Needing Me, Wanting You

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Needing Me, Wanting You Page 7

by C. M. Stunich

  My hot breath mixes with hers, slides across her cheeks as I dig my fingers into her ass. She's getting so much tighter, I'm findin' it hard to move as fast, forcing my hips forward with each thrust so that I'm completely consumed by her pussy. If she isn't actually a virgin, then it's been awhile since she got some. I feel like I'm about to come again and prisoner or no, Beck does not disappoint the ladies. I reach my hand between us and find her breasts, sliding my hand down the cotton of the shirt and finding my way underneath. As soon as I find her bra, I tear it down, letting her full breasts spill over the top, teasing her pebbled nipples with rough fingers.

  Tease's moans get louder, pressing against my neck, my jaw, my mouth. Ah, ah, ah. A chorus of whimpers that are increasing in pitch. I got this baby in the bag. I drop my hand down between us and find the hardened point of her clit, sliding two fingers around either side of it, pressing into her warm flesh gently but firmly. As soon as I start to move it around, chase her body into an even more fervent frenzy, the girl throws her head back and groans. Her pussy grabs hold of my cock, ridges grinding against my shaft while her wetness gives me the slickness I need to keep slidin'. Her fingers are scrambling at my back while her body starts to droop in my arms, relaxing into the frenzied fit of her climax.

  When she raises her face back up and meets my gaze, mouth open wide, eyes even wider, I grit my teeth and give a few, last, good thrusts.

  “Oh, hell yeah, baby,” I groan as I slam Tease's ass into the wall a few last, desperate times, spilling my come inside of her. I keep rocking my body against her as the orgasm seizes me, finishing my load, shooting each and every last drop straight inside of her cunt. As soon as I finish, I'm ready to go again. There's not even a second of in-between time where I feel satisfied. I just want to keep fuckin'.

  “Let go of me,” she whispers, putting her hands on my chest. My fingers curl tightly around her ass as our juices mingle between her thighs, soaking my balls and getting me even hotter than I was before we started. “I'm done. Put me down.” Tease stares me in the face with her green eyes. “Please, Beck.”

  The sound of my name from her lips convinces me to let go. I don't force myself on ladies; I only take what I'm being offered. With a grunt and a mournful groan, I slide my stiff cock out of her pussy and turn away, running my tongue over my lips. I'm so busy lookin' away and trying to sort out shit with my dick that I don't realize my mistake until too late.


  There's a fuckin' gun to the back of my head.


  Chapter 11

  My hands are shaking but only from adrenaline. Only from that, right? I have to swallow three times and take massive breaths, filling my chest with air, expanding my lungs to full capacity so they can slow the rapid fire beat of my heart.

  “Down on your fucking knees,” I say, and I don't like the way my voice breaks a bit. Wow. Just oh my fucking God, wow. I didn't expect to enjoy that. I didn't want to enjoy that. I feel like an even bigger creep now than I did when I made the decision to go for it, to see if I could get Beck Evans to let his guard down.

  “Now listen, sugar love, you don't want to head down this route.” I take a small step back but keep the barrel aimed at the back of his skull, pointed straight at his thick, red hair. It felt so good curled around my fingertips, so soft, so smooth.

  “Shut the fuck up!” The words burst from my throat in a flurry. I'm so … confused right now. My body is shaking, my bare ass exposed to God knows how many people flying down that highway. What else did they all see? My God, Tease. Just standing here, with Beck's and my juices running down my inner thighs, teasing my legs with warmth, I feel like a traitor. To my club, to my brother, to myself. “I could hear the seriousness in your voice before. I knew you would shoot me dead if you had to. I hope you can hear it mine now, too.” I take a deep breath, my jeans draped over my arm, swaying in the breeze. My hands are still shaking, and I feel light-headed. The fact that I don't hate what I just did, that I … liked it, makes me so mad I can't see straight. I had an orgasm. An actual, real live, fucking orgasm. Despite Beck's … praise, I'm not a virgin. But I've never gone all the way like that, felt my body exploding into a hundred thousand pieces. I was going to fake one, but I didn't have to. “Now down on your knees and give me your cellphone.”

  I take another step back as Beck drops to his knees with a growl, reaching his fingers into his pocket. I know he's got the hammer tucked in the back of his jeans still, but that's it. I checked. I almost forgot to. When my lips met his, fire took over my body and boiled my brain. The next few minutes were almost a blur. I had sex with Beck to distract him and ended up getting distracted myself.

  “Now toss it back this way, nice and careful now.” I watch him like a hawk, both hands wrapped around the gun, keeping my aim steady. I don't know how long I have. Somebody's bound to have heard us back here and might come snooping. I really, really want to put my pants back on.

  “You're making a big mistake here, darling. Give me the gun back and we'll go inside, have some burgers and talk this shit out. Maybe give your brother a call and arrange something right here and now?” I ignore the smooth, sultry drawl of his voice as it wraps around my body and brings that wave of lust rushing back in full force. My nipples harden and my body pulses tight down below, drawing a slight groan from my throat. I swallow it away and shake my head, bending down carefully and staring at the cellphone. It's lying in the gravel next to my bare toes, but to grab it, I have to let go of the gun with one hand. Damn it. I ignore Beck's words and stay focused on his strong back, those rock hard muscles I felt beneath his shirt. He's a lot thicker than any guy I've ever been with, all hard bumps and valleys. The feel of all that power coiling beneath his skin was intoxicating. Or maybe I'm just attracted to him because he's forbidden, part of that foreign club I've been fantasizing about. That must be it.

  I let go of the gun with my left hand, grabbing the phone carefully and standing up to retreat another step. I can still shoot him from far away, but he can't grab me. It just makes sense. I move my thumb across the screen.

  It's password protected.

  “What's the password?” I ask, hating how exposed I feel right now. I want my damn pants back on. Beck chuckles.

  “Pussy lips,” he says, and I wrinkle my nose. I'm used to crudeness, grew up around it. But my brother doesn't like it. Whenever he catches language he doesn't appreciate, somebody ends up on dish duty, whether they're a prospect or a fully patched member. I've never once had to do it. I look at the back of Beck's head, grateful that I don't have to see his face. The sweat on his neck, his bright green eyes, his ruggedly beautiful features.

  I try the password and it doesn't work.

  “Capitals? A space?” I ask, and Beck laughs again, making me nervous. My whole life, I've been engrossed in the world of Seventy-seven Brothers and not once, once, has anything like this ever happened to me. My family's always protected me, kept me safe. I'm not used to this massive flow of adrenaline, this uncertainty. And I'm definitely not used to feeling the wind on my bare butt. “I am not fucking around here, Beck,” I shout, getting more frustrated by the moment. I want to hate this man, but I can't. And that's pissing me off. Tears prick my eyes. “If anything's happened to my brother. If anything's happened to him … ” I trail off and find my finger tensing on the trigger. When I imagine Darren lying lifeless on the side of the road somewhere, being lifted up and zipped into a body bag, my vision goes violet and I can't think straight.

  “You gonna shoot me for giving you a false password?” My hand tenses up even further.

  “I need to make a phone call.” I don't know what else to say. I'm sure he can read me, and right now, I can't shoot him. He makes a move at me? And yeah, I could do it. If he told me my brother was dead … but for a password? So we're at a stalemate then? This is like my life in a metaphor. A stalemate. The strange feelings that overwhelmed me on the porch peek their dirty heads up. Triple M. You want to join t
he club, ride a bike, rob a bank. You want to be bad, don't you, Tease? “And so do you. Why drag this out? You don't need to cart me all the way to Nashville. Give me the password and I'll let you go, let you walk right out of here, climb on your bike, and ride away.”

  “All I want is my fucking friend back. She's had a hard life; she don't need this shit. I let you go, I lose my chance at ever seeing her again.”

  “Let me go? I'm not the hostage anymore, Beck. You are.”

  “You positive on that one, lemon cake?” I swallow hard and then all of a sudden, he's moving, springing to his feet in a coil of muscles and power. I fire the gun, but the bullet whizzes right past him, exploding into the side of a minivan. The window shatters as I pull my finger down on the trigger again and get … nothing. There's only one bullet in the fucking gun.

  Beck appears in my face, grabbing my wrists and hauling me against his chest. I manage to keep hold of the weapon this time, but it doesn't do me any good. I might as well be wearing steel shackles. Beck Evans doesn't just have vanity muscles. I feel like he could crush the bones in my arms with his fingers if he so wanted to.

  “Military?” I whisper because I've never seen anyone but Oren move like this. I know he served a stint in the U.S. Army when he was younger. I don't wish and pray and hope that he made it out okay. I feel terrible because Oren is family, and I would die for him if I had to, but … whatever happened, happened right? I know he wants me as his old lady. It's just a matter of time before he gets the nerves to announce that to my brother.

  “How ever did you guess?” Beck murmurs, sliding his fingers down my arm and pulling the gun away. I notice that his eyes travel down between us, towards the stiff bulge in his pants. I sniff and raise my chin up, trying to be strong, trying to get through this as best I can. Beck's green eyes snap right back up to mine, two emerald orbs shimmering with false amusement. He was hurting earlier, and there's no way all of that pain and worry disappeared. It's a good front, but I see straight through it.

  “What are you going to do to me now?” I ask, swallowing hard. Beck shakes his head and looks around, tucking his gun under his shirt about a half-second before heads appear around the side of the diner. Shit. I scramble to pull my jeans back on and Beck lets me, raising his hand to the curious faces of folks with cellphones clutched in their fingers.

  “Lovers' quarrel, ladies and gentleman. Nothing to see here.” I button up my jeans and force myself to breathe through my nose. Beck slides his arm around my waist and I close my eyes tight. “Relax, Tease. I told you, I'm not going to hurt you. That's not my goal here. You play nice; I play nice.” He kisses my ear, and unwanted shivers crawl across my skin. Did I open up a can of worms by having sex with him? What if he forces himself on me? I open my eyes up. I'll do what I have to do here, no matter what.

  I glance over at Beck and then at the mutilated minivan.

  “Damn near sure we've worn out our welcome here. Hop on the bike, babe, and let's go. We'll find somewhere else to eat.” Beck motions for me to move ahead of him, and I hesitate, watching the people around us, weighing my options. I don't know what the club did back there, and even though I don't believe Beck's story about a rooftop gunman, I can't get the police involved. If I run to one of these people and beg for their help, that's what's going to happen.

  I nod my head and start walking, pausing only to bend down and grab my jacket, feet sore on the rough gravel of the parking lot. Beck moves along behind me, shadowing me but not touching. When we get to his bike and climb on, his warm body nestled against mine, feelings roar up deep inside of me. Feelings that I clamp down on, push back and ignore.

  I'm good at that. I've always been good at that.

  Maybe that's my problem?


  Chapter 12

  The rumble of the road and the press of Beck's body makes me want to go to sleep, to nap right there in his arms with the wind blasting my face and yanking my red hair back. Such a traitor, I think to myself. And not just to the club, but also to me, personally. I am not as bothered by being kidnapped as I should be. I was willing to wager my body to get the advantage here, and now? I've become complacent. I don't focus on the throb of heat between my legs, the wetness that persists even now. That's the last thing I need to worry about. I'll deal with that later, with the fact that we didn't use a condom and any number of things that could mean.

  Another hour down the road, with the sun nearing its descent in the sky, we stop at another restaurant. Beck climbs off before me and has his cell immediately in hand, waiting with bated breath for an answer. I examine him in the harsh white wash of the parking lot lights. He's managed to wipe most of the blood away, but his red T-shirt is crusted with it underneath his leather vest. I don't know how he expects to walk into the restaurant without anybody taking notice of either him or me. I am now the girl with no shoes on.

  A smile tweaks my face.

  Who's watching me, I wonder? Who's looking at me and wondering where I've been, why I look the way I look?

  I continue to watch Beck, using my people-watching skills to take in all his details. There's a fine brush of red stubble across his chin, enough to give him a rough, unpolished look that's at odds with the constant smile on his sensual mouth. Those green eyes, so like mine, but yet so different. The color is remarkably similar, but Beck has the weight of experience in his gaze. I'm sure mine is sheltered and unremarkable, but jaded, too. I think I'm fairly unique in that aspect. A girl who grew up in a motorcycle club, saw things she shouldn't see, heard things she never wanted to hear, but who was also kept. I'm kept, a kept woman.

  My eyes trail down Beck's neck, to his wide chest, his round shoulders and the rolling curve of bicep that emerges from his shirt sleeves. His arms are covered in tattoos, all black and gray, mostly reapers and skulls. There are a few words scattered here and there, an eagle. But that's about all I can make out. I keep my examination moving downwards, over his fingers, and I get horribly vivid flashbacks of his hand cupping my ass, his cock spreading me wide and slipping deep inside.

  I turn away abruptly, my body melting into itself, convincing me that I need another bite of Beck Evans. If it comes down to it, and I think I can take advantage of him again, I will. If he ever lets his guard down again. Hopefully this will be over before I get the chance to find out. I'm a bit worried about spending the night with him. At this point, it might not come down to my finding an advantage to sleep with him. He could just take me. It happens more than you'd want to think in this world. I wrap my arms around myself, touching my fingers to the dusty jacket. I imagine that he might ask me to take it off again and my nails dig into my arms painfully.

  “Oh, thank the fucking stars! You son of a bitch,” Beck whoops, lifting a hand up towards the sky. But his eyes keep finding mine, always watching. He must've been a real asset to the military. So how did he end up here, in this life? I was born into it, so I don't get the whole choosing part. Who simply decides, I'm going to join a motorcycle gang? The things our prospects have to suffer through, the girls who come looking for a place to belong, they go through initiation periods that are virtual hells. And there's no guarantees either. Some women hang around the clubhouse, work for us, bring in money, clean, and they never get claimed as old ladies. Never. “Where you at?” Beck listens for a moment, touching his hand to his chin. His face shifts, almost imperceptibly, before he takes up a flat smile again. “No shit.” The words are spoken so quietly, I almost miss them. “That many, huh?” Another pause. “Yeah, I got the girl.”

  I raise my chin and wait to see what he says. Tax would walk through fire to get me back, so that's not the issue. Provided he's still around. If he's not … then it isn't just the sorrow and pain of losing my brother that's going to bite me in the ass, it'll be a hell of a lot worse. The house is in his name; the club serves in his name. If Tax is gone, I'll become one of those ladies I've always pitied, searching for someone to claim me as their own. I wait with bated breath. />
  “Alright, Pres. You're the damn boss.” Beck pulls a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and offers me one. I take it tentatively and wait while he gets out a lighter. “Roger that.” He listens in for another minute and then closes his eyes real slow. “We'll figure it out, Austin. We always do.” And then Beck hangs up, weighing his cell in his hand for a moment as he smokes the cigarette. I take a drag, too, holding the smoke in my lungs for as long as I can. I exhale only when Beck looks up at me. “Can't expect you to walk in there with no fuckin' shoes on, now can I?” he asks, slipping the phone away and going to his saddlebags. Beck digs around for a moment and emerges with a pair of pink flop flops, topped off with a purple flower. They're not my style, not his either I would imagine. “A lady friend of mine left these behind. I snagged them, just waitin' for a situation like this to come along.” He tosses them to me as I swing my leg over the bike and stand up.

  “A situation like this? In which you kidnap a girl? Use her as a bartering chip against a rival MC?” Beck grins and pulls his cigarette out from between his lips. His smile gets a little wider.

  “A situation where I got a lady missin' her shoes. Happens more often than you might think. Sometimes, when you're bangin' on the fly, shit happens. Angry husbands or boyfriends or what not. Occasionally a quick getaway is in order for both of us.” Beck tosses his smoke to the ground and crushes it into the pavement. “Now, are you going to behave yourself, walk in there and have a Coke with me? Or are we going to play around again?”

  I smile back at him.


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