Rock Star's Ballad (White Mist Series Book 3)

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Rock Star's Ballad (White Mist Series Book 3) Page 18

by A. P. Jensen

  Guy looked sharply at Demi. “Why’d you pick up?”

  She clenched her fists at her sides. “I thought it was Bethany!”

  “This guy is mentally ill. You don’t want to encourage his behavior,” Guy said coolly.

  “You think I was encouraging him?”

  “Responding to a stalker in any way gives them the attention they want.”


  “We’re leaving,” Johnny said and grabbed her arm.

  He didn’t say a word as he led her back to the house and shoved their clothes back in suitcases. She tried to help, but he shoved everything into the SUV with such violence that she stepped back. Johnny was enraged and she didn’t know what to do to stop it. They said their goodbyes to everyone. Johnny had such a forbidding look on his face that he scared the kids.

  “You were all so great. Thanks for inviting us,” Demi said.

  “Anytime, Demi,” Mama said.

  Johnny hauled her to the SUV and she looked out the window as they drove back to White Mist. Okay, so maybe she shouldn’t have answered her phone without looking, but Barry was so far off her radar that it never crossed her mind that he would call unless…

  “Holy shit!”

  Johnny shot her a furious glance. Demi turned in the seat to face him.

  “The reason why I never checked my phone before I answered is because he never calls!” When Johnny didn’t react, she shoved his shoulder. “Do you know what that means?”

  Silence from Johnny.

  “It means he saw me walk away from everybody and knew I’d have the phone in my hand. That’s why he called. It wasn’t a coincidence.”

  Johnny swerved so violently that she screamed. His arm slammed over her chest as he pulled the SUV onto the side of the road and fished out his phone.

  “Guy? Yeah. This is the first time that fuck’s called her. She walked away from everyone and made a call to Bethany. The phone was still in her hand when he called. Find out where he is. Yeah. Bye.”

  Johnny pulled back onto the highway with a vicious yank of the wheel and she held onto the door handle. Maybe she shouldn’t have told Johnny what she deduced. What if it was a coincidence that Barry called when she had her phone in hand? Highly unlikely, but possible.

  There was a crackling force of rage surrounding Johnny. Neither of them said another word as he parked in the garage. He told her to stay in the car with the doors locked and went inside. She gnawed on her bottom lip as he checked the house and came back to get their bags and her.

  “You don’t leave the house!” Johnny barked and walked into the recording studio and closed the door behind him.

  Had the other shoe just dropped? They just had a great weekend and a conversation that barely lasted two minutes ruined everything. Damn it, Barry! Even though he dragged her off the sidewalk and stole The Ashton Hotel from her, she couldn’t get away from the fact that prior to all of this Barry hadn’t shown psycho tendencies. She couldn’t get it out of her mind that she could reason with him. He was a brilliant businessman. Maybe if she told him to his face that she didn’t love him, he would move on… Ugh! Why the hell was her life so jacked up?

  To give herself something to do, Demi washed all of her new clothes and hung them in the closet. She cleaned both bathrooms, stripped the bed and went through the fridge. She prepared baked potatoes and steak while she did her last load of laundry and made the bed before she knocked on Johnny’s door.

  “Dinner’s ready!” she called.

  No response.

  She sat at the dining table and ate, willing the doors to open. She didn’t care if he was in a rotten mood, she just wanted him near. He didn’t come out. She cleaned up the dishes and put the leftovers in the fridge before she went upstairs to shower. When she entered the bedroom, she half expected to find Johnny lounging on the bed, but it was empty. She wanted to knock on the recording room doors again, but if he needed time, she’d give it to him.

  She got into bed, grabbed her cell phone and stared at it. No missed calls. She called Bethany again and got her voicemail. She called Regan who picked up on the third ring.

  “Guy said you suspected your ex was local,” Regan said when she answered.

  “It’s a theory I had. I don’t even know—”

  “Guy found him. He was in a cabin across the lake.”

  She shot up in bed. “What?”

  “Yeah. Guy didn’t tell Johnny till your ex left the state.”

  Demi dropped her face in her palm. “Shit.”

  “How’s Johnny doing?”

  “Isolating himself.”

  Regan clucked her tongue. “Ooh. Not good.”

  “No kidding.”

  “Well, just let it ride. I’ll see you at Ever After tomorrow.”


  Demi sat there for a minute, staring straight ahead, gripping the phone in one hand. She just had the best weekend in what felt like forever and Barry watched… How did he know where she was going to be? Did he have someone spying on her? She shuddered and any thought of talking sense into him vanished. He crossed a line. There was no reason to watch her unless he was waiting for an opportunity to do… what?

  She got out of bed and walked downstairs. She stood in front of the closed doors of the recording studio for a long minute before she knocked. No response. She twisted the knob and was surprised to find it unlocked. Johnny sat on the couch with his guitar and his eyes were on her. She couldn’t read his face. She forced herself to walk in and sit on the opposite end of the couch.

  “Regan told me that Guy found Barry in a cabin at the lake.” She twisted her hands together in her lap. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “Bringing all this crap with me. I didn’t know—”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for. It’s not your fault he’s obsessed with you.”

  “I can’t believe he’s doing this,” she said, shaking her head. “He’s not that type of guy.”

  “He is,” Johnny growled.

  She winced. “I know that now.”

  He put the guitar aside and pulled her across the couch until she was cuddled against him.

  “I don’t like knowing he was so close. The last time, he came to collect you against your will. Honestly, I know how he feels. I’d fight for you, but I don’t have to. You gave yourself to me willingly.” His thumb rubbed over her ring finger. “I don’t like that you need time.”

  She tensed and he shushed her before she could speak.

  “But I understand why you need it and I can give that to you. I don’t like that I feel like you could slip away from me and now some fucker is following you around, threatening you. I don’t know how to handle it and… I didn’t handle it well today. I’m sorry if I scared you.”

  “I know why you were angry,” she said quietly. “I don’t know what to do about this.”

  “You don’t have to do anything. I’ll take care of it. Just know I’m going to work with you for a while.”


  “No negotiating. Regan knows.”

  She sighed loudly. “This is so messed up.”

  “It’ll pass,” he said, voice firm and sure.

  “You’re okay?”

  “Yeah. You?”


  She curled up against him, hand splayed over his stomach. He didn’t move or speak. The rage was gone and though she sensed he was still angry, it wasn’t coming off of him in waves. She was relieved. Hearing the thump of his heartbeat beneath her ear comforted her and she drifted off to sleep.


  When Bethany arrived at work over an hour late, she took two steps into the shop and was confronted by Johnny, Regan and Demi.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Regan demanded.

  Bethany stopped in her tracks and looked at Johnny, Demi and Regan who had her hands on hips. Bethany looked the same as she always did, hair slicked back in a bun, but she looked pale and tired. Demi elbowed Reg
an in a warning to tone it down.

  “We were worried. Regan thought you got into an accident or something. She called Guy three times,” Demi said.

  Bethany blinked in surprise. “Why?”

  “Why?” Regan barked. “Because you’re never late!”

  Bethany’s hands fluttered over her slick hair. “My grandma had a second stroke. I was delayed at the hospital, but I’m here now.”

  Regan drew back. “You were at the hospital this morning? Why didn’t you tell us?”

  “I turned my phone off,” Bethany said.

  “Not a good idea, honey,” Johnny said gently.

  Bethany looked confused. “What are you doing here?”

  “Demi’s ex stalked her to Misty Lake so Johnny’s being overprotective and stalking her instead,” Regan said bluntly and Johnny scowled at her. “Can we do anything to help you?”

  “No, I can handle it.”

  “We’re not saying you can’t,” Demi said carefully, “but we want to help. You don’t have to do all of this alone.”

  Bethany shook her head. “That’s really sweet, but I’m okay. I’m sorry I’m late. I have a bride coming in twenty minutes.”

  Bethany walked into the back room and they looked at each other.

  “She acts all sweet and shy, but she’s a freaking hell cat,” Regan observed.

  “Look who’s talking,” Johnny muttered. “Brooks texted me that you were sick last night. You shouldn’t even be here.”

  Regan glared at him. “I’m fine and Brooks needs to mind his own business!”

  “You are his business.”

  “Don’t tell me what I am!” Regan stomped into the back room.

  “Everybody’s a bit touchy today, hmm?” Demi said with a grin. Apparently, they all had hard reality checks after having fun at the lake.

  “Regan said I can’t go in the back because I’m distracting. Maybe I can help Bethany with her appointment.”

  Demi wondered whether the unknown bride would be thrilled or terrified to have Johnny present while she selected a wedding dress. She pat him on the cheek. “You do that, babe, and stay away from Regan.”

  Demi walked in the back room and found Regan and Bethany nose to nose.

  “You shouldn’t have lied to me!” Bethany shouted.

  “You live the life of a nun!”

  “That’s my choice. You had no right to leave me stranded there.”

  “Didn’t you have fun?”

  “Aside from Wade asking me what I was doing there since his family didn’t invite me,” Bethany said acidly, “I was having an anxiety attack when I was assaulted by a horde of little girls who thought I was a Disney princess!”

  “You should be flattered!” Regan retorted, “And I can’t believe Wade said that to you.”

  “Well, he did. I don’t need you to drag me to parties. I can take care of myself,” Bethany snapped and stalked into the shop.

  “She told you off,” Demi said with a grin. “I like her more every day.”

  Regan bared her teeth. “Whatever.”

  They settled in the office and slipped back into figures and paperwork. They weren’t at it long before a woman’s scream pierced the air. They ran out of the back room and found a limp woman in Johnny’s arms, face covered by a flop of hair. Bethany looked incensed and glared at Johnny who set the woman on a couch. The woman’s entourage didn’t seem too upset about their companion, they were all staring goggly eyed at Johnny.

  “What’s going on?” Regan asked, moving through the throng to check if the woman was breathing.

  “He scared her,” Bethany accused.

  “He what?” Demi asked, frowning.

  “I greeted the bride,” Bethany pointed at the unconscious woman, “and he came out from behind a rack and smiled at her. She screamed and fainted.”

  “I walked forward, smiled and she fainted,” Johnny said.

  “Your smile scared her,” Bethany said.

  Regan moved the hair off the woman’s face and Demi rushed forward.

  “That’s Mandy!”


  Mandy stirred on the couch and fluttered her lashes. “I had the best dream.”

  “It’s not a dream,” one of the entourage said.

  Mandy pushed up from the couch and saw Demi first. “Demi, what are you—?” Then she saw Johnny and knocked Regan backwards when she leapt up, shrieking and clapping her hands. “Oh my God, its Johnny Bentley!”

  “He carried you to the couch,” one of her friends said weakly.

  Mandy waved a hand in front of her face as tears gathered in her eyes. “Did anyone record it?”

  The entourage all shook their heads and didn’t move their eyes from Johnny who looked completely at ease being the center of attention.

  “You got engaged?” Demi asked.

  Mandy snapped out of her trance and looked from Demi to Johnny and back again. “So it’s true? You’re together?” Johnny smiled and Mandy put a hand over her heaving chest and began to cry. “Oh my God, he saw you in the audience and just knew? I’m gonna cry!”

  “You are crying,” Regan said tartly and pressed a hand over her stomach.

  “Regan, what’s wrong?” Demi asked.

  She took a deep breath. “Nothing. Are we done here?”

  “You all know each other?” Bethany asked, rubbing her temples.

  “We met at Johnny’s concert,” Demi said.

  “What are the chances?” Regan growled and then narrowed her eyes at Mandy. “You’re not from White Mist.”

  “No, we live in Chicago,” one of the women said.

  “Well, what are you doing here?” Demi asked.

  The entourage pointed limp hands at Johnny.

  “We came to White Mist to see if we could see Johnny Bentley or Trey Phoenix,” Mandy explained as she wiped away her tears. “We have family that lives about two hours from here and since my boyfriend popped the question right before we left, we thought we’d look at wedding dresses while we’re here. This is, like, a miracle!”

  Regan tapped one heel. “So, you’re groupies.”

  “We’re Bentley Women!”

  Johnny began to laugh and walked over to Mandy and gave her a hug. Demi was worried Mandy would faint again, but she stayed conscious as she stared up at her idol.

  “You gave Demi the shirt?” Johnny asked and Mandy lit up.

  “I did! Did you like it?”

  “Sure did,” Johnny drawled and winked at Demi who rolled her eyes.

  “What kind of dress are you looking for?” Bethany butted in.

  “Huh?” Mandy said absently.

  Johnny took one look at Bethany’s face and shook Mandy lightly. “You gotta focus now. What’s your fiancés name?”

  “Fiancé? Oh, Neil.”

  “Neil what?”

  “Neil Workus.”

  Johnny drew back. “The Vodka guy?”

  Mandy hopped up and down. “Yeah! He’s a sweetie.”

  “He pampers her,” one of the entourage said.

  “She thinks she’s a princess,” another muttered.

  “You want to see something?” Regan piped up.

  “Is Trey Phoenix here?” Mandy shrieked.

  “Something better.” Regan gave Johnny a hard look and jerked her head at the back room.

  Bethany was alarmed. “Regan, what are you doing?”

  Regan led everyone into the work room. Mandy gasped when she saw Bethany’s gown on the mannequin. She rushed forward and ran reverent hands over the shimmering skirt. Her entourage completely forgot about Johnny and crowded around.

  “Is it a Vera?”

  “Who’s the designer?”

  Bethany looked like she was going to explode.

  “The designer’s right here,” Regan said helpfully and they all turned.


  “This is Bethany London,” Regan said with a grand flourish of her hands.

  Mandy frowned. “I thought you just
sold dresses, I didn’t know you were a designer.”

  “I’m not—” Bethany began, but Regan elbowed her in the ribs.

  Mandy grasped both of Bethany’s hands in hers. “Can I try it on?”

  Bethany looked like she was going to be sick. “Of course.”

  While Bethany and Mandy went into the fitting room, the entourage settled in the sitting area. The women eyed Johnny as if he were an expensive car, leaning forward to smell and admire every inch, but very aware of the fact that he wasn’t theirs. Johnny’s eyes were on Demi who had no idea what to make of all this. She could see that Johnny was used to this reaction from women, but he was monitoring her closely. Demi was surprised to find that she was amused rather than irritated.

  The curtains whipped open and there were soft gasps and then utter silence. The gown fit Mandy like a glove. Her friends got to their feet, hands over mouths, tears pouring from their eyes. Bethany led Mandy over to the pedestal in front of the mirrors and flared out the veil and ran a hand over the skirt. For a moment, her face was pained and then she took a deep breath. “You look gorgeous.”

  “It’s the one,” Mandy whispered.

  “Neil is gonna die!”

  The entourage gathered around Mandy and hugged one another, squealing and crying.

  Regan sidled up beside Bethany. “How much is it?”

  “I don’t know!” Bethany hissed. “I wasn’t planning to sell it.”

  “How much does Richie sell her gowns for?”

  “She’s a designer, I’m not!” Bethany said through gritted teeth.

  Regan made her way between the women and put an arm around Mandy’s waist. She softened her face and beamed at the bride.

  “It’s a couture wedding gown,” Regan said solemnly.

  “Even better,” Mandy was glowing. “Money’s not an issue. I get what I want.”

  “Great to hear,” Regan said. “It’s eight thousand.”

  Bethany’s mouth dropped open. She started towards Regan with murderous intent until Mandy’s next words stopped her in her tracks.

  “Sold!” Mandy squealed. “How long will the alterations take?”

  Bethany’s hands twitched. “I-I don’t know. Um, when’s the wedding?”

  “It’s in four weeks.”

  “F-four weeks?” she squeaked.


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