Always (With Bonus Material) (Always & Forever Book 1)

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Always (With Bonus Material) (Always & Forever Book 1) Page 24

by Kindle Alexander

  "I'm such a wimp without you," Avery said, tugging Kane's hair, forcing him to look directly in his eyes as he said the words.

  "No, you're not. You're the strongest man I know. Nothing gets to you." Kane scooted the covers out of the way and kissed his way down Avery's body. He drew Avery's nipple between his lips and nipped the small bud with the tip of his teeth before flicking it with his tongue. Avery moaned and writhed under him as he continued to kiss and lick a path down Avery's stomach then across his hip bone. Kane pressed his nose against Avery's skin and inhaled deeply, he loved the scent that was all Avery.

  His mouth watered needing a taste of the man he'd been dying for ever since Avery walked into the gymnasium earlier that night. He gripped Avery's cock, stroking a few times as he lowered and placed a kiss on the mushroom head before sliding his tongue across the small slit, tasting the bead of moisture gathering at the tip. Kane sucked Avery's arousal deep into his mouth, his eyes watered as Avery's hard cock slid across his tongue and the thick head hit the back of his throat. Avery shuddered, arching his hips as his hands slid into Kane's hair.

  "Shit, baby," Avery groaned.

  "Mmmm…so good," Kane mumbled around Avery's thickness, while rolling his balls in his palm.

  "I haven't jacked off since I left for Washington. I don't know if that was wise." Avery raised his head, his eyes piercing Kane's soul as he spoke.

  "It was our deal," Kane purred against Avery's perfectly cut head, teasing the leaking slit with his tongue before leaning over to grab the bottle of lubricant. "You haven't gone more than a few days without sex since I met you. You haven't been with anyone else, have you?"

  "No! I wouldn't. I've told you. It's only you, Kane." Avery's brows furrowed, and he reached out to stroke Kane's cheek with his knuckles.

  "Even there in that world with all the willing interns?" Kane didn't let it go. He hadn't even known he had this insecurity until the questions poured from his lips.

  "Not in any world, not ever." The words Avery spoke touched and eased his heart, but the emotion on his lover's face completely embraced his soul. Avery stared down his body at Kane where he lay poised between his parted legs. There was no doubt in his mind Avery spoke the truth. Why had he even questioned him? The whole situation with his family had him second-guessing everything, and he had just doubted the person who always stood by him.

  He pushed those thoughts from his mind, not wanting to contemplate them again. What he and Avery shared was solid, real, and he was grateful to be married to such a wonderful and caring man. He leaned in and kissed Avery's thigh, before pushing up so he was kneeling between Avery's splayed legs.

  He popped the top on the lube, making sure his fingers were well coated. He needed to make love to Avery. He needed to be buried inside his husband, making love to him, because in those few moments, they were truly one. He felt the safest he ever felt in his life wrapped completely around Avery. Making love to Avery comforted and eased his soul like nothing else ever could.

  Kane trailed a fingertip down Avery's heavy sac to his circle and teased the rim. He slowly inserted his thumb, just the way Avery liked it. He found the gland as he began to stroke Avery's thick cock with his other hand. He worked another finger inside massaging Avery from the inside out.

  "Baby, just like that." Avery squirmed against his hand.

  "You're tight." He continued slowly making love to Avery with his fingers, twisting and turning them so they brushed against his spot. Kane reveled in the fact that every slide of his fingers drove Avery a little further, caused him to whimper a little more. Avery's lips parted and his eyes squeezed shut as he tried to force himself harder onto Kane's fingers, seeking as much sensation as he could.

  "Kane, your touch—"

  He stopped Avery midsentence. "Open your eyes and look at me, baby." He wanted to look into Avery's eyes as he entered and made love to him. He needed that open honest connection that always came when they were together. Avery eased his soul, and Kane needed that moment tonight.

  Kane guided Avery's legs back toward his chest and palmed his aching cock. He lined up with Avery's entrance and pushed into the tight passage, never breaking eye contact. Avery arched his body, tugged his legs free, and wrapped them around Kane as he began to move in and out of his husband. Kane dipped his head and took Avery's mouth with his, kissing him with all the love and devotion coursing through his body. Avery kissed him back with just as much ferocity.

  "I'm not gonna last, but don't stop. Don't ever stop." Avery threaded his fingers through Kane's hair and urged his head to his neck. Kane latched on, suckling and licking his way up to Avery's ear.

  "I don't want you to ever be with anyone else. You belong to me," Kane breathed.

  "Baby, it's only you for me too, I swear." Avery clenched his ass and Kane lost it, his balls churned, drawing up tightly against his body. He couldn't stop, didn't want to stop. Avery's body felt too good wrapped around his.

  "I love you," he ground out through clenched teeth as he pushed deeper into Avery's tight ass one last time as his seed spilled from him, filling the man he adored.

  "Fuck, Kane, I love you, too." Avery shuddered and tensed beneath him. Hot ribbons of come splattered across his stomach and chest as Avery's orgasm shot from his body.

  Chapter 25

  1992 ~ Washington, DC

  The school semester ended June 5, 1991, and by June seventh, Kane, Autumn, and Robert joined Avery in DC, and he couldn't have been more happy. Avery barely let them catch their breath before he thrust them into the world of Washington politics. With each passing day, Avery's political popularity grew. He'd become a much sought after commodity, especially at the many social gatherings held by DC's political elite.

  Avery made his reputation clear; he was a family man through and through. He had Kane with him always and Autumn and Robert attended as many events as appropriate. Avery's charisma and charm smoothed any awkward moments they encountered as a gay couple, even though Kane still shied away from the attention and cameras. That was mainly due to his father's trial and all the legalities that complicated what could and couldn't be said.

  As suspected, Kane's name was dragged through the mud throughout the court proceedings. Cable court television was a new thing, something no one had really ever heard of before, and they were making a name for themselves by televising Pastor Dalton's trial in real time, all day long. When the cable networks weren't in court, they spent hours a night discussing the events of the day, dissecting every part of the trial and making every possible assumption on the outcome until the jury returned the verdict. His father was sentenced to twenty years for multiple counts of sexual abuse to a minor. In all likelihood, with his advanced age, he'd never again see the light of day, which Avery thought was a fitting punishment.

  For Avery, apparently bad press was still a very good thing. To have his name on the nightly news just propelled his political agenda. As for Kane, not so much. Avery had to work hard at keeping him from sliding back into himself and hiding there until the whole thing played out.

  In politics, Avery quickly became the rookie rebel, shaking things up. Over the next year, he worked his way into becoming the congressional hope of the Democratic Party. He had a way of making everyone comfortable, regardless of their views on homosexuality, or any other view for that matter.

  Benjamin Taylor, the current presidential hopeful, hosted this event where he would certainly name his running mate for the 1992 presidential election. That made this the perfect place for the 'see and be seen' portion of Avery's job.

  "Did you get enough to eat?" Avery stepped in front of Kane, who looked rather bored but mouthwateringly handsome holding the small plate of hors d'oeuvres.

  "Why are you looking at me that way?" Kane asked, eyeing him closely.

  "I'm just thinking about the first time I ever saw you. I remember thinking what a sharp, sophisticated man you were, how you would look good on my arm if I ran for office," Avery said, steppi
ng in a little closer. "Plus you're still the best-looking man in the room."

  "I'm almost fifty years old, I'm not sneaking off to have closet sex, or bathroom sex, or whatever dark corner, nook, or cranny you might find sex," Kane whispered very quietly back to him.

  "There are so many places we could explore here…" Avery started, but a hand clamped down on his shoulder before he could continue the direction he was headed. How did he already feel denied when he had only just begun to persuade Kane to an empty room.

  "Son, you remind me of your granddad," Senator Taylor said, coming to stand next to them, shaking Avery's now outstretched hand.

  "I'm hearing that more and more. It's a true compliment, he was a great man. I'm not sure I could ever fill his shoes."

  "Well, I disagree. I think you'll make your own mark soon enough," Senator Taylor said, turning to Kane.

  "Hello, sir," Kane said, quickly wiping off his hand before shaking the senator's.

  "You all gettin' settled in all right?" Senator Taylor asked as they shook hands. They were both Southern boys, and Avery would swear Kane's accent grew stronger whenever they spoke.

  "Yes, sir. Our children love their new school. That was a great relief," Kane answered.

  "Good, good. I'm glad to hear it. They seem like great kids. Listen, I won't keep you two. Everyone here thinks I'm gonna announce my running mate today. I'm not. I haven't even asked him to run yet, so I'm fixin' that right now." The senator turned and looked directly at Avery. "Avery, I'd like you to think about running with me. It'll be a battle, but one I think we can manage for the betterment of this nation. It's time to get this country back on track. You're the only person I have in mind that can help me make a difference. Think on it, you two talk, and take all the time you need, but come see me tomorrow and let me know what you decide," Senator Taylor said and again clapped him on the shoulder for a short squeeze, then left as quickly as he'd come.

  Avery could only stare at Kane and mouth, "Vice president?" "Was he serious?" Kane finally whispered.

  "I don't really know," Avery answered, a little breathily as he snaked an arm around Kane's waist and drew him closer. This time it wasn't so much about coercion, but needed support. Avery felt a little light-headed. Senator Taylor was going to be the next president. There was no question there. He was the clear frontrunner and every poll had him moving into the White House come January.

  Never in a million years did Avery see himself as anything more than a United States Senator. What was Taylor thinking?

  "Avery, I can see you want this," Kane started, but Avery cut him off. He discarded Kane's plate on a random tray and pulled him away from the gathering without even telling anyone goodbye. He wouldn't allow Kane to say another word until they left the house and were safely tucked inside their car, heading home.

  "You want this," Kane tried again, his eyes on Avery's as he sat in the passenger side seat.

  "I honestly never considered this could be a possibility. I thought the Senate was as far as I could go," Avery said, linking his hand with Kane's as he navigated through the Washington streets toward their home. "Fuck, Kane. I mean, damn, this is big."

  "Watch you're language, Avery. Nothing's changed. We don't talk like that anymore," Kane scolded him, and all Avery could do was smile and bring their joined hands to his lips for kiss.

  "I'm sorry. How do you feel about it?" Avery ventured a gaze over at Kane who was still staring at him.

  "I think it's a family decision, Avery. If you do this, they'll spend the rest of their childhood as the children of a vice president. You'll have to explain it all to us. What it will mean for all of us," Kane said. His tone was firm, not really negative, but definitely not enthusiastic. And with each passing mile, Avery's excitement grew. Vice president! What in the world?

  Three days later, Kane, Autumn, and Robert were dressed in their finest as they stood by Avery's side during the televised announcement introducing him as Senator Taylor's vice presidential running mate. In Kane's estimation, Avery did the Democratic Party proud during his acceptance speech, outlining his goals for the future and his support of the presidential nominee.

  The fanfare was high, the room seemed only momentarily stunned that Senator Taylor had chosen Avery, making this one of the best kept secrets in Washington, but the Adams political charm and appeal held true. It didn't take long for the room to erupt in one of the biggest shows of support Kane had ever witnessed. Since he'd prepared for the worst, all the support that exploded around him took a minute to process.

  Kane attempted to remain discreet and unobtrusive. He stayed as far away from Avery as he could while remaining on the same stage. Robert and Autumn, on the other hand, stood right beside Avery, waving, smiling, enjoying every part of the experience. They were absolutely perfect and played the part of what they truly were, loving children, proud of their father. Avery quickly and completely owned the room. Avery was funny, sharp-witted, and explained politics on such a basic level that he could easily connect with the everyday man or woman.

  Once Avery realized Kane wasn't standing on the other side of Robert and Autumn, he very clearly, and publically, corrected that mistake. He made a show of going to Kane, grasping his hand and waving their joined hands in front of the crowd. Kane was certain he was ten shades of red. The heat of the blush crept up his cheeks, but Avery tugged him out of his hiding place to the front of the stage, and they stood there, letting the audience cheer them on. Any lingering signs of worry about his and Avery's relationship were eased as Senator Taylor and his wife came out to join them.

  Those next few days passed in a blur. Before he knew it, the whirlwind days became weeks, and weeks became months of Avery traveling the country and winning himself a place in the people's hearts. The conservatives came out in abundance, picketing every event Avery attended in the Southern United States. Kane tried to create some semblance of normalcy for Autumn and Robert. His only stipulation in this entire campaign was that he remain out of the limelight. Even when coached, he didn't feel comfortable with the press. Those times were hard, too hard, and he shied away from the exposure. Avery refused to be anything but himself, keeping their standing date nights going, and continued his show of being out and around town with Kane, which forced him more and more into the public eye.

  In September 1992, the frequent parties and social gatherings all came to an abrupt halt. Kane was in Washington when he got a call letting him know Paulie had had a heart attack and was in critical condition. Kane barely stopped long enough to leave a message for Avery and arrange childcare before he was on the next flight out in a panicked race to get back to Minnesota.

  Chapter 26

  "Avery…" Janice whispered in his ear, sliding a folded note in front of him as he sat in a round table discussion at the Midwest Governors' Conference in Chicago. He nodded once, but continued to listen to the discussion going on around him.

  "Sir, it's important," she whispered again, tapping the note with one of her well-manicured fingernails. When Avery still didn't give, Janice did something she'd never done before; she lifted the note and put the paper in front of Avery's eyes. That got his attention. The words were simple, and everything around him faded away as he read Paulie had been hospitalized and Kane was on his way there now. Shit! He crushed the note with his fist and abruptly stood, effectively ending any discussion going on around him.

  "I need a car," he said to Janice.

  "There's one waiting, sir," she said from behind him.

  "Gentleman, I've had a family emergency, please continue this without me." He never looked back as he left the room, eating up the distance to the front door.

  "What have you found out?" Avery asked, hearing Janice's high heels clicking on the polished marble floor behind him, trying hard to keep up with his long and hurried strides.

  "He's not well. They don't expect him to make it through the night," Janice said as he hit the front door. A driver stood by a Lincoln Town Car, holding the back
door open for Avery.

  "Where's Kane?" Avery asked, sliding inside. Janice jogged around the side of the car, ducking in next to him.

  "He should be boarding his plane now. He called me from the airport," Janice said, looking down at her watch.

  "How did he sound?" Avery asked, but Janice's non-answer was enough. Kane must be frantic. Damn, he should have insisted Paulie move with them to Washington.

  "I've chartered you a plane. A car will pick you up, take you to the hospital. I took the liberty to have your schedule cleared. It wasn't a popular decision with the campaign organizers," Janice said, her portfolio now spread out on her lap. Avery was lost to it all; her words drowned out by his thoughts of Kane as he stared out the side door window, focusing on nothing but his husband's indubitable loss. Paulie was an old man, well into his eighties. He'd lived a good long life, Kane had made sure of that. He knew this day would come, but he'd hoped not for a few more years.

  This would give Kane one less family member, and for a man who lived for his family, that loss was a tragedy. Avery's heart hurt with the grief Kane would feel. Scrubbing a hand over his face, he did what he knew Kane was doing right now. He said a prayer. "Please, God, let Paulie hold on until Kane gets there."

  Sometime late in the evening, Kane stood in the hallway outside Paulie's hospital room. His red-rimmed eyes stung. He wore his heart on his sleeve and tried to steel his emotions as he pushed open the door, but he broke at the sight of Paulie lying there, not moving. His frail worn-out body hooked up to machines. The medical equipment kept a steady beep in perfect time with Paulie's old heart. Kane ran his hand through his hair, gathering himself. The sterile smell of the hospital room made his stomach roil. He hated the stark white walls that surrounded the man he considered his father. He hated knowing what would come of this, but most of all, Kane hated being powerless over the whole blasted situation.


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