Always (With Bonus Material) (Always & Forever Book 1)

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Always (With Bonus Material) (Always & Forever Book 1) Page 5

by Kindle Alexander

  "Hello," she answered on the first ring.

  "Colleen, the black Hugo Boss or the gray Yves Saint Laurent?" Avery didn't try to add to his lack of polite pleasantries. He got right down to business.

  "For your dinner tonight?" Colleen was the only person on the planet who knew how important this dinner was to him. She'd worked feverishly with the local department store to get several new suits to him. They were tailored to his exact measurements, proving she could move small mountains.

  "Yep," Avery said, still eyeing both, his foot tapping out his anxiety while he awaited her suggestion.

  "Gray, if you haven't worn gray there before," she said quickly and efficiently. "Did they send over the purple French cuff and the matching tie?"

  "Really? Wear those together? Are you sure?" Avery said, reaching down to switch the shirts back.

  "Absolutely. You'll look stunning. It'll set off your tan," she said.

  "Okay…" he said hesitantly. This was Minnesota after all, not the downtown streets of Hollywood.

  "Avery, really. When I saw it this morning, I thought of you." The phone beeped, the new call waiting technology always threw him off when the beep sounded through on the phone.

  "Thanks, Colleen, I have to take this," Avery said.

  "Have fun tonight! Let me know the details." He laughed, but didn't otherwise respond as he reached down to the receiver to click over and answer the other line.

  "Avery Adams," he said with a chuckle, dropping the towel where he stood.

  "Hello, Mr. Adams. I'm confirming your reservation tonight for dinner." The deep rich, masculine voice instantly sent his heart racing. His eyes were focused on the suit, but all he could see was the image of the man calling him.

  "Of course, I'll be there, unless you need the table." The thought made him furrow his brow, wishing he could take those words right back. He'd prepared all day for this dinner. Haircut, professional shave, plucked in all the most painful places.

  "No, sir, absolutely not. We'll see you at seven," Kane said. Avery could tell Kane was about to hang up and he jumped in before the man said goodbye.

  "Kane, tell me the specials for tonight." Avery couldn't actually care less what they served. He just wanted to hear the voice on the other end of the line. Kane's cultured Southern drawl made his blood boil, but Kane's voice still held all the proper hints of a well-practiced Italian accent as he efficiently ticked off the evening's menu. Avery stood transfixed, listening to the tone, until he closed his eyes, just letting the voice rock his world.

  "Our waitstaff will let you know if anything changes. Thank you, we'll see you at seven." The call disconnected, and Avery, a little slower at lowering the phone, finally managed to absently place it on the hook. He picked up the black Hugo Boss and hung it back in the closet. He tossed the towel in the hamper. Avery still had a couple of hours to kill before dinner.

  With absolutely zero encouragement from Kane, Avery placed a single stem of the calla lilies Kane sent on the pillow next to his. The action made him laugh as he rolled his eyes at the absurdly romantic gesture. It was unimaginable how important this one night had become to him. On a chuckle, Avery headed to the bathroom to jack off. He needed his dick hard, but not until it was time, and now certainly wasn't the time.

  Greeter-guy met Avery at the door. The same sexy grin was in place, but he wasn't near as forthcoming as before. Avery got it. Being shut down after all the flirting they'd done during his first dinner at La Bella Luna had turned the guy off.

  Avery was immediately shown to his table, the same booth as before, and he wondered if this was now his designated place in this restaurant. The same waiter greeted him, and asked if he wanted the same bottle of wine. The entire staff was a little more formal this time. Avery assumed they had to be on high alert, making sure everything went perfect tonight. The calla lilies came to mind. He scanned the restaurant as he took his seat. Calla lilies were in every arrangement in the dining room. Avery made a mental note, wondering if that was Kane's flower of choice.

  The waiter stated the night's specials and, remembering his choices from his previous dinner, asked if he'd like those again. Avery truly began to understand why La Bella Luna was the talk of this town. Kane ran a first-class operation. This little restaurant, tucked away in downtown Minneapolis was as good as any he'd ever been to and that said quite a bit after his upbringing.

  Recalling his primary goal, Avery kept the pleasant, friendly smile on his face. He needed to ease some of this tension he'd created the first time he was here. Gaining the information he wanted required everyone be comfortable around him.

  "Markie, could you have Mr. Dalton stop by the table?" Avery asked seconds before the waiter retreated from the table. Markie hesitated, confusion clear on his face.

  "Sir, has something happened since you arrived? I'm supposed to make sure you're happy tonight. The owner feels like we let you down last time." The waiter spoke candidly to Avery, and the genuine concern never left his face. When Markie came off the regular script, Avery could hear bits of a hard northern accent, maybe from New York.

  "Nothing's happened. I'm not sure how I gave the impression my last experience here was bad, but I enjoyed myself immensely," Avery said, nodding as he spoke, trying for a reassuring tone. He really needed the entire staff to settle down, and start talking. They had the information he wanted to know.

  "All right, sir, but if that changes, you only need to just say the word and I'll get you taken care of," Markie said, taking a step backward before turning away. The young waiter didn't seem to believe him. Avery tracked him straight to the bar where Kane was hidden in an alcove working something on paper in a darkened corner of the long bar.

  Avery had searched for Kane as he entered, but hadn't found him. Now, as the waiter spoke to Kane, he turned his head to Avery's table, their eyes met and electricity crackled between them. God, Kane was stunning. The man's gaze alone robbed Avery of all ability to think. Surely, he couldn't be the only one feeling this, right?

  Avery held the connection, never lowering his gaze, even when Kane looked down and placed whatever he held in his hands back on the bar. Avery stared, memorizing every step Kane took toward his table. Kane visibly squared his shoulders, and his handsome face transformed from normal and natural to a polite, calm indifference. Right then, he knew that was Kane's game face.

  "Good evening, Mr. Adams. It's a pleasure to see you again tonight. Markie said you would like to speak with me?" Kane's voice had changed just like his face. He was quieter than he had been on the phone earlier today. Avery watched as Kane linked his fingers together and stood before him, waiting for his answer.

  Seconds passed as Kane waited for Avery's response. A lump formed in his throat, something he wasn't prepared for. Avery thought he'd been on firm ground when he entered the restaurant tonight, but that shifted to unstable with each second that ticked by.

  He was amazed at how this man standing in front of him could rob him of any coherent thought. Maybe he shouldn't have been so adamant about his biweekly dinner plans; maybe he had overstepped his boundaries. But he'd never felt so drawn to another. Avery Adams was in uncharted waters for the first time in his life. Perhaps he should have left well enough alone.

  Any doubt or reservation Avery had been able to muster fled as he looked up into Kane's blue eyes and realized he'd met his one. Kane was meant for him. A chance dinner at a Midwestern restaurant had produced his other half. Who would have thought? Avery finally smiled. Motivation was such a great focuser and Avery moved right in on what he wanted. Surely fate wouldn't put his one in front of him and make him straight. Avery cleared his throat in an attempt to gather his scattered thoughts.

  "I wanted to let you know that I had no problems the other night. I enjoyed myself immensely. The meal was outstanding, the waitstaff superb. You have one of the finest establishments I've ever dined in. I'm truly sorry I gave you the impression I wasn't pleased," Avery said. He stopped himself from being
more forthcoming and asking the questions he really wanted answers to: will you…date me, make love with me, marry me? Kane visibly flexed as he spoke, and Avery had no idea what that meant.

  "Thank you, sir. You've lifted a great deal of weight off my shoulders. We hate for any of our guests to walk away unhappy." Uncertainty crossed Kane's face. He started to turn away, but stopped himself, clearly unsure if the conversation was over. And it wasn't, at least not from Avery's perspective. "Has Markie taken your drink order this evening?"

  "Yes, he has, but I would like to ask you a question. Do you ever take time to eat? Would you like to join me for dinner? My treat?" Avery asked, again he was met with more uncertainty. The question must have thrown Kane off. After another moment of pause, Markie interrupted them, bringing the bottle of wine to the table. Avery went through the steps of tasting and accepting before Kane answered the question.

  "Thank you for the invitation, but I must regrettably decline. Enjoy yourself, and this bottle of wine's on me." Kane's skin was pale, probably from the long winter months. The slight blush never left his cheeks as he nodded and left the table. Kane's response wasn't quite a rebuff, but definitely a no, without any excuse as to why. What did that mean? Yet somehow, Avery recognized those few short moments had set them on a new course. One Avery had no idea about, but was more than happy to play along with.

  Kane resisted the inner groan as Markie approached him for the fourth or fifth time that evening, letting him know the Adams table requested to see him. He couldn't help but frown as Markie's smirk slid into place. For that matter, every one of his waitstaff looked full of grins and giggles, as though this were some sort of game. It wasn't a game. Kane was tense, completely stressed out, barely hanging on to his carefully placed control and way past ready to snap.

  He never allowed himself to get this strung out over any situation.

  "Markie, can you handle this one for me? I'm busy," Kane said, preparing to spend the rest of the night in his office, far from the dining room, away from all the annoying grins and hushed snickering being aimed his way, and definitely nowhere near table thirty-four.

  "No, sir. I asked, but he requested you," Markie said in his straight up Bronx accent. Now, Markie was just trying to get on his nerves.

  "I comped his bottle of wine. He'll be fine if you handle his request," Kane said, gathering his tickets to head back to his office.

  "No, sir, that's not the restaurant's policy. A customer wants you, you do what he needs. And that customer definitely wants you," Markie said and actually chuckled this time. That just flat grated on Kane's nerves. All he could do was gawk at the waiter for a few seconds in total disbelief before turning his attention to the bartender.

  "Rodney, can you handle this one for me?" Kane stopped at the end of the bar, even more frustrated that Rodney wore the same smirk as Markie. Why did his carefully planned life feel as if it was all of the sudden spinning out of control? His mother at the beginning of the week, Brian this afternoon, and now he had a guest from hell at table thirty-four…and his staff had decided this was all a game to them. Really?

  "We tried that last time, remember? He wants you," Rodney said, grinning at Markie as he poured two new drinks. Did they really just exchange winks? Seriously?

  Kane took a deep breath and let out an exasperated sigh. Avery Adams bothered him. No, that wasn't exactly accurate. The truth—this was beyond an attraction, he was exceedingly drawn to the man, more so than he'd ever experienced in his life. But that wasn't the only problem. Avery Adams flustered him, made him feel unsure and tongue-tied. The calm he trusted to always fall into place seemed to disappear, and he was left a bumbling mass of nerves. He absolutely didn't want to go back to that table.

  Kane's palms started to sweat, and he sighed heavily. After this time, he was making himself scarce for the next few hours. From the corner of his eye, he saw most of the kitchen staff standing in the small windows of the double doors beside him. La Bella Luna was full tonight, how was Paulie letting this happen? Weren't there dinners to prepare? Kane cocked a brow, turning inquisitively toward the window, only to see Paulie's smirking face gloating back at him. He had to be in an episode of the Twilight Zone. Drill Sergeant Paulie gave him a big grin and nodded him toward the table.

  How had he lost complete control of his restaurant? He ran his sweaty palms down the sides of his slacks and pivoted toward table thirty-four. He squared his shoulders, his signature move to pull himself together. So far tonight, he'd been called over and asked about the linens, then about the type of wood used in the fireplace, and then Mr. Adams had wanted to know if the bricks on the wall separating the spaces were authentic. He'd been asked if the florist was the same as who sent the bouquet to his office and if Kane had personally picked the arrangements out himself for both here and the bouquet he'd sent to Avery. The last time was to taste the sauce on Avery's dish.

  When Kane had suggested he retrieve a clean spoon, Avery insisted he use his and lifted the spoon to feed Kane. He'd turned fifty shades of red, if the heat he felt warming his cheeks was anything to go by, as he bent in to take that bite. And now, just like every other time he'd looked over at the table, Avery sat there staring directly at him.

  This was hard, one of the hardest nights of his entire life. He found himself so physically attracted to Avery it hurt. But more so, he was astounded at how observant Avery seemed with his pride and joy, La Bella Luna. Avery could pick up the slightest taste differences in the flavors blended together to create their secret recipe sauce. He'd wanted Kane to tell him which was more dominating, the grana padano or the pancetta. How did the man know those things? And why did it turn Kane on so much that he did?

  "Yes, sir?" Kane asked as he closed in on the table. His eyes focused on the picture directly behind Avery's head.

  "I asked you to please call me Avery." Kane thought he heard a hint of a frown in Avery's voice, but he didn't glance down to find out.

  "I know. Is there a problem?" Kane asked. Avery was so much more handsome and elegant than the picture behind the man's head. Avery's presence actually made his restaurant more attractive. And why did he have to think of that right now? He could feel his cheeks burning.

  "I'm not sure I'm drinking the right wine," Avery said, which confused Kane. Unguarded, he lowered his gaze to Avery, and then down to the wineglass, before looking at the bottle. Had he heard right?

  "I'm sorry?" Kane asked.

  "I'm guessing you have a wine room somewhere in this place. You keep coming through the back door over there with bottles of wine. I don't think this is truly a Montalcino. I'd like to see for myself." Kane narrowed his brow, opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again. Avery was already scooting out of the booth, coming to stand right in front of him. Avery was definitely taller than him…and why did that matter? No! Bad thoughts! This was a customer, nothing more. His height and gorgeous body had nothing to do with it. He focused on the absurdity of the man's last statement. Did Avery think they'd changed wines on him? Nothing else made sense.

  "It shouldn't take but a minute." Avery actually extended his hand for Kane to show him the way. And even more surprising, Kane did. He turned, walking toward the wine cellar, not understanding any part of what they were doing. Did Avery want to see the aged bottles of wine surrounding his selection? He was so confused. He'd never heard of such a thing. Kane hit the swinging door behind the bar, held it open, and took the stairs down to the basement, still completely baffled.

  Avery followed closely behind Kane as they made their way down the steps to the wine room. Neither spoke, and he stayed a somewhat respectable distance all the way down. He also gave himself kudos for resisting the urge to lean in and smell Kane's cologne. What Kane seemed to have no idea of, and yet every other employee in the restaurant seemed to know, was that Markie had given Avery all the information he needed where Kane Dalton was concerned.

  Twenty bucks obtained the necessary facts, and for the remainder of the evening,
the rest of the waitstaff kept tossing him speculative looks. But it was well worth the price. Kane clearly had created a small, tight knit family among his staff. They sized Avery up, and at some point, must have deemed him worthy based on the kitchen staff he saw giving the thumbs up through a side door window.

  Once Markie figured out what was what, he'd actually played with Avery a little. Telling him everything about Kane, except the most important piece of information. Avery paid another twenty to learn Kane was in fact gay. Relief flooded through him like he had never experienced before in his entire life. Fate was a funny creature. Avery could totally see his heart's desire being stiffly straight. But fate had smiled down on him this time, and now he was more determined than ever to get Kane on board with his plans.

  From the time of Markie's final bit of information to this moment, he had decided to mess with Kane. The man deserved a degree of hell for making him work so hard for the smallest amount of attention. Avery actually began to whistle a tune as they walked the length of the bottom corridor to a set of heavy oak doors obviously leading into the climate-controlled wine room.

  The room was impressively filled with hundreds of bottles of wine. There were no markings on the walls, no way to understand the organization of the rows, but Kane knew and walked straight to the middle of the back wall, searching the bottles.

  It was time to make his move and Avery didn't hesitate. For three days, he'd thought of little more than this moment. They were finally alone. He came up straight behind Kane, not quite touching him, but close. He lifted his right hand to the wine rack. Kane was an inch or so shorter than him, just enough that Avery could lean in and whisper into his ear. He still hadn't touched Kane and that cost him. His cock would certainly make him pay for the denial of even the slightest brush.


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