The Wedding

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The Wedding Page 6

by Lorhainne Eckhart

  “How am I supposed to do that when she won’t even open the door?” he said. This was an excuse, but he knew deep down that Emily was right. He’d pushed too hard.

  “Oh, Neil, Neil, you surprise me; a Friessen man who doesn’t know how to get a woman out of a locked bedroom!” She shook her head, and Neil realized that short of taking down the door, he was at a loss.

  “Maybe I should go talk to Brad,” he said.

  “Or maybe you should follow me.” Emily wiped her hands and set her knife in the sink, pulling open the junk drawer and rummaging around until she pulled out a Swiss Army knife.

  “What are you planning on doing with that?” Neil asked as he followed her to the back stairs.

  “I’m planning to open the door,” she said.

  Chapter 16

  Candy was curled up on the bed, staring at the door. When she first heard the footsteps on the stairs, she’d known it was Neil and had turned the lock on the doorknob, propping two pillows on the bed and watching the door. He’d first tried to turn the knob, and then he had knocked, calling out her name. Then he had pounded on the door. He hadn’t given up right away, demanding that she open the door and saying she was behaving like a spoiled child. She could hear how frustrated he was with her, and he was close to yelling. He had finally given up as she clutched the pillow to her chest, waiting for him to shove the door open, but instead he had left.

  This time, she heard voices, footsteps, and then something scraping the door, clicking, and the door popped open. Her mouth fell open as she spotted Emily pulling a tool from the doorknob, Neil waiting behind her.

  “Thank you, Emily,” he said, stepping into the bedroom.

  Emily glanced at her and said, “Candy, you need to talk to him.” Then she shut the door and left.

  Neil crossed his arms and leaned against the door. Candy scooted up on the bed, pulling a pillow against her chest and staring back at Neil. She was not going to give in. She had a right to be angry, and she was determined to make this damn hard on him. It was unforgivable, what he had done. She was right, and he was wrong. End of story.

  “Candy, I’m sorry,” he said, and the way he said it started to chip away at her resolve, so she looked away and then at her hands. It was his eyes, the way he looked at her—he could make her do anything. “I know I acted… in an unforgivable way, but you scared me.” He didn’t move, and she could tell as he kept his arms crossed that he wouldn’t stay there for long. Neil didn’t wait; he made things happen, he went to people, he handled, he took charge, and that was what he’d done with her from the moment he’d rescued her when the storm hit, taking away her home and property and nearly killing her.

  She flicked her gaze toward him. “How could I have scared you, Neil?”

  He let out a rough laugh. “Candy, you’re pregnant. You can’t get on a horse when you’re pregnant.”

  “Why?” she said. “I’m not an invalid. I’m not broken. I’m comfortable on horses. I know how to ride, and I’ve never in my life been thrown. I know horses. How you treated me out there wasn’t okay. You humiliated me as if I was some nitwit, tossing me over your shoulder.”

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t want you riding right now, not while you’re pregnant. Can’t you understand that? That horse was… unpredictable, Candy. This isn’t about your ability. I know you can ride, but you didn’t know anything about that horse.”

  She knew he was right, but she wasn’t about to admit it. The horse seemed fine, but then, she’d spent no time with it. She didn’t know how it reacted to anything, and she never got on a horse unless she’d worked with it and built a connection first. She stared at her fingers again.

  “Candy?” Neil prodded her gently. The floor squeaked as he walked across the room slowly and perched on the side of the bed.

  “You spanked my…”

  He touched her leg. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t do it again.”

  “Okay.” This time, he covered her hands with his and smoothed her fists. He moved closer so that his thigh pressed into hers. “We need to talk about the wedding,” he said, somehow managing to pry her hands apart and remove the pillow she’d put between them.

  “What do we need to talk about? You’ve already arranged everything,” she said, feeling the incredible anxiety of having one more thing to buy, to be arranged, for what was supposed to have been a simple wedding.

  “Well, see, that’s the thing. It’s been pointed out to me how I’ve planned this entire wedding, made all the decisions. I even picked out your dress, and not once have you said what you wanted.”

  This time, she really looked at Neil, and she realized she had his attention for the first time. Maybe he was finally ready to hear her. “It’s a nice dress,” she said.

  “It’s beautiful, but you could make anything lovely.”

  “It cost a lot of money, Neil. I didn’t need anything that fancy.”

  “But you’re worth it to me,” he said.

  She looked away, because he wasn’t listening to her again. He didn’t get what she was saying, and she didn’t know how to explain it to a man who expected and wanted the best of everything.

  He touched her chin and slid his fingers over her cheek. “Candy, don’t do that. I want to know what you’re thinking. When you turn away and say it doesn’t matter, of course I’m going to decide. That’s who I am. If you don’t like something, you need to tell me so. You need to tell me what you want. I need to hear it.”

  “But I told you before, and you didn’t listen to me.”

  “No, Candy, you never said, ‘I don’t like it,’ or ‘No, I don’t want this,’ or ‘I want this instead,’” he said quite sharply.

  Neil had a way about him of invading her space with his presence, which was so large and powerful, and letting her know he wasn’t going anywhere, but he also saw things from his side only, and that was becoming clearer.

  “Do you want a new dress? The wedding’s tomorrow, but I’ll take you anywhere you want to go, and you can buy whatever you want.”

  “No, the dress is fine.”

  He let out an exasperated breath, and his jaw tightened.

  “It’s too late to change it anyway,” she said, and he wiped his face roughly. She could tell he was struggling not to lose his temper. “I don’t want an orchestra.”

  This time, he appeared to soften.

  “Or all those fancy finger-food things and dishes from that caterer you hired. I wanted a barbeque, nothing fancy…”

  Neil reached over and put his finger to her lips. “Okay, I understand. The caterer, well, it may be too late to change what we want, but if you really want the barbeque, I’ll find someone to do the barbeque. The caterer will be mad; she’ll have already started preparing for tomorrow.”

  “No, just leave the caterer. I don’t want you spending any more money.”

  “Candy, I have the money to do this. I want you to have a wedding that you remember, that you can tell our children about. I want it to be special.”

  “But just having you there is all I need,” she said. “I’m not comfortable with the money, Neil. I don’t want everything so fancy, and no orchestra—it’s too much in this small house.”

  “Okay, I’ll cancel the orchestra, but I want music, so how about just the guitar?”

  “Okay, but just one guitar. I suppose it’s too late to cancel the cake and the flowers?” she asked hopefully.

  He frowned as he glanced back at her. “They’re bought and paid for, unless you want me to donate them to some worthy cause.”

  Candy groaned. “Fine, just don’t buy anything else. Please.”

  He slid forward until they were hip to hip and leaned in, his lips so close that his warm breath heated her lips. “Nothing else; so am I forgiven?”

  She slid her hand over his cheek. How could she stay mad at the first and only man to fill her dreams every night, even though he continually rode roughshod over parts of her life, making all her decisi
ons for her when, in fact, she had a mind of her own?

  “Yes…you are,” she said.

  He kissed her deeply until she was taking his breath as hers. She wasn’t sure who moaned, but he somehow had her on her back across the bed, and he was on top of her. He pressed into her, sliding his hand over her thigh and leg, lifting it so he could slide his hand over her butt. He was so smooth and knew exactly where to touch her to ignite the burning desire she had only for him, but today he seemed hurried, or maybe it was her. In two seconds flat, he had her clothes off and tossed to the floor. Candy pulled at his shirt, and a button popped off, but she couldn’t stop kissing him.

  He touched every part of her, sliding his hand over her slim belly, up and over her breast, and he kissed her jaw, her neck. She wanted him so badly.

  “Neil, please…” she said.

  He continued down, skimming his hand over one breast while tasting the other. He was still dressed, and she yanked at the buttons on his shirt. He drew away, pulling it over his head, and she felt the chilled air over her skin. He watched her as if she were a dessert laid out just for him. Candy reached for him, and his lips met hers, and she pulled her legs up as he fit between them. She reached down to help him as he unzipped his pants and was inside her, taking both her hands, pressing them above her head, watching her as he moved so slow and deep. Then he stopped and just watched her.

  “Neil, please move,” she begged.

  His jaw tightened as he started moving so slowly that she thought she’d go out of her mind. She tossed her head side to side until he moved faster. Candy was lost in a wave of passion that was so intense, so powerful, that she lost her reasoning. Maybe Neil knew she was going to scream or cry out, as he covered her mouth with his and moved faster. She fought to suppress her scream and moaned as he kissed her more deeply, and she felt a powerful wave of passion explode inside her, toppling her over the edge. Sex with Neil was incredible, mind blowing, and she had turned to putty in his hands.

  Neil was still inside her as she lay there breathing, wrapping her arms around his back, holding him to her. She breathed in his rich male scent, which drove her to the brink of madness. She didn’t know if she’d be able to catch her breath, let alone move, any time soon. All his weight was on her, pressing her into the mattress.

  “Oh my God, if that’s what sex is like after fighting, we should do it more often,” she said.

  As soon as the words left her mouth, Candy couldn’t believe she’d said it, but Neil groaned, pulled out, and rolled over, taking Candy with him as he pulled the quilt over her, snuggling her against his side. She slid her leg over his still jean-clad thigh and ran her hand over the dark hair on his chest. She rested her head on his shoulder as his arm anchored her more tightly, making her feel like his possession. He was gazing up at the ceiling, not saying a word, when a honk downstairs and a commotion of voices had Candy scampering away and Neil letting her go as he slid his legs over the side of the bed, zipped up his jeans, and went to the window. He parted the curtain and looked out.

  “Who’s here?” she asked, covering her breasts with the edge of the quilt.

  “Can’t see, but I think it’s Jed and Diana.” Neil grabbed his shirt and started to button it before noticing the missing button. He frowned and dumped it on the chair, taking a clean red shirt from the closet and pulling it on. Candy just sat and watched, because she was absolutely terrified. Instead of seeing how freaked out she was, Neil tucked in his shirt and then leaned down and kissed her. “I’ll see you downstairs,” he said as he left, shutting the door behind him.

  She stared at the back of the white door, her mouth open, still feeling the aftereffects of what had just transpired between them. She lay back down and pulled the covers over her head.

  Chapter 17

  “So, where’s the woman who managed to snag you?” Jed said as he hugged Neil and slapped his back a couple of times. Boy, did his brother look good. Neil was surprised by how much he had missed him.

  “Gee whiz, couldn’t you get a haircut, at least, for my wedding?” Neil teased. Jed’s dark, wavy hair was long enough to cover his ears.

  “Sorry, Neil. That was my fault,” Diana said as she hugged Neil next. Her normally long red hair was pinned up in a haphazard bun, and she had deeper lines around her tired blue eyes. She was a new mother, her baby not even four weeks old yet, and she was still plump in the middle, looking as if she was about five months pregnant, wearing a pair of overalls over a green, long-sleeved shirt.

  Just then, the baby let out a howl from the carrier Jed held. He set it on the floor and unbuckled him. “Diana, Christopher’s hungry, and I can’t help him.”

  “Oh, let me see him!” Emily said, nudging her way in and lifting the baby from the carrier. She snuggled him just as Brad came through the door with a giggling Danny tossed over his shoulder, wearing his dark blue jacket and big-boy jeans.

  “Come here, you,” Neil said as he reached for Danny, his two-year-old rambunctious nephew.

  Danny pulled back his hood and unzipped his coat. “Uck Nee!” Danny squealed.

  “That’s right, that’s your uncle Neil,” Diana said. “Danny’s been practicing most of the way here,” she added as she took Christopher from Emily. Both women slipped into the living room together, and Diana lounged in one of the easy chairs. Emily handed her a pillow just as Diana unhooked a strap of her overalls and lifted her shirt to nurse the baby. Neil smiled at the sight and imagined Candy would be comfortable enough to do the same thing. He couldn’t wait.

  “You know what? Candy should be down in a minute. Why don’t I help you bring in your luggage?” Neil said to Jed.

  “Well, I was thinking about heading in to the barber for a haircut. I’ll never hear the end of it when Mom gets here,” Jed said, sharing a meaningful look with Diana across the room.

  Brad stepped in and said something to Emily in a low voice that Neil couldn’t make out. She nodded and then strode toward Jed, Brad right behind her.

  “Jed, we’re going to put you and Diana upstairs in the bedroom at the end of the hall,” she said. “Becky’s old crib is in there and ready for you.”

  The stairs squeaked. Neil turned and spotted Candy standing there, eyes wide, at the bottom of the stairs, as if she were hesitant to take another step. She had changed into a pair of blue jeans and a light blue shirt. She opened her mouth to say something but shut it when everyone in the room turned and stared.


  Candy was at a loss as she stepped off the bottom stair and stared at the three brothers, side by side. Oh my God was all that would come to mind. They were tall, ruggedly handsome, with square jaws, each wearing what she’d come to know as that arrogant, determined, strong Friessen expression. Maybe it was in their eyes, as the three of them, although not identical, resembled each other, and the power that exuded from them, filling the room, was enough to have Candy taking a second look. Together, they were a force that could tear a man apart—she was sure of that. What was she getting herself into?

  “Oh, Candy, come and meet Diana, Jed’s wife,” Emily said. She thankfully must have understood Candy’s plight, as she touched her arm and led her to where a redheaded woman with the brightest blue eyes was nursing a baby. The creamy white of her breast was exposed for everyone to see, and the baby was latched onto her nipple, nursing and making all kinds of squeaky noises. Candy blushed, and Diana smiled brightly.

  “You must be Candy. I’d get up, but, as you can see, I’ve got a baby attached to my boob. I’m very happy to meet you,” she said.

  Candy forced herself to nod when she couldn’t get her tongue to move. She couldn’t help feeling as if a big old spotlight were shining down on her, and she was afraid of saying or doing something stupid. She’d have given anything to run out the back door right about then.

  “You know what, Candy? That terrified look you have on your face right now is the same one I had when I met Jed’s family,” Diana said. She didn’t smile this ti
me, but there was something kind and soft in her expression, something that marked her as a kindred spirit, that had Candy taking a seat on the edge of the sofa close to her, turning her back on the men.

  “Jed, Brad, Neil, go and get all the luggage and take it upstairs,” Emily said. “Then why don’t all three of you head in to town so Jed can get his haircut? You too, Brad, and pick up the kids from school on your way home,” she finished, dictating the three macho men just as little Danny raced across the floor and started bouncing in front of Candy. “And,” Emily lifted the toddler and kissed his cheek, “take Danny with you, too.”

  Candy watched as three of the most powerful men she’d ever shared a room with fell in line and did exactly what short and petite Emily had commanded. When she inclined her head, handing Danny to Jed, the men all tromped out the door, sounding like a herd of cattle, laughing and joking. Truck doors were shut, and a vehicle started, followed by a second truck.

  “How did you do that?” Candy asked as Emily and Diana shared a look.

  “Oh, honey, you’re marrying a Friessen man, and as strong as they are,” Emily touched her head, “you need to be stronger. That’s going to be our gift to you.”

  Emily and Diana took one look at her lost expression, and Diana said, “Candy, Neil is an amazing man; a stubborn, complex Friessen. There’s nothing easy about any of them, but let me tell you, being loved by a Friessen man is worth all the difficulties and frustration they cause us. Isn’t that right, Emily?” Diana inclined her head toward her sister-in-law as she moved her baby to her other breast. She must have caught some of Candy’s embarrassment. Candy had never in her life sat in a room with a woman nursing a baby—and one so comfortable with exposing her breasts, at that. Candy couldn’t imagine doing that and considered hiding in another room for Diana’s sake.

  “Candy, you know, nursing Danny, I was a wreck,” Diana began. “I had to learn to get over it. He was such an exhibitionist! I tried what so many women do, draping a blanket over my shoulders so no one could see, but Danny would have none of that. He was always ripping away the blanket, pushing up my shirt, patting and playing with my breast, and Jed wasn’t about to let me hide away in the bedroom. Not that we had a bunch of people coming over, but I had to get over my shyness real quick.” She smiled at Candy in a way that helped her relax. “You’re going to be fine, Candy.” Diana pulled her shirt over her breast. “Do you mind, Emily?”


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