The Crown

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The Crown Page 3

by Sophia Summers

Not one chose to highlight the dear family she had invited, or their children. And no one covered the messages spoken or the successes of the past year.

  Francisco stopped on the last picture, one of Jo and Nico dancing. Someone had captured her mock scowl, her mimic of Monique, and coupled it with the headline, “Trouble with the Torren crown?” He snapped the remote down on the table, and Jo jerked her eyes to his.

  “This shot is the most troubling of all. Your unity as a couple is the most important thing you bring to the throne. This is not a job for one. There is a king, yes, and there is a queen.” He nodded to his wife. “And the throne would not be complete without both.”

  “But none of this is real.” Jo felt the need to defend herself. “They have painted a false impression.”

  “Is it?” Francisco eyed them both.”

  “Well of course.” She turned to Nico. But his eyes avoided hers.


  He cleared his throat. “Of course it is a false impression. We love each other as much as ever.” His words sounded overly compensating. She searched his face. “Nico?”

  He dropped his hand onto the table. And his face colored. “I hate that these conversations are full family affairs.”

  Jo looked around the room, even more self-conscious. “Should we go for a walk?” A great fear filled her, suddenly and irrationally. Could he be doubting his choice?

  “We should. But first, I’ll tell everyone. I was concerned. Every time another one of those men approached her I wanted to pound him, but I was stuck across the room entertaining this person or that. When all I wanted was to be at her side.”

  Jo reached for him. “I’m sorry I didn’t know.’

  He squeezed her hand. “But Jo’s scowl. That was just a diversion between the two of us. We were joking about something and Jo does an excellent imitation of—”

  “Monique.” Trane finished, his eyes appraising them both.

  The other brothers laughed. “Wow, look at that. It does look like her.” Trane tried to imitate the pinched lips, and they laughed again.

  Until their father cleared his throat. “Perhaps she should begin her lessons with you today, my dear.”

  His wife nodded. “We will begin with the many variations of, “The poker face.””

  “Ugh.” Nico groaned. “We can be ourselves in public, mother.”

  “Not all of the sides of ourselves.” She frowned. “We see where that got you all these years.”

  Another jab at Nico. Jo hurt for him. Could his mother not just let it go? Praise him for his progress?

  Jo felt terrible, all the happiness from yesterday drained, leaving her desolate. “I’m sorry Nico. Everyone. I thought I was doing my job by entertaining everyone in the room. What I wanted most was a quiet moment with Nico and those families. I would have been pleased with only that.”

  The queen reached a hand toward her on the table. “I could see that. And thank you for your efforts to divert the attention.” She cleared her throat delicately. “We will work on ways to do that more consistently and effectively.’ She raised an eyebrow, “As well as how not to scowl at your intended in public.”

  The others chuckled. Lucan murmured under his breath, “He probably deserved it.” Which earned some more laughs all around.

  Jo had an idea. “Should I be doing some diverting right now? While this is hot?”

  The queen tilted her head in admiration. “Now you’re thinking.”

  “Perhaps Nico and I could both go together to their homes, talk to them there?”

  They planned the rest of their day, including an invitation to two reputable news channels to accompany them to the homes of the literacy families.

  Even though the conversation took a positive turn, Jo felt shaken in her failures. They were so public. But more than anything, she was concerned at the look of doubt in Nico’s face.

  She knocked on the Queen’s office door.


  Pushing open the door slowly, because that’s about how much she wanted to visit her future mother-in-law, Jo looked inside. The room looked like the queen. Neat, crisp lines, classical. High backed chairs, thick dark woods, crisp white lace. The room spoke queen from another age. And Jo was struck with the tiniest beginnings of an epiphany as she looked around her.

  The queen waved her into the room, all business. “You need a whole new look.”

  “Pardon me?”

  She nodded. “The look you portray now will still be visible of course, if people look hard enough, but we need an image that says, venerable, royal, impeccable.”

  Jo didn’t agree. But she listened because she was here to learn.

  “I’ll have the royal makeover specialists make an appointment with your assistant. “

  “I haven’t actually met my assistant yet; I just get a lot of emails.”

  She nodded. “That’s how I asked her to operate. We don’t need the staff to hover about us. They can be quite anxious, fluttering about all the time. Trust me. It’s better this way.”

  “I appreciate you taking the time to help me. “

  She waved her in. “Of course. Come. Sit with me.”

  Jo joined her on the love seat. Her office had a sitting area off to the side which Jo fell in love with. Everything about it spoke comfort.

  “We will begin with the people we know. I feel you will be much better off if I give you an education about each of the people we come in contact with. Some are more acceptable than others. I will help you differentiate between those you may ignore to be at Nico’s side, and those that must be catered to more.”

  She knew the queen to be less arrogant and more logical even though she sounded incredibly high brow. Her interest immediately picked up. “Excellent.”

  The queen’s smile warmed. “I want you to know, I’m happy you have come. Nico is a different man with you at his side.” She took a sip of her water. “Naturally we loved Monique as a future queen. But you will be a good wife. He is working to become the man I’ve been waiting to see all these years.”

  She quietly reshuffled her papers. “There is another matter I would like to bring to your attention.” She slid a packet of information across the table to Jo. “Well, two matters.”

  Curious because of the Queen’s altered tone, she lifted the envelope flap to peer inside.

  “It’s just a few things that need to be discussed and signed before the marriage can take place.”

  Jo’s heart sank. Like a prenup? Her indignation rose. “Oh, of course.” She curled her toes inside her sneakers. Just smile and say thank you. “Thank you.” The smile wouldn’t come. “So, if we’re finished?” She stood to leave.

  “And the other thing.”

  Jo paused, a slow dread clenching her insides.

  “We’ll need to see what can be done about your name.”

  She sputtered. “M-My name?” Of all the ridiculous—

  “Yes, It’s just not very traditional, is it?” She smiled, kindly. She was not attempting to derail Jo; at least it didn’t appear she had bad intentions.

  “I’ve always liked my name.”

  “I saw in your background check,”

  They did a background check on me?”

  “that your full name is Josephine.”

  Jo groaned. Quietly though. She suspected that future queens did not groan in front of their mother-in-laws. “I much prefer Jo.”

  “Well, naturally, it is the name you go by. We can use it amongst ourselves. Your close friends may call you whatever you like, but your public name, the one by which our subjects will know you, needs to be refined.” She stood. “We must begin referring to you as Josephine at all functions and public gatherings.”

  Jo could only nod. She had been fighting that name since the fifth grade and had finally squelched it. Now it was to be blasted on all the news pundit sights. But she didn’t know what to say. Her reasons for disagreeing seemed petty and inconsequential.

  “I’ll have
Marguerite make you some more dresses and things more along the lines of your new image.”

  “My new image?”

  “Well, yes, to counteract the playboy flirt man magnet they are trying to portray you as. We’ll work on your hair as well, like I said. I think you will like it. It will be more befitting a ruler, more mature, responsible.”

  Jo knew she would hate it. And suspected Nico would also. The idea screamed unattractive. And that sat wrong with her. She refused to alter her appearance simply because men were drawn to her.

  A quiet knock interrupted them both.

  “Oh Dahlia, come in darling.”

  Jo whipped her head around, pleased to finally meet the sister.

  “Dahlia has been at school.”

  Before Jo could even open her mouth to say hello, Dahlia slammed a stack of tabloids on her mother’s desk. “Is this how you treat my brother? When he gives you the world, you can’t even stay focused for one evening?”

  She plopped down in the nearest chair, dismissing Jo as if she were no longer present. “I assume you are telling her to pack her bags.”


  “Jo.” Nico’s whisper sounded far away. They were on her boat, watching movies. He ran a finger along her forehead, clearing hair from her face. “Jo. Wake up, Jo.”

  Her eyes flew open. “Nick.” She breathed the name she used to call him in South Carolina, before she knew he was a crown prince, her smile stretching across her face.

  “Hello beautiful.” His face was dark, but his voice, seductive, even in whisper.

  She sat up, the awful conversation with his mother crashing in on her peace. “Oh Nico. What are we going to do?”

  “Shh.” He kissed her quickly. “We are going to go have some fun.”

  Hope picked up and her heart beat faster. He still wanted her. She whipped off the covers. “Ok! Where are we going?”

  He laughed. “I love you.”

  Her heart thrilled to hear it. “I love you too.”

  “I’m going to take you to one of my old haunts. I just need to get out, to go a little crazy, and I figure if you’re there, we won’t get into trouble, right?”

  She thought about it. “I don’t know anything about your old haunts.” Hundreds of images flashed before her eyes though, of drunken revelry and a woman on each arm. “I guess if we’re together we can have our own kind of fun, right?”

  He waved her to the bathroom. “That’s my thinking. Go get ready.”

  She flew through the room, throwing on a tight skirt, a fun shirt, and a pair of heels. Then she whipped a toothbrush across her teeth, added mascara and lip gloss and ran back out.

  He whistled. “Now, that’s a woman who knows how to have some fun.”

  A small doubt made her wonder if she should look in the long mirror, but instead she smiled and raced out the door after him. “How are we getting out?” Usually he wasn’t allowed to leave without a full security detail.

  He reached for her hand. “I do this all the time.”

  Warnings tightened her insides. “But don’t you think we should at least let someone know?”

  Trane stepped out of the shadows and into their path. “She’s right, Nico.”

  He stopped short and scowled. “Well, now you know. Perfect.”

  Trane crossed his arms. “No, I’m coming with you.”

  Nico shook his head. “We don’t need a babysitter. I’ve got Jo. We’re good.”

  Her heart shuddered. “Whoa, what do you mean, you’ve got Jo?” She stepped away. “I’m not your babysitter, am I?”

  He didn’t answer.

  “Am I?” She worried again she was his Kevin, her old controlling and super responsible boyfriend.

  He held his hands out, “What? No, Jo, no. It’s not like that. It’s like I said, if we are together, nothing can happen, right?”

  Jo was not convinced. It’s true, that’s the way he had described it, but she didn’t want this relationship to be based on the idea that she would help him grow up, monitor and coddle him.

  Trane interrupted her thoughts. “I’m just as worried about Jo getting into trouble as I am, you.”

  Nico stopped and looked from one to the other, and as his eyes ran up the length of her body, she became that much more aware of him. She flushed with the rush of energy that flowed through her.

  Nico’s eyes lit. “She’s gorgeous. If the others can’t handle that without keeping their distance, they’ll have to talk to me.” He shrugged and Jo’s heart fluttered with hope. “Besides, we don’t plan on being apart.” He put a hand on Trane’s shoulder. “Look Duke. We just want to go have some fun. Jo and I love to dance.” They locked eyes for a long moment. “We need this.”

  Trane nodded briefly, but Nico didn’t wait for more. He took off running again. And Jo followed.

  As soon as they walked in the doorway, the energy in the room coursed through her. The beat vibrated up through her shoes and the lights and the vibe of the place made her smile. “This is awesome!” She shouted.

  Nico turned to her, already bouncing on his toes. “I know! Come on!” They moved around the edge of the first room and pushed through to the next. At last they arrived in a smaller space, a bouncer stood at the door, but he let them pass without even a glance.

  The person right behind her was stopped though. “I’m with them.”

  She turned, but didn’t recognized him at all.

  “Sure you are. The Prince of Morocco, are you?” the guard shoved him away. “Royals only.”

  Surprised, she met Nico’s eyes.

  “Sometimes it’s easiest just to use the Royals only room.”

  She nodded, somewhat relieved. A bit of the tension that Trane had caused in her gut began to ease away. What could go wrong in a room full of royals?

  A new song started with a solid beat. She and Nico, as one, ran for the center of the floor. As soon as the crowd recognized him, a great cheer rose all around them. “Nico!” They made room for the two of them. Girl after girl tried to join them, but Nico angled his body away, turned from them, and one time even shook his head. Soon they gave up and only scowled at Jo when they thought she wasn’t paying attention.

  They moved and jumped and played and ran and bounced and all the worries of the family, the staffers, Dahlia, and his mother faded from her mind in importance. They would make it work. She and Nico could do anything together. The music slowed, and Nico pulled her close. “Thank you Jo. We needed this.”

  “Yeah, I feel better too.” She grinned.

  His arms held her. Their bodies moved as one. And his eyes were filled with love. Her breath caught. “Sometimes I can’t believe this is happening.”

  He winked. “Oh, it’s happening. You are the best thing to enter my life.” His eyes warmed her, his lips welcoming. She tipped her chin and he pressed his mouth to hers. The room quieted around them and she enjoyed the sensations that washed over her.

  When they pulled apart, a new song had started and people had begun to press back in the center, jostling them.

  “Are all of these people royals?” The thought surprised her. They seemed normal, albeit wealthy. Everyone was dressed impeccably and gorgeous. There was something to be said for a heavy cosmetic budget.

  His eyes flitted over the crowd. “Royals, or our friends.” He shrugged as if he didn’t want to talk about them so she let it drop.

  A large crowd pushed forward and pressed between them. “Oops. Sorry about that.” A pair of strong arms steadied her and moved with her as they were rushed to the outer edges by the crowd.

  Jo’s heart picked up in a moment of alarm, but then calmed. “Thanks.” She grinned up into the teasing eyes of another Adonis type guy.

  She looked for Nico, but she couldn’t see him over the tops of everyone. So she held out her hand. “I’m Jo.”

  He grinned. “We all know who you are.” He raised an eyebrow. “It’s been a challenge to get you away from his royal protectiveness for a minute.”
r />   “What?” She began to worry. “You did that on purpose?” Her eyes searched for Nico again, growing more concerned when the center opened up again and he was not in it.

  “Just for fun. There’s lots of fun to be had in our group. The couples sometimes switch it up, for a few hours. Keeps things interesting.”

  Confused, she knew Nico had not planned on doing that. But she didn’t know what else to do now that they were apart.

  “So, you game. Can we dance?”

  She smiled, not wanting to offend whatever royal this was. “Ok. Until Nico gets back.” She started to dance in a calm manner so they could talk. “I didn’t catch your name.”

  “Henry Baldeez.” He paused so that she could gush. She supposed they were used to it.

  “The crown prince? I’m so pleased to meet you.” She complied. But surely he would understand that if she came with Nico, his crown prince-ness did not wow her as much as it might others.

  “I hear American women like titles.” He winked.

  A prickle of irritation nudged her. “I can’t speak for all, of course. But I’m more into the man than his title.”

  He stood even taller.

  And she struggled not to roll her eyes. But then he started regaling her with stories of his escapades as a teen. As Nico was involved more often than not, she soon relaxed and found herself laughing with tears about a time when Nico had been caught trying to be the first one to dance with a new visiting royal. He had gone to great lengths to tie up the others. Apparently these sorts of games were a regular occurrence.

  Her eyes caught a couple leaving through a side door, Nico, led by what looked like Monique.

  She narrowed her eyes at Henry who held his hands up. “I have nothing to do with that.”

  An alarm sounded, piercing. The lights turned on. She squinted and held hands to her ears, watching the door for Nico.

  She was surrounded by men in suits with ear buds. Security detail. Relief filled her. Henry was giving them orders.

  “Are these yours?”

  He nodded. “And Nico’s.” He pointed to the door and several moved in that direction, but most stayed with them. One placed a hand on her arm. “There’s been a situation. We are unsure if this location can be secured. We have to vacate immediately.”


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