Back To Country (Country Love #4)

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Back To Country (Country Love #4) Page 10

by Vicki Green

  Gotta tell ya, she made enough for this small army with more to spare. And the food? It was amazin’. Bein’ so young when Ma passed, we never had a woman around the house to cook up some good meals. Guess we’ve always been a house of bachelors, never knowin’ a good tastin’ meal unless we went out to eat. Which wasn’t a lot. We lived so far outta town that it didn’t make sense to go there to eat very often so we were stuck tryin’ to make meals on our own.

  I give her a smile and open the cabinet door that holds a bunch of miss matched plastic containers. We clean in silence but not uncomfortable. It’s like we’re in sync the way we both move around the kitchen, wipin’ off counters and the table, loadin’ the dishwasher, and puttin’ everythin’ away. I’ve never felt such a connection with a woman before. I look over, watchin’ her wipe off the breakfast bar. Her bottom lip sucked into her mouth as she concentrates. I wanna suck on that lip. Bite it. Fuck! I need to get laid!

  “There!” She stands from her hunched over position and smiles. Tiltin’ her head, a light blush spreads slowly across her cheeks. I don’t think and walk over, grasp her arm and pull her toward me, not hesitatin’ to move her straight into my arms and press my mouth against hers. This is wrong. I should go slow. But I can’t stop myself. Her lips are warm, soft. This isn’t helpin’ my situation. I thought she’d back away or push me back. Instead, I feel her arms wrap around my shoulders, her hands movin’ up my back and around my neck. Her fingers push up over my short hair, her nails scrapin’ lightly against my scalp. Damn, that feels nice. With Blair, it was all about her pleasure. Never mind. No! I won’t let her enter my head when I have this sweet woman in my arms. A moan leaves her mouth, and my cock hardens to a painful degree. Didn’t know it was possible to get any harder than it already was.

  “Damn, you taste so good.” I moan as I kiss across her jaw and latch onto the soft skin of her neck.

  “Nash.” She moans, movin’ her head back a bit so I can get to more of her soft skin.

  Her body fits against mine perfectly. She’s soft and slim. I guess it’s her small waist and her hips that I find my hands holdin’ onto. Damn, I need to stop but can’t seem to. She feels too good. “We should stop,” I murmur against her neck. She moans in response. I make my way back up to her mouth as I move my hand around her neck, underneath her soft long hair and pull her head to the side so I can deepen the kiss. Her lips part and I take the invitation, greedily. My tongue moves inside her luscious mouth, tastin’ her sweetness. I hardly notice her hand movin’ around my back, fistin’ my shirt. I barely feel her tug my hair. I totally notice her taut nipples brushin’ against my chest through her bra. I let out my own guttural moan and tilt my head, kissin’ her harder. I feel like I’ve gone too far but she isn’t resistin’. She isn’t pullin’ back. I should stop. Be a gentleman. But I can’t seem too. Damn, man. This has been a long time comin’ and you are horny as fuck. I pull back, only a bit, and kiss her lips softly. Tenderly. Her eyes open and she smiles. So, I kiss her again. Leanin’ back a little more, I smile at her as I rub her back.

  “That was....” Amazin’. Awesome. Extraordinary. “So great,” she whispers. Great? I step back and watch her rub her hands down her shirt in nervousness. “I mean. It was really, really great,” she says louder. She walks over and gets another beer from the fridge, holdin’ one out to me. I nod and she brings them over. Like the gentleman I was raised to be, I open both and hand one to her. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous.” She lets out a laugh. I know why. “I mean, I know why I’m nervous.” She leans her hip against the breakfast bar. “I’m not used to this,” she says, wavin’ her hand between us. She reaches up and touches her lips. “It was – incredible.” My smile grows, wonderin’ if I’d lost my touch after all this time.

  I mimic her and lean against the counter, takin’ a swig of my beer, still smilin’. “I find that refreshin’.” Her brow raises as she takes a drink. “No, really. So many women I’ve met are too stand-offish, or they’d rather throw themselves at a guy – that’s too loose for my likin’. Then there are the ones that think they’re God’s gift.” She relaxes. I lean over and cup her cheek. “You are perfect. You’re down to earth. Genuine. The real deal.” She melts in my hand. Her face softens. She’s so beautiful. I know she’s shy but surely there’s many guys who want her attention. How did I get so lucky? I stare into her eyes for a bit, not wantin’ to move. Finally, I reach out and take her hand. “How ‘bout we go into the livin’ room and sit a spell?” She smiles and gives me a nod. Her hand feels good in mine as we walk into the livin’ room and sit down on the couch. Feels right. “So, tell me how you got to be such a great cook.” She takes the final drink from her beer. I smile as I take the bottle from her hand and set it on the coffee table. “Is that somethin’ you always wanted to do?” Leanin’ back into the couch, I pull her with me, so close that I put my arm around her. She doesn’t seem to mind as she looks at me with her beautiful smile.

  She turns to me. “Well, it was more like survival.” My brows lower in confusion. She lets out a snort and covers her mouth quickly. I let out a chuckle. “My parents are....” She looks around then finds my eyes again. “Let’s just say, we aren’t close.” My heart softens even more for this girl – this woman. I can’t imagine not havin’ the love and closeness of my parents. Even though I was young when Ma passed, I remember feelin’ loved. Then Pa was always there for me. We kinda supported each other but my pa’s love was always there. Plus, I had Manuel and the others we had at our ranch. It was more like a family than employer – employee. We took care of each other, much like a family would. With the pat of her hand on my leg, I clear my thoughts. “It’s okay. Don’t feel bad for me.” She leaves her hand on my leg so I cover it with my free hand, givin’ it a squeeze. “I got used to it. My parents are a bit – pretentious. Okay, they are a lot. They’re wealthy and wanted me to stay at home, live under their snobby rules and marry someone they picked out for me. Someone who is just like them. No thanks.” She lets out another snort, and I can’t help the chuckle that leaves my mouth. “They were never home and God forbid either one of them would ever cook. Our maid did all that. At a young age, I started watching Barb cook and even got into watching cooking shows. I found that I loved creating new recipes and trying out different things. Then there were so many times my wonderful parents would leave town for a weekend or a week at a time and give Barb time off so they wouldn’t have to pay her, not thinking about the fact that they had a daughter at home who might need to eat.” She takes a deep breath. “Yeah, so then it became survival to do it myself.”

  Tiltin’ my head, I lower my brows. “So you were always an afterthought.” It’s a statement, not a question. My heart saddens even more for her. What kind of parents treat their kid that way? I don’t get it.

  She lets out a snort that I’m findin’ endearin’. Wavin’ her hand, she shakes her head. “Kinda. Most of the time I wasn’t a thought at all. They’d come home and never spoke about it. I gave up trying to convince them that they were bad parents and snobby. So, when I turned eighteen, out into the world I went. I got a job at a restaurant and found a cheap apartment, one that really no one in their right mind would live in, but it was across the street from where I worked. Of course, my parents were appalled and offered me tons of money to move back home.” Another snort leaves her mouth. “Then, they thought I was crazier than they’d already thought when I informed them I was moving here to be with my bestie.” I shake my head in confusion. “Sadie.” Oh! I nod and smile. “Now Mom calls me all the time, telling me what a disgrace and disappointment I am to them and still tries to get me to move home.” She sighs. “It’s exhausting.”

  My phone vibrates in my pocket so I dig it out. “Well, I’m glad you moved here.” I look down at the text and smile then look back up at her. “I’m just sorry that up until now, you’ve had that kind of life. Everyone deserves a family who loves them.”
I squeeze her hand again. “Now. My family – Manuel, would like to meet you. Would you mind?”

  Her luscious lips turn up into a smile. “Oh! I would love to.” I take her hand and we stand. As we walk toward the stairs, my fingers push through hers. I see her eyes move up to mine then back down to her feet. I love her shyness. Love how her emotions fill her face, the blush that covers her cheeks. Her beauty is evident on the outside but fills her on the inside and shines through, makin’ her lovelier than I ever thought anyone could be.

  We reach the top step and I turn to the left. She follows readily until we get to the door of Manuel’s bedroom. I reach for the doorknob but feel her pull back. Turnin’ around, I smile. “It’s okay. He’ll love you.” I squeeze her hand as I lean into her, placin’ a small kiss on her forehead. “How can he not?” Leanin’ back, I see her smile up at me, and she relaxes. I open the door, findin’ Manuel sittin’ up in bed, propped up with pillows.

  “Mijo!” As we walk toward his bed, I release her hand and pick up the chair in the corner, bringin’ it over and settin’ it down next to him. Takin’ her hand, I lead her there and help her sit down. “Ah! This must be Miss Tina?” His brow raises in playfulness. He’s been wantin’ to meet her. Bet he’s been bitin’ at the bit knowin’ she was here in the house.

  “Manuel, this is Tina Brogdon.” He looks up at me and smiles, like he knows everythin’ that’s on my mind. Sometimes I don’t think I hide my feelin’s very well when it comes to him.

  He reaches his hand out, as far as he can without bein’ in too much pain, towards Tina. “So happy to finally meet the woman who’s captured my mijo’s attention.” I watch as she takes his hand but instead of shakin’ it, Manuel strains to bring it up to his mouth and kisses her knuckles. I clear my throat, feelin’ a bit embarrassed.

  “Well – I....” The blush that spreads across her cheeks is endearin’, and I want to take her face in my hands and kiss her.

  Manuel leans back, releasin’ her hand. I can tell the movement is causin’ him pain but he’s tryin’ to hide it. “Nash is a good man.” He looks up at me and smiles. “Mijo. Why don’t you go get me a glass of water and give me and Miss Tina a few minutes?” I raise my brows, partly in surprise but also in warnin’. What is he up to? He lets out a chuckle and winces slightly. “Go on. Don’t worry. I won’t give out too many of your weird ways and secrets.” He laughs, and I can tell that one cost him some pain. I nod and look down at Tina. She glances up at me and gives me a small nervous smile.

  “I won’t be gone long.” I give her a wink, tryin’ to make light of it but inside, I’m a bit nervous.

  As I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen, my phone vibrates in my pocket. Quickly, I take out a glass, fillin’ it with water, as I pull my phone out and smile. The uneasiness I feel with Manuel alone with Tina has changed to a bit of relief by a text.

  Grant: Open the freaking door! It’s cold out here!

  I chuckle all the way to the front door, swingin’ it open to find Grant standin’ on the porch holdin’ a bag in his left hand, his right hand raised like he was ready to beat the door down. “Well hello, Grant.” He gives me a smirk. “Wanna come in?” All of a sudden, I feel as if I’m havin’ a party, one I didn’t know I was havin’. How did my life go from loneliness to this in such a short time?

  “Nash,” he blurts as he walks past me inside the house. Anger radiates from him and leaves me standin’ here confused.

  “What’s going....?” I start to speak but he whips around, droppin’ his bag on the floor and puttin’ his hands on his hips.

  “Guys think they have it rough with women?” He all but screams. Raisin’ his arms up, he waves his hands all around. “They should try dating a man!” He starts pacin’ the foyer so I lean back against the door, crossin’ my arms over my chest, and let him get it outta his system. I settle in as he flaps his arms, goin’ on about how a guy cheated on him. I can’t begin to understand his world, but it sounds a lot like mine. “And in my house!” I feel his pain. Guess we’re pretty much the same where that’s concerned. He stops and walks over to me. I stand up straight as he puts his hands on my arms. “How’s Manuel?” Huh? “I’ve been going on about my problems and didn’t ask you how he’s doing? Still in a lot of pain?” I’ve never seen anyone flip a switch as fast as he can.

  “Well, he’s....”


  I look up as Grant turns his head toward the stairs. Tina comes runnin’ down them like a speedin’ bullet. He releases me and runs over to her, just as she hits the last step he picks her up and twirls her around. Now, I’d be jealous but I know his gate don’t swing her way. They’d become pretty good friends since he helped Prie out and came here for all the weddin’s ‘while back. I smile, thinkin’ about that night. How Trevor didn’t know Grant was gay and tried to pick a fight with him. He’d thought Grant was pickin’ up on Prie.

  “Oh, my God! What are you doing here?”

  He sets her down but holds onto her hands as she takes a small step back. “Tina! So good to see you! I just came up to get away for a bit.” He looks over at me then back at her. “Just needed to see my friends.”

  She releases one of his hands and pats his arm. “Aww! I’m so glad you did.” She looks over at me and smiles. “Well. I really need to get home.” She walks over to me and I take her hand.

  “I’ll walk you to your car.” I smile back. “Let me go get your dishes.” I walk to the kitchen, packin’ up her now empty dishes into a paper sack and walk back to the foyer. Lookin’ around, I see Grant and her whisperin’ to each other. Nah, I ain’t jealous. Well, maybe a little. Not because he’s a man but because of their close friendship. Tina and I haven’t had much luck bein’ able to spend time together, feelin’ like everythin’ has been against us. Grant and she haven’t been friends that long either but it seems as though their relationship took off pretty fast. Her head goes back as she laughs at somethin’ he said, her long hair movin’ over her cute ass. I shake my head. Shit, Nash. Get a grip, man. “Here you go,” I say a bit loudly, breakin’ up their talkin’. Okay, I might’ve done that on purpose. I walk up to Tina, takin’ her hand in mine as Grant takes a few steps away. “I’ll be right back,” I tell Grant.

  “No problem. I’ll just go up and say “hi” to Manuel. See you tomorrow night, Tina!”

  I tilt my head at him in confusion. He bounds up the stairs as I turn around and open the front door. It’s quiet as we walk to her car. I open her passenger door and set the sack on the seat then jog around the front in time to open her door for her.

  “Thank you,” she whispers.

  My head is swarmin’ with thoughts of what’s happenin’. As usual, whatever it is was against us again as she surprised me with her visit but instead of bein’ alone we had to eat dinner with all the guys. We barely got any time to sit and chat. Then my mind twists to wonderin’ what she and Manuel talked about. I let out a deep sigh. The feelin’ of her soft hand on my chin breaks me from all thoughts. I turn to face her sweet face. “Nash,” she whispers, rubbin’ her thumb across my jaw. “I had a wonderful time.”

  I blink rapidly. “You did?” We didn’t get nearly enough alone time together. Not for my likin’.

  She nods, showin’ me her beautiful smile. “Yes. I did.”

  I tilt my head, my brows lowerin’. Sometimes she has a way of confusin’ me. “But all the guys, Manuel, and then Grant. We....” Her fingers move lightly over my lips, causin’ me to smile beneath them.

  “We got to have some time together. That’s the most important thing,” she says softly. She’s right. I should be beholdin’ to the world for finally lettin’ us have a little time together. Then, what’s this about Grant seein’ her tomorrow night? Okay, maybe that evil green jealousy can get to me with even him, knowin’ he’ll be spendin’ time with her and I won’t. Then she d
oes somethin’ that surprises the hell outta me. Leanin’ up, she moves her fingers outta the way and her lips replace them over mine. Damn! Wrappin’ my arms around her, I feel her hands move around my neck, her light touch givin’ me goosebumps. I love the feel of her in my arms. The warmth of her lips and the smell of her luscious scent. I’m kinda likin’ her boldness. Movin’ my hand up her back and underneath the softness of her long hair, I cup the back of her head, changin’ my stance and deepenin’ the kiss. Fuck, she tastes so good.

  “Nash?” Dammit!

  Grant’s voice carries out into the darkness. We break apart but I press my forehead against hers, not wantin’ to let go. “Ever feel like there’s a bunch of kids around to annoy ya but ya don’t have any kids?” I smile as she lets out a laugh. She nods, her skin rubbin’ against mine.

  “Apparently there’s a lot of them around here.” She laughs softly.

  My smile grows. “I’ll text ya later, find out what your schedule is. We got a date we need to go on, and I aim to make that happen.” I hear a faint sigh leave her as she takes a step back and outta my arms.

  She turns, gets into her car and looks up at me. “I’ll find out when I can get away.” I give her a nod and step back as I close her door. I hear her car come to life but instead of pullin’ out, she rolls down her window. “Night, Nash. I had a really nice time.” Not able to stop myself, I take the few steps to her car, grab her behind her head and cover her mouth with mine. What is it about this woman that has me so spellbound? She’s so shy – nervous yet she can be bold when needed. She’s soft, tender – caring. How did she turn out to be such an amazin’ person comin’ from such a broken family? How in the hell is she still single? Any man in their right mind would have snatched her up by now. My breathin’ turns labored as I kiss her harder, my grip around her neck a little tighter. I don’t want her to go.


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