Rock Star's Ballad (White Mist Series Book 3)

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Rock Star's Ballad (White Mist Series Book 3) Page 13

by A. P. Jensen

  She sat up quickly. “Yes!”

  “Get dressed. We’ll go for a drive.”

  Demi was more than ready to get back to reality now that she had time to reflect, analyze and rest. She was starting a new life. She had options and a future. She had new friends… and Johnny. Everything would be okay.

  Still moving carefully because of her concussion, Demi got into the passenger seat of the SUV and drummed her hands on her thighs.

  Johnny grinned. “Cabin fever?”

  “My nurse is hot, but getting out of the house sounds good.”

  Johnny laughed. “Your nurse is happy to know his looks have been noticed by his patient. He’s been having unprofessional thoughts.”

  Demi rolled down the window and waved at the boys playing basketball. They waved back out of habit. She closed her eyes and let the warm air caress her face. She took in her new home with great appreciation for the space, natural beauty and quiet. She could make her life here whatever she wanted it to be. Johnny seemed lost in thought as he parked on Main Street. They strolled down the sidewalk and she didn’t flinch or pull away when he laced their hands together. Strange how so much changed in so little time, she thought. Three days ago she threw a bitch fit. Today, she enjoyed the simple touch.

  They passed the alley where Barry grabbed her. She deliberately turned her head and looked at the deserted parking lot. Next time, she wouldn’t go without a fight, she vowed. Johnny turned into Ever After and Demi waved at Bethany who was surrounded by a group of small girls who wanted princess costumes for a birthday party. Regan was in the office and got to her feet when she caught sight of them. Regan gave her a quick, firm hug.

  “You’re okay?” Regan asked.

  Demi smiled. “I feel a lot better.”

  Regan’s eyes shifted to their linked hands and she relaxed. “Good. You ready to work?”

  “Regan,” Johnny said in a warning voice.

  “We’re just gonna do a test run,” Regan said and waved a hand. “Go get me a coffee.”

  Johnny glared at Regan and Demi squeezed his hand.

  “I’m fine,” she assured him.

  Eyes promising retribution, Johnny gave Demi a swift kiss and left.

  “Never seen him like this,” Regan said and pulled Demi into the office. “Really shows the difference between what he cares about and what he doesn’t.”

  Demi liked the observation and wasn’t able to hide her smug grin. Regan saw it and burst out laughing.

  “You do the dirty yet?”


  “Details when that happens,” Regan said and then cut to the chase. “How’s the head?”

  “I don’t even have a headache today,” Demi said proudly.

  Regan handed over a stack of papers. “Sort this. We’ll see how you do.”

  Demi got to work, glad to be doing something productive. She saw Regan glance over often, but she didn’t comment. At some point, Bethany came in, face distraught. “I heard what happened. Are you okay?”

  “Fine. Its over,” Demi reassured her.

  “God, I can’t believe someone grabbed you in the middle of White Mist. I need to pull out my grandmother’s gun.”

  This was so shocking that Regan looked up from the stack of papers on her lap.

  “You have a gun?” Demi asked.

  Bethany shrugged. “Of course.”

  “Mom, Missy, Brooks and Guy would freak if I got one,” Regan said morosely. “Can I shoot yours?”

  “Shoot what?”

  Regan jumped guiltily when Johnny appeared in the doorway. She got to her feet and snatched her coffee from him. “None of your business.”

  Johnny looked between the three silent women. “Don’t do anything stupid for a month.”

  “A month?” Demi asked with a frown.

  “That’s how long it’s gonna take me to recover from that idiot attacking you,” he said and pulled her up from the desk. “So, what’s the verdict?”

  “If she wants, she can come in tomorrow,” Regan said with her nose buried in papers again.

  “Yay!” Demi said and Bethany smiled.

  Johnny sighed, put his arm around her waist and led her out of the boutique. “You really want to go back to work?”

  “I like Bethany and Regan and I’m not in charge so… I’m good.” For the first time in her life, she didn’t have to act perfect. She didn’t feel the weight of her family name and she could work and not have to worry that her decisions affected other people’s lives. That was a burden she didn’t have to carry anymore.

  Johnny searched her eyes for a moment. He looked like he wanted to say something, but instead he glanced across the street. “Have you been to Regan’s mom’s shop?”

  Demi lit up. “Yes, but I didn’t get to browse. Can we go in?”


  They walked across the street to Valerie & Paula’s. This time when she walked into the shop she was engulfed in the smell of sweet flowers. Valerie bustled over and clasped Demi’s face between her hands.

  “You okay, honey?” Valerie asked and she looked so concerned that Demi hugged her.


  “Okay, then. Next time, you fuck him up, okay?”

  Demi blinked. “Okay.”

  “Regan Lee is famous around here for fighting. Maybe after work she can teach you some moves.” Valerie gave Johnny an amused glance and pat him on the cheek. “I’m sure Johnny wouldn’t mind you practicing on him.”

  “Whatever it takes,” Johnny said manfully and Valerie laughed.

  “Such a charmer,” she said fondly and spread her arms wide. “What do you think of my shop?”

  “I love it,” Demi said and her voice rang with honesty.

  Valerie beamed at her. “I was barely making ends meet before Regan Lee put the shop online. I keep the shop open because people still pop in. See anything you like?”

  Demi clasped her hands behind her back. She didn’t have her own place, so buying anything was out of the question. “Everything is beautiful.”

  Valerie gave Johnny an arch look. “You decorate your house yet?”

  “I bought stuff for the kitchen,” Johnny said and under Valerie’s dead pan stare elaborated. “You know, like a coffee pot and, uh, plates.”

  Valerie stared at him as if he crawled out from under a rock and Demi laughed. Valerie was the badass version of her own mother who thought it was criminal to leave a house devoid of personal touches that made it feel like home.

  Valerie shook her head. “Son, I’m glad Demi’s here to save you from yourself. Demi, honey, how do you want to decorate Johnny’s house?”

  Demi glanced sideways at Johnny, startled by Valerie’s assumption. “Valerie, I’m not staying with—”

  “You can do whatever you want, Demi,” Johnny said with a shrug. “Anything’s fine with me as long as you don’t mess with the recording studio.”

  Demi’s stared at him, nonplussed. “But, it’s not my—”

  “Do whatever you want,” Johnny repeated as his phone rang. “Demi’s been having cabin fever so go nuts.”

  “You heard him. Let’s do this,” Valerie said brightly and led her away from Johnny. “Are you thinking traditional, country or contemporary style?”

  Demi fluttered her hands nervously. “Valerie, I’m not staying with Johnny.”

  Valerie gave her a long look. “Honey, I’ve known Johnny for years.”

  “I know. He told me you gave him a key to your house. That was nice.”

  Valerie stepped in closer, looking disconcertingly like Missy—very direct and all business. “Regan Lee and Johnny recognized something in each other and that’s why they’ve remained friends. They’re restless wanderers until they find what they’re looking for. You understand?”

  “No,” Demi said uncertainly.

  Valerie smiled at her. “Johnny never commits, never settles.”

  “I know. That’s why I’m telling you I’m not staying with him.”

  She shook her head. “You think Johnny would let just anyone into his house? Let her decorate the way she wants?”

  Demi shook away the thought of his three wives. “We have history and he’s just taking care of me for now. I’ll get my own place eventually and—”

  “He won’t let you leave.”

  Demi blinked. “Excuse me?”

  “Johnny’s damaged,” Valerie said bluntly. “He’s been hurt bad in the past. He wants to belong somewhere—that’s why he settled in White Mist. Now, he just has to find the someone and I think he did.”

  Demi’s heart sped up, but she shook her head in denial. She couldn’t afford to believe such a thing. “We have history.”

  “That’s all you need,” Valerie said and waved a hand. “So, Demi, contemporary, country or traditional decor?”

  Demi wanted to argue about the Johnny issue, but decided to let it go. Johnny’s house was completely barren. He deserved to have a comfy home when he wasn’t on the road so… “How about contemporary country?”

  Valerie clapped her hands excitedly. “And to think I thought today was gonna be boring. Demi, you’re a godsend.”


  After declaring that half of the store would be dedicated to decorating Johnny’s house, Valerie closed the shop for the day. She called in ‘experts’ to help her arrange everything. This included her business partner, Paula and Missy who knew how to ‘make this showy’ according to Valerie. Guy stopped by, as did Paula’s husband, Uncle Al. The men helped Johnny move everything into the house and cleared out when the women shooed them away. Johnny retreated into the recording studio and locked the doors. Guy pulled Demi outside while the women got to work.

  “How you doing?” Guy asked.

  She was distracted by Valerie and Paula who argued about the position of the coffee table. “Uh, good?”

  Guy grinned. “Don’t mind them. They live for this shit. No calls from the ex?”

  She refocused. “No. Nothing.”

  “How’s the head?”

  “Good. Going back to work tomorrow.”

  “You’ve had it rough. Losing your family in a tragedy, I can’t imagine,” Guy said and she stilled. “I looked you up after the incident with Barry. Loss was written all over you. It’s fading, though. Those women,” he jerked his head at the door where feminine voices bickered, giggled and shouted at one another, “they see you as part of the family now. You need anything, we’ll all come. You understand?”

  She cleared her throat, which suddenly felt dry. “Yeah, I think I’m getting it.”

  “Don’t like to get into couples relationships, but… I like Johnny well enough, but a while back he forgot how small this town is and didn’t ask about a woman’s marital status before he screwed her. The husband went after Johnny and Regan Lee stepped in with a bat.” Guy sighed long and loud, “Let’s just say that Regan Lee’s lucky the husband didn’t press charges.”

  Demi’s mouth sagged open and Guy gave her that hard cop look.

  “Since then, Johnny’s been on my shit list. He’s restless and when he gets that way, he looks for a woman. Its temporary, it’s tragic.”

  She shoved away past memories that wanted to flash before her eyes and tell her to run. “Are you warning me off?”

  “Hell no,” Guy said with enough force to make her jump. “I told you, I’ve never seen him like this. Damn, he’s almost normal right now. I’ve known him nearly three years. Wasn’t thrilled when he bought this place, but I can’t run him out of town since Regan Lee loves him. Shit. The night at the station, that was no front. He was scared shitless and pissed.” Guy squeezed her shoulder. “Whatever you’re doing, just keep doing it.”

  With that, Guy walked to his car and drove away. Demi didn’t have time to process what he said because a woman with blonde hair parked with a screech of tires and waved excitedly when she spotted Demi standing on the steps. She squealed like a little girl, rushed forward and hugged Demi as if they were old friends.

  “Oh, I’ve been wanting to meet you for days. Saw the video of you and Johnny at the concert, of course. I mean, everybody saw it. I don’t know which is more romantic—Trey’s proposal to Gwen at the CMA’s or Johnny finding you in the audience and singing a song he wrote for you when you were teenagers. Ah, I nearly died!” she gushed.

  “Uh, thanks. Who are you?” Demi asked.

  “I’m Allison!”

  Brooks’ ex wife. Allison wore hot pink yoga pants and a glittery shirt with butterflies on it. This was Regan’s nemesis? Demi couldn’t imagine how Brooks could have married two women who were more different from each other. Demi suppressed the urge to laugh when she realized Regan’s predicament. If Allison was this friendly and bubbly to Regan, how could she punch her in the face?

  Allison clapped her hands together. “Valerie called me because you liked so many of my pieces and she needs all hands on deck since Johnny’s finally letting her decorate. That is so sweet! Johnny is so gone over you, I can’t believe it! You’re really tall and you’re totally gorgeous. I’ve been trying to fix Johnny up with some of my yoga friends, but he’s been kind of distant lately. I talked to Regan Lee about it, but she told me to butt out.” Allison gave an adorable little shrug. “I worry about him, you know? I mean, he has money and fame, but he doesn’t have any really good friends besides Regan Lee and Gwen. He always has a woman, but you can tell it’s just for the time being, you know? Sooo many women in town are jealous of what you have going on. They’re trying to figure out what’s different about you. Don’t let that bother you. Johnny’s hot and he’s a rock god and he wants you. Enough said, right? Oh my God, I heard you were hurt! Are you okay?”

  “Uh.” Demi wasn’t sure what to address first.

  “That kinda thing doesn’t happen often here. I mean, unless it has something to do with Regan Lee.” Allison’s eyes sparkled. “One time we took on the Carson sisters. I’ve never been in a fight before and oh my God.” She leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially, “Best. Sex. Ever. I am so serious! My husband couldn’t go into work the next day. I was so sure I got pregnant that night, but I didn’t. We’ve been trying for a third. I love kids, but Grady’s not sure. College tuition, you know? I—”

  The door opened and Valerie said, “Allison, stop talking her ear off. We have work to do.”

  Four hours later Demi stood in Johnny’s new living room. Paula, Valerie, Missy and Allison surveyed the room with a critical eye. The white, empty walls were now filled with strategically placed paintings. The couch was flanked by handcrafted tables and there was a vase in the corner, four feet tall and filled with orchids artfully spiraled within it. A beautiful, handcrafted area rug made all the difference in the world while oversized pillows provided necessary pops of color. Mason jars filled with battery operated lights hung from the walls. The light gave the room a comforting, romantic glow.

  Demi never lived in a house in her life. She was used to elevators, crowds, lines and noise. When her family was alive, she thought of nothing beyond New York. Now, she was living in a small town surrounded by a group of women who gave selflessly, volunteering their time to make her feel like she had a home of her own.

  When Valerie’s recommendations of items from the shop could fill a truck, Demi tried to stop it from getting out of hand. Johnny stopped her by squeezing her hand. She bit her lip as Johnny paid for everything and loaded up what he could in his SUV. On the ride back to the house, Johnny laughed and reassured her that he was fine with this. Now, any guilt Demi may have harbored faded away. She was absolutely in love with the living room and she felt at home. She had no clear idea of what she wanted in a home or how she wanted it decorated but Valerie had known and done it. If this woman could do this to the living room, Demi could only imagine what she could do to a house if given free rein.

  “I love it,” Demi breathed.

  “It’s a good start,” Valerie said critically.

  Allison clapped her hands. “It�
�s awesome!”

  Missy shot her a quelling glance. “Like Mom said, this is a good start. It still needs a lot of work, but this looks worlds better than what it was before. Total bachelor pad. Gross.”

  “I think that vase should move to the other corner,” Paula announced, pointing.

  Valerie glared at her best friend. “Its fine right where it is.”

  Paula held up her hands. “Fine, but when people come into the house, they won’t see it immediately.”

  “It’s not meant for those that visit,” Valerie said patiently. “It’s for Johnny and Demi to appreciate right now. We’ll get one for the entrance later. Maybe plum colored flowers, hmm?”

  “Cobalt,” Paula contradicted.

  “Have you ever thought of painting the ceiling?” Missy asked.

  “Painting the ceiling?” Demi repeated blankly.

  “Come to my house and I’ll show you. Instead of painting the walls, you do the ceiling. It creates atmosphere, you know? Anyway, I have to get home. Dinner, kids. Good luck, Demi.” Missy gave her a kiss on the cheek and did the same to the other women before she left.

  “I gotta run,” Allison said and gave Demi a tight hug. “This was so much fun! When you do the rest of the house, call me. And if you think of anything specific you want etched into the glass, let me know. Maybe I can do an orchid design for you. Is that your favorite flower?” Allison suddenly teared up and flapped a hand in front of her face. “Oh my gosh, wouldn’t that be such a beautiful name for a girl? Orchid, ah, so sweet!” Her face changed dramatically from tearful hopefulness to elation. “Oh my God, why am I so emotional? You think I may be pregnant?”

  Demi’s mouth flapped open and closed as Allison screamed as if she’d seen an axe murderer. The sound chilled Demi to the core. Allison hugged Paula and Valerie, chattering about making a stop at the store for a pregnancy test and ran out the front door.

  “I need to meet her husband,” Demi muttered. “He must have nerves of steel.”

  Valerie and Paula laughed and gave her a group hug. Demi’s eyes stung with tears and she battled them back valiantly. She definitely wasn’t pregnant so what was her excuse for the waterworks?


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