His touch felt warm, comforting, rather than electric.

  “Now what did I do? I haven’t even talked to you.”

  “Exactly.” She tore away her arm and rushed on.

  He turned her around again. “Why would I talk to you, Cass? You said you hated me last night.”

  She crossed her arms in front of her. “You weren’t time traveling to nineteen forty-four last night.”


  “And? You didn’t think I’d want to know that?”

  He mimicked her pose. “Frankly, no.”

  Her mouth fell open. Who was she kidding?

  She didn’t hate this beautiful, arrogant, stubborn man. She loved him, with everything inside of her.

  He didn’t know. He really didn’t know how much he meant to her. How could he? Then again, did he honestly think she’d allow him to do those things to her if she didn’t care about him? Had he grown so used to women doing... that with him that he’d forgotten how powerful and beautiful it could be? Should be?

  What was the point in saying anything now? He left tomorrow. She may never see him again.

  On the other hand, did she want her last words with him to be this? This anger and bitterness that masked her true feelings? This anger and bitterness that protected her fear of losing him?

  Lifting her chin, she tried to smile and failed. “Good luck tomorrow.”

  He frowned at her. “Thanks.”

  “I hope everything goes well.”

  He gave a brief nod. “Me, too.”

  Cass walked away, her heart in her throat. All of her life, Dar and her father had faced dangerous situations. She’d grown used to it.

  With Aidan, the idea absolutely terrified her. She hated the fear. She didn’t want to feel it. How could she make it go away when the source of it had become the most important thing in her life?

  Turning around, Cass saw Aidan remained in the same spot, same position, just watching her.

  She walked backwards. “Be careful.”

  He took a few seconds to answer. “I will.”

  Rounding the corner, Cass sprinted down the hall.

  Where are you going, Cassandra?

  To see her father? No. Thank God he’d been asleep when she stopped in earlier.

  Back to her room? To do what? Think about Aidan, worry about Aidan, long for him to be right there beside her in bed?

  Cass stopped in her tracks. She loved Aidan Monroe. Would she really spend this night without him, knowing it could be their last?


  Turning around, she ran back down the hall, tossing

  her father, Aidan’s temper, her family loyalty, all of it, out the window. She was tired of holding back, tired of living in fear, tired of living for everyone else.

  About twenty feet from the turn, Cass stopped short when Aidan rounded the corner jogging toward her.


  Relief flooded her body. “Aidan…” She flew into his arms. He caught her to him and twirled her around, kissing her with an all-consuming hunger. Cass clung to him, delving her tongue into his mouth, her arms tight around his neck.

  “I can’t do it, Cass. Staying away from you is killing me.” His lips brushed against her ear.

  “Neither can I.” Cass whispered the words into his neck, his fall scent bathing her in contentment.

  “Thank God.” Squeezing her tight, he stood in the hallway and just held her.

  “Spend the night with me, Aidan.”

  Pulling away, he stared down at her with that mesmerizing, dimpled smile of his – before swooping her up in his arms. She squeaked.

  “I thought you’d never ask.” He walked toward the housing wing of the D.I.R.E. compound.

  She squinted at him. “Was that all a ploy to get me into bed, Monroe?”


  Smiling, she took in the muscles of his neck, his ridiculously handsome face, his gorgeous mouth. “Great view up here.”

  “I’ve been told it’s beautiful.” He gave her a rakish grin.

  Cass barked out a laugh before leaning in to give him an open-mouthed kiss on his neck.

  “Keep it up, woman. I’ll show no mercy tonight.”

  Catching her bottom lip between her teeth, she gave him a flirtatious smile. “Can’t wait.”

  Reaching a door, he gave her his touch screen combination.

  Once inside, he set her down with a soft, sweet, bone-melting kiss.

  And walked away.

  She frowned through the dizziness. “Ummm…”

  Grinning, he walked to the bedroom. “I’m just grabbing a few things.”

  She glanced around the sterile, unused apartment. “We’re not staying?”

  He emerged with blankets, a pillow and a small toiletry bag. “No.” He passed her on the way to the kitchen. “Thirsty?”

  Seriously? She crossed her arms in front of her. “Uh, sure. I’ll take whatever you have.”

  Setting down the bundle on the bar, he reached into the fridge and pulled out
a couple of vitamin drinks. He went to the pantry.

  “Monroe, we aren’t going on a mission.”

  He whipped around to look at her.

  “I thought we were going to make love? You know, where less is more...?”

  Giving her that crazy-hot grin, he pulled out a bag of chips and shut the door. “A boy scout is always prepared.”

  She took the food and drinks from him. “I know this is my first time, but I had no idea it involved so much preparation.”

  Grabbing his bundle, he leaned down and gave her a kiss that made her juggle the items in her hands. She righted them in her arms.

  Grinning, he held open the door for her. “Focus, Naylor. Focus.”

  “Do you make all of your women work for it like this?” She waited for him in the hall. “I feel like a pack mule.”

  Taking her hand in his, he laughed as he led her toward the roof elevator. “What women? It’s only you. And trust me, it’ll be worth it.”

  Going up five floors, the doors opened to the apartment wing’s roof. Fresh desert breeze rushed against her face.

  A million and one stars greeted them, the smell of creosote bushes hung in the air.

  “Oh, Aidan…” If she had ever envisioned the perfect atmosphere for making love, this would be it.

  She heard the smile in his voice as he led her across the flat surface of the roof. “I told you.”

  Flicking on a dim blue light on one of his armbands, Aidan set the bundle on a tile table surrounded with matching, wrought iron chairs. A lounge area with two benches sat in the near distance.

  “I didn’t know there was a lounge up here.”

  Spreading two blankets on the floor, Aidan secured three of the corners with his hiking boots and toiletry bag. “Good, because if you had, I’d know you were up here with another agent and I’d have to kill him.”

  Setting down her things, Cass kicked off her sandals and hooked her fingers in the belt loops at his narrow hips. “Sounds a bit like jealousy, Monroe.”

  Pulling the headband from her hair, he tossed it across the roof. Her hair fell around her face. “I think we’ve already established I’m the jealous type.”

  “I don’t know why.” She pulled his shirt from the waistband of his jeans. “My fantasies are only about you.”

  With raised brows, Aidan whipped his shirt over his head. “Really? What kind of fantasies are we talking about, exactly?”

  None as good as what stood before her.

  Hard ridges of ripped muscle lay in half shadows across his torso and arms. Eight-pack abs housed a sprinkling of dark copper hair, his shoulders and biceps cut like marble. With his bold copper and gold armbands, Aidan looked every bit the fierce gladiator.

  Her archangel.

  He wasn’t just beautiful. He was magnificent.

  Inhaling his addictive scent, she skimmed her palms up his bare chest, his skin hot to the touch. Tiny zaps of electricity tickled her fingertips.

  Could she reveal her fantasies? Coming from someone who’d never made love before, her dreams would sound juvenile to an experienced man like Aidan.

  You’re done with the fear, remember?

  “Don’t ever be shy with me, Cass.” His gentle voice wafted on the breeze as his fingers filtered through her hair. “I want to know what you’re thinking.”

  His soft assurance gave her courage.

  Inhaling deep, her voice shook when she spoke. “I’m… working alone in my office at Grand Lake, stacks and stacks of folders piled high on my desk.”

  His lips were feather-light against her forehead, her

  temple, the mole below her eye.

  “It’s been a long, stressful day, it’s hot, and all I have

  to look forward to is another evening at home, alone.” She swallowed hard.

  “You fling open the door without knocking…”

  She trailed kisses along his collarbone and his chest. “…you’re slick with sweat and breathing heavy, tossing aside clothes as you draw closer.”

  Growing bolder, her tongue stroked his nipple. Breath rushed from his nose.

  “Naked, you come around the side of my desk, and you’re… hard for me. You tell me you need me now.”

  His backside filled her hands as she skimmed her teeth over his other nipple. He hissed.

  “I touch you, tentatively at first…”

  Releasing the button on his jeans, she lowered the zipper.

  Her palm skimmed over the front of his grey boxer briefs. He expanded in her hand, his breath coming in short spurts now.

  “I take you in my fist-“

  Dropping his head back, he groaned. “Cass…”

  She breathed against his chest. “You yank me out of my seat and tear the clothes from my body.

  Knocking the files to the floor, you lower me to the desk, kissing your way from my breasts, down my stomach, to…”

  He cursed low, his eyes shut below puckered brows. She shoved his jeans to the floor.

  “-your mouth is on me there, making me come the way you did the other night…”

  Rising up on her toes, she gave him a wet, open-mouthed kiss, her tongue imitating her dream. It trailed over his bottom lip when she pulled away.

  He groaned aloud. “Damn Cass…”

  She rubbed her hips against him. “…before you shove into me-”

  Cursing aloud, Aidan ripped the tank top over Cass’s head, his actions imitating her fantasy. He shoved the yoga pants down her legs. She stood before him in black bikini panties, bare-chested.

  He took in his fill of her, his green eyes glowing in the dim light. She felt a warm blush sift through her body, chilling her in the night breeze.

  He shook his head. “God, you’re perfect, Cass.”

  His reverent tone made her smile. “So are you.”

  Snatching her to him, Aidan took her breast in his mouth. He suckled her with ardent haste, his tongue and teeth flooding her with pleasure and memories of that night in the hallway. “Oh Aidan, yes…”

  Lowering his briefs, Cass took him in her hand. Aidan shot away, sucking in a breath.

  He stayed her hand. “Oh no. We’ve got to slow down.”

  She took a step closer. “I want this.”

  “Baby, this is your first time...“

  “Aidan, please.” She pulled him down to the blankets, the pillow at her head. “We have time for slow later.”

  Kicking off his briefs, he whisked away her panties and covered her. A low hum of electricity vibrated his body, his manhood poised between her legs.

  She rubbed against him, his tiny tremors sending waves of pleasure quivering through her. Closing her eyes, she moaned low. “Mmm, Aidan, no batteries necessary…”

  He choked out a laugh. “Damn Cass, I didn’t know…“

  She let his nearness, his scent, his current tantalize her. “This brings a whole new dynamic to my fantasies.”

  He sat ready to enter her. “Damn, mine, too.”

  Her climax knocked, teasing her with its impending euphoria. When Aidan shoved into her, the sharp sting of possession whisked it away.

  Seconds later, the pain faded and realization washed over her. Aidan Monroe filled her.

  He’d made her his.

  They made love despite their families, despite her fear, despite their history. They’d found their own, private paradise in the middle of the hatred and chaos.

  She’d also made her definitive choice. She loved Aidan. She’d stand by him against her father, her brother and any other enemies they encountered.

  There was no going back now.

  Sweat lined his brow as he stilled above her. “Are you okay?”

  She brushed back the hair from his forehead. “Stop talking and love me, Aidan.”

  He moved inside her with short, gentle strokes. She rose up and took him to the hilt. Growling low, he thrust into her, his movements stronger, more determined with each stroke. He dominated her, his arrogance, his confidence arousing her to t
he point of madness.

  He was her protector, her archangel.

  Her hope.

  The wave hit, crashing over her as he cried out her name into the barren landscape.

  Her future.

  Chapter 12

  Pulling a blanket over them, Aidan wrapped an arm around Cass’s waist from behind. The air smelled of sex and grapefruit, the taste of her skin salty on his tongue.

  Cassandra Naylor had proven to be too much woman for him. He admitted it. The virgin had turned him on and nearly made him come just by reciting a fantasy, her soft hands magic on his straining hardness. The woman had even made freshening up after first-time sex, hot.

  He listened to her even breathing mingle with the wind. She’d fallen asleep beside him. The knowledge brought a sense of contentment to his heart.

  Flipping on his back, Aidan stared up at the clear, night sky. Heaven on earth. Lying in the desert under the stars with Cass by his side. It didn’t get any better.

  You’re in love, Monroe. Face it.

  He sighed. Okay. He admitted that, too. He adored Cassandra Naylor. The man that didn’t do relationships had face-planted himself in the middle of the whopper of all relationships.

  What freaked him out was that he wasn’t freaked out about it - at all. He was okay with loving Cass. It felt natural, right.

  Perfect. Like her.

  “I’m scared, Aidan.”

  Flicking on his blue light, he looked down at her. He didn’t realize she’d woken up. “Why, baby?”

  Turning to face him, he saw tears glistened in her violet-blue eyes. “What if something happens to you? There’s no one to call, no one to help.”

  Aidan knew the possibility existed. He wasn’t naïve. However, he felt good about the suit and the test run they’d done that day. He looked at it like any other op. His location was just another year instead of another country.

  Kissing her forehead, he pulled her onto his chest and laced his fingers through hers. “Knowing I have this to come home to… nothing would keep me away, Cass. Nothing.”

  She kissed him, the taste of salt on her lips.

  “You trust me, right?”

  She nodded without hesitation. Aidan’s chest swelled with pride. He wouldn’t have gotten that response from her a few days ago.

  “Come here.” Standing, he held out his hand to her. She took it, shivering as she stood against his side. Grabbing a blanket, he wrapped it around her. He donned his briefs and took her hand.


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