Hood Misfits, Volume 2

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Hood Misfits, Volume 2 Page 17

by Brick

  “So!” I boomed, clapping my hands together. I leaned back and rested my finger against my temple as I spoke, “What it do? I ask again.”

  “Nigga, you really think you about some shit don’t you? Fuck this right here; this is what’s going to happen. You have no power here, bitch. None. That’s what this shit is about. And by the time you get out of here, know that you won’t make it. Feel me? Like you niggas say in your zone.”

  I studied that nigga for about a good minute or so, just stared at that nigga to make him uncomfortable. My fingers tended at my lips and my eyes narrowed staying on his Flava Flav with Bubba Gump lips–looking ass, until I could see a slight change in that nigga’s breathing. He didn’t know what that fuck I was going to do and I liked it that way.

  “Stiff! Wow. Sorry, Stiff is your name right? Black Sicilians right? Same niggas who stole about fifty kilos of hard dust from the Dragons? Kilos that I helped acquire for Dame to sell transport to the Dragons from the warehouse you and your mafia took it from? Remember? Yeah, that was you, right?”

  My eyes flashed in the smoky cave of the room we all resided. Heat pulsated from Stiff. No movement came from him, but all emotion showed in the goon’s eyes. He knew what I had just said was truth and it made me laugh out loud at how he really thought he was going to play me.

  “You lying—” Stiff barked but the Dragon Kim’s slight movement toward him had me quickly cutting in.

  I wanted to save that shit for later. “Forgive me, that’s my fault right? Each and every one of you are mad why? Because I lost you money and product right? Yeah, I can see it in your eyes. But check it, every last single one of you owe me for what went down. I put more money in your pockets than what you even think you lost. You don’t believe me? Check your accounts.”

  Rustling started at the table. I sat back and watched. Buzzing from their cells went off, and as they pulled out their cells, my crew walked in with the waitress who looked wide-eyed and slightly scared. Gina gave her a wink and placed a finger against her pink bubble gum–tinted lips, motioning for her to keep silent while she walked in. Diamond wiggled her fingers in a flighty wave then gave a sexy smile at many of the men and women she had last seen in Dame’s kingdom. Speedy stood grinning like the Joker while rubbing his goatee on the opposite side of the door with Jake. Ray-Ray and Gina both sat at the left and my right with flourish showing of silky shiny legs as every don at the table gawked.

  But it was a low grumble of disrespect from Valentino that had my finger’s itching when he said, “Ragtag cunt misfits. Fucking bingo-bongos always late, which shows they aren’t about shit.”

  Sliding back in my chair with my arms folded over my chest, I narrowed my eyes and sucked my teeth as a nerve in my jaw ticked. I knew to igg that shit right then and there, but in my mind, he was sporting a pretty sizzling bullet hole, signed and delivered by my own hand. But, see, I was used to motherfuckers showing their power with an ass kicking or cut throat, but shit, I really wanted to kill that nigga. Wanted to so bad that I could taste it, but instead, I stood up, walked slowly around the table, and spoke.

  “As you see, each of you have fresh product.The money you have is what was figured and owed you plus interest from when my former boss played each every one of you. The only wrong I’ve done is meet up with you all here today, because you all clearly ain’t got shit to offer me but death and that’s cool. But we got more business to handle before it gets down to that. Second . . .” I glanced at Diamond and Ray-Ray. They both stood and dropped several silver suitcases down using their leather gloved hands to open the cases, before sitting back down.

  “Inside is a new product called indigo. The hottest thing on the streets right now and been tested at various locations in the A. Think of this shit as molly and ecstasy all in one, but with the proper chemical balance not to kill mafuckers if they OD on the shit. Each of you have a claim to market it, and not every packet of indigo is the same. So know that this shit is all on equal footing and the rest is up to how you all distribute it. You all only can get indigo through me because it’s created by me. Now, cutting and distribution, I’ll repeat, is up to you all. If you down then get in it, but if you can’t handle that I am a better businessman than a nigga none of y’all were loyal to, then, that’s cool, I’ll meet cha later in a back alley.”

  Every don in the room cautiously reached for the case and looked the product over; several jars of liquid indigo were within, next to a small clear box of indigo powder. I kept walking, with my hands behind my back. My eyes never left Stiff or Valentino.

  Diamond’s calm voice reminded me of her aunt as she took over. “The moment any of you close the cases and pull it to you, you then become a partner. The moment you don’t, it was nice doing business with you. By the way, Valentino? Fuck your life.”

  Gina’s raspy light voice cleared up interjecting, she stood, then walked near Valentino and sat on his lap, running her nails over his scalp then harshly tugging on his ears. “Daddy was neva good to any of ya and it was Trigga who always made the moves to get ya your product. Remember Daddy was the hand that fed ya but also tried to kill you and word is you all looking to do that same shit again? Tsk, tsk. Fool me once . . .”

  “Fool me twice and you end up strung up with your dick cut off,” Diamond finished for Gina.

  Both cut their eyes at Valentino and Stiff and both gave a sexy, lethal giggle of hate.

  “Or leave with a lost limb,” I growled low.

  Gina smoothly slid off Valentino’s lap. My anger flashed quickly across my face. I pulled what looked to be a cigar holder out. It had been hidden in the inside pocket of my jacket. All the men at the table watched me, wondering what my next move was about to be. I liked this part of the game. Toying with the dons gave me power absolute. They had no idea just what was about to happen until it did. I pressed the little button on the side of the cigar holder and watched in glee as a long thin sharp blade appeared. Before Stiff could blink, two of his fingers went flying in the air. In the commotion, I flipped on the table, stood up, and kicked Valentino directly in his face before cutting off his left ear before he could react. Blood spewed and covered the walls.

  Shouts picked back up and I turned to glare at Stiff as he cradled his hand. I jetted across the table again, letting my Timbs mark his face and making him fall backward. Dons tried to grab me. But it was Gina and Diamond who gave them the warning not to even move when they flashed their hidden Glocks.

  Once I was done breaking that nigga’s ribcage then moving to Valentino, who was now being held back by both Gina and Diamond who had a blade pressed against his bobbing Adam’s apple. I strolled back over him doing the MJ prance and gifted him with the same pain. Once my moment of anger died down, I stood up, slapped Valentino against his face with a blank stare then I brushed off his jacket just to be a prick.

  Shock and quiet filled the room. Several dons nodded in respect including the new Jamaican Lord. Everyone hesitantly moved to sit back down. Other dons helped both Stiff and Valentino to their chairs while they bandaged their wounds with napkins and handkerchiefs.

  Me, I strolled back to my chair, wiping blood from my hands before turning to sit back in my chair with my leg thrown over the arm of my chair while watching everyone’s faces. I already knew who was with me and who was against me. Already knew they were scared of that nigga Dante and already knew how the dons were going to play this: up the middle on both of us. Which was why I loved the art of revenge.

  When being the instrument that brings chaos and forges revenge, I could always see the weaklings in the game who were trying to do me one better. Everyone at the table was feeding me information without even knowing it. So in a sense this meeting was won by us; on another level, I knew though he wasn’t here, Dante was pulling mad power.

  Was I scared about it? Naw, but I for damn sure was feeding from it.

  The slam of a fist on a table tried to intimidate me. But I was really bored as I leaned in my chair yawning a
nd looking at my watch. Each don began to fight with each other. Barking like dogs. Each one of them suckers were foaming at the mouths. Lips curled, eyes dark in chaos and I just sat back watching it all until I got bored with it. Both Valentino and Stiff were eying me in hate. But what the fuck did they expect? They bring disrespect then they have to deal with the consequence.

  Standing with a bored expression, I reached behind me to pull the hoodie I had back over my face and held my hand out to Diamond. Several dons noticed my movements and quickly got quiet, shifting in their seats then pushing their chairs back. The weight of what I was holding my hand out for, settled against my palm and with a loud bang, Dante’s severed hand landed on the table before me. Although it was slowly decomposing, it still looked intact. Call me psycho, but I kept the shit in formaldehyde as a trophy. The strong and pungent smell caused several people in the room to frown and jump back.

  “Oh shit!” came from both Armando and Nicola, two niggas who were observers just like me and knew not to open their mouths through the whole process.

  “The last nigga who thought we weren’t about business lost his hand,” I bellowed in authority. “See, you all seem to think that just because we’re some kids that we don’t deserve respect and that we don’t know what the fuck we’re doing. Me and mine have claim to the throne and motherfuckers like each and every one of you is what has bred us to be exactly what we are: killas. Continue underestimating us. We feed off of that. But what you won’t do is fuck up our money. All funds have been cleared and this meeting is over. I leave you with a round of applause from a nigga that you all think we don’t know is in league with you all. Let him know whaddaup and I’m ready whenever he is. Shawties, grab our shit, time to go.”

  I turned my back and headed to the door while grabbing the severed hand of the nigga they all were linking up with, as well as Valentino’s left ear and Stiff’s pinky and ring finger from his right hand. As Gina and Diamond also grabbed the suitcases, I saw out the corner of my eye, several of the dons sitting at the massive table leaving calling cards in their cases.

  A smile played across my face. I waited for the doors to open as Diamond and Gina walked at my side.

  “By the way, what was that shit you said Stiff and Valentino? Oh yeah, by the time these ragtag cunt mooglie motherfuckers walk freely from this room, not only will five of you monkey-ass cunts not make it out but, as the rest of you survivors will see, every last one of your goons and bitches in this casino hall who you were going to use to take us out are already sleeping with death.”

  Nodding at Jake and Speedy, I chucked the deuces in the air. “Enjoy your cocksuckers and Dom. One.”

  “Buh-bye!” Gina cooed, waving at each and every person in the room with a giggle.

  While we walked out, my hands rested against both Diamond’s and Gina’s backs, giving show. Jake and Speedy closed the doors behind us, locking themselves in the room we just left with the twelve dons.

  The pretty waitress who had served us earlier came out of her hiding space in the gaming area and grinned at Gina. Her name on the block was Smiley and ma didn’t have to say nothing, which she didn’t just in case ears were listening. See; never fuck with street kids who’ve grown up with a hood mentality. We all knew our shit and we all have access where others don’t.

  Niggas wanted to play us? Well get played at the same time.

  The sound of incessant muffled shouts and a distinct Joker-like laugh from Speedy in the room with that of house music suddenly bumping from his cell let me know the numbers of our kills had just rose. Check it, we always have a plan. Drinks were laced to slow down the dons as gas pumped into that room to make those we didn’t want to kill fall asleep. So as my boys had their fun, me and the dimes surrounding me stepped over the dead bodies that lay around us in the basement gaming area. Each one of them had been taken out by my crew thanks to a lot of the skills we learned in London.

  “Trigga, can we come back and visit the St. Regis and stay in the hotel? It was real pretty upstairs,” Gina linked her arm through mine while we walked up the stairway.

  A chuckle escaped from me and I nodded. “Yeah, just gotta make sure they clean this shit up thoroughly.”

  My eyes locked on Diamond. She had slight cuts on her arms and top of her breasts from struggling with Valentino. She had held her own and came up looking a winner in a room of niggas who used to look at her as nothing but property. Shawty glanced her big, pretty doe eyes up at me, which reflected the smile on her face and she used her thumb to wipe blood from my face from under my hoodie. Li’l shawty was sexy powerful with it in that room and I hoped she held that power close to her always, especially later tonight.

  “On to phase three,” Diamond said with a light giggle.

  I gave a rare true smile and nodded in agreement; everything now was in motion and ENGA was about to spread around on the streets.

  Chapter 20


  I had S.B. drop me off at the entrance of the food court of the mall then told him to park near the rear emergency exit and wait for me. I had business to take care of. As beautiful of a day as it was outside, my mood was foul as fuck. I didn’t want to be here. The place was too crowded and being around a lot of people annoyed me. Yet, I had to handle some business that needed to be addressed with urgency. I tripped a little kid who bumped into me as he was running past. Ignored the obvious stares coming from women and men. The smell of the greasy food made me turn my lips down into a scowl.

  As soon as the female in my line of vision saw me coming she decided to try to run. While my brother may have allowed pussy to cloud his judgment in his last days, he always knew how to use his dick to get what he wanted from a bitch. That was how I’d found the little gem. I’d made the girl so frightful of me in the last few months that I was sure she had pissed herself when she saw me coming. The younger the bitch, the more stupid they were. One thing my pops had taught me that I lived by, you had to catch a broad while she was young to get into her mind. When a plum turned red it was ready to pluck, when a girl turned twelve, my pops said she was ready to fuck. While the chick I had my eyes on was older than twelve, same rules applied. All you had to do was step into where their fathers were supposed to be.

  That was what I had done to the chick who was trying to run from me. I’d asked her, coached her into doing a simple thing and she had yet to do it for me. When I’d touched down in my brother’s old codes, she was one of the first females to run to me.

  “OMG, you look just like him,” she’d crooned.

  “But I’m not him,” I’d told her.

  “I can be for you what I was to him,” she’d said as she eased closer to me and laid a hand on my arm.

  I hadn’t ever been a nigga who liked to be touched without my inviting you to touch me, but I saw how eager she was to be next to me. I smirked, gave a lopsided smile and then nodded for her to get in the back of the car with me. That would be her mistake. Now, as I stood in the middle of the food court, she wanted to act as if she didn’t remember what I could and would do to her for failing me. I knew she remembered, hence the reason she tried to run, but I felt as if I needed to remind her anyway.

  I didn’t have time for the chase. So, I pulled out my Sig and fired aimlessly into the air. The food court in Southlake Mall cleared out so fast you wouldn’t have thought it was crowded beyond elbow room just moments before.

  Amid the screams and yells of the public, I spoke out. “Please do not fucking run from me,” I belted out. “Now, I’ve tried to be nice about this here thing, but you won’t let me be. Why the fuck is that? Huh?”

  She’d stopped with a look of fright so real in her eyes that it made me roll my neck and shoulders just to get a handle on the predatory way her fear fed me. I walked up to the female and snatched her by the back of her neck. Her neck sunk into her shoulders as my hand gripped her. It didn’t matter to me that people had seen my face. They would simply think I was a dead man walking. This young pret
ty bitch I had my hand on was moving too slow for what I wanted her to do. She was supposed to infiltrate the party the other night to get details on some things and somehow, she managed to not do that. That angered me, pissed me off because I didn’t have time to play games.

  “I’m . . . I’m sorry. I wasn’t running,” she lied.

  “Oh yeah. What would you call it then?” I bent down so my lips would brush against her ear as I spoke to her. She was shaking, trembling so much that I could feel the vibrations in my arm.

  When she didn’t answer me, I yanked her around in a tight grip to make her look into my face. “Are we going to have to take a trip back to my place? Do you want to revisit the chamber, my pretty?”

  Her eyes widened and she started to cry. “No, no, God, please no. I’m sorry. I’ll do what you want. I swear. I just need some time is all. I promise.”

  The bitch was close to one of the people in that little rag and tag crew of Phenom’s and that little fucking runt Trigga. She was a feisty li’l bitch until I snatched her up and took her to my chambers. Fucked her like the nothing she was. Then, I passed her to S.B. and allowed him to do the same. I was a man that didn’t believe in leaving any hole untouched and she had a virgin ass, until I tore into that motherfucker.

  The sirens in the distance forced me to shove her toward the exit down the hall near the restrooms. I kicked the emergency door open and pushed her into the back seat of the stretch Hummer S. B. had waiting for me. It was a no holds barred kind of fight for me. Everybody was a pawn in my game. I slid into the car after the woman and watched as she cowered away from me.

  “Have you made contact yet?” I asked the young girl.


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